

DeFi - Ethereum

The DeFi Series — An overview of the ecosystem and major protocols

Maker DAO


Compound protocol

compound-finance/compound-protocol: The Compound On-Chain Protocol

What You Should Know Before Putting Half a Million DAI in Compound

That could leave a lot of cDAI holders ... holding cDAI for a long time.

 1. The smart contract security seems legit.
 2. Compound is a CUSTODIAL system, all lending pools can be trivially drained 
    if their admin private key is compromised.
 3. When you lend on Compound, you are NOT guaranteed to be able to withdraw 
    whenever you want. If you try to withdraw your funds and all the money is 
    locked up in outstanding loans, your withdrawal transaction will fail.

Compound Finance Audit Summary – OpenZeppelin blog

However, in the hands of a malicious or compromised administrator, these privileges contain the ability to trivially freeze markets, censor transactions or steal all assets from the system. Similarly, control of the price feed can be used to steal most, if not all, assets from the system. Currently, the same externally owned account is the administrator for all live markets.


chainx-org/ChainX: Cross-chain hub for Crypto Asset on Polkadot

Centrifuge Chain

Centrifuge’s vision is to enable businesses worldwide to access and create the decentralized economy.

Berlin and the EU support building the Centrifuge Chain with 1.4 Million €

Even today our users experience the limitations of speed, throughput, and cost of the Ethereum blockchain, limiting the use of Centrifuge OS to very specific types of product lines, services, and transactions. Privacy-preserving features are not yet sufficiently available on Ethereum, additionally limiting business and enterprise use-cases.

Harberger Tax

simondlr/thisartworkisalwaysonsale: A digital art project on Ethereum that uses harberger tax to have an always-on auction. Tax is patronage to artist.

Total Time Held: 6 months The digital artwork above is always on sale. In order to own this artwork, you always have to specify a sale price. Anyone can buy it from the current patron at any time for the specified sale price. Whilst held, a 5% fee (pa) is levied as patronage towards the artist.

Harberger Ads


DeFi.WTF – Join the 1st DeFi Conf in Osaka.
