Github dltdojo/taichu-crypto: 道場線上練習環境建置專案

預計使用網址 當示範網站,目前選定 Kubernetes on DigitalOcean :: DigitalOcean Product Documentation 環境來安裝。
使用現有常見配置如 Forum - Kusama 是使用 discourse/discourse: A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.,缺點是使用者配置有兩套,直接掛鏈上的用可以參考 Joystream/substrate-forum-module: An on-chain forum.,只是掛鏈缺點是小眾,不像泛用型論壇軟體 discourse 的 UI 現成美美的,手機板也不用自己來寫。
道場專案預期做個分散式帳本技術的練習場所,第一次嘗試於 16 年使用 ssh 連線遠端 ubuntu 機器操作指令模式(下稱 SSH-ONLY),不過界面不易入門學習曲線太高,後來加入 Visual Studio Code@Windows 掛 samba-file-server@ubuntu 來編輯,執行指令還是用 ssh 連接機器模式(下稱 SSH-SMB),由於 IDE 支援 SSH-SMB 學習效率有所增加,不過設定使用方式需要雙協定還是太複雜,隨著 code-server 專案的逐漸成熟,道場練習場設置改為 HTTP-ONLY 模式,學習端只用瀏覽器,不須下載其他軟體安裝或是開啟其他連線工具即可開始進行學習活動。
DLTDOJO3 安裝執行軟體專案
以 Visual Studio Code Server 為主的學習軟體概念驗證
以 Veloren 體素遊戲為主的學習軟體概念驗證

- CS cdr/code-server: Run VS Code on a remote server.
- K8S ubuntu/microk8s: A kubernetes cluster in a snap
每次活動開啟 VM 建置 microk8s 環境,配置每個練習者一個 CS 環境取得密碼與對外連線 URL,練習者瀏覽器登入後執行練習任務。
64GB 16 1,280 GB 9TB $0.476/hr
- apache http server
- html
- build
- test
- deploy
- blockchain
- hyperledger
- bitcoin
- ethereum
2016年中秋後開 DLTDOJO 道場專案前曾有過一次「2+2=5」的小型比特幣科幻出版物實驗性專案,當時二手市場容易找到 1984 年出版的一九八四約十幾本,請幾個朋友測試後變成回憶。

- 「素数表150000個」 書一本,內有公私鑰,背道場貼紙。
- 「円周率0x100000桁表」 書一本,內有公私鑰,背道場貼紙。
- 公鑰地址上有一杯咖啡等值虛擬通貨。
- 真実のみを記述する会
- 暗黒通信団
- 円周率0x100000桁表
- 素数表150000個
DLTDOJO是個開放原始碼專案,出版書鑰或是作品需要數位媒材需要對外作商業委託,採用 智慧財產局著作權主題網-使用與授權-契約範本-文創產業著作權相關契約範本及使用說明 之出資聘人完成著作契約-著作財產權歸出資人合約範本,範本內條款異動部份主要是甲方作品集不須乙方同意以及確認草稿後全額付款,全部異動說明如下。
- 第三條 甲方同意於民國○○年○○月○○日前完成全部工作並交付乙方進行驗收。預設三個月。
- 第五條 雙方同意,本著作之首次公開發表由乙方為之。乙方於公開發表及利用本著作時,就著作人之標示,以甲方指定之名稱○○○標示為本著作之著作人。
- 第七條 甲方如擬將本著作收錄於其個人之作品集對外發表或發行,不須乙方之同意。
- 第八條 甲方應依本契約第三條所定期限將本著作交付乙方進行驗收。乙方應於甲方依約繳交本著作後之 10 日內通知甲方其驗收結果。
- 第十二條 甲方完成本著作草稿並交付乙方確認後,乙方應支付甲方新台幣○○元之報酬。
- 第十八條 因本契約所生爭執,雙方同意本於誠信原則協商解決;若無法協商而涉訟,將以台灣臺中地方法院為第一審管轄法院,並以中華民國法律為準據法。
參考安裝 Rust說明將 rust 環境安裝好。該專案目錄為 rust/taichu-raw
cd rust/taichu-raw
cargo run -- -h

index.html of taichu-raw 為執行 taichu-raw 的預設首頁,上圖塗黑為示範效果。

$ cd taichu-crypto (master)
$ curl -vk
curl-vk.txt 為 curl 對 taichu-raw 做 HTTP 通訊的往來紀錄,裡面有大量 HTML 容易引起 mdbook 錯誤解析,請開啟另外網頁查看。
> GET / HTTP/2
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.57.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/2 200
< content-length: 5256
< date: Sat, 31 Aug 2019 04:40:02 GMT
- big5
- HTTP/2
- TLSv1.2
header DLTDOJO3
footer\nLicensed under the Apache License Version 2.0
title dltdojo3-seq-http
legend top
一個 HTTP/HTML 網路的買賣故事
skinparam handwritten true
actor "消費者" as Alice #red
participant "Browser\n瀏覽器" as Browser
collections "HTTP Server\n超文本傳輸協定服務" as HTTPD
actor "生產者" as Bob #yellow
== 寫 HTML ==
autonumber 101
Bob -> HTTPD : 上傳寫作檔 HTML
note left
end note
autonumber 201
Alice -> Browser : "要求"
Browser -> HTTPD : "要求 HTML 檔案\nGET / HTTP/1.1"
autonumber 301
HTTPD -> Browser : "回傳 HTML 檔案\nHTTP/1.1 200 OK\n...."
note left
end note
Browser -> Alice : browser
note right
end note
== 免費 ? 白吃的午餐 ? 注意力與隱私商品化 ==
Alice -> Bob : :-)
Bob -> Alice : $$$
OpenAPI v3 Petstore
$ curl -kd '{"name":"dltdojo", "number":3}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://localhost:8443/echo
openapi: "3.0.0"
version: 1.0.0
title: Swagger Petstore (測試用)
name: MIT
- url:
summary: List all pets
operationId: listPets
- pets
- name: limit
in: query
description: How many items to return at one time (max 100)
required: false
type: integer
format: int32
description: A paged array of pets
description: A link to the next page of responses
type: string
$ref: "#/components/schemas/Pets"
description: unexpected error
$ref: "#/components/schemas/Error"
summary: Create a pet
operationId: createPets
- pets
description: Null response
description: unexpected error
$ref: "#/components/schemas/Error"
summary: Info for a specific pet
operationId: showPetById
- pets
- name: petId
in: path
required: true
description: The id of the pet to retrieve
type: string
description: Expected response to a valid request
$ref: "#/components/schemas/Pet"
description: unexpected error
$ref: "#/components/schemas/Error"
type: object
- id
- name
type: integer
format: int64
type: string
type: string
type: array
$ref: "#/components/schemas/Pet"
type: object
- code
- message
type: integer
format: int32
type: string
$ taichu-raw -s
$ curl -k
# HELP api_http_requests_duration_seconds HTTP request duration in seconds for all requests
# TYPE api_http_requests_duration_seconds histogram
api_http_requests_duration_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/",method="GET",status="200",le="0.005"} 8
api_http_requests_duration_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/",method="GET",status="200",le="0.01"} 8
api_http_requests_duration_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/",method="GET",status="200",le="0.025"} 8
api_http_requests_duration_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/",method="GET",status="200",le="0.05"} 8
api_http_requests_duration_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/",method="GET",status="200",le="0.1"} 8
api_http_requests_duration_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/favicon.ico",method="GET",status="200",le="0.1"} 8
api_http_requests_duration_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/favicon.ico",method="GET",status="200",le="0.25"} 8
api_http_requests_duration_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/favicon.ico",method="GET",status="200",le="0.5"} 8
api_http_requests_duration_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/favicon.ico",method="GET",status="200",le="1"} 8
api_http_requests_duration_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/favicon.ico",method="GET",status="200",le="2.5"} 8
api_http_requests_duration_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/favicon.ico",method="GET",status="200",le="5"} 8
api_http_requests_duration_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/favicon.ico",method="GET",status="200",le="10"} 8
api_http_requests_duration_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/favicon.ico",method="GET",status="200",le="+Inf"} 8
api_http_requests_duration_seconds_sum{endpoint="/favicon.ico",method="GET",status="200"} 0.0209961
api_http_requests_duration_seconds_count{endpoint="/favicon.ico",method="GET",status="200"} 8
# HELP api_http_requests_total Total number of HTTP requests
# TYPE api_http_requests_total counter
api_http_requests_total{endpoint="/",method="GET",status="200"} 8
api_http_requests_total{endpoint="/favicon.ico",method="GET",status="200"} 8
基於 rcgen 功能生成金鑰與憑證。
$ taichu-raw -c
- 房間座標軸 room-based navigation in three integer dimensions (x,y,z)
- 置物箱 player inventory
- 錘梯金三種物件 three types of item: sledge, gold and ladder
- 任務座標 a goal coordinate
- 中英文對照
- 加虛擬通貨錢包(BIP39/Keys)配置
- 加學習路線
$ cargo run
Grab the sledge and make your way to room 1,1,5 for a non-existant prize!
You need a sledge to dig rooms and ladders to go upwards.
Valid commands are: directions (north, south...), dig, take, drop, equip, inventory and look.
Additionally you can tag rooms with the 'name' command and alias commands with 'alias'.
Have fun!
The room where it all started... On the floor you can see: a sledge, a ladder. There are no exits in this room.
There's no exit in that direction!
dig north
With your bare hands?
equip sledge
Item equipped
dig north
There is now an exit northward
Room at (0, -1, 0). On the floor you can see: a sledge. There is one exit: south.
Rosetta Code 範例程式碼轉入本案的 Apache License 授權問題,該網站寫到授權為 GFDL
Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 unless otherwise noted.
重製範例碼改作放在 Apache License 授權專案可能有爭議,這裡改作置入當成程式碼著作權說明案例。
MAD WHITE 目的為試驗使用 cdr/code-server 專案的 codercom/code-server image 為基底做出區塊鏈學習環境建置用 image ,目標是學習端不需安裝除了瀏覽器之外的軟體,就能學習、驗證與撰寫各種線上教材的設計學習情境。
Docker 標籤為 dltdojo/ddj3base:mad-white
bash --drun
docker run -it --rm -p 8443:8443 -v "${PWD}:/home/coder/project" \
dltdojo/ddj3base:mad-white --allow-http --no-auth
Dockerfile 繼承自 codercom/code-server 再加上練習所需工具。
ARG CS_VER=1.1156-vsc1.33.1
FROM codercom/code-server:${CS_VER}
USER root
# NOTE: upgrade all packages for kaniko build
# Must remove all files in /var/lib/apt/lists to avoid caching mechanism
RUN apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
RUN apt-get install -y git tree jq software-properties-common curl gpg-agent cowsay openssl
RUN add-apt-repository ppa:rmescandon/yq && apt-get update && apt-get install -y yq
USER coder
RUN set -eux && \
code-server --install-extension cssho.vscode-svgviewer
ARG PATH_SETTINGS=/home/coder/.local/share/code-server/User/settings.json
COPY settings.json ${PATH_SETTINGS}
COPY /usr/local/bin/trier
# /usr/games/cowsay
ENV PATH /usr/games:$PATH
# /usr/games:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
RUN sudo chown -R coder.coder /home/coder && \
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/trier && \
echo '\nexport PATH="/usr/games:$PATH"' >> /home/coder/.bashrc
# WORKDIR is /home/coder/project
RUN trier --enable nodejs10
COPY dojos /home/coder/dojos
RUN pwd && tree /home/coder/dojos && \
sudo chown -R coder.coder /home/coder
# TEST build
# TODO mktemp -d permission issue
# docker build -t foo .
# mkdir -p ~/test/foo
# docker run -it -p 8443:8443 -v "${HOME}/test/foo:/home/coder/project" foo --allow-http --no-auth
bash install|delete|info
- gogs must wait at least 3 mins
- gogs url
- register alice@gogs and create a new project
- drone url
- login drone with alice@gogs's password

- add kubectl and helm to image
- add mdbook and mdbook-toc to image
- add redhat.vscode-yaml extension to image
- bump codercom/code-server version 2.1638-vsc1.39.2
- bump node version 10.17.0
- bump yarn version 1.19.1
# codercom/code-server:2.1638-vsc1.39.2 b0873f48b93a 439MB
# node/npm/yarn/kubectl/helm/mdbook/vscode-yaml (707M)
FROM node:10.17.0-buster AS node-buster
ARG CS_VER=2.1638-vsc1.39.2
FROM codercom/code-server:2.1638-vsc1.39.2
COPY --from=node-buster /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/node
COPY --from=node-buster /usr/local/lib/node_modules /usr/local/lib/node_modules
# copy yarn
COPY --from=node-buster /opt/yarn-$YARN_VERSION /opt/yarn-$YARN_VERSION
USER root
RUN ls -al /usr/local/bin && \
ln -s /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/nodejs && \
ln -s /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js /usr/local/bin/npm && \
ln -s /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js /usr/local/bin/npx && \
ls -al /opt && \
ln -s /opt/yarn-$YARN_VERSION/bin/yarn /usr/local/bin/yarn && \
ln -s /opt/yarn-$YARN_VERSION/bin/yarnpkg /usr/local/bin/yarnpkg && \
node --version && yarn --version && npm version
# kubectl download
RUN curl -sLO${KUBECTL_VERSION}/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl && \
chmod +x ./kubectl && mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl && kubectl version --client
# helm download
RUN curl -sL${HELM_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar -xvz && \
mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/ && rm -rf linux-amd64 && helm version --client
# mdbook download
RUN curl -sL${MDBOOK_VERSION}/mdbook-${MDBOOK_VERSION}-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz | tar -xvz && \
mv mdbook /usr/local/bin/ && mdbook --version
# mdbook-toc download
RUN curl -sL${MDBOOK_TOC_VERSION}/mdbook-toc-${MDBOOK_TOC_VERSION}-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz | tar -xvz && \
mv mdbook-toc /usr/local/bin/ && mdbook-toc --version
# redhat vscode yaml extension
RUN curl -sL \
-o /usr/local/share/vscode-yaml.vsix
# Hyperledger Fabric Binaries
# [hyperledger/fabric-tools Tags - Docker Hub](
# [hyperledger/fabric-ca Tags - Docker Hub](
# [Commands Reference — hyperledger-fabricdocs master documentation](
# COPY /usr/local/bin/fabric-ca-client /usr/local/bin/
# COPY /usr/local/bin/peer /usr/local/bin/
# COPY /usr/local/bin/cryptogen /usr/local/bin/
# COPY /usr/local/bin/configtxgen /usr/local/bin/
# COPY /usr/local/bin/configtxlator /usr/local/bin/
# RUN fabric-ca-client version && cryptogen version && configtxgen -version && configtxlator version && peer version
USER coder
# npm global install witout root
RUN npm config set prefix=/home/coder/.npm-packages \
&& echo '\nexport PATH="/home/coder/.npm-packages/bin:$PATH"' >> /home/coder/.bashrc
RUN mkdir -p /home/coder/.local/share/code-server/User/
ARG PATH_SETTINGS=/home/coder/.local/share/code-server/User/settings.json
# COPY settings.json ${PATH_SETTINGS}
RUN echo '{ \n\
"": "/bin/bash", \n\
"files.associations": { \n\
"[Dd]ockerfile*": "dockerfile", \n\
"docker-compose*": "yaml" \n\
} \n\
RUN set -eux && \
code-server --install-extension /usr/local/share/vscode-yaml.vsix
# curl | docker build -t foo -
# or download Dockerfile
# curl -o Dockerfile
# docker build -t foo .
# docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/home/coder/project -p 8080:8080 foo
# http://localhost:8080/?folder=/home/coder/project/
$ curl -o Dockerfile
$ docker build -t foo .
# or docker build from STDIN
$ curl | docker build -t foo -
$ docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/home/coder/project -p 8080:8080 foo
info Server listening on
info - Password is 1c578b76fcd86e7e4a68e178
info - To use your own password, set the PASSWORD environment variable
info - To disable use `--auth none`
info - Not serving HTTPS
kaniko job example
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: kanikojob
completions: 1
name: kanikojob
restartPolicy: Never
- name: init-context
image: curlimages/curl:latest
- -sL
- -o
- /context/Dockerfile
- name: context
mountPath: /context
# Working with MicroK8s’ registry add-on
# registry.container-registry.svc.cluster.local:5000
# curl
- name: kaniko
args: ["--dockerfile=/context/Dockerfile",
- name: context
mountPath: /context
- name: context
emptyDir: {}
目前 codercom/code-server:v2 計 146.17 MB 為 FROM ubuntu:18.04
製作。node/yarn 直接複製用 COPY --from=node:10.16.3-buster
還是 COPY --from=node:10.16.3-jessie
$ docker run --rm -it node:10.16.3-buster ls -al /usr/local/bin
total 40192
drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 18 01:46 .
drwxr-xr-x 20 root root 4096 Oct 18 01:46 ..
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 116 Oct 18 01:46
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 41142280 Aug 15 18:50 node
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Oct 18 01:46 nodejs -> /usr/local/bin/node
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 38 Aug 15 18:51 npm -> ../lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 38 Aug 15 18:51 npx -> ../lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npx-cli.js
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 Oct 18 01:46 yarn -> /opt/yarn-v1.17.3/bin/yarn
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 Oct 18 01:46 yarnpkg -> /opt/yarn-v1.17.3/bin/yarnpkg
# image size 508 MB (node/npm/yarn)
FROM codercom/code-server:${CS_VER}
RUN ls -al /usr/local/bin
COPY --from=node:10.16.3-buster /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/node
# docker run --rm -it node:10.16.3-buster ls -al /usr/local/bin
# docker run --rm -it node:10.16.3-buster ls /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib
COPY --from=node:10.16.3-buster /usr/local/lib/node_modules /usr/local/lib/node_modules
COPY --from=node:10.16.3-buster /opt/yarn-v1.17.3 /opt/yarn-v1.17.3
USER root
RUN ln -s /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/nodejs && \
ln -s /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js /usr/local/bin/npm && \
ln -s /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js /usr/local/bin/npx && \
ln -s /opt/yarn-v1.17.3/bin/yarn /usr/local/bin/yarn && \
ln -s /opt/yarn-v1.17.3/bin/yarnpkg /usr/local/bin/yarnpkg && \
ls -al /usr/local/bin && \
node --version && yarn --version && npm version
USER coder
# npm global install witout root
RUN npm config set prefix=/home/coder/.npm-packages \
&& echo '\nexport PATH="/home/coder/.npm-packages/bin:$PATH"' >> /home/coder/.bashrc
RUN mkdir -p /home/coder/.local/share/code-server/User/
ARG PATH_SETTINGS=/home/coder/.local/share/code-server/User/settings.json
# COPY settings.json ${PATH_SETTINGS}
RUN echo '{ \n\
"": "/bin/bash", \n\
"files.associations": { \n\
"[Dd]ockerfile*": "dockerfile", \n\
"docker-compose*": "yaml" \n\
} \n\
效果跟 wasdk/WebAssemblyStudio: Learn, Teach, Work and Play in the WebAssembly Studio 差不多,只是多出 bash, cargo, nodejs, npm 可用。
FROM codercom/code-server:${CS_VER}
USER root
RUN apt-get update && \
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
build-essential \
ca-certificates \
curl \
git \
ssh \
gnupg \
libssl-dev \
pkg-config && \
curl -sL | bash && \
apt-get install nodejs -yq && \
apt-get clean && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
USER coder
# install rust
RUN curl -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain stable -y
ENV USER=coder
RUN export PATH="/home/coder/.cargo/bin:$PATH" && \
curl -sSf | sh -s && \
cargo install cargo-generate
# npm global install witout root
RUN npm config set prefix=/home/coder/.npm-packages && \
echo '\nexport PATH="/home/coder/.npm-packages/bin:$PATH"' >> /home/coder/.bashrc && \
echo '\nexport PATH="/home/coder/.cargo/bin:$PATH"' >> /home/coder/.bashrc
RUN set -eux && \
code-server --install-extension ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-zh-hant
ARG PATH_SETTINGS=/home/coder/.local/share/code-server/User/settings.json
ARG PATH_LOCALE=/home/coder/.local/share/code-server/User/locale.json
# COPY settings.json ${PATH_SETTINGS}
RUN echo '{ \n\
"": "/bin/bash", \n\
"files.associations": { \n\
"[Dd]ockerfile*": "dockerfile", \n\
"docker-compose*": "yaml" \n\
} \n\
RUN echo '{ \n\
"locale": "zh-tw" \n\
# docker build -t foo .
# docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/home/coder/project -p 8080-8089:8080-8089 foo
# http://localhost:8080/?folder=/home/coder/project/
# npm init rust-webpack my-app
# cd my-app && npm run start
# You must give "--host" option to webpack-dev-server in the container
FROM codercom/code-server:${CS_VER}
USER root
RUN apt-get update && \
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
build-essential \
ca-certificates \
curl \
git \
ssh \
libssl-dev \
pkg-config && \
apt-get clean && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
USER coder
# install rust
RUN curl -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain stable -y
ENV USER=coder
RUN cat $HOME/.cargo/env && echo -e '\nexport PATH="/home/coder/.cargo/bin:$PATH"' >> /home/coder/.bashrc
RUN set -eux && \
code-server --install-extension ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-zh-hant
ARG PATH_SETTINGS=/home/coder/.local/share/code-server/User/settings.json
ARG PATH_LOCALE=/home/coder/.local/share/code-server/User/locale.json
# COPY settings.json ${PATH_SETTINGS}
RUN echo '{ \n\
"": "/bin/bash", \n\
"files.associations": { \n\
"[Dd]ockerfile*": "dockerfile", \n\
"docker-compose*": "yaml" \n\
} \n\
RUN echo '{ \n\
"locale": "zh-tw" \n\
# docker build -t foo .
# docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/home/coder/project -p 8080:8080 foo
# http://localhost:8080/?folder=/home/coder/project/
# cargo new --bin hello-world
# cd hello-world && cargo run
FROM codercom/code-server:${CS_VER}
USER root
RUN apt-get update -yq \
&& apt-get install curl gnupg -yq \
&& curl -sL | bash \
&& apt-get install nodejs -yq
USER coder
# npm global install witout root
RUN npm config set prefix=/home/coder/.npm-packages \
&& echo -e '\nexport PATH="/home/coder/.npm-packages/bin:$PATH"' >> /home/coder/.bashrc
RUN npm install -g @vue/cli
RUN set -eux && \
code-server --install-extension ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-zh-hant && \
code-server --install-extension octref.vetur
ARG PATH_SETTINGS=/home/coder/.local/share/code-server/User/settings.json
ARG PATH_LOCALE=/home/coder/.local/share/code-server/User/locale.json
# COPY settings.json ${PATH_SETTINGS}
RUN echo '{ \n\
"": "/bin/bash", \n\
"files.associations": { \n\
"[Dd]ockerfile*": "dockerfile", \n\
"docker-compose*": "yaml" \n\
} \n\
RUN echo '{ \n\
"locale": "zh-tw" \n\
# docker build -t foo .
# docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/home/coder/project -p 8080-8099:8080-8099 foo
# http://localhost:8080/?folder=/home/coder/project/
一開始需先知道每一個使用者設定的 dev server port 才能對應
- docker run 需要先開 port
- package.json 裡面 vue-cli-service serve -port 8081 需要一致
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/home/coder/project -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 foo
後來直接開 8080-8099 不用改 package.json 裡面的 port 設定。
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/home/coder/project -p 8080-8099:8080-8099 foo
- 開發時的 dev server 服務沒權限設定,每個知道 dev server port 的人都可以看到使用者正在開發的內容。
- 有些環境只適合 443 通過如何讓使用者可以開自己的 dev server 起來用。
FROM codercom/code-server:${CS_VER}
USER coder
RUN set -eux && \
code-server --install-extension ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-zh-hant
ARG PATH_SETTINGS=/home/coder/.local/share/code-server/User/settings.json
ARG PATH_LOCALE=/home/coder/.local/share/code-server/User/locale.json
# COPY settings.json ${PATH_SETTINGS}
RUN echo '{ \n\
"": "/bin/bash", \n\
"files.associations": { \n\
"[Dd]ockerfile*": "dockerfile", \n\
"docker-compose*": "yaml" \n\
} \n\
RUN echo '{ \n\
"locale": "zh-tw" \n\
# docker build -t foo .
# docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/home/coder/project -p 8080:8080 foo
# http://localhost:8080/?folder=/home/coder/project/
測試 code-server/Dockerfile at 2.1472-vsc1.38.1 · cdr/code-server 版本,folder 網址參數可用來切換不同學員的目錄例如
- http://localhost:8080/?folder=/home/coder/project/alice
- http://localhost:8080/?folder=/home/coder/project/bob
- http://localhost:8080/?folder=/home/coder/project/Y12345
# --run-code-server $PWD 2.1472-vsc1.38.1
need_cmd docker
set -x
docker run -it -p \
-v "${PROJECT_DIR}:/home/coder/project" codercom/code-server:${VERSION}
預載 ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-zh-hant VS Code 的中文(繁體)語言套件
使用 microsoft/vscode-loc: VS Code Localization Extension
ARG CS_VER=2.1472-vsc1.38.1
FROM codercom/code-server:${CS_VER}
USER coder
RUN set -eux && \
code-server --install-extension ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-zh-hant
ARG PATH_SETTINGS=/home/coder/.local/share/code-server/User/settings.json
ARG PATH_LOCALE=/home/coder/.local/share/code-server/User/locale.json
# COPY settings.json ${PATH_SETTINGS}
RUN echo '{ \n\
"": "/bin/bash", \n\
"files.associations": { \n\
"[Dd]ockerfile*": "dockerfile", \n\
"docker-compose*": "yaml" \n\
} \n\
RUN echo '{ \n\
"locale": "zh-tw" \n\
curl -k https://localhost:1984/dockerfiles/Dockerfile-cs-zh-tw.txt | docker build -t cslocal -
docker run -it --rm cslocal
- plantuml java server ?
- ipfs node ?
- nginx proxy ?
sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.15/stable
sudo snap alias microk8s.kubectl kubectl
sudo usermod -a -G microk8s dltdojo3r1
microk8s.enable rbac
microk8s.enable dns
microk8s.enable ingress
cat << EOF > ddj3.crt
cat << EOF > ddj3.key
kubectl create secret tls ddj3-tls --key ddj3.key --cert ddj3.crt
kubectl 建立 Ingress 與 whoami 相關 yaml。
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: whoami
app: whoami
replicas: 2
app: whoami
app: whoami
- name: whoami
image: containous/whoami
- name: web
containerPort: 80
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: whoami
- protocol: TCP
name: web
port: 80
app: whoami
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: ing-root
namespace: default
annotations: "nginx"
- hosts:
secretName: ddj3-tls
- host:
- backend:
serviceName: whoami
servicePort: 80
path: /
反覆重新載入頁面 可觀察導向不同 whoami 的 pod 服務。
Hostname: whoami-5df4df6ff5-h8vq7
IP: ::1
IP: fe80::e8da:2ff:fe9a:296d
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: zh-TW,zh;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
X-Forwarded-Port: 443
X-Forwarded-Proto: https
X-Original-Uri: /
X-Request-Id: 3752e4e3fc4b77a79e1d77c045a557d8
X-Scheme: https
let's encrypt wildcard certificate
sudo certbot certonly --manual --agree-tos \
-d "*" \
--email \
--preferred-challenges dns \
--manual-public-ip-logging-ok \
--server \
如果不使用 let's encrypt 或是其他正式簽發的憑證可使用 的方案,只是瀏覽器可能會多出幾個確認安全性的動作。
租用 VM 服務給的 IP 是浮動型,需設定 DNS 相對麻煩,採用 的對應方式,假設 IP 為 則網址如用次練習編號加上 IP 會是下面格式,雖非必要,也可先產生 wildcard 憑證來搭配使用。
cat > openssl.cnf << EOF
prompt = no
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
req_extensions = v3_req
C = TW
CN =
[ v3_req ]
subjectAltName = @alt_names
DNS.1 = *
DNS.2 = localhost
IP.1 =
openssl req -x509 -days 777 -out nipio.pem \
-keyout nipio.key -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes \
-sha256 -extensions v3_req -config openssl.cnf
openssl x509 -text -noout -in nipio.pem
docker/dockercraft: Docker + Minecraft = Dockercraft
A simple Minecraft Docker client, to visualize and manage Docker containers.
容器啟動或關閉都可在 minecraft 裡面執行,後續可考慮實作成不須 minecraft 的 veloren 模式。
Ludwig Wittgenstein - Wikipedia
You can't build clouds. And that's why the future you dream of never comes true. — Ludwig Wittgenstein

Veloren 是一個多人RPG體素遊戲 (multiplayer voxel RPG),類似 Cube World, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft
Veloren - gitlab
將 BIP39 這類工具包放進 Veloren 開源像素類遊戲專案裡面只要幾行,雖然 Veloren 還不太能夠玩,不過跟過去 BitQuest 改 Java 服務端加錢包比起來有兩個較為明顯的差異。一是 Veloren 可用 Rust 區塊鏈類工具包資源生態相對豐富,畢竟 Hyperledger/Substrate/Libra 等開源專案正在對這生態系持續注水,另一則是 BitQuest 是後端改作,採用過去 minecraft 的 GPL 程式碼修正改作,這類改作或下載某些既有資源檔等要面對的智財議題本來就多,更何況後來該遊戲還被微軟大公司買下。
訊息傳到 server 端後產生 bip 39 中文助記詞,截圖如下

diff --git a/server/Cargo.toml b/server/Cargo.toml
index 2affc8e..7efc93c 100644
--- a/server/Cargo.toml
+++ b/server/Cargo.toml
@@ -21,3 +21,4 @@ rand = "0.7.0"
chrono = "0.4.7"
hashbrown = { version = "0.5.0", features = ["serde", "nightly"] }
crossbeam = "0.7.2"
+tiny-bip39 = "0.6.2"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server/src/ b/server/src/
index 5305b8f..5384f87 100644
--- a/server/src/
+++ b/server/src/
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ use vek::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use scan_fmt::{scan_fmt, scan_fmt_some};
+use bip39::{Mnemonic, MnemonicType, Language};
/// Struct representing a command that a user can run from server chat.
pub struct ChatCommand {
/// The keyword used to invoke the command, omitting the leading '/'.
@@ -137,6 +139,8 @@ lazy_static! {
"help", "", "/help: Display this message", false, handle_help),
+ "dltdojo", "", "/dltdojo: Display dltdojo message", false, handle_dltdojo),
+ ChatCommand::new(
"/health : Set your current health",
@@ -489,6 +493,20 @@ fn handle_help(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, _args: String, _action: &
+// add test chat command /dltdojo
+fn handle_dltdojo(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, _args: String, _action: &ChatCommand) {
+ // create a new randomly generated mnemonic phrase, default lang is Language::English
+ let mnemonic = Mnemonic::new(MnemonicType::Words12, Language::ChineseTraditional);
+ let phrase: &str = mnemonic.phrase();
+ server.clients.notify( entity,
+ ServerMsg::private(String::from("[DLTDOJO] MNEMONIC BIP39:")),
+ );
+ server.clients.notify(entity, ServerMsg::private(phrase.to_string()));
fn alignment_to_agent(alignment: &str, target: EcsEntity) -> Option<comp::Agent> {
match alignment {
"hostile" => Some(comp::Agent::enemy()),
from the ButTaiwan/genseki-font into assets/voxygen/font/
- GenSekiGothicTW-Regular.ttf
- TW-Kai-98_1.ttf CNS11643中文標準交換碼全字庫(簡稱全字庫)
- Source Han Sans | 思源黑体 | 思源黑體 | 思源黑體 香港 | 源ノ角ゴシック | 본고딕 只有 OTF font 載入有問題
$ cd assets/voxygen/font
$ mv OpenSans-Regular.ttf OpenSans-Regular-bak.ttf
$ cp GenSekiGothicTW-Regular.ttf OpenSans-Regular.ttf
$ tree
├── Metamorphous-Regular.ttf
├── OFL.txt
├── OpenSans-Regular-bak.ttf
├── OpenSans-Regular.ttf
└── GenSekiGothicTW-Regular.ttf
$ cd git_project_root
$ cargo run --bin veloren-server-cli
$ cargo run --bin veloren-voxygen
- Basic ModLoader Implementation
- A typescript bitcoin library, including WASM versions of secp256k1, ripemd160, sha256, sha512, and sha1
veloren 的組件為 vox 檔,可使用 MagicaVoxel 或是 Goxel 編輯體素遊戲組件 vox 檔。

CC BY 姓名標示 (Creative Commons Attribution)
Mini Mike's Metro Minis 城市物件
voxelmodel tag - Sketchfab
輸入 vox 檔編輯

匯出 glTF (GL Transmission Format) 不過不能匯入,匯出後 glTF 檔案可由 3D Viewer App 開啟。

Drag-and-drop preview for glTF 2.0 models in WebGL using three.js.

hujiulong/vue-3d-model 單頁展示
<div id="app">
<script src="vue.js"></script>
<script src="vue-3d-model.min.js"></script>
new Vue({
el: '#app'
aframe-env.html 測試網頁
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<a-box position="-1 0.5 -3" rotation="0 45 0" color="#4CC3D9"></a-box>
<a-plane position="1 1 -8" rotation="45 0 0" width="3" height="3" color="#7BC8A4"></a-plane>
<a-entity environment="preset: egypt; sunPosition: 1 5 -2; groundColor: #742"><a-entity>
Babylon.js Ethereum TypeScript

FATF 指引 RBA-VA-VASPs 用詞可能成為書寫主流用語之一。 2019 版與 2015 版的用詞差異在於新增 AEC ( Anonymity-Enhanced Cryptocurrency ) 與 VC 轉成 VA ( Virtual Asset ),VA 用詞因為包括 VC 估計用法將更為流行。AEC 用詞的出現標誌著該領域已進入監管雷達,後續 AEC 可能轉線下而消失在合規交易所,至於現階段 AEC 合約能見度不高,數年後是否會有 AEVA 用詞於指引出現讓人好奇。
Crypto Coffee Coin Is Coming to Brazil's Countryside Farmers - Bloomberg
咖啡虛擬通貨的最終常用說法會不會是 CoffeeCoin 。
- CoffeeCoin
- CryptoCoffee
- SmartContractCoffee
- CoffeeVirtualAsset
- CoffeeVirtualCommercialPaper
- ScriptAssetCoffee
- PersistentScriptCoffee
- ScriptCoffee
- CodeCoffee
Brave browser 開始進軍小螢幕,注意力商人一書裡面提到四個螢幕最後版本就是手機版,Brave browser 安裝後右上角的獅子會有明顯的數字很容易知道這個站台追蹤的資訊,建議邊看注意力商人一書邊看獅子標示更有感。
不過 firefox 隱私保護切到嚴格加上 Facebook Container 或 Ghostery 隱私廣告攔截器等,再掛個 metamask 執行合約也可以逼近 brave browser + BAT 功能,火狐加掛模式好處是不限 BAT 可用各式加密貨幣,缺點是近易用性較低,上手需時間。
Brave browser now can show its privacy-first ads on Android, too

oceanprotocol/ocean: 🌊 The Data Economy
Service Execution Agreement (SEA) or Service Agreement
A contract-like agreement between a publisher, a consumer, and a verifier, specifying what assets are to be delivered (from publisher to consumer), the conditions that must be met, and the rewards for fulfilling the conditions.
依照 Architecture Overview - Ocean Protocol Documentation 說明分為三層
- Tier 3 - Application Layer
- Tier 2 - Protocol Layer
- Tier 1 - Decentralized VM Layer
採用 2019 Guidance for a Risk-Based Approach to Virtual Assets and Virtual Asset Service Providers - FATF 指引 RBA-VA-VASPs 用詞 Anonymity-Enhanced Cryptocurrency (AEC) 的定義
mimblewimble/grin: Minimal implementation of the MimbleWimble protocol.
gottstech/gotts: A blockchain for non-collateralized stable-coins, follow MimbleWimble protocol but with explicit amount.
MimbleWimble 系也出穩定幣(Decentralized non-collateralized stable-coins) 而且是 POW 鏈,宣稱可以無擔保維持幣值穩定,比 grin 的 TPS 可拉高 10 倍大概可以到 100。Gotts 的功能雖然用合約來寫也可,POW 系的穩定幣專用鏈是否可持續運轉有待觀察。
How to Ensure a Stable Price · gottstech/gotts
In fact, Gotts price will be volatile, just like any other cryptocurrencies. Gotts coin is not a stable coin.
該鏈的原生代幣 Gotts coin 實際上會波動,並非穩定幣。
Instead, in Gotts system, the stable coins are those on-chain assets, such as GOUS, GOEU, GOCN, etc.
Total Value (US$) = M * R + N
Where M is the total circulation of Gotts coins,
N is the total circulation of GOUS stable-coins in the system,
R is the current Gotts coin price in US$.
穩定幣部分只有 N,假設要將 N 取出 P 來換成實際法幣,這裡先考慮只有 US$/Gotts 交易對可用。
Input = P GOUS
Output = Q Gotts
where Q = P / R, R is the current Gotts coin price in US$.
Total Value (US$) = (M + P/R)*R + (N-P) = M * R + N
N 減去 P 之後,本來的 M 位置變成 (M+P/R)
So, this means, in any time, for any amount of stablecoin assets on Gotts chain, the chain 100% ensure its face value as the pegged asset such as USD, EUR, CNY, JPN, GBP, CAD and so on.
ID | Date | M | R | N | Total | Note |
101 | 2029-04-01 | 100 | 0.10 | 200 | 210 | 初始狀態 |
102 | 2029-04-02 | 100 | 0.20 | 200 | 220 | 放著不動 |
103 | 2029-04-03 | 180 | 0.25 | 180 | 225 | N 轉出 20 剩 180, M 變成 (100 + 20/0.25)=180 |
104 | 2029-04-04 | 0 | 0.20 | 216 | 216 | 穩定效果只有全部都是 N,將 M 清空後加上 180*0.2=36 到 N |
105 | 2029-04-05 | 0 | 0.10 | 216 | 216 | 穩定 N |
106 | 2029-04-06 | 720 | 0.30 | 0 | 216 | 清空 N |
107 | 2029-04-07 | 720 | 0.10 | 0 | 72 | |
108 | 2029-05-01 | 720 | 0.01 | 0 | 7.2 | |
This procedure is completely decentralized. Anybody can execute a conversion by him/her self at any time, just as simple as a normal transaction on the chain.
It looks very like a crypto-collateralized stable-coins but actually it's NOT, here the crypto asset refers to the Gotts coin.
The biggest risk to the crypto-collateralized stablecoin model is the volatility of the underlying collateral. So, normally it requires over-collateralization, moreover, once the collateral lose too much value, the liquidation procedure is forced to be enabled because under-collateralized.
For the stability, the ONLY risk is the event of the whole crypto crash, traders tend to exit to fiat currencies, not stablecoins and not Gotts coin. But that will be quite impossible once Gotts chain published, just like talking about shutdown of Bitcoin network.
唯一風險是 R 歸零如上面 108 狀態,R 需要對手方來交換,很可能根本沒人要換如小幣。
If user want to convert directly from one stablecoin to another one, for example converting GOUS to GOJP, there's no need to convert between them and Gotts coin, the chain native transaction can support these cross conversion directly among all these stablecoins.
不用對手交易方的轉換可一個交易直接兌換不同穩定幣,不需先換回 GO 如 GOUS - GO - GOEU,而是直接換 GOUS - GOEU。
Similar as Maker DAI price feed oracles, Gotts also use whitelist for price feeding.
關鍵在於外部 R 的寫入系統,類似 Maker - Feeds price feed oracles 與報價 Maker Feeds
If a block reward is 60 Gotts, 10% of this reward will go to the price feed oracles, and 90% will go to the miner. And the penalty of the fault price feed (if have) will go to the miner as the additional reward.
誠實報價獎勵經濟,這系統需要抵押的是 oracle 角色。
More price feed oracles means more safe for Gotts, but we need store these price feed data on chain, and storing all these price feed data is too expensive for the chain. So, in Gotts, we only store 15 price feed oracles data, i.e. we limit the size of vector PriceFeed to 15.
100 oracles 隨機選出 15 oracles
gottstech/gotts-oracle: Gotts Price Feed Oracle
Gotts 的設計一開始只有USD, EUR, CNY, JPN, GBP, CAD法幣對應的穩定幣,主要是這類資料被大風吹亂的機率較低,對 oracle 檢驗相對容易。
- GOUS (pegged to fiat US dollar)
- GOEU (pegged to fiat Euro)
- GOCN (pegged to fiat Chinese Yuan)
- GOJP (pegged to fiat Japanese Yen)
- GOUK (pegged to fiat British Pound)
- GOCA (pegged to fiat Canadian Dollar)
Digital Currencies: The Rise of Stablecoins – IMF Blog
Adoption of new forms of money will depend on their attractiveness as a store of value and means of payment.
FinTechs與BigTechs在支付領域之發展及影響 - 9月19日央行理監事會後記者會參考資料
電子貨幣機制與穩定幣類似,但價值穩定,未來在網路效應的推動下,可望日益普遍。IMF 甚至認為電子貨幣有可能會超越現金及銀行存款,成為民眾最常用的貨幣形式;此外,亦建議各國央行或可斟酌國情,考量透過公私部門合作方式,以中央銀行貨幣作為發行準備22,由電子貨幣機構對民眾發行「合成型 CBDC」(synthetic CBDC, sCBDC)。
Getting Started | Algorand Developer
Protobufs-Markdown-Mdbook Extract-Transform-Load ETL 練習
# gen-proto-doc PROTOS_DIR DEST_FILE
# [grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway: gRPC to JSON proxy generator following the gRPC HTTP spec](
# go get -u
# go get -u
# go get -u
set -x
rm /tmp/$MDFILE
find . -type f \
-not -path "./google/protobuf/*" \
-not -path "./*" \
-not -path "./googleapis/google/api/*" \
-name '*.proto' | xargs protoc -I. -I/usr/local/include \
-I$GOPATH/src \
-I$GOPATH/src/ \
--doc_out=/tmp --doc_opt=markdown,$MDFILE
#sed -i "1i# ProtocolBuffer Doc\n## Generated Date:$(date --iso-8601=seconds)\n<!-- toc -->" /tmp/$MDFILE
sed -i "1i# Generated Date:$(date --iso-8601=seconds)\n" /tmp/$MDFILE
echo -e '\n# Protos File Tree\n```\n' >> /tmp/$MDFILE
tree -P "*.proto" . >> /tmp/$MDFILE
echo -e '\n```\n' >> /tmp/$MDFILE
echo -e "# Protobuf sources\n" >> /tmp/$MDFILE
find . -type f \
-not -path "./google/protobuf/*" \
-not -path "./*" \
-not -path "./googleapis/google/api/*" \
-name '*.proto' \
-exec echo -e '\n## src:{}\n```proto\n' \; -exec cat {} \; -exec echo -e '\n```\n' \; >> /tmp/$MDFILE
cp -f /tmp/$MDFILE $DEST_FILE
FISCO BCOS平台目前支持Solidity、CRUD、Precompiled三种智能合约形式。
链上信使协议AMOP(Advanced Messages Onchain Protocol)系统旨在为联盟链提供一个安全高效的消息信道,联盟链中的各个机构,只要部署了区块链节点,无论是共识节点还是观察节点,均可使用AMOP进行通讯
akropolisio/akropolisOS-chain-node: AkropolisOS Chain (Argos Testnet v0.1)
fluencelabs/fluence: Fluence is an open-source, decentralized cloud computing platform
Fluence is a decentralized database network that allows to deploy many existing first-class SQL/NoSQL/GraphQL databases such as SQLite or Redis into the decentralized environment. It will support many complex database operations, such as aggregate functions, joins, or stored procedures.
NEAR Protocol
nearprotocol/NEARStudio: IDE for building smart contracts on NEAR Protocol 主要是基於 wasdk/WebAssemblyStudio: Learn, Teach, Work and Play in the WebAssembly Studio 修改的 IDE,執行程式會被轉到 網站執行,初步觀察並非在同一台機器內執行, Hello World Rust Project 與 DLTDOJO3 使用 code-server 模式都一樣在可本機內執行模擬程式。
When building the project you'll get out/main_bg.wasm, the generated wasm filtered through the wasm-bindgen CLI tool, as well as out/main.js which is an auxiliary JS file generated by the wasm-bindgen tool, included by default in main.html. The out/main.js file is responsible for creating the wasmBindgen global and filling it in.
FAB-13582 Peer and Chaincode cloud native deployment support - Hyperledger JIRA
The current runtime model of a chaincode is that it has to be in a sandbox (Docker container) since it is co-located in the hosting peer's environment. To sandbox, the hosting peer builds the chaincode Docker image and launches the container during the instantiate transaction.
在Kubernetes上运行区块链服务(BaaS) - 知乎
git clone /tmp/src/hlf-protos
bash --gen-proto-doc /tmp/src/hlf-protos /tmp/
ChaincodeActionPayload is the message to be used for the TransactionAction's
payload when the Header's type is set to CHAINCODE. It carries the
chaincodeProposalPayload and an endorsed action to apply to the ledger.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chaincode_proposal_payload | bytes | | This field contains the bytes of the ChaincodeProposalPayload message from the original invocation (essentially the arguments) after the application of the visibility function. The main visibility modes are "full" (the entire ChaincodeProposalPayload message is included here), "hash" (only the hash of the ChaincodeProposalPayload message is included) or "nothing". This field will be used to check the consistency of ProposalResponsePayload.proposalHash. For the CHAINCODE type, ProposalResponsePayload.proposalHash is supposed to be H(ProposalHeader |
action | ChaincodeEndorsedAction | | The list of actions to apply to the ledger |
ChaincodeEndorsedAction carries information about the endorsement of a
specific proposal
Field | Type | Label | Description |
proposal_response_payload | bytes | | This is the bytes of the ProposalResponsePayload message signed by the endorsers. Recall that for the CHAINCODE type, the ProposalResponsePayload's extenstion field carries a ChaincodeAction |
endorsements | Endorsement | repeated | The endorsement of the proposal, basically the endorser's signature over proposalResponsePayload |
ProcessedTransaction wraps an Envelope that includes a transaction along with an indication
of whether the transaction was validated or invalidated by committing peer.
The use case is that GetTransactionByID API needs to retrieve the transaction Envelope
from block storage, and return it to a client, and indicate whether the transaction
was validated or invalidated by committing peer. So that the originally submitted
transaction Envelope is not modified, the ProcessedTransaction wrapper is returned.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transactionEnvelope | common.Envelope | | An Envelope which includes a processed transaction |
validationCode | int32 | | An indication of whether the transaction was validated or invalidated by committing peer |
This message is necessary to facilitate the verification of the signature
(in the signature field) over the bytes of the transaction (in the
transactionBytes field).
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transaction_bytes | bytes | | The bytes of the Transaction. NDD |
signature | bytes | | Signature of the transactionBytes The public key of the signature is in the header field of TransactionAction There might be multiple TransactionAction, so multiple headers, but there should be same transactor identity (cert) in all headers |
The transaction to be sent to the ordering service. A transaction contains
one or more TransactionAction. Each TransactionAction binds a proposal to
potentially multiple actions. The transaction is atomic meaning that either
all actions in the transaction will be committed or none will. Note that
while a Transaction might include more than one Header, the Header.creator
field must be the same in each.
A single client is free to issue a number of independent Proposal, each with
their header (Header) and request payload (ChaincodeProposalPayload). Each
proposal is independently endorsed generating an action
(ProposalResponsePayload) with one signature per Endorser. Any number of
independent proposals (and their action) might be included in a transaction
to ensure that they are treated atomically.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
actions | TransactionAction | repeated | The payload is an array of TransactionAction. An array is necessary to accommodate multiple actions per transaction |
TransactionAction binds a proposal to its action. The type field in the
header dictates the type of action to be applied to the ledger.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bytes | | The header of the proposal action, which is the proposal header |
payload | bytes | | The payload of the action as defined by the type in the header For chaincode, it's the bytes of ChaincodeActionPayload |
Reserved entries in the key-level metadata map
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
VALID | 0 | |
BAD_RWSET | 22 | |
ACLs provides mappings for resources in a channel. APIResource encapsulates
reference to a policy used to determine ACL for the resource
APIResource represents an API resource in the peer whose ACL
is determined by the policy_ref field
Field | Type | Label | Description |
policy_ref | string | | The policy name to use for this API |
AnchorPeer message structure which provides information about anchor peer, it includes host name,
port number and peer certificate.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
host | string | | DNS host name of the anchor peer |
port | int32 | | The port number |
AnchorPeers simply represents list of anchor peers which is used in ConfigurationItem
Field | Type | Label | Description |
anchor_peers | AnchorPeer | repeated | |
SignedChaincodeDeploymentSpec carries the CDS along with endorsements
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chaincode_deployment_spec | bytes | | This is the bytes of the ChaincodeDeploymentSpec |
instantiation_policy | bytes | | This is the instantiation policy which is identical in structure to endorsement policy. This policy is checked by the VSCC at commit time on the instantiation (all peers will get the same policy as it will be part of the LSCC instantation record and will be part of the hash as well) |
owner_endorsements | Endorsement | repeated | The endorsements of the above deployment spec, the owner's signature over chaincode_deployment_spec and Endorsement.endorser. |
CDSData is data stored in the LSCC on instantiation of a CC
for CDSPackage. This needs to be serialized for ChaincodeData
hence the protobuf format
Field | Type | Label | Description |
hash | bytes | | hash of ChaincodeDeploymentSpec.code_package |
metadatahash | bytes | | hash of + ChaincodeID.version |
ChaincodeData defines the datastructure for chaincodes to be serialized by proto
Type provides an additional check by directing to use a specific package after instantiation
Data is Type specific (see CDSPackage and SignedCDSPackage)
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | | Name of the chaincode |
version | string | | Version of the chaincode |
escc | string | | Escc for the chaincode instance |
vscc | string | | Vscc for the chaincode instance |
policy | common.SignaturePolicyEnvelope | | Policy endorsement policy for the chaincode instance |
data | bytes | | Data data specific to the package |
id | bytes | | Id of the chaincode that's the unique fingerprint for the CC This is not currently used anywhere but serves as a good eyecatcher |
instantiation_policy | common.SignaturePolicyEnvelope | | InstantiationPolicy for the chaincode |
Specify the deployment of a chaincode.
TODO: Define codePackage
ChaincodeID contains the path as specified by the deploy transaction
that created it as well as the hashCode that is generated by the
system for the path. From the user level (ie, CLI, REST API and so on)
deploy transaction is expected to provide the path and other requests
are expected to provide the hashCode. The other value will be ignored.
Internally, the structure could contain both values. For instance, the
hashCode will be set when first generated using the path
Field | Type | Label | Description |
path | string | | deploy transaction will use the path |
name | string | | all other requests will use the name (really a hashcode) generated by the deploy transaction |
version | string | | user friendly version name for the chaincode |
Carries the chaincode function and its arguments.
UnmarshalJSON in transaction.go converts the string-based REST/JSON input to
the []byte-based current ChaincodeInput structure.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
args | bytes | repeated | |
decorations | ChaincodeInput.DecorationsEntry | repeated | |
is_init | bool | | is_init is used for the application to signal that an invocation is to be routed to the legacy 'Init' function for compatibility with chaincodes which handled Init in the old way. New applications should manage their initialized state themselves. |
Carries the chaincode function and its arguments.
Carries the chaincode specification. This is the actual metadata required for
defining a chaincode.
LifecycleEvent is used as the payload of the chaincode event emitted by LSCC
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chaincode_name | string | | |
Name | Number | Description |
GOLANG | 1 | |
NODE | 2 | |
CAR | 3 | |
JAVA | 4 | |
An endorsement is a signature of an endorser over a proposal response. By
producing an endorsement message, an endorser implicitly "approves" that
proposal response and the actions contained therein. When enough
endorsements have been collected, a transaction can be generated out of a
set of proposal responses. Note that this message only contains an identity
and a signature but no signed payload. This is intentional because
endorsements are supposed to be collected in a transaction, and they are all
expected to endorse a single proposal response/action (many endorsements
over a single proposal response)
Field | Type | Label | Description |
endorser | bytes | | Identity of the endorser (e.g. its certificate) |
signature | bytes | | Signature of the payload included in ProposalResponse concatenated with the endorser's certificate; ie, sign(ProposalResponse.payload + endorser) |
A ProposalResponse is returned from an endorser to the proposal submitter.
The idea is that this message contains the endorser's response to the
request of a client to perform an action over a chaincode (or more
generically on the ledger); the response might be success/error (conveyed in
the Response field) together with a description of the action and a
signature over it by that endorser. If a sufficient number of distinct
endorsers agree on the same action and produce signature to that effect, a
transaction can be generated and sent for ordering.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
version | int32 | | Version indicates message protocol version |
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | | Timestamp is the time that the message was created as defined by the sender |
response | Response | | A response message indicating whether the endorsement of the action was successful |
payload | bytes | | The payload of response. It is the bytes of ProposalResponsePayload |
endorsement | Endorsement | | The endorsement of the proposal, basically the endorser's signature over the payload |
ProposalResponsePayload is the payload of a proposal response. This message
is the "bridge" between the client's request and the endorser's action in
response to that request. Concretely, for chaincodes, it contains a hashed
representation of the proposal (proposalHash) and a representation of the
chaincode state changes and events inside the extension field.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
proposal_hash | bytes | | Hash of the proposal that triggered this response. The hash is used to link a response with its proposal, both for bookeeping purposes on an asynchronous system and for security reasons (accountability, non-repudiation). The hash usually covers the entire Proposal message (byte-by-byte). |
extension | bytes | | Extension should be unmarshaled to a type-specific message. The type of the extension in any proposal response depends on the type of the proposal that the client selected when the proposal was initially sent out. In particular, this information is stored in the type field of a Header. For chaincode, it's a ChaincodeAction message |
A response with a representation similar to an HTTP response that can
be used within another message.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | int32 | | A status code that should follow the HTTP status codes. |
message | string | | A message associated with the response code. |
payload | bytes | | A payload that can be used to include metadata with this response. |
ChaincodeInfo contains general information about an installed/instantiated
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | | |
version | string | | |
path | string | | the path as specified by the install/instantiate transaction |
input | string | | the chaincode function upon instantiation and its arguments. This will be blank if the query is returning information about installed chaincodes. |
escc | string | | the name of the ESCC for this chaincode. This will be blank if the query is returning information about installed chaincodes. |
vscc | string | | the name of the VSCC for this chaincode. This will be blank if the query is returning information about installed chaincodes. |
id | bytes | | the chaincode unique id. computed as: H( H(name |
ChaincodeQueryResponse returns information about each chaincode that pertains
to a query in lscc.go, such as GetChaincodes (returns all chaincodes
instantiated on a channel), and GetInstalledChaincodes (returns all chaincodes
installed on a peer)
ChannelInfo contains general information about channels
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channel_id | string | | |
ChannelQueryResponse returns information about each channel that pertains
to a query in lscc.go, such as GetChannels (returns all channels for a
given peer)
ChaincodeEndorsement instructs the peer how transactions should be endorsed. The only
endorsement mechanism which ships with the fabric today is the standard 'escc' mechanism.
This code simply simulates the proposal to generate a RW set, then signs the result
using the peer's local signing identity.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | | Specifies what code to run for endorsements, defaults 'escc' |
ChaincodeIdentifier identifies a piece of chaincode. For a peer to accept invocations of
this chaincode, the hash of the installed code must match, as must the version string
included with the install command.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
hash | bytes | | The hash of the chaincode bytes |
version | string | | A user friendly human readable name corresponding to the ID |
ChaincodeValidation instructs the peer how transactions for this chaincode should be
validated. The only validation mechanism which ships with fabric today is the standard
'vscc' validation mechanism. This built in validation method utilizes an endorsement policy
which checks that a sufficient number of signatures have been included. The 'arguement'
field encodes any parameters required by the validation implementation.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | | Specifies which code to run to validate transactions, defaults to 'vscc' |
argument | bytes | | When 'vscc' a marshaled VSCCArgs |
ConfigTree encapsulates channel and resources configuration of a channel.
Both configurations are represented as common.Config
VSCCArgs is passed (marshaled) as a parameter to the VSCC imlementation via the
argument field of the ChaincodeValidation message.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
endorsement_policy_ref | string | | A named reference to an endorsement policy, |
BlockAndPrivateData contains Block and a map from tx_seq_in_block to rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet
FilteredBlock is a minimal set of information about a block
FilteredChaincodeAction is a minimal set of information about an action
within a transaction
FilteredTransaction is a minimal set of information about a transaction
within a block
FilteredTransactionActions is a wrapper for array of TransactionAction
message from regular block
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
Deliver | .common.Envelope stream | DeliverResponse stream | Deliver first requires an Envelope of type ab.DELIVER_SEEK_INFO with Payload data as a marshaled orderer.SeekInfo message, then a stream of block replies is received |
DeliverFiltered | .common.Envelope stream | DeliverResponse stream | DeliverFiltered first requires an Envelope of type ab.DELIVER_SEEK_INFO with Payload data as a marshaled orderer.SeekInfo message, then a stream of filtered block replies is received |
DeliverWithPrivateData | .common.Envelope stream | DeliverResponse stream | DeliverWithPrivateData first requires an Envelope of type ab.DELIVER_SEEK_INFO with Payload data as a marshaled orderer.SeekInfo message, then a stream of block and private data replies is received |
ChaincodeAction contains the actions the events generated by the execution
of the chaincode.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
results | bytes | | This field contains the read set and the write set produced by the chaincode executing this invocation. |
events | bytes | | This field contains the events generated by the chaincode executing this invocation. |
response | Response | | This field contains the result of executing this invocation. |
chaincode_id | ChaincodeID | | This field contains the ChaincodeID of executing this invocation. Endorser will set it with the ChaincodeID called by endorser while simulating proposal. Committer will validate the version matching with latest chaincode version. Adding ChaincodeID to keep version opens up the possibility of multiple ChaincodeAction per transaction. |
ChaincodeHeaderExtension is the Header's extentions message to be used when
the Header's type is CHAINCODE. This extensions is used to specify which
chaincode to invoke and what should appear on the ledger.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chaincode_id | ChaincodeID | | The ID of the chaincode to target. |
ChaincodeProposalPayload is the Proposal's payload message to be used when
the Header's type is CHAINCODE. It contains the arguments for this
Field | Type | Label | Description |
input | bytes | | Input contains the arguments for this invocation. If this invocation deploys a new chaincode, ESCC/VSCC are part of this field. This is usually a marshaled ChaincodeInvocationSpec |
TransientMap | ChaincodeProposalPayload.TransientMapEntry | repeated | TransientMap contains data (e.g. cryptographic material) that might be used to implement some form of application-level confidentiality. The contents of this field are supposed to always be omitted from the transaction and excluded from the ledger. |
A Proposal is sent to an endorser for endorsement. The proposal contains:
- A header which should be unmarshaled to a Header message. Note that
Header is both the header of a Proposal and of a Transaction, in that i)
both headers should be unmarshaled to this message; and ii) it is used to
compute cryptographic hashes and signatures. The header has fields common
to all proposals/transactions. In addition it has a type field for
additional customization. An example of this is the ChaincodeHeaderExtension
message used to extend the Header for type CHAINCODE.
- A payload whose type depends on the header's type field.
- An extension whose type depends on the header's type field.
Let us see an example. For type CHAINCODE (see the Header message),
we have the following:
- The header is a Header message whose extensions field is a
ChaincodeHeaderExtension message.
- The payload is a ChaincodeProposalPayload message.
- The extension is a ChaincodeAction that might be used to ask the
endorsers to endorse a specific ChaincodeAction, thus emulating the
submitting peer model.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bytes | | The header of the proposal. It is the bytes of the Header |
payload | bytes | | The payload of the proposal as defined by the type in the proposal header. |
extension | bytes | | Optional extensions to the proposal. Its content depends on the Header's type field. For the type CHAINCODE, it might be the bytes of a ChaincodeAction message. |
This structure is necessary to sign the proposal which contains the header
and the payload. Without this structure, we would have to concatenate the
header and the payload to verify the signature, which could be expensive
with large payload
When an endorser receives a SignedProposal message, it should verify the
signature over the proposal bytes. This verification requires the following
- Verification of the validity of the certificate that was used to produce
the signature. The certificate will be available once proposalBytes has
been unmarshalled to a Proposal message, and Proposal.header has been
unmarshalled to a Header message. While this unmarshalling-before-verifying
might not be ideal, it is unavoidable because i) the signature needs to also
protect the signing certificate; ii) it is desirable that Header is created
once by the client and never changed (for the sake of accountability and
non-repudiation). Note also that it is actually impossible to conclusively
verify the validity of the certificate included in a Proposal, because the
proposal needs to first be endorsed and ordered with respect to certificate
expiration transactions. Still, it is useful to pre-filter expired
certificates at this stage.
- Verification that the certificate is trusted (signed by a trusted CA) and
that it is allowed to transact with us (with respect to some ACLs);
- Verification that the signature on proposalBytes is valid;
- Detect replay attacks;
Field | Type | Label | Description |
proposal_bytes | bytes | | The bytes of Proposal |
signature | bytes | | Signaure over proposalBytes; this signature is to be verified against the creator identity contained in the header of the Proposal message marshaled as proposalBytes |
ApplicationPolicy captures the diffenrent policy types that
are set and evaluted at the application level.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signature_policy | common.SignaturePolicyEnvelope | | SignaturePolicy type is used if the policy is specified as a combination (using threshold gates) of signatures from MSP principals |
channel_config_policy_reference | string | | ChannelConfigPolicyReference is used when the policy is specified as a string that references a policy defined in the configuration of the channel |
ChaincodeEndorsementInfo is (most) everything the peer needs to know in order
to execute a chaincode
Field | Type | Label | Description |
version | string | | |
init_required | bool | | |
endorsement_plugin | string | | |
ValidationInfo is (most) everything the peer needs to know in order
to validate a transaction
Field | Type | Label | Description |
validation_plugin | string | | |
validation_parameter | bytes | | |
ApproveChaincodeDefinitionForMyOrgArgs is the message used as arguments to
ApproveChaincodeDefinitionForMyOrgResult is the message returned by
. Currently it returns
nothing, but may be extended in the future.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
package_id | string | | |
CheckCommitReadinessArgs is the message used as arguments to
CheckCommitReadinessResult is the message returned by
. It returns a map of
orgs to their approval (true/false) for the definition
supplied as args.
CommitChaincodeDefinitionArgs is the message used as arguments to
CommitChaincodeDefinitionResult is the message returned by
. Currently it returns
nothing, but may be extended in the future.
GetInstalledChaincodePackageArgs is the message used as the argument to
Field | Type | Label | Description |
package_id | string | | |
GetInstalledChaincodePackageResult is the message returned by
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chaincode_install_package | bytes | | |
InstallChaincodeArgs is the message used as the argument to
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chaincode_install_package | bytes | | This should be a marshaled lifecycle.ChaincodePackage |
InstallChaincodeArgs is the message returned by
QueryChaincodeDefinitionArgs is the message used as arguments to
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | | |
QueryChaincodeDefinitionResult is the message returned by
QueryChaincodeDefinitionsArgs is the message used as arguments to
QueryChaincodeDefinitionsResult is the message returned by
QueryInstalledChaincodeArgs is the message used as arguments
Field | Type | Label | Description |
package_id | string | | |
QueryInstalledChaincodeResult is the message returned by
QueryInstalledChaincodesArgs currently is an empty argument to
'_lifecycle.QueryInstalledChaincodes'. In the future, it may be
extended to have parameters.
QueryInstalledChaincodesResult is the message returned by
'_lifecycle.QueryInstalledChaincodes'. It returns a list of installed
chaincodes, including a map of channel name to chaincode name and version
pairs of chaincode definitions that reference this chaincode package.
StateData encodes a particular field of a datatype
StateMetadata describes the keys in a namespace. It is necessary because
in collections, range scans are not possible during transactions which
write. Therefore we must track the keys in our namespace ourselves.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
datatype | string | | |
fields | string | repeated | |
ChaincodeEvent is used for events and registrations that are specific to chaincode
string type - "chaincode"
DelState is the payload of a ChaincodeMessage. It contains a key which
needs to be recorded in the transaction's write set as a delete operation.
If the collection is specified, the key needs to be recorded in the
transaction's private write set as a delete operation.
GetHistoryForKey is the payload of a ChaincodeMessage. It contains a key
for which the historical values need to be retrieved.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | | |
GetQueryResult is the payload of a ChaincodeMessage. It contains a query
string in the form that is supported by the underlying state database.
If the collection is specified, the query needs to be executed on the
private data. The metadata hold the byte representation of QueryMetadata.
GetState is the payload of a ChaincodeMessage. It contains a key which
is to be fetched from the ledger. If the collection is specified, the key
would be fetched from the collection (i.e., private state)
GetStateByRange is the payload of a ChaincodeMessage. It contains a start key and
a end key required to execute range query. If the collection is specified,
the range query needs to be executed on the private data. The metadata hold
the byte representation of QueryMetadata.
PutState is the payload of a ChaincodeMessage. It contains a key and value
which needs to be written to the transaction's write set. If the collection is
specified, the key and value would be written to the transaction's private
write set.
QueryMetadata is the metadata of a GetStateByRange and GetQueryResult.
It contains a pageSize which denotes the number of records to be fetched
and a bookmark.
QueryResponse is returned by the peer as a result of a GetStateByRange,
GetQueryResult, and GetHistoryForKey. It holds a bunch of records in
results field, a flag to denote whether more results need to be fetched from
the peer in has_more field, transaction id in id field, and a QueryResponseMetadata
in metadata field.
QueryResponseMetadata is the metadata of a QueryResponse. It contains a count
which denotes the number of records fetched from the ledger and a bookmark.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
fetched_records_count | int32 | | |
bookmark | string | | |
QueryResultBytes hold the byte representation of a record returned by the peer.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
resultBytes | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | | |
Name | Number | Description |
REGISTER | 1 | |
INIT | 3 | |
READY | 4 | |
ERROR | 7 | |
GET_STATE | 8 | |
PUT_STATE | 9 | |
DEL_STATE | 10 | |
RESPONSE | 13 | |
KEEPALIVE | 18 | |
Interface that provides support to chaincode execution. ChaincodeContext
provides the context necessary for the server to respond appropriately.
FabricCryptoConfig contains configuration parameters
for the cryptographic algorithms used by the MSP
this configuration refers to
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signature_hash_family | string | | SignatureHashFamily is a string representing the hash family to be used during sign and verify operations. Allowed values are "SHA2" and "SHA3". |
identity_identifier_hash_function | string | | IdentityIdentifierHashFunction is a string representing the hash function to be used during the computation of the identity identifier of an MSP identity. Allowed values are "SHA256", "SHA384" and "SHA3_256", "SHA3_384". |
FabricMSPConfig collects all the configuration information for
a Fabric MSP.
Here we assume a default certificate validation policy, where
any certificate signed by any of the listed rootCA certs would
be considered as valid under this MSP.
This MSP may or may not come with a signing identity. If it does,
it can also issue signing identities. If it does not, it can only
be used to validate and verify certificates.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | | Name holds the identifier of the MSP; MSP identifier is chosen by the application that governs this MSP. For example, and assuming the default implementation of MSP, that is X.509-based and considers a single Issuer, this can refer to the Subject OU field or the Issuer OU field. |
root_certs | bytes | repeated | List of root certificates trusted by this MSP they are used upon certificate validation (see comment for IntermediateCerts below) |
intermediate_certs | bytes | repeated | List of intermediate certificates trusted by this MSP; they are used upon certificate validation as follows: validation attempts to build a path from the certificate to be validated (which is at one end of the path) and one of the certs in the RootCerts field (which is at the other end of the path). If the path is longer than 2, certificates in the middle are searched within the IntermediateCerts pool |
admins | bytes | repeated | Identity denoting the administrator of this MSP |
revocation_list | bytes | repeated | Identity revocation list |
signing_identity | SigningIdentityInfo | | SigningIdentity holds information on the signing identity this peer is to use, and which is to be imported by the MSP defined before |
organizational_unit_identifiers | FabricOUIdentifier | repeated | OrganizationalUnitIdentifiers holds one or more fabric organizational unit identifiers that belong to this MSP configuration |
crypto_config | FabricCryptoConfig | | FabricCryptoConfig contains the configuration parameters for the cryptographic algorithms used by this MSP |
tls_root_certs | bytes | repeated | List of TLS root certificates trusted by this MSP. They are returned by GetTLSRootCerts. |
tls_intermediate_certs | bytes | repeated | List of TLS intermediate certificates trusted by this MSP; They are returned by GetTLSIntermediateCerts. |
fabric_node_ous | FabricNodeOUs | | fabric_node_ous contains the configuration to distinguish clients from peers from orderers based on the OUs. |
FabricNodeOUs contains configuration to tell apart clients from peers from orderers
based on OUs. If NodeOUs recognition is enabled then an msp identity
that does not contain any of the specified OU will be considered invalid.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
enable | bool | | If true then an msp identity that does not contain any of the specified OU will be considered invalid. |
client_ou_identifier | FabricOUIdentifier | | OU Identifier of the clients |
peer_ou_identifier | FabricOUIdentifier | | OU Identifier of the peers |
admin_ou_identifier | FabricOUIdentifier | | OU Identifier of the admins |
orderer_ou_identifier | FabricOUIdentifier | | OU Identifier of the orderers |
FabricOUIdentifier represents an organizational unit and
its related chain of trust identifier.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
certificate | bytes | | Certificate represents the second certificate in a certification chain. (Notice that the first certificate in a certification chain is supposed to be the certificate of an identity). It must correspond to the certificate of root or intermediate CA recognized by the MSP this message belongs to. Starting from this certificate, a certification chain is computed and bound to the OrganizationUnitIdentifier specified |
organizational_unit_identifier | string | | OrganizationUnitIdentifier defines the organizational unit under the MSP identified with MSPIdentifier |
IdemixMSPConfig collects all the configuration information for
an Idemix MSP.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | | Name holds the identifier of the MSP |
ipk | bytes | | ipk represents the (serialized) issuer public key |
signer | IdemixMSPSignerConfig | | signer may contain crypto material to configure a default signer |
revocation_pk | bytes | | revocation_pk is the public key used for revocation of credentials |
epoch | int64 | | epoch represents the current epoch (time interval) used for revocation |
IdemixMSPSIgnerConfig contains the crypto material to set up an idemix signing identity
Field | Type | Label | Description |
cred | bytes | | cred represents the serialized idemix credential of the default signer |
sk | bytes | | sk is the secret key of the default signer, corresponding to credential Cred |
organizational_unit_identifier | string | | organizational_unit_identifier defines the organizational unit the default signer is in |
role | int32 | | role defines whether the default signer is admin, peer, member or client |
enrollment_id | string | | enrollment_id contains the enrollment id of this signer |
credential_revocation_information | bytes | | credential_revocation_information contains a serialized CredentialRevocationInformation |
KeyInfo represents a (secret) key that is either already stored
in the bccsp/keystore or key material to be imported to the
bccsp key-store. In later versions it may contain also a
keystore identifier
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key_identifier | string | | Identifier of the key inside the default keystore; this for the case of Software BCCSP as well as the HSM BCCSP would be the SKI of the key |
key_material | bytes | | KeyMaterial (optional) for the key to be imported; this is properly encoded key bytes, prefixed by the type of the key |
MSPConfig collects all the configuration information for
an MSP. The Config field should be unmarshalled in a way
that depends on the Type
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | int32 | | Type holds the type of the MSP; the default one would be of type FABRIC implementing an X.509 based provider |
config | bytes | | Config is MSP dependent configuration info |
SigningIdentityInfo represents the configuration information
related to the signing identity the peer is to use for generating
Field | Type | Label | Description |
public_signer | bytes | | PublicSigner carries the public information of the signing identity. For an X.509 provider this would be represented by an X.509 certificate |
private_signer | KeyInfo | | PrivateSigner denotes a reference to the private key of the peer's signing identity |
CombinedPrincipal governs the organization of the Principal
field of a policy principal when principal_classification has
indicated that a combined form of principals is required
Field | Type | Label | Description |
principals | MSPPrincipal | repeated | Principals refer to combined principals |
MSPIdentityAnonymity can be used to enforce an identity to be anonymous or nominal.
MSPPrincipal aims to represent an MSP-centric set of identities.
In particular, this structure allows for definition of
- a group of identities that are member of the same MSP
- a group of identities that are member of the same organization unit
in the same MSP
- a group of identities that are administering a specific MSP
- a specific identity
Expressing these groups is done given two fields of the fields below
- Classification, that defines the type of classification of identities
in an MSP this principal would be defined on; Classification can take
three values:
(i) ByMSPRole: that represents a classification of identities within
MSP based on one of the two pre-defined MSP rules, "member" and "admin"
(ii) ByOrganizationUnit: that represents a classification of identities
within MSP based on the organization unit an identity belongs to
(iii)ByIdentity that denotes that MSPPrincipal is mapped to a single
identity/certificate; this would mean that the Principal bytes
Field | Type | Label | Description |
principal_classification | MSPPrincipal.Classification | | Classification describes the way that one should process Principal. An Classification value of "ByOrganizationUnit" reflects that "Principal" contains the name of an organization this MSP handles. A Classification value "ByIdentity" means that "Principal" contains a specific identity. Default value denotes that Principal contains one of the groups by default supported by all MSPs ("admin" or "member"). |
principal | bytes | | Principal completes the policy principal definition. For the default principal types, Principal can be either "Admin" or "Member". For the ByOrganizationUnit/ByIdentity values of Classification, PolicyPrincipal acquires its value from an organization unit or identity, respectively. For the Combined Classification type, the Principal is a marshalled CombinedPrincipal. |
MSPRole governs the organization of the Principal
field of an MSPPrincipal when it aims to define one of the
two dedicated roles within an MSP: Admin and Members.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
msp_identifier | string | | MSPIdentifier represents the identifier of the MSP this principal refers to |
role | MSPRole.MSPRoleType | | MSPRoleType defines which of the available, pre-defined MSP-roles an identiy should posess inside the MSP with identifier MSPidentifier |
OrganizationUnit governs the organization of the Principal
field of a policy principal when a specific organization unity members
are to be defined within a policy principal.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
msp_identifier | string | | MSPIdentifier represents the identifier of the MSP this organization unit refers to |
organizational_unit_identifier | string | | OrganizationUnitIdentifier defines the organizational unit under the MSP identified with MSPIdentifier |
certifiers_identifier | bytes | | CertifiersIdentifier is the hash of certificates chain of trust related to this organizational unit |
Name | Number | Description |
NOMINAL | 0 | Represents a nominal MSP Identity |
ANONYMOUS | 1 | Represents an anonymous MSP Identity |
Name | Number | Description |
ROLE | 0 | Represents the one of the dedicated MSP roles, the |
ORGANIZATION_UNIT | 1 | one of a member of MSP network, and the one of an administrator of an MSP network |
Denotes a finer grained (affiliation-based) |
| IDENTITY | 2 | groupping of entities, per MSP affiliation E.g., this can well be represented by an MSP's Organization unit
Denotes a principal that consists of a single |
| ANONYMITY | 3 | identity
Denotes a principal that can be used to enforce |
| COMBINED | 4 | an identity to be anonymous or nominal.
Denotes a combined principal |
Name | Number | Description |
MEMBER | 0 | Represents an MSP Member |
ADMIN | 1 | Represents an MSP Admin |
CLIENT | 2 | Represents an MSP Client |
PEER | 3 | Represents an MSP Peer |
ORDERER | 4 | Represents an MSP Orderer |
This struct represents an Idemix Identity
to be used to serialize it and deserialize it.
The IdemixMSP will first serialize an idemix identity to bytes using
this proto, and then uses these bytes as id_bytes in SerializedIdentity
Field | Type | Label | Description |
nym_x | bytes | | nym_x is the X-component of the pseudonym elliptic curve point. It is a []byte representation of an amcl.BIG The pseudonym can be seen as a public key of the identity, it is used to verify signatures. |
nym_y | bytes | | nym_y is the Y-component of the pseudonym elliptic curve point. It is a []byte representation of an amcl.BIG The pseudonym can be seen as a public key of the identity, it is used to verify signatures. |
ou | bytes | | ou contains the organizational unit of the idemix identity |
role | bytes | | role contains the role of this identity (e.g., ADMIN or MEMBER) |
proof | bytes | | proof contains the cryptographic evidence that this identity is valid |
This struct represents an Identity
(with its MSP identifier) to be used
to serialize it and deserialize it
Field | Type | Label | Description |
mspid | string | | The identifier of the associated membership service provider |
id_bytes | bytes | | the Identity, serialized according to the rules of its MPS |
CollectionHashedReadWriteSet encapsulate the hashed representation for the private read-write set for a collection
Field | Type | Label | Description |
collection_name | string | | |
hashed_rwset | bytes | | Data model specific serialized proto message (e.g., kvrwset.HashedRWSet for KV and Document data models) |
pvt_rwset_hash | bytes | | Hash of entire private read-write set for a specific collection. This helps in authenticating the private read-write set efficiently |
CollectionPvtReadWriteSet encapsulates the private read-write set for a collection
Field | Type | Label | Description |
collection_name | string | | |
rwset | bytes | | Data model specific serialized proto message (e.g., kvrwset.KVRWSet for KV and Document data models) |
NsPvtReadWriteSet encapsulates the private read-write set for a chaincode
NsReadWriteSet encapsulates the read-write set for a chaincode
Field | Type | Label | Description |
namespace | string | | |
rwset | bytes | | Data model specific serialized proto message (e.g., kvrwset.KVRWSet for KV and Document data models) |
collection_hashed_rwset | CollectionHashedReadWriteSet | repeated | |
TxPvtReadWriteSet encapsulate the private read-write set for a transaction
TxReadWriteSet encapsulates a read-write set for a transaction
DataModel specifies the enum value of the data model
ns_rwset field specifies a list of chaincode specific read-write set (one for each chaincode)
Name | Number | Description |
KV | 0 | |
HashedRWSet encapsulates hashed representation of a private read-write set for KV or Document data model
KVMetadataEntry captures a 'name'ed entry in the metadata of a key/key-hash.
KVMetadataWrite captures all the entries in the metadata associated with a key
KVMetadataWriteHash captures all the upserts to the metadata associated with a key hash
KVRWSet encapsulates the read-write set for a chaincode that operates upon a KV or Document data model
This structure is used for both the public data and the private data
KVRead captures a read operation performed during transaction simulation
A 'nil' version indicates a non-existing key read by the transaction
KVReadHash is similar to the KVRead in spirit. However, it captures the hash of the key instead of the key itself
version is kept as is for now. However, if the version also needs to be privacy-protected, it would need to be the
hash of the version and hence of 'bytes' type
KVWrite captures a write (update/delete) operation performed during transaction simulation
KVWriteHash is similar to the KVWrite. It captures a write (update/delete) operation performed during transaction simulation
QueryReads encapsulates the KVReads for the items read by a transaction as a result of a query execution
Field | Type | Label | Description |
kv_reads | KVRead | repeated | |
QueryReadsMerkleSummary encapsulates the Merkle-tree hashes for the QueryReads
This allows to reduce the size of RWSet in the presence of query results
by storing certain hashes instead of actual results.
maxDegree field refers to the maximum number of children in the tree at any level
maxLevel field contains the lowest level which has lesser nodes than maxDegree (starting from leaf level)
Field | Type | Label | Description |
max_degree | uint32 | | |
max_level | uint32 | | |
max_level_hashes | bytes | repeated | |
RangeQueryInfo encapsulates the details of a range query performed by a transaction during simulation.
This helps protect transactions from phantom reads by varifying during validation whether any new items
got committed within the given range between transaction simuation and validation
(in addition to regular checks for updates/deletes of the existing items).
readInfo field contains either the KVReads (for the items read by the range query) or a merkle-tree hash
if the KVReads exceeds a pre-configured numbers
Version encapsulates the version of a Key
A version of a committed key is maintained as the height of the transaction that committed the key.
The height is represenetd as a tuple <blockNum, txNum> where the txNum is the position of the transaction
(starting with 0) within block
KV -- QueryResult for range/execute query. Holds a key and corresponding value.
KeyModification -- QueryResult for history query. Holds a transaction ID, value,
timestamp, and delete marker which resulted from a history query.
AuthInfo aggregates authentication information that the server uses
to authenticate the client
Field | Type | Label | Description |
client_identity | bytes | | This is the identity of the client that is used to verify the signature on the SignedRequest's payload. It is a msp.SerializedIdentity in bytes form |
client_tls_cert_hash | bytes | | This is the hash of the client's TLS cert. When the network is running with TLS, clients that don't include a certificate will be denied access to the service. Since the Request is encapsulated with a SignedRequest (which is signed), this binds the TLS session to the enrollement identity of the client and therefore both authenticates the client to the server, and also prevents the server from relaying the request message to another server. |
ChaincodeCall defines a call to a chaincode.
It may have collections that are related to the chaincode
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | | |
collection_names | string | repeated | |
ChaincodeInterest defines an interest about an endorsement
for a specific single chaincode invocation.
Multiple chaincodes indicate chaincode to chaincode invocations.
ChaincodeQuery requests ChaincodeQueryResults for a given
list of chaincode invocations.
Each invocation is a separate one, and the endorsement policy
is evaluated independantly for each given interest.
ChaincodeQueryResult contains EndorsementDescriptors for
ConfigQuery requests a ConfigResult
EndorsementDescriptor contains information about which peers can be used
to request endorsement from, such that the endorsement policy would be fulfilled.
Here is how to compute a set of peers to ask an endorsement from, given an EndorsementDescriptor:
Let e: G --> P be the endorsers_by_groups field that maps a group to a set of peers.
Note that applying e on a group g yields a set of peers.
- Select a layout l: G --> N out of the layouts given.
l is the quantities_by_group field of a Layout, and it maps a group to an integer.
- R = {} (an empty set of peers)
- For each group g in the layout l, compute n = l(g)
3.1) Denote P_g as a set of n random peers {p0, p1, ... p_n} selected from e(g)
3.2) R = R U P_g (add P_g to R)
- The set of peers R is the peers the client needs to request endorsements from
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chaincode | string | | |
endorsers_by_groups | EndorsementDescriptor.EndorsersByGroupsEntry | repeated | Specifies the endorsers, separated to groups. |
layouts | Layout | repeated | Specifies options of fulfulling the endorsement policy. Each option lists the group names, and the amount of signatures needed from each group. |
Endpoint is a combination of a host and a port
Endpoints is a list of Endpoint(s)
Field | Type | Label | Description |
endpoint | Endpoint | repeated | |
Error denotes that something went wrong and contains the error message
Field | Type | Label | Description |
content | string | | |
Layout contains a mapping from a group name to number of peers
that are needed for fulfilling an endorsement policy
Field | Type | Label | Description |
quantities_by_group | Layout.QuantitiesByGroupEntry | repeated | Specifies how many non repeated signatures of each group are needed for endorsement |
LocalPeerQuery queries for peers in a non channel context
Peer contains information about the peer such as its channel specific
state, and membership information.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
state_info | gossip.Envelope | | This is an Envelope of a GossipMessage with a gossip.StateInfo message |
membership_info | gossip.Envelope | | This is an Envelope of a GossipMessage with a gossip.AliveMessage message |
identity | bytes | | This is the msp.SerializedIdentity of the peer, represented in bytes. |
PeerMembershipQuery requests PeerMembershipResult.
The filter field may be optionally populated in order
for the peer membership to be filtered according to
chaincodes that are installed on peers and collection
access control policies.
PeerMembershipResult contains peers mapped by their organizations (MSP_ID)
Peers contains a list of Peer(s)
Field | Type | Label | Description |
peers | Peer | repeated | |
Query asks for information in the context of a specific channel
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channel | string | | |
config_query | ConfigQuery | | ConfigQuery is used to query for the configuration of the channel, such as FabricMSPConfig, and rorderer endpoints. The client has to query a peer it trusts as it doesn't have means to self-verify the authenticity of the returned result. The result is returned in the form of ConfigResult. |
peer_query | PeerMembershipQuery | | PeerMembershipQuery queries for peers in a channel context, and returns PeerMembershipResult |
cc_query | ChaincodeQuery | | ChaincodeQuery queries for chaincodes by their name and version. An empty version means any version can by returned. |
local_peers | LocalPeerQuery | | LocalPeerQuery queries for peers in a non channel context, and returns PeerMembershipResult |
QueryResult contains a result for a given Query.
The corresponding Query can be inferred by the index of the QueryResult from
its enclosing Response message.
QueryResults are ordered in the same order as the Queries are ordered in their enclosing Request.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
error | Error | | Error indicates failure or refusal to process the query |
config_result | ConfigResult | | ConfigResult contains the configuration of the channel, such as FabricMSPConfig and orderer endpoints |
cc_query_res | ChaincodeQueryResult | | ChaincodeQueryResult contains information about chaincodes, and their corresponding endorsers |
members | PeerMembershipResult | | PeerMembershipResult contains information about peers, such as their identity, endpoints, and channel related state. |
Request contains authentication info about the client that sent the request
and the queries it wishes to query the service
Field | Type | Label | Description |
authentication | AuthInfo | | authentication contains information that the service uses to check the client's eligibility for the queries. |
queries | Query | repeated | queries |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
results | QueryResult | repeated | The results are returned in the same order of the queries |
SignedRequest contains a serialized Request in the payload field
and a signature.
The identity that is used to verify the signature
can be extracted from the authentication field of type AuthInfo
in the Request itself after deserializing it.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
payload | bytes | | |
signature | bytes | | |
Discovery defines a service that serves information about the fabric network
like which peers, orderers, chaincodes, etc.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
Discover | SignedRequest | Response | Discover receives a signed request, and returns a response. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
max_message_count | uint32 | | Simply specified as number of messages for now, in the future we may want to allow this to be specified by size in bytes |
absolute_max_bytes | uint32 | | The byte count of the serialized messages in a batch cannot exceed this value. |
preferred_max_bytes | uint32 | | The byte count of the serialized messages in a batch should not exceed this value. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
timeout | string | | Any duration string parseable by ParseDuration(): |
ChannelRestrictions is the mssage which conveys restrictions on channel creation for an orderer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
max_count | uint64 | | The max count of channels to allow to be created, a value of 0 indicates no limit |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | | The consensus type: "solo", "kafka" or "etcdraft". |
metadata | bytes | | Opaque metadata, dependent on the consensus type. |
state | ConsensusType.State | | The state signals the ordering service to go into maintenance mode, typically for consensus-type migration. |
Carries a list of bootstrap brokers, i.e. this is not the exclusive set of
brokers an ordering service
Field | Type | Label | Description |
brokers | string | repeated | Each broker here should be identified using the (IP |
State defines the orderer mode of operation, typically for consensus-type migration.
NORMAL is during normal operation, when consensus-type migration is not, and can not, take place.
MAINTENANCE is when the consensus-type can be changed.
Name | Number | Description |
KafkaMessage is a wrapper type for the messages
that the Kafka-based orderer deals with.
KafkaMessageConnect is posted by an orderer upon booting up.
It is used to prevent the panic that would be caused if we
were to consume an empty partition. It is ignored by all
orderers when processing the partition.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
payload | bytes | | |
KafkaMessageRegular wraps a marshalled envelope.
KafkaMessageTimeToCut is used to signal to the orderers
that it is time to cut block <block_number>.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block_number | uint64 | | |
KafkaMetadata is encoded into the ORDERER block to keep track of
Kafka-related metadata associated with this block.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
last_offset_persisted | int64 | | LastOffsetPersisted is the encoded value for the Metadata message which is encoded in the ORDERER block metadata index for the case of the Kafka-based orderer. |
last_original_offset_processed | int64 | | LastOriginalOffsetProcessed is used to keep track of the newest offset processed if a message is re-validated and re-ordered. This value is used to deduplicate re-submitted messages from multiple orderer so that we don't bother re-processing it again. |
last_resubmitted_config_offset | int64 | | LastResubmittedConfigOffset is used to capture the newest offset of CONFIG kafka message, which is revalidated and resubmitted. By comparing this with LastOriginalOffsetProcessed, we could detemine whether there are still CONFIG messages that have been resubmitted but NOT processed yet. It's used as condition to block ingress messages, so we could reduce the overhead of repeatedly resubmitting messages as config seq keeps advancing. |
Name | Number | Description |
UNKNOWN | 0 | |
NORMAL | 1 | |
CONFIG | 2 | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | common.Status | | Status code, which may be used to programatically respond to success/failure |
info | string | | Info string which may contain additional information about the status returned |
SeekInfo specifies the range of requested blocks to return
If the start position is not found, an error is immediately returned
Otherwise, blocks are returned until a missing block is encountered, then behavior is dictated
by the SeekBehavior specified.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
number | uint64 | | |
If BLOCK_UNTIL_READY is specified, the reply will block until the requested blocks are available,
if FAIL_IF_NOT_READY is specified, the reply will return an error indicating that the block is not
found. To request that all blocks be returned indefinitely as they are created, behavior should be
set to BLOCK_UNTIL_READY and the stop should be set to specified with a number of MAX_UINT64
Name | Number | Description |
SeekErrorTolerance indicates to the server how block provider errors should be tolerated. By default,
if the deliver service detects a problem in the underlying block source (typically, in the orderer,
a consenter error), it will begin to reject deliver requests. This is to prevent a client from waiting
for blocks from an orderer which is stuck in an errored state. This is almost always the desired behavior
and clients should stick with the default STRICT checking behavior. However, in some scenarios, particularly
when attempting to recover from a crash or other corruption, it's desirable to force an orderer to respond
with blocks on a best effort basis, even if the backing consensus implementation is in an errored state.
In this case, set the SeekErrorResponse to BEST_EFFORT to ignore the consenter errors.
Name | Number | Description |
STRICT | 0 | |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
Broadcast | .common.Envelope stream | BroadcastResponse stream | broadcast receives a reply of Acknowledgement for each common.Envelope in order, indicating success or type of failure |
Deliver | .common.Envelope stream | DeliverResponse stream | deliver first requires an Envelope of type DELIVER_SEEK_INFO with Payload data as a mashaled SeekInfo message, then a stream of block replies is received. |
ConsensusRequest is a consensus specific message sent to a cluster member.
StepRequest wraps a message that is sent to a cluster member.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
consensus_request | ConsensusRequest | | consensus_request is a consensus specific message. |
submit_request | SubmitRequest | | submit_request is a relay of a transaction. |
StepResponse is a message received from a cluster member.
SubmitRequest wraps a transaction to be sent for ordering.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channel | string | | |
last_validation_seq | uint64 | | last_validation_seq denotes the last configuration sequence at which the sender validated this message. |
payload | common.Envelope | | content is the fabric transaction that is forwarded to the cluster member. |
SubmitResponse returns a success
or failure status to the sender.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channel | string | | |
status | common.Status | | Status code, which may be used to programatically respond to success/failure. |
info | string | | Info string which may contain additional information about the returned status. |
Cluster defines communication between cluster members.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
Step | StepRequest stream | StepResponse stream | Step passes an implementation-specific message to another cluster member. |
ConfigMetadata is serialized and set as the value of ConsensusType.Metadata in
a channel configuration when the ConsensusType.Type is set "etcdraft".
Consenter represents a consenting node (i.e. replica).
Options to be specified for all the etcd/raft nodes. These can be modified on a
per-channel basis.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
tick_interval | string | | time duration format, e.g. 500ms |
election_tick | uint32 | | |
heartbeat_tick | uint32 | | |
max_inflight_blocks | uint32 | | |
snapshot_interval_size | uint32 | | Take snapshot when cumulative data exceeds certain size in bytes. |
BlockMetadata stores data used by the Raft OSNs when
coordinating with each other, to be serialized into
block meta dta field and used after failres and restarts.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
consenter_ids | uint64 | repeated | Maintains a mapping between the cluster's OSNs and their Raft IDs. |
next_consenter_id | uint64 | | Carries the Raft ID value that will be assigned to the next OSN that will join this cluster. |
raft_index | uint64 | | Index of etcd/raft entry for current block. |
ClusterMetadata encapsulates metadata that is exchanged among cluster nodes
Field | Type | Label | Description |
active_nodes | uint64 | repeated | Indicates active nodes in cluster that are reacheable by Raft leader |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
error | string | | |
AliveMessage is sent to inform remote peers
of a peer's existence and activity
Chaincode represents a Chaincode that is installed
on a peer
ConnEstablish is the message used for the gossip handshake
Whenever a peer connects to another peer, it handshakes
with it by sending this message that proves its identity
DataDigest is the message sent from the receiver peer
to the initator peer and contains the data items it has
Field | Type | Label | Description |
nonce | uint64 | | |
digests | bytes | repeated | Maybe change this to bitmap later on |
msg_type | PullMsgType | | |
DataMessage is the message that contains a block
Field | Type | Label | Description |
payload | Payload | | |
DataRequest is a message used for a peer to request
certain data blocks from a remote peer
DataUpdate is the final message in the pull phase
sent from the receiver to the initiator
Empty is used for pinging and in tests
Envelope contains a marshalled
GossipMessage and a signature over it.
It may also contain a SecretEnvelope
which is a marshalled Secret
GossipHello is the message that is used for the peer to initiate
a pull round with another peer
GossipMessage defines the message sent in a gossip network
Leadership Message is sent during leader election to inform
remote peers about intent of peer to proclaim itself as leader
Member holds membership-related information
about a peer
MembershipRequest is used to ask membership information
from a remote peer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
self_information | Envelope | | |
known | bytes | repeated | |
MembershipResponse is used for replying to MembershipRequests
Payload contains a block
PeerIdentity defines the identity of the peer
Used to make other peers learn of the identity
of a certain peer
PeerTime defines the logical time of a peer's life
PrivateDataMessage message which includes private
data information to distributed once transaction
has been endorsed
PrivatePayload payload to encapsulate private
data with collection name to enable routing
based on collection partitioning
PvtDataDigest defines a digest of private data
Field | Type | Label | Description |
digest | PvtDataDigest | | |
payload | bytes | repeated | the payload is a marshaled kvrwset.KVRWSet |
PvtPayload augments private rwset data and tx index
inside the block
Field | Type | Label | Description |
tx_seq_in_block | uint64 | | |
payload | bytes | | Encodes marhslaed bytes of rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet defined in rwset.proto |
RemotePrivateDataRequest message used to request
missing private rwset
RemotePrivateData message to response on private
data replication request
RemoteStateRequest is used to ask a set of blocks
from a remote peer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
start_seq_num | uint64 | | |
end_seq_num | uint64 | | |
RemoteStateResponse is used to send a set of blocks
to a remote peer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
payloads | Payload | repeated | |
Secret is an entity that might be omitted
from an Envelope when the remote peer that is receiving
the Envelope shouldn't know the secret's content.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
internalEndpoint | string | | |
SecretEnvelope is a marshalled Secret
and a signature over it.
The signature should be validated by the peer
that signed the Envelope the SecretEnvelope
came with
Field | Type | Label | Description |
payload | bytes | | |
signature | bytes | | |
StateInfo is used for a peer to relay its state information
to other peers
Field | Type | Label | Description |
timestamp | PeerTime | | |
pki_id | bytes | | |
channel_MAC | bytes | | channel_MAC is an authentication code that proves that the peer that sent this message knows the name of the channel. |
properties | Properties | | |
StateInfoPullRequest is used to fetch a StateInfoSnapshot
from a remote peer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channel_MAC | bytes | | channel_MAC is an authentication code that proves that the peer that sent this message knows the name of the channel. |
StateInfoSnapshot is an aggregation of StateInfo messages
Field | Type | Label | Description |
elements | Envelope | repeated | |
Name | Number | Description |
EMPTY | 1 | |
ORG_ONLY | 2 | |
CHAN_ONLY | 3 | |
CHAN_AND_ORG | 4 | |
CHAN_OR_ORG | 5 | |
Name | Number | Description |
BLOCK_MSG | 1 | |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GossipStream | Envelope stream | Envelope stream | GossipStream is the gRPC stream used for sending and receiving messages |
Ping | Empty | Empty | Ping is used to probe a remote peer's aliveness |
TxPvtReadWriteSetWithConfigInfo encapsulates the transaction's private
read-write set and additional information about the configurations such as
the latest collection config when the transaction is simulated
BlockDataHashingStructure is encoded into the configuration transaction as a configuration item of
type Chain with a Key of "BlockDataHashingStructure" and a Value of HashingAlgorithm as marshaled protobuf bytes
Field | Type | Label | Description |
width | uint32 | | width specifies the width of the Merkle tree to use when computing the BlockDataHash in order to replicate flat hashing, set this width to MAX_UINT32 |
Capabilities message defines the capabilities a particular binary must implement
for that binary to be able to safely participate in the channel. The capabilities
message is defined at the /Channel level, the /Channel/Application level, and the
/Channel/Orderer level.
The /Channel level capabilties define capabilities which both the orderer and peer
binaries must satisfy. These capabilties might be things like a new MSP type,
or a new policy type.
The /Channel/Orderer level capabilties define capabilities which must be supported
by the orderer, but which have no bearing on the behavior of the peer. For instance
if the orderer changes the logic for how it constructs new channels, only all orderers
must agree on the new logic. The peers do not need to be aware of this change as
they only interact with the channel after it has been constructed.
Finally, the /Channel/Application level capabilities define capabilities which the peer
binary must satisfy, but which have no bearing on the orderer. For instance, if the
peer adds a new UTXO transaction type, or changes the chaincode lifecycle requirements,
all peers must agree on the new logic. However, orderers never inspect transactions
this deeply, and therefore have no need to be aware of the change.
The capabilities strings defined in these messages typically correspond to release
binary versions (e.g. "V1.1"), and are used primarilly as a mechanism for a fully
upgraded network to switch from one set of logic to a new one.
Although for V1.1, the orderers must be upgraded to V1.1 prior to the rest of the
network, going forward, because of the split between the /Channel, /Channel/Orderer
and /Channel/Application capabilities. It should be possible for the orderer and
application networks to upgrade themselves independently (with the exception of any
new capabilities defined at the /Channel level).
Capability is an empty message for the time being. It is defined as a protobuf
message rather than a constant, so that we may extend capabilities with other fields
if the need arises in the future. For the time being, a capability being in the
capabilities map requires that that capability be supported.
Consortium represents the consortium context in which the channel was created
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | | |
HashingAlgorithm is encoded into the configuration transaction as a configuration item of type Chain
with a Key of "HashingAlgorithm" and a Value of HashingAlgorithm as marshaled protobuf bytes
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | | Currently supported algorithms are: SHAKE256 |
OrdererAddresses is encoded into the configuration transaction as a configuration item of type Chain
with a Key of "OrdererAddresses" and a Value of OrdererAddresses as marshaled protobuf bytes
Field | Type | Label | Description |
addresses | string | repeated | |
Contains information about the blockchain ledger such as height, current
block hash, and previous block hash.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
height | uint64 | | |
currentBlockHash | bytes | | |
previousBlockHash | bytes | | |
ImplicitMetaPolicy is a policy type which depends on the hierarchical nature of the configuration
It is implicit because the rule is generate implicitly based on the number of sub policies
It is meta because it depends only on the result of other policies
When evaluated, this policy iterates over all immediate child sub-groups, retrieves the policy
of name sub_policy, evaluates the collection and applies the rule.
For example, with 4 sub-groups, and a policy name of "foo", ImplicitMetaPolicy retrieves
each sub-group, retrieves policy "foo" for each subgroup, evaluates it, and, in the case of ANY
1 satisfied is sufficient, ALL would require 4 signatures, and MAJORITY would require 3 signatures.
Policy expresses a policy which the orderer can evaluate, because there has been some desire expressed to support
multiple policy engines, this is typed as a oneof for now
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | int32 | | For outside implementors, consider the first 1000 types reserved, otherwise one of PolicyType |
value | bytes | | |
SignaturePolicy is a recursive message structure which defines a featherweight DSL for describing
policies which are more complicated than 'exactly this signature'. The NOutOf operator is sufficent
to express AND as well as OR, as well as of course N out of the following M policies
SignedBy implies that the signature is from a valid certificate which is signed by the trusted
authority specified in the bytes. This will be the certificate itself for a self-signed certificate
and will be the CA for more traditional certificates
SignaturePolicyEnvelope wraps a SignaturePolicy and includes a version for future enhancements
Name | Number | Description |
ANY | 0 | Requires any of the sub-policies be satisfied, if no sub-policies exist, always returns true |
ALL | 1 | Requires all of the sub-policies be satisfied |
MAJORITY | 2 | Requires a strict majority (greater than half) of the sub-policies be satisfied |
Name | Number | Description |
UNKNOWN | 0 | Reserved to check for proper initialization |
MSP | 2 | |
Config represents the config for a particular channel
Field | Type | Label | Description |
sequence | uint64 | | |
channel_group | ConfigGroup | | channel_group is a bad name for this, it should be changed to root when API breakage is allowed |
ConfigEnvelope is designed to contain all configuration for a chain with no dependency
on previous configuration transactions.
It is generated with the following scheme:
- Retrieve the existing configuration
- Note the config properties (ConfigValue, ConfigPolicy, ConfigGroup) to be modified
- Add any intermediate ConfigGroups to the ConfigUpdate.read_set (sparsely)
- Add any additional desired dependencies to ConfigUpdate.read_set (sparsely)
- Modify the config properties, incrementing each version by 1, set them in the ConfigUpdate.write_set
Note: any element not modified but specified should already be in the read_set, so may be specified sparsely
- Create ConfigUpdate message and marshal it into ConfigUpdateEnvelope.update and encode the required signatures
a) Each signature is of type ConfigSignature
b) The ConfigSignature signature is over the concatenation of signature_header and the ConfigUpdate bytes (which includes a ChainHeader)
- Submit new Config for ordering in Envelope signed by submitter
a) The Envelope Payload has data set to the marshaled ConfigEnvelope
b) The Envelope Payload has a header of type Header.Type.CONFIG_UPDATE
The configuration manager will verify:
- All items in the read_set exist at the read versions
- All items in the write_set at a different version than, or not in, the read_set have been appropriately signed according to their mod_policy
- The new configuration satisfies the ConfigSchema
Field | Type | Label | Description |
config | Config | | A marshaled Config structure |
last_update | Envelope | | The last CONFIG_UPDATE message which generated this current configuration |
ConfigGroup is the hierarchical data structure for holding config
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signature_header | bytes | | A marshaled SignatureHeader |
signature | bytes | | Signature over the concatenation signatureHeader bytes and config bytes |
ConfigUpdate is used to submit a subset of config and to have the orderer apply to Config
it is always submitted inside a ConfigUpdateEnvelope which allows the addition of signatures
resulting in a new total configuration. The update is applied as follows:
- The versions from all of the elements in the read_set is verified against the versions in the existing config.
If there is a mismatch in the read versions, then the config update fails and is rejected.
- Any elements in the write_set with the same version as the read_set are ignored.
- The corresponding mod_policy for every remaining element in the write_set is collected.
- Each policy is checked against the signatures from the ConfigUpdateEnvelope, any failing to verify are rejected
- The write_set is applied to the Config and the ConfigGroupSchema verifies that the updates were legal
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channel_id | string | | Which channel this config update is for |
read_set | ConfigGroup | | ReadSet explicitly lists the portion of the config which was read, this should be sparse with only Version set |
write_set | ConfigGroup | | WriteSet lists the portion of the config which was written, this should included updated Versions |
isolated_data | ConfigUpdate.IsolatedDataEntry | repeated | Data which is not to be reflected in the resulting Config, but is still needed for some other purpose. For instance, rscc_seed_data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
config_update | bytes | | A marshaled ConfigUpdate structure |
signatures | ConfigSignature | repeated | Signatures over the config_update |
ConfigValue represents an individual piece of config data
This is finalized block structure to be shared among the orderer and peer
Note that the BlockHeader chains to the previous BlockHeader, and the BlockData hash is embedded
in the BlockHeader. This makes it natural and obvious that the Data is included in the hash, but
the Metadata is not.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | bytes | repeated | |
BlockHeader is the element of the block which forms the block chain
The block header is hashed using the configured chain hashing algorithm
over the ASN.1 encoding of the BlockHeader
Field | Type | Label | Description |
number | uint64 | | The position in the blockchain |
previous_hash | bytes | | The hash of the previous block header |
data_hash | bytes | | The hash of the BlockData, by MerkleTree |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
metadata | bytes | repeated | |
Header is a generic replay prevention and identity message to include in a signed payload
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | int32 | | Header types 0-10000 are reserved and defined by HeaderType |
version | int32 | | Version indicates message protocol version |
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | | Timestamp is the local time when the message was created by the sender |
channel_id | string | | Identifier of the channel this message is bound for |
tx_id | string | | An unique identifier that is used end-to-end. - set by higher layers such as end user or SDK - passed to the endorser (which will check for uniqueness) - as the header is passed along unchanged, it will be be retrieved by the committer (uniqueness check here as well) - to be stored in the ledger |
epoch | uint64 | | The epoch in which this header was generated, where epoch is defined based on block height Epoch in which the response has been generated. This field identifies a logical window of time. A proposal response is accepted by a peer only if two conditions hold: 1. the epoch specified in the message is the current epoch 2. this message has been only seen once during this epoch (i.e. it hasn't been replayed) |
extension | bytes | | Extension that may be attached based on the header type |
tls_cert_hash | bytes | | If mutual TLS is employed, this represents the hash of the client's TLS certificate |
Envelope wraps a Payload with a signature so that the message may be authenticated
Field | Type | Label | Description |
payload | bytes | | A marshaled Payload |
signature | bytes | | A signature by the creator specified in the Payload header |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channel_header | bytes | | |
signature_header | bytes | | |
LastConfig is the encoded value for the Metadata message which is encoded in the LAST_CONFIGURATION block metadata index
Field | Type | Label | Description |
index | uint64 | | |
Metadata is a common structure to be used to encode block metadata
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signature_header | bytes | | An encoded SignatureHeader |
signature | bytes | | The signature over the concatenation of the Metadata value bytes, signatureHeader, and block header |
OrdererBlockMetadata defines metadata that is set by the ordering service.
Payload is the message contents (and header to allow for signing)
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | Header | | Header is included to provide identity and prevent replay |
data | bytes | | Data, the encoding of which is defined by the type in the header |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
creator | bytes | | Creator of the message, a marshaled msp.SerializedIdentity |
nonce | bytes | | Arbitrary number that may only be used once. Can be used to detect replay attacks. |
This enum enlists indexes of the block metadata array
Name | Number | Description |
SIGNATURES | 0 | Block metadata array position for block signatures |
LAST_CONFIG | 1 | Block metadata array position to store last configuration block sequence number |
TRANSACTIONS_FILTER | 2 | Block metadata array position to store serialized bit array filter of invalid transactions |
ORDERER | 3 | Block metadata array position to store operational metadata for orderers e.g. For Kafka, this is where we store the last offset written to the local ledger |
COMMIT_HASH | 4 | Block metadata array position to store the hash of TRANSACTIONS_FILTER, State Updates, and the COMMIT_HASH of the previous block |
Name | Number | Description |
MESSAGE | 0 | Used for messages which are signed but opaque |
CONFIG | 1 | Used for messages which express the channel config |
CONFIG_UPDATE | 2 | Used for transactions which update the channel config |
ENDORSER_TRANSACTION | 3 | Used by the SDK to submit endorser based transactions |
ORDERER_TRANSACTION | 4 | Used internally by the orderer for management |
DELIVER_SEEK_INFO | 5 | Used as the type for Envelope messages submitted to instruct the Deliver API to seek |
CHAINCODE_PACKAGE | 6 | Used for packaging chaincode artifacts for install |
PEER_ADMIN_OPERATION | 8 | Used for invoking an administrative operation on a peer |
These status codes are intended to resemble selected HTTP status codes
Name | Number | Description |
UNKNOWN | 0 | |
SUCCESS | 200 | |
BAD_REQUEST | 400 | |
FORBIDDEN | 403 | |
NOT_FOUND | 404 | |
CollectionConfig defines the configuration of a collection object;
it currently contains a single, static type.
Dynamic collections are deferred.
CollectionConfigPackage represents an array of CollectionConfig
messages; the extra struct is required because repeated oneof is
forbidden by the protobuf syntax
CollectionCriteria defines an element of a private data that corresponds
to a certain transaction and collection
Collection policy configuration. Initially, the configuration can only
contain a SignaturePolicy. In the future, the SignaturePolicy may be a
more general Policy. Instead of containing the actual policy, the
configuration may in the future contain a string reference to a policy.
Later, the SignaturePolicy will be replaced by a Policy. Policy policy = 1; A reference to a Policy is planned to be added later. string reference = 2; |
StaticCollectionConfig constitutes the configuration parameters of a
static collection object. Static collections are collections that are
known at chaincode instantiation time, and that cannot be changed.
Dynamic collections are deferred.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | | the name of the collection inside the denoted chaincode |
member_orgs_policy | CollectionPolicyConfig | | a reference to a policy residing / managed in the config block to define which orgs have access to this collection’s private data |
required_peer_count | int32 | | The minimum number of peers private data will be sent to upon endorsement. The endorsement would fail if dissemination to at least this number of peers is not achieved. |
maximum_peer_count | int32 | | The maximum number of peers that private data will be sent to upon endorsement. This number has to be bigger than required_peer_count. |
block_to_live | uint64 | | The number of blocks after which the collection data expires. For instance if the value is set to 10, a key last modified by block number 100 will be purged at block number 111. A zero value is treated same as MaxUint64 |
member_only_read | bool | | The member only read access denotes whether only collection member clients can read the private data (if set to true), or even non members can read the data (if set to false, for example if you want to implement more granular access logic in the chaincode) |
member_only_write | bool | | The member only write access denotes whether only collection member clients can write the private data (if set to true), or even non members can write the data (if set to false, for example if you want to implement more granular access logic in the chaincode) |
.proto Type | Notes | C++ Type | Java Type | Python Type |
double | | double | double | float |
float | | float | float | float |
int32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. | int32 | int | int |
int64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. | int64 | long | int/long |
uint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint32 | int | int/long |
uint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. | int32 | int | int |
sint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. | int64 | long | int/long |
fixed32 | Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. | uint32 | int | int |
fixed64 | Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sfixed32 | Always four bytes. | int32 | int | int |
sfixed64 | Always eight bytes. | int64 | long | int/long |
bool | | bool | boolean | boolean |
string | A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. | string | String | str/unicode |
bytes | May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. | string | ByteString | str |
├── ci
├── common
│ ├── collection.proto
│ ├── common.proto
│ ├── configtx.proto
│ ├── configuration.proto
│ ├── ledger.proto
│ └── policies.proto
├── discovery
│ └── protocol.proto
├── gossip
│ └── message.proto
├── ledger
│ ├── queryresult
│ │ └── kv_query_result.proto
│ └── rwset
│ ├── kvrwset
│ │ └── kv_rwset.proto
│ └── rwset.proto
├── msp
│ ├── identities.proto
│ ├── msp_config.proto
│ └── msp_principal.proto
├── orderer
│ ├── ab.proto
│ ├── cluster.proto
│ ├── configuration.proto
│ ├── etcdraft
│ │ ├── configuration.proto
│ │ └── metadata.proto
│ └── kafka.proto
├── peer
│ ├── chaincode_event.proto
│ ├── chaincode.proto
│ ├── chaincode_shim.proto
│ ├── configuration.proto
│ ├── events.proto
│ ├── lifecycle
│ │ ├── chaincode_definition.proto
│ │ ├── db.proto
│ │ └── lifecycle.proto
│ ├── peer.proto
│ ├── policy.proto
│ ├── proposal.proto
│ ├── proposal_response.proto
│ ├── query.proto
│ ├── resources.proto
│ ├── signed_cc_dep_spec.proto
│ └── transaction.proto
└── transientstore
└── transientstore.proto
14 directories, 37 files
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer";
option java_outer_classname = "TransactionPackage";
package protos;
import "peer/proposal_response.proto";
import "common/common.proto";
// This message is necessary to facilitate the verification of the signature
// (in the signature field) over the bytes of the transaction (in the
// transactionBytes field).
message SignedTransaction {
// The bytes of the Transaction. NDD
bytes transaction_bytes = 1;
// Signature of the transactionBytes The public key of the signature is in
// the header field of TransactionAction There might be multiple
// TransactionAction, so multiple headers, but there should be same
// transactor identity (cert) in all headers
bytes signature = 2;
// ProcessedTransaction wraps an Envelope that includes a transaction along with an indication
// of whether the transaction was validated or invalidated by committing peer.
// The use case is that GetTransactionByID API needs to retrieve the transaction Envelope
// from block storage, and return it to a client, and indicate whether the transaction
// was validated or invalidated by committing peer. So that the originally submitted
// transaction Envelope is not modified, the ProcessedTransaction wrapper is returned.
message ProcessedTransaction {
// An Envelope which includes a processed transaction
common.Envelope transactionEnvelope = 1;
// An indication of whether the transaction was validated or invalidated by committing peer
int32 validationCode = 2;
// The transaction to be sent to the ordering service. A transaction contains
// one or more TransactionAction. Each TransactionAction binds a proposal to
// potentially multiple actions. The transaction is atomic meaning that either
// all actions in the transaction will be committed or none will. Note that
// while a Transaction might include more than one Header, the Header.creator
// field must be the same in each.
// A single client is free to issue a number of independent Proposal, each with
// their header (Header) and request payload (ChaincodeProposalPayload). Each
// proposal is independently endorsed generating an action
// (ProposalResponsePayload) with one signature per Endorser. Any number of
// independent proposals (and their action) might be included in a transaction
// to ensure that they are treated atomically.
message Transaction {
// The payload is an array of TransactionAction. An array is necessary to
// accommodate multiple actions per transaction
repeated TransactionAction actions = 1;
// TransactionAction binds a proposal to its action. The type field in the
// header dictates the type of action to be applied to the ledger.
message TransactionAction {
// The header of the proposal action, which is the proposal header
bytes header = 1;
// The payload of the action as defined by the type in the header For
// chaincode, it's the bytes of ChaincodeActionPayload
bytes payload = 2;
//---------- Chaincode Transaction ------------
// ChaincodeActionPayload is the message to be used for the TransactionAction's
// payload when the Header's type is set to CHAINCODE. It carries the
// chaincodeProposalPayload and an endorsed action to apply to the ledger.
message ChaincodeActionPayload {
// This field contains the bytes of the ChaincodeProposalPayload message from
// the original invocation (essentially the arguments) after the application
// of the visibility function. The main visibility modes are "full" (the
// entire ChaincodeProposalPayload message is included here), "hash" (only
// the hash of the ChaincodeProposalPayload message is included) or
// "nothing". This field will be used to check the consistency of
// ProposalResponsePayload.proposalHash. For the CHAINCODE type,
// ProposalResponsePayload.proposalHash is supposed to be H(ProposalHeader ||
// f(ChaincodeProposalPayload)) where f is the visibility function.
bytes chaincode_proposal_payload = 1;
// The list of actions to apply to the ledger
ChaincodeEndorsedAction action = 2;
// ChaincodeEndorsedAction carries information about the endorsement of a
// specific proposal
message ChaincodeEndorsedAction {
// This is the bytes of the ProposalResponsePayload message signed by the
// endorsers. Recall that for the CHAINCODE type, the
// ProposalResponsePayload's extenstion field carries a ChaincodeAction
bytes proposal_response_payload = 1;
// The endorsement of the proposal, basically the endorser's signature over
// proposalResponsePayload
repeated Endorsement endorsements = 2;
enum TxValidationCode {
VALID = 0;
// Reserved entries in the key-level metadata map
enum MetaDataKeys {
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer";
option go_package = "";
package protos;
// AnchorPeers simply represents list of anchor peers which is used in ConfigurationItem
message AnchorPeers {
repeated AnchorPeer anchor_peers = 1;
// AnchorPeer message structure which provides information about anchor peer, it includes host name,
// port number and peer certificate.
message AnchorPeer {
string host = 1; // DNS host name of the anchor peer
int32 port = 2; // The port number
// APIResource represents an API resource in the peer whose ACL
// is determined by the policy_ref field
message APIResource {
string policy_ref = 1; // The policy name to use for this API
// ACLs provides mappings for resources in a channel. APIResource encapsulates
// reference to a policy used to determine ACL for the resource
message ACLs {
map<string, APIResource> acls = 1;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer";
option go_package = "";
package protos;
import "peer/proposal_response.proto";
// SignedChaincodeDeploymentSpec carries the CDS along with endorsements
message SignedChaincodeDeploymentSpec {
// This is the bytes of the ChaincodeDeploymentSpec
bytes chaincode_deployment_spec = 1;
// This is the instantiation policy which is identical in structure
// to endorsement policy. This policy is checked by the VSCC at commit
// time on the instantiation (all peers will get the same policy as it
// will be part of the LSCC instantation record and will be part of the
// hash as well)
bytes instantiation_policy = 2;
// The endorsements of the above deployment spec, the owner's signature over
// chaincode_deployment_spec and Endorsement.endorser.
repeated Endorsement owner_endorsements = 3;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer";
option go_package = "";
package protos;
import "common/policies.proto";
//ChaincodeID contains the path as specified by the deploy transaction
//that created it as well as the hashCode that is generated by the
//system for the path. From the user level (ie, CLI, REST API and so on)
//deploy transaction is expected to provide the path and other requests
//are expected to provide the hashCode. The other value will be ignored.
//Internally, the structure could contain both values. For instance, the
//hashCode will be set when first generated using the path
message ChaincodeID {
//deploy transaction will use the path
string path = 1;
//all other requests will use the name (really a hashcode) generated by
//the deploy transaction
string name = 2;
//user friendly version name for the chaincode
string version = 3;
// Carries the chaincode function and its arguments.
// UnmarshalJSON in transaction.go converts the string-based REST/JSON input to
// the []byte-based current ChaincodeInput structure.
message ChaincodeInput {
repeated bytes args = 1;
map<string, bytes> decorations = 2;
// is_init is used for the application to signal that an invocation is to be routed
// to the legacy 'Init' function for compatibility with chaincodes which handled
// Init in the old way. New applications should manage their initialized state
// themselves.
bool is_init = 3;
// Carries the chaincode specification. This is the actual metadata required for
// defining a chaincode.
message ChaincodeSpec {
enum Type {
NODE = 2;
CAR = 3;
JAVA = 4;
Type type = 1;
ChaincodeID chaincode_id = 2;
ChaincodeInput input = 3;
int32 timeout = 4;
// Specify the deployment of a chaincode.
// TODO: Define `codePackage`.
message ChaincodeDeploymentSpec {
// Prevent removed tag re-use
reserved 2, 4;
reserved "effective_date", "exec_env";
ChaincodeSpec chaincode_spec = 1;
bytes code_package = 3;
// Carries the chaincode function and its arguments.
message ChaincodeInvocationSpec {
// Prevent removed tag re-use
reserved 2;
reserved "id_generation_alg";
ChaincodeSpec chaincode_spec = 1;
// LifecycleEvent is used as the payload of the chaincode event emitted by LSCC
message LifecycleEvent {
string chaincode_name = 1;
// CDSData is data stored in the LSCC on instantiation of a CC
// for CDSPackage. This needs to be serialized for ChaincodeData
// hence the protobuf format
message CDSData {
bytes hash = 1; // hash of ChaincodeDeploymentSpec.code_package
bytes metadatahash = 2; // hash of + ChaincodeID.version
// ChaincodeData defines the datastructure for chaincodes to be serialized by proto
// Type provides an additional check by directing to use a specific package after instantiation
// Data is Type specific (see CDSPackage and SignedCDSPackage)
message ChaincodeData {
// Name of the chaincode
string name = 1;
// Version of the chaincode
string version = 2;
// Escc for the chaincode instance
string escc = 3;
// Vscc for the chaincode instance
string vscc = 4;
// Policy endorsement policy for the chaincode instance
common.SignaturePolicyEnvelope policy = 5;
// Data data specific to the package
bytes data = 6;
// Id of the chaincode that's the unique fingerprint for the CC This is not
// currently used anywhere but serves as a good eyecatcher
bytes id = 7;
// InstantiationPolicy for the chaincode
common.SignaturePolicyEnvelope instantiation_policy = 8;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer";
option java_outer_classname = "ProposalResponsePackage";
package protos;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// A ProposalResponse is returned from an endorser to the proposal submitter.
// The idea is that this message contains the endorser's response to the
// request of a client to perform an action over a chaincode (or more
// generically on the ledger); the response might be success/error (conveyed in
// the Response field) together with a description of the action and a
// signature over it by that endorser. If a sufficient number of distinct
// endorsers agree on the same action and produce signature to that effect, a
// transaction can be generated and sent for ordering.
message ProposalResponse {
// Version indicates message protocol version
int32 version = 1;
// Timestamp is the time that the message
// was created as defined by the sender
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 2;
// A response message indicating whether the
// endorsement of the action was successful
Response response = 4;
// The payload of response. It is the bytes of ProposalResponsePayload
bytes payload = 5;
// The endorsement of the proposal, basically
// the endorser's signature over the payload
Endorsement endorsement = 6;
// A response with a representation similar to an HTTP response that can
// be used within another message.
message Response {
// A status code that should follow the HTTP status codes.
int32 status = 1;
// A message associated with the response code.
string message = 2;
// A payload that can be used to include metadata with this response.
bytes payload = 3;
// ProposalResponsePayload is the payload of a proposal response. This message
// is the "bridge" between the client's request and the endorser's action in
// response to that request. Concretely, for chaincodes, it contains a hashed
// representation of the proposal (proposalHash) and a representation of the
// chaincode state changes and events inside the extension field.
message ProposalResponsePayload {
// Hash of the proposal that triggered this response. The hash is used to
// link a response with its proposal, both for bookeeping purposes on an
// asynchronous system and for security reasons (accountability,
// non-repudiation). The hash usually covers the entire Proposal message
// (byte-by-byte).
bytes proposal_hash = 1;
// Extension should be unmarshaled to a type-specific message. The type of
// the extension in any proposal response depends on the type of the proposal
// that the client selected when the proposal was initially sent out. In
// particular, this information is stored in the type field of a Header. For
// chaincode, it's a ChaincodeAction message
bytes extension = 2;
// An endorsement is a signature of an endorser over a proposal response. By
// producing an endorsement message, an endorser implicitly "approves" that
// proposal response and the actions contained therein. When enough
// endorsements have been collected, a transaction can be generated out of a
// set of proposal responses. Note that this message only contains an identity
// and a signature but no signed payload. This is intentional because
// endorsements are supposed to be collected in a transaction, and they are all
// expected to endorse a single proposal response/action (many endorsements
// over a single proposal response)
message Endorsement {
// Identity of the endorser (e.g. its certificate)
bytes endorser = 1;
// Signature of the payload included in ProposalResponse concatenated with
// the endorser's certificate; ie, sign(ProposalResponse.payload + endorser)
bytes signature = 2;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer";
option go_package = "";
package protos;
// ChaincodeQueryResponse returns information about each chaincode that pertains
// to a query in lscc.go, such as GetChaincodes (returns all chaincodes
// instantiated on a channel), and GetInstalledChaincodes (returns all chaincodes
// installed on a peer)
message ChaincodeQueryResponse {
repeated ChaincodeInfo chaincodes = 1;
// ChaincodeInfo contains general information about an installed/instantiated
// chaincode
message ChaincodeInfo {
string name = 1;
string version = 2;
// the path as specified by the install/instantiate transaction
string path = 3;
// the chaincode function upon instantiation and its arguments. This will be
// blank if the query is returning information about installed chaincodes.
string input = 4;
// the name of the ESCC for this chaincode. This will be
// blank if the query is returning information about installed chaincodes.
string escc = 5;
// the name of the VSCC for this chaincode. This will be
// blank if the query is returning information about installed chaincodes.
string vscc = 6;
// the chaincode unique id.
// computed as: H(
// H(name || version) ||
// H(CodePackage)
// )
bytes id = 7;
// ChannelQueryResponse returns information about each channel that pertains
// to a query in lscc.go, such as GetChannels (returns all channels for a
// given peer)
message ChannelQueryResponse {
repeated ChannelInfo channels = 1;
// ChannelInfo contains general information about channels
message ChannelInfo {
string channel_id = 1;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer";
option go_package = "";
package protos;
import "common/configtx.proto";
// ChaincodeIdentifier identifies a piece of chaincode. For a peer to accept invocations of
// this chaincode, the hash of the installed code must match, as must the version string
// included with the install command.
message ChaincodeIdentifier {
bytes hash = 1; // The hash of the chaincode bytes
string version = 2; // A user friendly human readable name corresponding to the ID
// ChaincodeValidation instructs the peer how transactions for this chaincode should be
// validated. The only validation mechanism which ships with fabric today is the standard
// 'vscc' validation mechanism. This built in validation method utilizes an endorsement policy
// which checks that a sufficient number of signatures have been included. The 'arguement'
// field encodes any parameters required by the validation implementation.
message ChaincodeValidation {
string name = 1; // Specifies which code to run to validate transactions, defaults to 'vscc'
bytes argument = 2; // When 'vscc' a marshaled VSCCArgs
// VSCCArgs is passed (marshaled) as a parameter to the VSCC imlementation via the
// argument field of the ChaincodeValidation message.
message VSCCArgs {
string endorsement_policy_ref = 1; // A named reference to an endorsement policy,
// for instance /Channel/Application/Writers
// ChaincodeEndorsement instructs the peer how transactions should be endorsed. The only
// endorsement mechanism which ships with the fabric today is the standard 'escc' mechanism.
// This code simply simulates the proposal to generate a RW set, then signs the result
// using the peer's local signing identity.
message ChaincodeEndorsement {
string name = 1; // Specifies what code to run for endorsements, defaults 'escc'
// Eventually we may wish add an arg here, just like the ChaincodeValidation message, but
// omitting now until there is a need for it.
// ConfigTree encapsulates channel and resources configuration of a channel.
// Both configurations are represented as common.Config
message ConfigTree {
common.Config channel_config = 1;
common.Config resources_config = 2;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer";
option java_outer_classname = "EventsPackage";
option go_package = "";
package protos;
import "common/common.proto";
import "ledger/rwset/rwset.proto";
import "peer/chaincode_event.proto";
import "peer/transaction.proto";
// FilteredBlock is a minimal set of information about a block
message FilteredBlock {
string channel_id = 1;
uint64 number = 2; // The position in the blockchain
repeated FilteredTransaction filtered_transactions = 4;
// FilteredTransaction is a minimal set of information about a transaction
// within a block
message FilteredTransaction {
string txid = 1;
common.HeaderType type = 2;
TxValidationCode tx_validation_code = 3;
oneof Data {
FilteredTransactionActions transaction_actions = 4;
// FilteredTransactionActions is a wrapper for array of TransactionAction
// message from regular block
message FilteredTransactionActions {
repeated FilteredChaincodeAction chaincode_actions = 1;
// FilteredChaincodeAction is a minimal set of information about an action
// within a transaction
message FilteredChaincodeAction {
ChaincodeEvent chaincode_event = 1;
// BlockAndPrivateData contains Block and a map from tx_seq_in_block to rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet
message BlockAndPrivateData {
common.Block block = 1;
// map from tx_seq_in_block to rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet
map<uint64, rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet> private_data_map = 2;
// DeliverResponse
message DeliverResponse {
oneof Type {
common.Status status = 1;
common.Block block = 2;
FilteredBlock filtered_block = 3;
BlockAndPrivateData block_and_private_data = 4;
service Deliver {
// Deliver first requires an Envelope of type ab.DELIVER_SEEK_INFO with
// Payload data as a marshaled orderer.SeekInfo message,
// then a stream of block replies is received
rpc Deliver (stream common.Envelope) returns (stream DeliverResponse) {
// DeliverFiltered first requires an Envelope of type ab.DELIVER_SEEK_INFO with
// Payload data as a marshaled orderer.SeekInfo message,
// then a stream of **filtered** block replies is received
rpc DeliverFiltered (stream common.Envelope) returns (stream DeliverResponse) {
// DeliverWithPrivateData first requires an Envelope of type ab.DELIVER_SEEK_INFO with
// Payload data as a marshaled orderer.SeekInfo message,
// then a stream of block and private data replies is received
rpc DeliverWithPrivateData (stream common.Envelope) returns (stream DeliverResponse) {
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer";
option java_outer_classname = "ProposalPackage";
package protos;
import "peer/chaincode.proto";
import "peer/proposal_response.proto";
The flow to get a generic transaction approved goes as follows:
1. client sends proposal to endorser
The proposal is basically a request to do something that will result on some
action with impact on the ledger; a proposal contains a header (with some
metadata describing it, such as the type, the identity of the invoker, the
time, the ID of the chain, a cryptographic nonce..) and an opaque payload that
depends on the type specified in the header. A proposal contains the following
|\_ Signature (signature on the Proposal message by the creator specified in the header)
\_ Proposal
|\_ Header (the header for this proposal)
\_ Payload (the payload for this proposal)
2. endorser sends proposal response back to client
The proposal response contains an endorser's response to a client's proposal. A
proposal response contains a success/error code, a response payload and a
signature (also referred to as endorsement) over the response payload. The
response payload contains a hash of the proposal (to securely link this
response to the corresponding proposal) and an opaque extension field that
depends on the type specified in the header of the corresponding proposal. A
proposal response contains the following messages:
|\_ Endorsement (the endorser's signature over the whole response payload)
\_ ProposalResponsePayload (the payload of the proposal response)
3. client assembles endorsements into a transaction
A transaction message assembles one or more proposals and corresponding
responses into a message to be sent to orderers. After ordering, (batches of)
transactions are delivered to committing peers for validation and final
delivery into the ledger. A transaction contains one or more actions. Each of
them contains a header (same as that of the proposal that requested it) and an
opaque payload that depends on the type specified in the header.
|\_ Signature (signature on the Transaction message by the creator specified in the header)
\_ Transaction
\_ TransactionAction (1...n)
|\_ Header (1) (the header of the proposal that requested this action)
\_ Payload (1) (the payload for this action)
// This structure is necessary to sign the proposal which contains the header
// and the payload. Without this structure, we would have to concatenate the
// header and the payload to verify the signature, which could be expensive
// with large payload
// When an endorser receives a SignedProposal message, it should verify the
// signature over the proposal bytes. This verification requires the following
// steps:
// 1. Verification of the validity of the certificate that was used to produce
// the signature. The certificate will be available once proposalBytes has
// been unmarshalled to a Proposal message, and Proposal.header has been
// unmarshalled to a Header message. While this unmarshalling-before-verifying
// might not be ideal, it is unavoidable because i) the signature needs to also
// protect the signing certificate; ii) it is desirable that Header is created
// once by the client and never changed (for the sake of accountability and
// non-repudiation). Note also that it is actually impossible to conclusively
// verify the validity of the certificate included in a Proposal, because the
// proposal needs to first be endorsed and ordered with respect to certificate
// expiration transactions. Still, it is useful to pre-filter expired
// certificates at this stage.
// 2. Verification that the certificate is trusted (signed by a trusted CA) and
// that it is allowed to transact with us (with respect to some ACLs);
// 3. Verification that the signature on proposalBytes is valid;
// 4. Detect replay attacks;
message SignedProposal {
// The bytes of Proposal
bytes proposal_bytes = 1;
// Signaure over proposalBytes; this signature is to be verified against
// the creator identity contained in the header of the Proposal message
// marshaled as proposalBytes
bytes signature = 2;
// A Proposal is sent to an endorser for endorsement. The proposal contains:
// 1. A header which should be unmarshaled to a Header message. Note that
// Header is both the header of a Proposal and of a Transaction, in that i)
// both headers should be unmarshaled to this message; and ii) it is used to
// compute cryptographic hashes and signatures. The header has fields common
// to all proposals/transactions. In addition it has a type field for
// additional customization. An example of this is the ChaincodeHeaderExtension
// message used to extend the Header for type CHAINCODE.
// 2. A payload whose type depends on the header's type field.
// 3. An extension whose type depends on the header's type field.
// Let us see an example. For type CHAINCODE (see the Header message),
// we have the following:
// 1. The header is a Header message whose extensions field is a
// ChaincodeHeaderExtension message.
// 2. The payload is a ChaincodeProposalPayload message.
// 3. The extension is a ChaincodeAction that might be used to ask the
// endorsers to endorse a specific ChaincodeAction, thus emulating the
// submitting peer model.
message Proposal {
// The header of the proposal. It is the bytes of the Header
bytes header = 1;
// The payload of the proposal as defined by the type in the proposal
// header.
bytes payload = 2;
// Optional extensions to the proposal. Its content depends on the Header's
// type field. For the type CHAINCODE, it might be the bytes of a
// ChaincodeAction message.
bytes extension = 3;
//-------- the Chaincode Proposal -----------
The flow to get a CHAINCODE transaction approved goes as follows:
1. client sends proposal to endorser
The proposal is basically a request to do something on a chaincode, that will
result on some action - some change in the state of a chaincode and/or some
data to be committed to the ledger; a proposal in general contains a header
(with some metadata describing it, such as the type, the identity of the
invoker, the time, the ID of the chain, a cryptographic nonce..) and a payload
(the chaincode ID, invocation arguments..). Optionally, it may contain actions
that the endorser may be asked to endorse, to emulate a submitting peer. A
chaincode proposal contains the following messages:
|\_ Signature (signature on the Proposal message by the creator specified in the header)
\_ Proposal
|\_ Header (the header for this proposal)
|\_ ChaincodeProposalPayload (the payload for this proposal)
\_ ChaincodeAction (the actions for this proposal - optional for a proposal)
2. endorser sends proposal response back to client
The proposal response contains an endorser's response to a client's proposal. A
proposal response contains a success/error code, a response payload and a
signature (also referred to as endorsement) over the response payload. The
response payload contains a hash of the proposal (to securely link this
response to the corresponding proposal), a description of the action resulting
from the proposal and the endorser's signature over its payload. Formally, a
chaincode proposal response contains the following messages:
|\_ Endorsement (the endorser's signature over the whole response payload)
\_ ProposalResponsePayload
\_ ChaincodeAction (the actions for this proposal)
3. client assembles endorsements into a transaction
A transaction message assembles one or more proposals and corresponding
responses into a message to be sent to orderers. After ordering, (batches of)
transactions are delivered to committing peers for validation and final
delivery into the ledger. A transaction contains one or more actions. Each of
them contains a header (same as that of the proposal that requested it), a
proposal payload (same as that of the proposal that requested it), a
description of the resulting action and signatures from each of the endorsers
that endorsed the action.
|\_ Signature (signature on the Transaction message by the creator specified in the header)
\_ Transaction
\_ TransactionAction (1...n)
|\_ Header (1) (the header of the proposal that requested this action)
\_ ChaincodeActionPayload (1)
|\_ ChaincodeProposalPayload (1) (payload of the proposal that requested this action)
\_ ChaincodeEndorsedAction (1)
|\_ Endorsement (1...n) (endorsers' signatures over the whole response payload)
\_ ProposalResponsePayload
\_ ChaincodeAction (the actions for this proposal)
// ChaincodeHeaderExtension is the Header's extentions message to be used when
// the Header's type is CHAINCODE. This extensions is used to specify which
// chaincode to invoke and what should appear on the ledger.
message ChaincodeHeaderExtension {
reserved 1;
reserved "payload_visbility";
// The ID of the chaincode to target.
ChaincodeID chaincode_id = 2;
// ChaincodeProposalPayload is the Proposal's payload message to be used when
// the Header's type is CHAINCODE. It contains the arguments for this
// invocation.
message ChaincodeProposalPayload {
// Input contains the arguments for this invocation. If this invocation
// deploys a new chaincode, ESCC/VSCC are part of this field.
// This is usually a marshaled ChaincodeInvocationSpec
bytes input = 1;
// TransientMap contains data (e.g. cryptographic material) that might be used
// to implement some form of application-level confidentiality. The contents
// of this field are supposed to always be omitted from the transaction and
// excluded from the ledger.
map<string, bytes> TransientMap = 2;
// ChaincodeAction contains the actions the events generated by the execution
// of the chaincode.
message ChaincodeAction {
reserved 5;
reserved "token_operations";
// This field contains the read set and the write set produced by the
// chaincode executing this invocation.
bytes results = 1;
// This field contains the events generated by the chaincode executing this
// invocation.
bytes events = 2;
// This field contains the result of executing this invocation.
Response response = 3;
// This field contains the ChaincodeID of executing this invocation. Endorser
// will set it with the ChaincodeID called by endorser while simulating proposal.
// Committer will validate the version matching with latest chaincode version.
// Adding ChaincodeID to keep version opens up the possibility of multiple
// ChaincodeAction per transaction.
ChaincodeID chaincode_id = 4;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer";
package protos;
import "common/policies.proto";
// ApplicationPolicy captures the diffenrent policy types that
// are set and evaluted at the application level.
message ApplicationPolicy {
oneof Type {
// SignaturePolicy type is used if the policy is specified as
// a combination (using threshold gates) of signatures from MSP
// principals
common.SignaturePolicyEnvelope signature_policy = 1;
// ChannelConfigPolicyReference is used when the policy is
// specified as a string that references a policy defined in
// the configuration of the channel
string channel_config_policy_reference = 2;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer.lifecycle";
option go_package = "";
package lifecycle;
// These protos are used for encoding chaincode definitions into the statedb
// in general, it should not be necessary for clients to utilize them.
// ChaincodeEndorsementInfo is (most) everything the peer needs to know in order
// to execute a chaincode
message ChaincodeEndorsementInfo {
string version = 1;
bool init_required = 2;
string endorsement_plugin = 3;
// ValidationInfo is (most) everything the peer needs to know in order
// to validate a transaction
message ChaincodeValidationInfo {
string validation_plugin = 1;
bytes validation_parameter = 2;
// The notable omission in this file is the collection configuration info.
// It should be moved to this package, but... defering for now.
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer.lifecycle";
option go_package = "";
package lifecycle;
import "common/collection.proto";
// InstallChaincodeArgs is the message used as the argument to
// '_lifecycle.InstallChaincode'.
message InstallChaincodeArgs {
bytes chaincode_install_package = 1; // This should be a marshaled lifecycle.ChaincodePackage
// InstallChaincodeArgs is the message returned by
// '_lifecycle.InstallChaincode'.
message InstallChaincodeResult {
string package_id = 1;
string label = 2;
// QueryInstalledChaincodeArgs is the message used as arguments
// '_lifecycle.QueryInstalledChaincode'
message QueryInstalledChaincodeArgs {
string package_id = 1;
// QueryInstalledChaincodeResult is the message returned by
// '_lifecycle.QueryInstalledChaincode'
message QueryInstalledChaincodeResult {
string package_id = 1;
string label = 2;
map<string, References> references = 3;
message References {
repeated Chaincode chaincodes = 1;
message Chaincode {
string name = 1;
string version = 2;
// GetInstalledChaincodePackageArgs is the message used as the argument to
// '_lifecycle.GetInstalledChaincodePackage'.
message GetInstalledChaincodePackageArgs {
string package_id = 1;
// GetInstalledChaincodePackageResult is the message returned by
// '_lifecycle.GetInstalledChaincodePackage'.
message GetInstalledChaincodePackageResult {
bytes chaincode_install_package = 1;
// QueryInstalledChaincodesArgs currently is an empty argument to
// '_lifecycle.QueryInstalledChaincodes'. In the future, it may be
// extended to have parameters.
message QueryInstalledChaincodesArgs {
// QueryInstalledChaincodesResult is the message returned by
// '_lifecycle.QueryInstalledChaincodes'. It returns a list of installed
// chaincodes, including a map of channel name to chaincode name and version
// pairs of chaincode definitions that reference this chaincode package.
message QueryInstalledChaincodesResult {
message InstalledChaincode {
string package_id = 1;
string label = 2;
map<string, References> references = 3;
message References {
repeated Chaincode chaincodes = 1;
message Chaincode {
string name = 1;
string version = 2;
repeated InstalledChaincode installed_chaincodes = 1;
// ApproveChaincodeDefinitionForMyOrgArgs is the message used as arguments to
// `_lifecycle.ApproveChaincodeDefinitionForMyOrg`.
message ApproveChaincodeDefinitionForMyOrgArgs {
int64 sequence = 1;
string name = 2;
string version = 3;
string endorsement_plugin = 4;
string validation_plugin = 5;
bytes validation_parameter = 6;
common.CollectionConfigPackage collections = 7;
bool init_required = 8;
ChaincodeSource source = 9;
message ChaincodeSource {
message Unavailable {}
message Local {
string package_id = 1;
oneof Type {
Unavailable unavailable = 1;
Local local_package = 2;
// ApproveChaincodeDefinitionForMyOrgResult is the message returned by
// `_lifecycle.ApproveChaincodeDefinitionForMyOrg`. Currently it returns
// nothing, but may be extended in the future.
message ApproveChaincodeDefinitionForMyOrgResult {
// CommitChaincodeDefinitionArgs is the message used as arguments to
// `_lifecycle.CommitChaincodeDefinition`.
message CommitChaincodeDefinitionArgs {
int64 sequence = 1;
string name = 2;
string version = 3;
string endorsement_plugin = 4;
string validation_plugin = 5;
bytes validation_parameter = 6;
common.CollectionConfigPackage collections = 7;
bool init_required = 8;
// CommitChaincodeDefinitionResult is the message returned by
// `_lifecycle.CommitChaincodeDefinition`. Currently it returns
// nothing, but may be extended in the future.
message CommitChaincodeDefinitionResult {
// CheckCommitReadinessArgs is the message used as arguments to
// `_lifecycle.CheckCommitReadiness`.
message CheckCommitReadinessArgs {
int64 sequence = 1;
string name = 2;
string version = 3;
string endorsement_plugin = 4;
string validation_plugin = 5;
bytes validation_parameter = 6;
common.CollectionConfigPackage collections = 7;
bool init_required = 8;
// CheckCommitReadinessResult is the message returned by
// `_lifecycle.CheckCommitReadiness`. It returns a map of
// orgs to their approval (true/false) for the definition
// supplied as args.
message CheckCommitReadinessResult{
map<string, bool> approvals = 1;
// QueryChaincodeDefinitionArgs is the message used as arguments to
// `_lifecycle.QueryChaincodeDefinition`.
message QueryChaincodeDefinitionArgs {
string name = 1;
// QueryChaincodeDefinitionResult is the message returned by
// `_lifecycle.QueryChaincodeDefinition`.
message QueryChaincodeDefinitionResult {
int64 sequence = 1;
string version = 2;
string endorsement_plugin = 3;
string validation_plugin = 4;
bytes validation_parameter = 5;
common.CollectionConfigPackage collections = 6;
bool init_required = 7;
map<string,bool> approvals = 8;
// QueryChaincodeDefinitionsArgs is the message used as arguments to
// `_lifecycle.QueryChaincodeDefinitions`.
message QueryChaincodeDefinitionsArgs { }
// QueryChaincodeDefinitionsResult is the message returned by
// `_lifecycle.QueryChaincodeDefinitions`.
message QueryChaincodeDefinitionsResult {
message ChaincodeDefinition {
string name = 1;
int64 sequence = 2;
string version = 3;
string endorsement_plugin = 4;
string validation_plugin = 5;
bytes validation_parameter = 6;
common.CollectionConfigPackage collections = 7;
bool init_required = 8;
repeated ChaincodeDefinition chaincode_definitions = 1;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer.lifecycle";
option go_package = "";
package lifecycle;
// These protos are used for encoding data into the statedb
// in general, it should not be necessary for clients to utilize them.
// StateMetadata describes the keys in a namespace. It is necessary because
// in collections, range scans are not possible during transactions which
// write. Therefore we must track the keys in our namespace ourselves.
message StateMetadata {
string datatype = 1;
repeated string fields = 2;
// StateData encodes a particular field of a datatype
message StateData {
oneof Type {
int64 Int64 = 1;
bytes Bytes = 2;
string String = 3;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer";
option java_outer_classname = "ChaincodeEventPackage";
option go_package = "";
package protos;
//ChaincodeEvent is used for events and registrations that are specific to chaincode
//string type - "chaincode"
message ChaincodeEvent {
string chaincode_id = 1;
string tx_id = 2;
string event_name = 3;
bytes payload = 4;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer";
option go_package = "";
package protos;
import "peer/chaincode_event.proto";
import "peer/proposal.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
message ChaincodeMessage {
enum Type {
INIT = 3;
READY = 4;
ERROR = 7;
Type type = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 2;
bytes payload = 3;
string txid = 4;
SignedProposal proposal = 5;
//event emitted by chaincode. Used only with Init or Invoke.
// This event is then stored (currently)
//with Block.NonHashData.TransactionResult
ChaincodeEvent chaincode_event = 6;
//channel id
string channel_id = 7;
// TODO: We need to finalize the design on chaincode container
// compatibility upon upgrade, see FAB-5777.
// GetState is the payload of a ChaincodeMessage. It contains a key which
// is to be fetched from the ledger. If the collection is specified, the key
// would be fetched from the collection (i.e., private state)
message GetState {
string key = 1;
string collection = 2;
message GetStateMetadata {
string key = 1;
string collection = 2;
// PutState is the payload of a ChaincodeMessage. It contains a key and value
// which needs to be written to the transaction's write set. If the collection is
// specified, the key and value would be written to the transaction's private
// write set.
message PutState {
string key = 1;
bytes value = 2;
string collection = 3;
message PutStateMetadata {
string key = 1;
string collection = 3;
StateMetadata metadata = 4;
// DelState is the payload of a ChaincodeMessage. It contains a key which
// needs to be recorded in the transaction's write set as a delete operation.
// If the collection is specified, the key needs to be recorded in the
// transaction's private write set as a delete operation.
message DelState {
string key = 1;
string collection = 2;
// GetStateByRange is the payload of a ChaincodeMessage. It contains a start key and
// a end key required to execute range query. If the collection is specified,
// the range query needs to be executed on the private data. The metadata hold
// the byte representation of QueryMetadata.
message GetStateByRange {
string startKey = 1;
string endKey = 2;
string collection = 3;
bytes metadata = 4;
// GetQueryResult is the payload of a ChaincodeMessage. It contains a query
// string in the form that is supported by the underlying state database.
// If the collection is specified, the query needs to be executed on the
// private data. The metadata hold the byte representation of QueryMetadata.
message GetQueryResult {
string query = 1;
string collection = 2;
bytes metadata = 3;
// QueryMetadata is the metadata of a GetStateByRange and GetQueryResult.
// It contains a pageSize which denotes the number of records to be fetched
// and a bookmark.
message QueryMetadata {
int32 pageSize = 1;
string bookmark = 2;
// GetHistoryForKey is the payload of a ChaincodeMessage. It contains a key
// for which the historical values need to be retrieved.
message GetHistoryForKey {
string key = 1;
message QueryStateNext {
string id = 1;
message QueryStateClose {
string id = 1;
// QueryResultBytes hold the byte representation of a record returned by the peer.
message QueryResultBytes {
bytes resultBytes = 1;
// QueryResponse is returned by the peer as a result of a GetStateByRange,
// GetQueryResult, and GetHistoryForKey. It holds a bunch of records in
// results field, a flag to denote whether more results need to be fetched from
// the peer in has_more field, transaction id in id field, and a QueryResponseMetadata
// in metadata field.
message QueryResponse {
repeated QueryResultBytes results = 1;
bool has_more = 2;
string id = 3;
bytes metadata = 4;
// QueryResponseMetadata is the metadata of a QueryResponse. It contains a count
// which denotes the number of records fetched from the ledger and a bookmark.
message QueryResponseMetadata {
int32 fetched_records_count = 1;
string bookmark = 2;
message StateMetadata {
string metakey = 1;
bytes value = 2;
message StateMetadataResult {
repeated StateMetadata entries = 1;
// Interface that provides support to chaincode execution. ChaincodeContext
// provides the context necessary for the server to respond appropriately.
service ChaincodeSupport {
rpc Register(stream ChaincodeMessage) returns (stream ChaincodeMessage);
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer";
option go_package = "";
package protos;
import "peer/proposal.proto";
import "peer/proposal_response.proto";
service Endorser {
rpc ProcessProposal(SignedProposal) returns (ProposalResponse);
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.msp";
option java_outer_classname = "MspConfigPackage";
package msp;
// MSPConfig collects all the configuration information for
// an MSP. The Config field should be unmarshalled in a way
// that depends on the Type
message MSPConfig {
// Type holds the type of the MSP; the default one would
// be of type FABRIC implementing an X.509 based provider
int32 type = 1;
// Config is MSP dependent configuration info
bytes config = 2;
// FabricMSPConfig collects all the configuration information for
// a Fabric MSP.
// Here we assume a default certificate validation policy, where
// any certificate signed by any of the listed rootCA certs would
// be considered as valid under this MSP.
// This MSP may or may not come with a signing identity. If it does,
// it can also issue signing identities. If it does not, it can only
// be used to validate and verify certificates.
message FabricMSPConfig {
// Name holds the identifier of the MSP; MSP identifier
// is chosen by the application that governs this MSP.
// For example, and assuming the default implementation of MSP,
// that is X.509-based and considers a single Issuer,
// this can refer to the Subject OU field or the Issuer OU field.
string name = 1;
// List of root certificates trusted by this MSP
// they are used upon certificate validation (see
// comment for IntermediateCerts below)
repeated bytes root_certs = 2;
// List of intermediate certificates trusted by this MSP;
// they are used upon certificate validation as follows:
// validation attempts to build a path from the certificate
// to be validated (which is at one end of the path) and
// one of the certs in the RootCerts field (which is at
// the other end of the path). If the path is longer than
// 2, certificates in the middle are searched within the
// IntermediateCerts pool
repeated bytes intermediate_certs = 3;
// Identity denoting the administrator of this MSP
repeated bytes admins = 4;
// Identity revocation list
repeated bytes revocation_list = 5;
// SigningIdentity holds information on the signing identity
// this peer is to use, and which is to be imported by the
// MSP defined before
SigningIdentityInfo signing_identity = 6;
// OrganizationalUnitIdentifiers holds one or more
// fabric organizational unit identifiers that belong to
// this MSP configuration
repeated FabricOUIdentifier organizational_unit_identifiers = 7;
// FabricCryptoConfig contains the configuration parameters
// for the cryptographic algorithms used by this MSP
FabricCryptoConfig crypto_config = 8;
// List of TLS root certificates trusted by this MSP.
// They are returned by GetTLSRootCerts.
repeated bytes tls_root_certs = 9;
// List of TLS intermediate certificates trusted by this MSP;
// They are returned by GetTLSIntermediateCerts.
repeated bytes tls_intermediate_certs = 10;
// fabric_node_ous contains the configuration to distinguish clients from peers from orderers
// based on the OUs.
FabricNodeOUs fabric_node_ous = 11;
// FabricCryptoConfig contains configuration parameters
// for the cryptographic algorithms used by the MSP
// this configuration refers to
message FabricCryptoConfig {
// SignatureHashFamily is a string representing the hash family to be used
// during sign and verify operations.
// Allowed values are "SHA2" and "SHA3".
string signature_hash_family = 1;
// IdentityIdentifierHashFunction is a string representing the hash function
// to be used during the computation of the identity identifier of an MSP identity.
// Allowed values are "SHA256", "SHA384" and "SHA3_256", "SHA3_384".
string identity_identifier_hash_function = 2;
// IdemixMSPConfig collects all the configuration information for
// an Idemix MSP.
message IdemixMSPConfig {
// Name holds the identifier of the MSP
string name = 1;
// ipk represents the (serialized) issuer public key
bytes ipk = 2;
// signer may contain crypto material to configure a default signer
IdemixMSPSignerConfig signer = 3;
// revocation_pk is the public key used for revocation of credentials
bytes revocation_pk = 4;
// epoch represents the current epoch (time interval) used for revocation
int64 epoch = 5;
// IdemixMSPSIgnerConfig contains the crypto material to set up an idemix signing identity
message IdemixMSPSignerConfig {
// cred represents the serialized idemix credential of the default signer
bytes cred = 1;
// sk is the secret key of the default signer, corresponding to credential Cred
bytes sk = 2;
// organizational_unit_identifier defines the organizational unit the default signer is in
string organizational_unit_identifier = 3;
// role defines whether the default signer is admin, peer, member or client
int32 role = 4;
// enrollment_id contains the enrollment id of this signer
string enrollment_id = 5;
// credential_revocation_information contains a serialized CredentialRevocationInformation
bytes credential_revocation_information = 6;
// SigningIdentityInfo represents the configuration information
// related to the signing identity the peer is to use for generating
// endorsements
message SigningIdentityInfo {
// PublicSigner carries the public information of the signing
// identity. For an X.509 provider this would be represented by
// an X.509 certificate
bytes public_signer = 1;
// PrivateSigner denotes a reference to the private key of the
// peer's signing identity
KeyInfo private_signer = 2;
// KeyInfo represents a (secret) key that is either already stored
// in the bccsp/keystore or key material to be imported to the
// bccsp key-store. In later versions it may contain also a
// keystore identifier
message KeyInfo {
// Identifier of the key inside the default keystore; this for
// the case of Software BCCSP as well as the HSM BCCSP would be
// the SKI of the key
string key_identifier = 1;
// KeyMaterial (optional) for the key to be imported; this is
// properly encoded key bytes, prefixed by the type of the key
bytes key_material = 2;
// FabricOUIdentifier represents an organizational unit and
// its related chain of trust identifier.
message FabricOUIdentifier {
// Certificate represents the second certificate in a certification chain.
// (Notice that the first certificate in a certification chain is supposed
// to be the certificate of an identity).
// It must correspond to the certificate of root or intermediate CA
// recognized by the MSP this message belongs to.
// Starting from this certificate, a certification chain is computed
// and bound to the OrganizationUnitIdentifier specified
bytes certificate = 1;
// OrganizationUnitIdentifier defines the organizational unit under the
// MSP identified with MSPIdentifier
string organizational_unit_identifier = 2;
// FabricNodeOUs contains configuration to tell apart clients from peers from orderers
// based on OUs. If NodeOUs recognition is enabled then an msp identity
// that does not contain any of the specified OU will be considered invalid.
message FabricNodeOUs {
// If true then an msp identity that does not contain any of the specified OU will be considered invalid.
bool enable = 1;
// OU Identifier of the clients
FabricOUIdentifier client_ou_identifier = 2;
// OU Identifier of the peers
FabricOUIdentifier peer_ou_identifier = 3;
// OU Identifier of the admins
FabricOUIdentifier admin_ou_identifier = 4;
// OU Identifier of the orderers
FabricOUIdentifier orderer_ou_identifier = 5;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.common";
package common;
// msp_principal.proto contains proto messages defining the generalized
// MSP notion of identity called an MSPPrincipal. It is used as part of
// the chain configuration, in particular as the identity parameters to
// the configuration.proto file. This does not represent the MSP
// configuration for a chain, but is understood by MSPs
// MSPPrincipal aims to represent an MSP-centric set of identities.
// In particular, this structure allows for definition of
// - a group of identities that are member of the same MSP
// - a group of identities that are member of the same organization unit
// in the same MSP
// - a group of identities that are administering a specific MSP
// - a specific identity
// Expressing these groups is done given two fields of the fields below
// - Classification, that defines the type of classification of identities
// in an MSP this principal would be defined on; Classification can take
// three values:
// (i) ByMSPRole: that represents a classification of identities within
// MSP based on one of the two pre-defined MSP rules, "member" and "admin"
// (ii) ByOrganizationUnit: that represents a classification of identities
// within MSP based on the organization unit an identity belongs to
// (iii)ByIdentity that denotes that MSPPrincipal is mapped to a single
// identity/certificate; this would mean that the Principal bytes
// message
message MSPPrincipal {
enum Classification {
ROLE = 0; // Represents the one of the dedicated MSP roles, the
// one of a member of MSP network, and the one of an
// administrator of an MSP network
ORGANIZATION_UNIT = 1; // Denotes a finer grained (affiliation-based)
// groupping of entities, per MSP affiliation
// E.g., this can well be represented by an MSP's
// Organization unit
IDENTITY = 2; // Denotes a principal that consists of a single
// identity
ANONYMITY = 3; // Denotes a principal that can be used to enforce
// an identity to be anonymous or nominal.
COMBINED = 4; // Denotes a combined principal
// Classification describes the way that one should process
// Principal. An Classification value of "ByOrganizationUnit" reflects
// that "Principal" contains the name of an organization this MSP
// handles. A Classification value "ByIdentity" means that
// "Principal" contains a specific identity. Default value
// denotes that Principal contains one of the groups by
// default supported by all MSPs ("admin" or "member").
Classification principal_classification = 1;
// Principal completes the policy principal definition. For the default
// principal types, Principal can be either "Admin" or "Member".
// For the ByOrganizationUnit/ByIdentity values of Classification,
// PolicyPrincipal acquires its value from an organization unit or
// identity, respectively.
// For the Combined Classification type, the Principal is a marshalled
// CombinedPrincipal.
bytes principal = 2;
// OrganizationUnit governs the organization of the Principal
// field of a policy principal when a specific organization unity members
// are to be defined within a policy principal.
message OrganizationUnit {
// MSPIdentifier represents the identifier of the MSP this organization unit
// refers to
string msp_identifier = 1;
// OrganizationUnitIdentifier defines the organizational unit under the
// MSP identified with MSPIdentifier
string organizational_unit_identifier = 2;
// CertifiersIdentifier is the hash of certificates chain of trust
// related to this organizational unit
bytes certifiers_identifier = 3;
// MSPRole governs the organization of the Principal
// field of an MSPPrincipal when it aims to define one of the
// two dedicated roles within an MSP: Admin and Members.
message MSPRole {
// MSPIdentifier represents the identifier of the MSP this principal
// refers to
string msp_identifier = 1;
enum MSPRoleType {
MEMBER = 0; // Represents an MSP Member
ADMIN = 1; // Represents an MSP Admin
CLIENT = 2; // Represents an MSP Client
PEER = 3; // Represents an MSP Peer
ORDERER = 4; // Represents an MSP Orderer
// MSPRoleType defines which of the available, pre-defined MSP-roles
// an identiy should posess inside the MSP with identifier MSPidentifier
MSPRoleType role = 2;
// MSPIdentityAnonymity can be used to enforce an identity to be anonymous or nominal.
message MSPIdentityAnonymity {
enum MSPIdentityAnonymityType {
NOMINAL = 0; // Represents a nominal MSP Identity
ANONYMOUS = 1; // Represents an anonymous MSP Identity
MSPIdentityAnonymityType anonymity_type = 1;
// CombinedPrincipal governs the organization of the Principal
// field of a policy principal when principal_classification has
// indicated that a combined form of principals is required
message CombinedPrincipal {
// Principals refer to combined principals
repeated MSPPrincipal principals = 1;
// TODO: Bring msp.SerializedIdentity from fabric/msp/identities.proto here. Reason below.
// SerializedIdentity represents an serialized version of an identity;
// this consists of an MSP-identifier this identity would correspond to
// and the bytes of the actual identity. A serialized form of
// SerializedIdentity would govern "Principal" field of a PolicyPrincipal
// of classification "ByIdentity".
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.msp";
package msp;
// This struct represents an Identity
// (with its MSP identifier) to be used
// to serialize it and deserialize it
message SerializedIdentity {
// The identifier of the associated membership service provider
string mspid = 1;
// the Identity, serialized according to the rules of its MPS
bytes id_bytes = 2;
// This struct represents an Idemix Identity
// to be used to serialize it and deserialize it.
// The IdemixMSP will first serialize an idemix identity to bytes using
// this proto, and then uses these bytes as id_bytes in SerializedIdentity
message SerializedIdemixIdentity {
// nym_x is the X-component of the pseudonym elliptic curve point.
// It is a []byte representation of an amcl.BIG
// The pseudonym can be seen as a public key of the identity, it is used to verify signatures.
bytes nym_x = 1;
// nym_y is the Y-component of the pseudonym elliptic curve point.
// It is a []byte representation of an amcl.BIG
// The pseudonym can be seen as a public key of the identity, it is used to verify signatures.
bytes nym_y = 2;
// ou contains the organizational unit of the idemix identity
bytes ou = 3;
// role contains the role of this identity (e.g., ADMIN or MEMBER)
bytes role = 4;
// proof contains the cryptographic evidence that this identity is valid
bytes proof = 5;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.ledger.rwset";
package rwset;
// TxReadWriteSet encapsulates a read-write set for a transaction
// DataModel specifies the enum value of the data model
// ns_rwset field specifies a list of chaincode specific read-write set (one for each chaincode)
message TxReadWriteSet {
enum DataModel {
KV = 0;
DataModel data_model = 1;
repeated NsReadWriteSet ns_rwset = 2;
// NsReadWriteSet encapsulates the read-write set for a chaincode
message NsReadWriteSet {
string namespace = 1;
bytes rwset = 2; // Data model specific serialized proto message (e.g., kvrwset.KVRWSet for KV and Document data models)
repeated CollectionHashedReadWriteSet collection_hashed_rwset = 3;
// CollectionHashedReadWriteSet encapsulate the hashed representation for the private read-write set for a collection
message CollectionHashedReadWriteSet {
string collection_name = 1;
bytes hashed_rwset = 2; // Data model specific serialized proto message (e.g., kvrwset.HashedRWSet for KV and Document data models)
bytes pvt_rwset_hash = 3; // Hash of entire private read-write set for a specific collection. This helps in authenticating the private read-write set efficiently
// TxPvtReadWriteSet encapsulate the private read-write set for a transaction
message TxPvtReadWriteSet {
TxReadWriteSet.DataModel data_model = 1;
repeated NsPvtReadWriteSet ns_pvt_rwset = 2;
// NsPvtReadWriteSet encapsulates the private read-write set for a chaincode
message NsPvtReadWriteSet {
string namespace = 1;
repeated CollectionPvtReadWriteSet collection_pvt_rwset = 2;
// CollectionPvtReadWriteSet encapsulates the private read-write set for a collection
message CollectionPvtReadWriteSet {
string collection_name = 1;
bytes rwset = 2; // Data model specific serialized proto message (e.g., kvrwset.KVRWSet for KV and Document data models)
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.ledger.rwset.kvrwset";
package kvrwset;
// KVRWSet encapsulates the read-write set for a chaincode that operates upon a KV or Document data model
// This structure is used for both the public data and the private data
message KVRWSet {
repeated KVRead reads = 1;
repeated RangeQueryInfo range_queries_info = 2;
repeated KVWrite writes = 3;
repeated KVMetadataWrite metadata_writes = 4;
// HashedRWSet encapsulates hashed representation of a private read-write set for KV or Document data model
message HashedRWSet {
repeated KVReadHash hashed_reads = 1;
repeated KVWriteHash hashed_writes = 2;
repeated KVMetadataWriteHash metadata_writes = 3;
// KVRead captures a read operation performed during transaction simulation
// A 'nil' version indicates a non-existing key read by the transaction
message KVRead {
string key = 1;
Version version = 2;
// KVWrite captures a write (update/delete) operation performed during transaction simulation
message KVWrite {
string key = 1;
bool is_delete = 2;
bytes value = 3;
// KVMetadataWrite captures all the entries in the metadata associated with a key
message KVMetadataWrite {
string key = 1;
repeated KVMetadataEntry entries = 2;
// KVReadHash is similar to the KVRead in spirit. However, it captures the hash of the key instead of the key itself
// version is kept as is for now. However, if the version also needs to be privacy-protected, it would need to be the
// hash of the version and hence of 'bytes' type
message KVReadHash {
bytes key_hash = 1;
Version version = 2;
// KVWriteHash is similar to the KVWrite. It captures a write (update/delete) operation performed during transaction simulation
message KVWriteHash {
bytes key_hash = 1;
bool is_delete = 2;
bytes value_hash = 3;
// KVMetadataWriteHash captures all the upserts to the metadata associated with a key hash
message KVMetadataWriteHash {
bytes key_hash = 1;
repeated KVMetadataEntry entries = 2;
// KVMetadataEntry captures a 'name'ed entry in the metadata of a key/key-hash.
message KVMetadataEntry {
string name = 1;
bytes value = 2;
// Version encapsulates the version of a Key
// A version of a committed key is maintained as the height of the transaction that committed the key.
// The height is represenetd as a tuple <blockNum, txNum> where the txNum is the position of the transaction
// (starting with 0) within block
message Version {
uint64 block_num = 1;
uint64 tx_num = 2;
// RangeQueryInfo encapsulates the details of a range query performed by a transaction during simulation.
// This helps protect transactions from phantom reads by varifying during validation whether any new items
// got committed within the given range between transaction simuation and validation
// (in addition to regular checks for updates/deletes of the existing items).
// readInfo field contains either the KVReads (for the items read by the range query) or a merkle-tree hash
// if the KVReads exceeds a pre-configured numbers
message RangeQueryInfo {
string start_key = 1;
string end_key = 2;
bool itr_exhausted = 3;
oneof reads_info {
QueryReads raw_reads = 4;
QueryReadsMerkleSummary reads_merkle_hashes = 5;
// QueryReads encapsulates the KVReads for the items read by a transaction as a result of a query execution
message QueryReads {
repeated KVRead kv_reads = 1;
// QueryReadsMerkleSummary encapsulates the Merkle-tree hashes for the QueryReads
// This allows to reduce the size of RWSet in the presence of query results
// by storing certain hashes instead of actual results.
// maxDegree field refers to the maximum number of children in the tree at any level
// maxLevel field contains the lowest level which has lesser nodes than maxDegree (starting from leaf level)
message QueryReadsMerkleSummary {
uint32 max_degree = 1;
uint32 max_level = 2;
repeated bytes max_level_hashes = 3;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
package queryresult;
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.ledger.queryresult";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// KV -- QueryResult for range/execute query. Holds a key and corresponding value.
message KV {
string namespace = 1;
string key = 2;
bytes value = 3;
// KeyModification -- QueryResult for history query. Holds a transaction ID, value,
// timestamp, and delete marker which resulted from a history query.
message KeyModification {
string tx_id = 1;
bytes value = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 3;
bool is_delete = 4;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.discovery";
package discovery;
import "gossip/message.proto";
import "msp/msp_config.proto";
// Discovery defines a service that serves information about the fabric network
// like which peers, orderers, chaincodes, etc.
service Discovery {
// Discover receives a signed request, and returns a response.
rpc Discover (SignedRequest) returns (Response);
// SignedRequest contains a serialized Request in the payload field
// and a signature.
// The identity that is used to verify the signature
// can be extracted from the authentication field of type AuthInfo
// in the Request itself after deserializing it.
message SignedRequest {
bytes payload = 1;
bytes signature = 2;
// Request contains authentication info about the client that sent the request
// and the queries it wishes to query the service
message Request {
// authentication contains information that the service uses to check
// the client's eligibility for the queries.
AuthInfo authentication = 1;
// queries
repeated Query queries = 2;
message Response {
// The results are returned in the same order of the queries
repeated QueryResult results = 1;
// AuthInfo aggregates authentication information that the server uses
// to authenticate the client
message AuthInfo {
// This is the identity of the client that is used to verify the signature
// on the SignedRequest's payload.
// It is a msp.SerializedIdentity in bytes form
bytes client_identity = 1;
// This is the hash of the client's TLS cert.
// When the network is running with TLS, clients that don't include a certificate
// will be denied access to the service.
// Since the Request is encapsulated with a SignedRequest (which is signed),
// this binds the TLS session to the enrollement identity of the client and
// therefore both authenticates the client to the server,
// and also prevents the server from relaying the request message to another server.
bytes client_tls_cert_hash = 2;
// Query asks for information in the context of a specific channel
message Query {
string channel = 1;
oneof query {
// ConfigQuery is used to query for the configuration of the channel,
// such as FabricMSPConfig, and rorderer endpoints.
// The client has to query a peer it trusts as it doesn't have means to self-verify
// the authenticity of the returned result.
// The result is returned in the form of ConfigResult.
ConfigQuery config_query = 2;
// PeerMembershipQuery queries for peers in a channel context,
// and returns PeerMembershipResult
PeerMembershipQuery peer_query = 3;
// ChaincodeQuery queries for chaincodes by their name and version.
// An empty version means any version can by returned.
ChaincodeQuery cc_query = 4;
// LocalPeerQuery queries for peers in a non channel context,
// and returns PeerMembershipResult
LocalPeerQuery local_peers = 5;
// QueryResult contains a result for a given Query.
// The corresponding Query can be inferred by the index of the QueryResult from
// its enclosing Response message.
// QueryResults are ordered in the same order as the Queries are ordered in their enclosing Request.
message QueryResult {
oneof result {
// Error indicates failure or refusal to process the query
Error error = 1;
// ConfigResult contains the configuration of the channel,
// such as FabricMSPConfig and orderer endpoints
ConfigResult config_result = 2;
// ChaincodeQueryResult contains information about chaincodes,
// and their corresponding endorsers
ChaincodeQueryResult cc_query_res = 3;
// PeerMembershipResult contains information about peers,
// such as their identity, endpoints, and channel related state.
PeerMembershipResult members = 4;
// ConfigQuery requests a ConfigResult
message ConfigQuery {
message ConfigResult {
// msps is a map from MSP_ID to FabricMSPConfig
map<string, msp.FabricMSPConfig> msps = 1;
// orderers is a map from MSP_ID to endpoint lists of orderers
map<string, Endpoints> orderers = 2;
// PeerMembershipQuery requests PeerMembershipResult.
// The filter field may be optionally populated in order
// for the peer membership to be filtered according to
// chaincodes that are installed on peers and collection
// access control policies.
message PeerMembershipQuery {
ChaincodeInterest filter = 1;
// PeerMembershipResult contains peers mapped by their organizations (MSP_ID)
message PeerMembershipResult {
map<string, Peers> peers_by_org = 1;
// ChaincodeQuery requests ChaincodeQueryResults for a given
// list of chaincode invocations.
// Each invocation is a separate one, and the endorsement policy
// is evaluated independantly for each given interest.
message ChaincodeQuery {
repeated ChaincodeInterest interests = 1;
// ChaincodeInterest defines an interest about an endorsement
// for a specific single chaincode invocation.
// Multiple chaincodes indicate chaincode to chaincode invocations.
message ChaincodeInterest {
repeated ChaincodeCall chaincodes = 1;
// ChaincodeCall defines a call to a chaincode.
// It may have collections that are related to the chaincode
message ChaincodeCall {
string name = 1;
repeated string collection_names = 2;
// ChaincodeQueryResult contains EndorsementDescriptors for
// chaincodes
message ChaincodeQueryResult {
repeated EndorsementDescriptor content = 1;
// LocalPeerQuery queries for peers in a non channel context
message LocalPeerQuery {
// EndorsementDescriptor contains information about which peers can be used
// to request endorsement from, such that the endorsement policy would be fulfilled.
// Here is how to compute a set of peers to ask an endorsement from, given an EndorsementDescriptor:
// Let e: G --> P be the endorsers_by_groups field that maps a group to a set of peers.
// Note that applying e on a group g yields a set of peers.
// 1) Select a layout l: G --> N out of the layouts given.
// l is the quantities_by_group field of a Layout, and it maps a group to an integer.
// 2) R = {} (an empty set of peers)
// 3) For each group g in the layout l, compute n = l(g)
// 3.1) Denote P_g as a set of n random peers {p0, p1, ... p_n} selected from e(g)
// 3.2) R = R U P_g (add P_g to R)
// 4) The set of peers R is the peers the client needs to request endorsements from
message EndorsementDescriptor {
string chaincode = 1;
// Specifies the endorsers, separated to groups.
map<string, Peers> endorsers_by_groups = 2;
// Specifies options of fulfulling the endorsement policy.
// Each option lists the group names, and the amount of signatures needed
// from each group.
repeated Layout layouts = 3;
// Layout contains a mapping from a group name to number of peers
// that are needed for fulfilling an endorsement policy
message Layout {
// Specifies how many non repeated signatures of each group
// are needed for endorsement
map<string, uint32> quantities_by_group = 1;
// Peers contains a list of Peer(s)
message Peers {
repeated Peer peers = 1;
// Peer contains information about the peer such as its channel specific
// state, and membership information.
message Peer {
// This is an Envelope of a GossipMessage with a gossip.StateInfo message
gossip.Envelope state_info = 1;
// This is an Envelope of a GossipMessage with a gossip.AliveMessage message
gossip.Envelope membership_info = 2;
// This is the msp.SerializedIdentity of the peer, represented in bytes.
bytes identity = 3;
// Error denotes that something went wrong and contains the error message
message Error {
string content = 1;
// Endpoints is a list of Endpoint(s)
message Endpoints {
repeated Endpoint endpoint = 1;
// Endpoint is a combination of a host and a port
message Endpoint {
string host = 1;
uint32 port = 2;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.orderer";
package orderer;
// The orderer config is specified by the following convention:
// For a configuration item with key "Key"
// the encoded value is a a proto message of type "Key"
// For example, for the configuration item of name "ConsensusType"
// the encoded value is the proto message "ConsensusType"
message ConsensusType {
// The consensus type: "solo", "kafka" or "etcdraft".
string type = 1;
// Opaque metadata, dependent on the consensus type.
bytes metadata = 2;
// State defines the orderer mode of operation, typically for consensus-type migration.
// NORMAL is during normal operation, when consensus-type migration is not, and can not, take place.
// MAINTENANCE is when the consensus-type can be changed.
enum State {
// The state signals the ordering service to go into maintenance mode, typically for consensus-type migration.
State state = 3;
message BatchSize {
// Simply specified as number of messages for now, in the future
// we may want to allow this to be specified by size in bytes
uint32 max_message_count = 1;
// The byte count of the serialized messages in a batch cannot
// exceed this value.
uint32 absolute_max_bytes = 2;
// The byte count of the serialized messages in a batch should not
// exceed this value.
uint32 preferred_max_bytes = 3;
message BatchTimeout {
// Any duration string parseable by ParseDuration():
string timeout = 1;
// Carries a list of bootstrap brokers, i.e. this is not the exclusive set of
// brokers an ordering service
message KafkaBrokers {
// Each broker here should be identified using the (IP|host):port notation,
// e.g., or localhost:7050 are valid entries
repeated string brokers = 1;
// ChannelRestrictions is the mssage which conveys restrictions on channel creation for an orderer
message ChannelRestrictions {
uint64 max_count = 1; // The max count of channels to allow to be created, a value of 0 indicates no limit
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.orderer";
package orderer;
// KafkaMessage is a wrapper type for the messages
// that the Kafka-based orderer deals with.
message KafkaMessage {
oneof Type {
KafkaMessageRegular regular = 1;
KafkaMessageTimeToCut time_to_cut = 2;
KafkaMessageConnect connect = 3;
// KafkaMessageRegular wraps a marshalled envelope.
message KafkaMessageRegular {
enum Class {
bytes payload = 1;
uint64 config_seq = 2;
Class class = 3;
int64 original_offset = 4;
// KafkaMessageTimeToCut is used to signal to the orderers
// that it is time to cut block <block_number>.
message KafkaMessageTimeToCut {
uint64 block_number = 1;
// KafkaMessageConnect is posted by an orderer upon booting up.
// It is used to prevent the panic that would be caused if we
// were to consume an empty partition. It is ignored by all
// orderers when processing the partition.
message KafkaMessageConnect {
bytes payload = 1;
// KafkaMetadata is encoded into the ORDERER block to keep track of
// Kafka-related metadata associated with this block.
message KafkaMetadata {
// LastOffsetPersisted is the encoded value for the Metadata message
// which is encoded in the ORDERER block metadata index for the case
// of the Kafka-based orderer.
int64 last_offset_persisted = 1;
// LastOriginalOffsetProcessed is used to keep track of the newest
// offset processed if a message is re-validated and re-ordered.
// This value is used to deduplicate re-submitted messages from
// multiple orderer so that we don't bother re-processing it again.
int64 last_original_offset_processed = 2;
// LastResubmittedConfigOffset is used to capture the newest offset of
// CONFIG kafka message, which is revalidated and resubmitted. By comparing
// this with LastOriginalOffsetProcessed, we could detemine whether there
// are still CONFIG messages that have been resubmitted but NOT processed
// yet. It's used as condition to block ingress messages, so we could reduce
// the overhead of repeatedly resubmitting messages as config seq keeps
// advancing.
int64 last_resubmitted_config_offset = 3;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.orderer";
package orderer;
import "common/common.proto";
message BroadcastResponse {
// Status code, which may be used to programatically respond to success/failure
common.Status status = 1;
// Info string which may contain additional information about the status returned
string info = 2;
message SeekNewest { }
message SeekOldest { }
message SeekSpecified {
uint64 number = 1;
message SeekPosition {
oneof Type {
SeekNewest newest = 1;
SeekOldest oldest = 2;
SeekSpecified specified = 3;
// SeekInfo specifies the range of requested blocks to return
// If the start position is not found, an error is immediately returned
// Otherwise, blocks are returned until a missing block is encountered, then behavior is dictated
// by the SeekBehavior specified.
message SeekInfo {
// If BLOCK_UNTIL_READY is specified, the reply will block until the requested blocks are available,
// if FAIL_IF_NOT_READY is specified, the reply will return an error indicating that the block is not
// found. To request that all blocks be returned indefinitely as they are created, behavior should be
// set to BLOCK_UNTIL_READY and the stop should be set to specified with a number of MAX_UINT64
enum SeekBehavior {
// SeekErrorTolerance indicates to the server how block provider errors should be tolerated. By default,
// if the deliver service detects a problem in the underlying block source (typically, in the orderer,
// a consenter error), it will begin to reject deliver requests. This is to prevent a client from waiting
// for blocks from an orderer which is stuck in an errored state. This is almost always the desired behavior
// and clients should stick with the default STRICT checking behavior. However, in some scenarios, particularly
// when attempting to recover from a crash or other corruption, it's desirable to force an orderer to respond
// with blocks on a best effort basis, even if the backing consensus implementation is in an errored state.
// In this case, set the SeekErrorResponse to BEST_EFFORT to ignore the consenter errors.
enum SeekErrorResponse {
SeekPosition start = 1; // The position to start the deliver from
SeekPosition stop = 2; // The position to stop the deliver
SeekBehavior behavior = 3; // The behavior when a missing block is encountered
SeekErrorResponse error_response = 4; // How to respond to errors reported to the deliver service
message DeliverResponse {
oneof Type {
common.Status status = 1;
common.Block block = 2;
service AtomicBroadcast {
// broadcast receives a reply of Acknowledgement for each common.Envelope in order, indicating success or type of failure
rpc Broadcast(stream common.Envelope) returns (stream BroadcastResponse);
// deliver first requires an Envelope of type DELIVER_SEEK_INFO with Payload data as a mashaled SeekInfo message, then a stream of block replies is received.
rpc Deliver(stream common.Envelope) returns (stream DeliverResponse);
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.orderer";
package orderer;
import "common/common.proto";
// Cluster defines communication between cluster members.
service Cluster {
// Step passes an implementation-specific message to another cluster member.
rpc Step(stream StepRequest) returns (stream StepResponse);
// StepRequest wraps a message that is sent to a cluster member.
message StepRequest {
oneof payload {
// consensus_request is a consensus specific message.
ConsensusRequest consensus_request = 1;
// submit_request is a relay of a transaction.
SubmitRequest submit_request = 2;
// StepResponse is a message received from a cluster member.
message StepResponse {
oneof payload {
SubmitResponse submit_res = 1;
// ConsensusRequest is a consensus specific message sent to a cluster member.
message ConsensusRequest {
string channel = 1;
bytes payload = 2;
bytes metadata = 3;
// SubmitRequest wraps a transaction to be sent for ordering.
message SubmitRequest {
string channel = 1;
// last_validation_seq denotes the last
// configuration sequence at which the
// sender validated this message.
uint64 last_validation_seq = 2;
// content is the fabric transaction
// that is forwarded to the cluster member.
common.Envelope payload = 3;
// SubmitResponse returns a success
// or failure status to the sender.
message SubmitResponse {
string channel = 1;
// Status code, which may be used to programatically respond to success/failure.
common.Status status = 2;
// Info string which may contain additional information about the returned status.
string info = 3;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.orderer.etcdraft";
package etcdraft;
// ConfigMetadata is serialized and set as the value of ConsensusType.Metadata in
// a channel configuration when the ConsensusType.Type is set "etcdraft".
message ConfigMetadata {
repeated Consenter consenters = 1;
Options options = 2;
// Consenter represents a consenting node (i.e. replica).
message Consenter {
string host = 1;
uint32 port = 2;
bytes client_tls_cert = 3;
bytes server_tls_cert = 4;
// Options to be specified for all the etcd/raft nodes. These can be modified on a
// per-channel basis.
message Options {
string tick_interval = 1; // time duration format, e.g. 500ms
uint32 election_tick = 2;
uint32 heartbeat_tick = 3;
uint32 max_inflight_blocks = 4;
// Take snapshot when cumulative data exceeds certain size in bytes.
uint32 snapshot_interval_size = 5;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.orderer.etcdraft";
package etcdraft;
// BlockMetadata stores data used by the Raft OSNs when
// coordinating with each other, to be serialized into
// block meta dta field and used after failres and restarts.
message BlockMetadata {
// Maintains a mapping between the cluster's OSNs
// and their Raft IDs.
repeated uint64 consenter_ids = 1;
// Carries the Raft ID value that will be assigned
// to the next OSN that will join this cluster.
uint64 next_consenter_id = 2;
// Index of etcd/raft entry for current block.
uint64 raft_index = 3;
// ClusterMetadata encapsulates metadata that is exchanged among cluster nodes
message ClusterMetadata {
// Indicates active nodes in cluster that are reacheable by Raft leader
repeated uint64 active_nodes = 1;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.gossip";
package gossip;
import "common/collection.proto";
// Gossip
service Gossip {
// GossipStream is the gRPC stream used for sending and receiving messages
rpc GossipStream (stream Envelope) returns (stream Envelope);
// Ping is used to probe a remote peer's aliveness
rpc Ping (Empty) returns (Empty);
// Envelope contains a marshalled
// GossipMessage and a signature over it.
// It may also contain a SecretEnvelope
// which is a marshalled Secret
message Envelope {
bytes payload = 1;
bytes signature = 2;
SecretEnvelope secret_envelope = 3;
// SecretEnvelope is a marshalled Secret
// and a signature over it.
// The signature should be validated by the peer
// that signed the Envelope the SecretEnvelope
// came with
message SecretEnvelope {
bytes payload = 1;
bytes signature = 2;
// Secret is an entity that might be omitted
// from an Envelope when the remote peer that is receiving
// the Envelope shouldn't know the secret's content.
message Secret {
oneof content {
string internalEndpoint = 1;
// GossipMessage defines the message sent in a gossip network
message GossipMessage {
// used mainly for testing, but will might be used in the future
// for ensuring message delivery by acking
uint64 nonce = 1;
// The channel of the message.
// Some GossipMessages may set this to nil, because
// they are cross-channels but some may not
bytes channel = 2;
enum Tag {
EMPTY = 1;
// determines to which peers it is allowed
// to forward the message
Tag tag = 3;
oneof content {
// Membership
AliveMessage alive_msg = 5;
MembershipRequest mem_req = 6;
MembershipResponse mem_res = 7;
// Contains a ledger block
DataMessage data_msg = 8;
// Used for push&pull
GossipHello hello = 9;
DataDigest data_dig = 10;
DataRequest data_req = 11;
DataUpdate data_update = 12;
// Empty message, used for pinging
Empty empty = 13;
// ConnEstablish, used for establishing a connection
ConnEstablish conn = 14;
// Used for relaying information
// about state
StateInfo state_info = 15;
// Used for sending sets of StateInfo messages
StateInfoSnapshot state_snapshot = 16;
// Used for asking for StateInfoSnapshots
StateInfoPullRequest state_info_pull_req = 17;
// Used to ask from a remote peer a set of blocks
RemoteStateRequest state_request = 18;
// Used to send a set of blocks to a remote peer
RemoteStateResponse state_response = 19;
// Used to indicate intent of peer to become leader
LeadershipMessage leadership_msg = 20;
// Used to learn of a peer's certificate
PeerIdentity peer_identity = 21;
Acknowledgement ack = 22;
// Used to request private data
RemotePvtDataRequest privateReq = 23;
// Used to respond to private data requests
RemotePvtDataResponse privateRes = 24;
// Encapsulates private data used to distribute
// private rwset after the endorsement
PrivateDataMessage private_data = 25;
// StateInfo is used for a peer to relay its state information
// to other peers
message StateInfo {
PeerTime timestamp = 2;
bytes pki_id = 3;
// channel_MAC is an authentication code that proves
// that the peer that sent this message knows
// the name of the channel.
bytes channel_MAC = 4;
Properties properties = 5;
message Properties {
uint64 ledger_height = 1;
bool left_channel = 2;
repeated Chaincode chaincodes = 3;
// StateInfoSnapshot is an aggregation of StateInfo messages
message StateInfoSnapshot {
repeated Envelope elements = 1;
// StateInfoPullRequest is used to fetch a StateInfoSnapshot
// from a remote peer
message StateInfoPullRequest {
// channel_MAC is an authentication code that proves
// that the peer that sent this message knows
// the name of the channel.
bytes channel_MAC = 1;
// ConnEstablish is the message used for the gossip handshake
// Whenever a peer connects to another peer, it handshakes
// with it by sending this message that proves its identity
message ConnEstablish {
bytes pki_id = 1;
bytes identity = 2;
bytes tls_cert_hash = 3;
// PeerIdentity defines the identity of the peer
// Used to make other peers learn of the identity
// of a certain peer
message PeerIdentity {
bytes pki_id = 1;
bytes cert = 2;
bytes metadata = 3;
// Messages related to pull mechanism
enum PullMsgType {
// DataRequest is a message used for a peer to request
// certain data blocks from a remote peer
message DataRequest {
uint64 nonce = 1;
repeated bytes digests = 2;
PullMsgType msg_type = 3;
// GossipHello is the message that is used for the peer to initiate
// a pull round with another peer
message GossipHello {
uint64 nonce = 1;
bytes metadata = 2;
PullMsgType msg_type = 3;
// DataUpdate is the final message in the pull phase
// sent from the receiver to the initiator
message DataUpdate {
uint64 nonce = 1;
repeated Envelope data = 2;
PullMsgType msg_type = 3;
// DataDigest is the message sent from the receiver peer
// to the initator peer and contains the data items it has
message DataDigest {
uint64 nonce = 1;
repeated bytes digests = 2; // Maybe change this to bitmap later on
PullMsgType msg_type = 3;
// Ledger block messages
// DataMessage is the message that contains a block
message DataMessage {
Payload payload = 1;
// PrivateDataMessage message which includes private
// data information to distributed once transaction
// has been endorsed
message PrivateDataMessage {
PrivatePayload payload = 1;
// Payload contains a block
message Payload {
uint64 seq_num = 1;
bytes data = 2;
repeated bytes private_data = 3;
// PrivatePayload payload to encapsulate private
// data with collection name to enable routing
// based on collection partitioning
message PrivatePayload {
string collection_name = 1;
string namespace = 2;
string tx_id = 3;
bytes private_rwset = 4;
uint64 private_sim_height = 5;
common.CollectionConfigPackage collection_configs = 6;
// Membership messages
// AliveMessage is sent to inform remote peers
// of a peer's existence and activity
message AliveMessage {
Member membership = 1;
PeerTime timestamp = 2;
bytes identity = 4;
// Leadership Message is sent during leader election to inform
// remote peers about intent of peer to proclaim itself as leader
message LeadershipMessage {
bytes pki_id = 1;
PeerTime timestamp = 2;
bool is_declaration = 3;
// PeerTime defines the logical time of a peer's life
message PeerTime {
uint64 inc_num = 1;
uint64 seq_num = 2;
// MembershipRequest is used to ask membership information
// from a remote peer
message MembershipRequest {
Envelope self_information = 1;
repeated bytes known = 2;
// MembershipResponse is used for replying to MembershipRequests
message MembershipResponse {
repeated Envelope alive = 1;
repeated Envelope dead = 2;
// Member holds membership-related information
// about a peer
message Member {
string endpoint = 1;
bytes metadata = 2;
bytes pki_id = 3;
// Empty is used for pinging and in tests
message Empty {}
// State transfer
// RemoteStateRequest is used to ask a set of blocks
// from a remote peer
message RemoteStateRequest {
uint64 start_seq_num = 1;
uint64 end_seq_num = 2;
// RemoteStateResponse is used to send a set of blocks
// to a remote peer
message RemoteStateResponse {
repeated Payload payloads = 1;
// RemotePrivateDataRequest message used to request
// missing private rwset
message RemotePvtDataRequest {
repeated PvtDataDigest digests = 1;
// PvtDataDigest defines a digest of private data
message PvtDataDigest {
string tx_id = 1;
string namespace = 2;
string collection = 3;
uint64 block_seq = 4;
uint64 seq_in_block = 5;
// RemotePrivateData message to response on private
// data replication request
message RemotePvtDataResponse {
repeated PvtDataElement elements = 1;
message PvtDataElement {
PvtDataDigest digest = 1;
// the payload is a marshaled kvrwset.KVRWSet
repeated bytes payload = 2;
// PvtPayload augments private rwset data and tx index
// inside the block
message PvtDataPayload {
uint64 tx_seq_in_block = 1;
// Encodes marhslaed bytes of rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet
// defined in rwset.proto
bytes payload = 2;
message Acknowledgement {
string error = 1;
// Chaincode represents a Chaincode that is installed
// on a peer
message Chaincode {
string name = 1;
string version = 2;
bytes metadata = 3;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
package transientstore;
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.transientstore";
import "ledger/rwset/rwset.proto";
import "common/collection.proto";
// TxPvtReadWriteSetWithConfigInfo encapsulates the transaction's private
// read-write set and additional information about the configurations such as
// the latest collection config when the transaction is simulated
message TxPvtReadWriteSetWithConfigInfo {
uint64 endorsed_at = 1;
rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet pvt_rwset = 2;
map<string, common.CollectionConfigPackage> collection_configs = 3;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.common";
package common;
// HashingAlgorithm is encoded into the configuration transaction as a configuration item of type Chain
// with a Key of "HashingAlgorithm" and a Value of HashingAlgorithm as marshaled protobuf bytes
message HashingAlgorithm {
// Currently supported algorithms are: SHAKE256
string name = 1;
// BlockDataHashingStructure is encoded into the configuration transaction as a configuration item of
// type Chain with a Key of "BlockDataHashingStructure" and a Value of HashingAlgorithm as marshaled protobuf bytes
message BlockDataHashingStructure {
// width specifies the width of the Merkle tree to use when computing the BlockDataHash
// in order to replicate flat hashing, set this width to MAX_UINT32
uint32 width = 1;
// OrdererAddresses is encoded into the configuration transaction as a configuration item of type Chain
// with a Key of "OrdererAddresses" and a Value of OrdererAddresses as marshaled protobuf bytes
message OrdererAddresses {
repeated string addresses = 1;
// Consortium represents the consortium context in which the channel was created
message Consortium {
string name = 1;
// Capabilities message defines the capabilities a particular binary must implement
// for that binary to be able to safely participate in the channel. The capabilities
// message is defined at the /Channel level, the /Channel/Application level, and the
// /Channel/Orderer level.
// The /Channel level capabilties define capabilities which both the orderer and peer
// binaries must satisfy. These capabilties might be things like a new MSP type,
// or a new policy type.
// The /Channel/Orderer level capabilties define capabilities which must be supported
// by the orderer, but which have no bearing on the behavior of the peer. For instance
// if the orderer changes the logic for how it constructs new channels, only all orderers
// must agree on the new logic. The peers do not need to be aware of this change as
// they only interact with the channel after it has been constructed.
// Finally, the /Channel/Application level capabilities define capabilities which the peer
// binary must satisfy, but which have no bearing on the orderer. For instance, if the
// peer adds a new UTXO transaction type, or changes the chaincode lifecycle requirements,
// all peers must agree on the new logic. However, orderers never inspect transactions
// this deeply, and therefore have no need to be aware of the change.
// The capabilities strings defined in these messages typically correspond to release
// binary versions (e.g. "V1.1"), and are used primarilly as a mechanism for a fully
// upgraded network to switch from one set of logic to a new one.
// Although for V1.1, the orderers must be upgraded to V1.1 prior to the rest of the
// network, going forward, because of the split between the /Channel, /Channel/Orderer
// and /Channel/Application capabilities. It should be possible for the orderer and
// application networks to upgrade themselves independently (with the exception of any
// new capabilities defined at the /Channel level).
message Capabilities {
map<string, Capability> capabilities = 1;
// Capability is an empty message for the time being. It is defined as a protobuf
// message rather than a constant, so that we may extend capabilities with other fields
// if the need arises in the future. For the time being, a capability being in the
// capabilities map requires that that capability be supported.
message Capability { }
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.common";
package common;
// Contains information about the blockchain ledger such as height, current
// block hash, and previous block hash.
message BlockchainInfo {
uint64 height = 1;
bytes currentBlockHash = 2;
bytes previousBlockHash = 3;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.common";
package common;
import "msp/msp_principal.proto";
// Policy expresses a policy which the orderer can evaluate, because there has been some desire expressed to support
// multiple policy engines, this is typed as a oneof for now
message Policy {
enum PolicyType {
UNKNOWN = 0; // Reserved to check for proper initialization
MSP = 2;
int32 type = 1; // For outside implementors, consider the first 1000 types reserved, otherwise one of PolicyType
bytes value = 2;
// SignaturePolicyEnvelope wraps a SignaturePolicy and includes a version for future enhancements
message SignaturePolicyEnvelope {
int32 version = 1;
SignaturePolicy rule = 2;
repeated MSPPrincipal identities = 3;
// SignaturePolicy is a recursive message structure which defines a featherweight DSL for describing
// policies which are more complicated than 'exactly this signature'. The NOutOf operator is sufficent
// to express AND as well as OR, as well as of course N out of the following M policies
// SignedBy implies that the signature is from a valid certificate which is signed by the trusted
// authority specified in the bytes. This will be the certificate itself for a self-signed certificate
// and will be the CA for more traditional certificates
message SignaturePolicy {
message NOutOf {
int32 n = 1;
repeated SignaturePolicy rules = 2;
oneof Type {
int32 signed_by = 1;
NOutOf n_out_of = 2;
// ImplicitMetaPolicy is a policy type which depends on the hierarchical nature of the configuration
// It is implicit because the rule is generate implicitly based on the number of sub policies
// It is meta because it depends only on the result of other policies
// When evaluated, this policy iterates over all immediate child sub-groups, retrieves the policy
// of name sub_policy, evaluates the collection and applies the rule.
// For example, with 4 sub-groups, and a policy name of "foo", ImplicitMetaPolicy retrieves
// each sub-group, retrieves policy "foo" for each subgroup, evaluates it, and, in the case of ANY
// 1 satisfied is sufficient, ALL would require 4 signatures, and MAJORITY would require 3 signatures.
message ImplicitMetaPolicy {
enum Rule {
ANY = 0; // Requires any of the sub-policies be satisfied, if no sub-policies exist, always returns true
ALL = 1; // Requires all of the sub-policies be satisfied
MAJORITY = 2; // Requires a strict majority (greater than half) of the sub-policies be satisfied
string sub_policy = 1;
Rule rule = 2;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.common";
package common;
import "common/common.proto";
import "common/policies.proto";
// ConfigEnvelope is designed to contain _all_ configuration for a chain with no dependency
// on previous configuration transactions.
// It is generated with the following scheme:
// 1. Retrieve the existing configuration
// 2. Note the config properties (ConfigValue, ConfigPolicy, ConfigGroup) to be modified
// 3. Add any intermediate ConfigGroups to the ConfigUpdate.read_set (sparsely)
// 4. Add any additional desired dependencies to ConfigUpdate.read_set (sparsely)
// 5. Modify the config properties, incrementing each version by 1, set them in the ConfigUpdate.write_set
// Note: any element not modified but specified should already be in the read_set, so may be specified sparsely
// 6. Create ConfigUpdate message and marshal it into ConfigUpdateEnvelope.update and encode the required signatures
// a) Each signature is of type ConfigSignature
// b) The ConfigSignature signature is over the concatenation of signature_header and the ConfigUpdate bytes (which includes a ChainHeader)
// 5. Submit new Config for ordering in Envelope signed by submitter
// a) The Envelope Payload has data set to the marshaled ConfigEnvelope
// b) The Envelope Payload has a header of type Header.Type.CONFIG_UPDATE
// The configuration manager will verify:
// 1. All items in the read_set exist at the read versions
// 2. All items in the write_set at a different version than, or not in, the read_set have been appropriately signed according to their mod_policy
// 3. The new configuration satisfies the ConfigSchema
message ConfigEnvelope {
Config config = 1; // A marshaled Config structure
Envelope last_update = 2; // The last CONFIG_UPDATE message which generated this current configuration
// Note that CONFIG_UPDATE has a Payload.Data of a Marshaled ConfigUpdate
message ConfigGroupSchema {
map<string, ConfigGroupSchema> groups = 1;
map<string, ConfigValueSchema> values = 2;
map<string, ConfigPolicySchema> policies = 3;
message ConfigValueSchema {}
message ConfigPolicySchema {}
// Config represents the config for a particular channel
message Config {
// Prevent removed tag re-use
reserved 3;
reserved "type";
uint64 sequence = 1;
ConfigGroup channel_group = 2; // channel_group is a bad name for this, it should be changed to root when API breakage is allowed
message ConfigUpdateEnvelope {
bytes config_update = 1; // A marshaled ConfigUpdate structure
repeated ConfigSignature signatures = 2; // Signatures over the config_update
// ConfigUpdate is used to submit a subset of config and to have the orderer apply to Config
// it is always submitted inside a ConfigUpdateEnvelope which allows the addition of signatures
// resulting in a new total configuration. The update is applied as follows:
// 1. The versions from all of the elements in the read_set is verified against the versions in the existing config.
// If there is a mismatch in the read versions, then the config update fails and is rejected.
// 2. Any elements in the write_set with the same version as the read_set are ignored.
// 3. The corresponding mod_policy for every remaining element in the write_set is collected.
// 4. Each policy is checked against the signatures from the ConfigUpdateEnvelope, any failing to verify are rejected
// 5. The write_set is applied to the Config and the ConfigGroupSchema verifies that the updates were legal
message ConfigUpdate {
// Prevent removed tag re-use
reserved 4;
reserved "type";
string channel_id = 1; // Which channel this config update is for
ConfigGroup read_set = 2; // ReadSet explicitly lists the portion of the config which was read, this should be sparse with only Version set
ConfigGroup write_set = 3; // WriteSet lists the portion of the config which was written, this should included updated Versions
map<string, bytes> isolated_data = 5; // Data which is not to be reflected in the resulting Config, but is still needed for some other purpose. For instance, rscc_seed_data
// ConfigGroup is the hierarchical data structure for holding config
message ConfigGroup {
uint64 version = 1;
map<string,ConfigGroup> groups = 2;
map<string,ConfigValue> values = 3;
map<string,ConfigPolicy> policies = 4;
string mod_policy = 5;
// ConfigValue represents an individual piece of config data
message ConfigValue {
uint64 version = 1;
bytes value = 2;
string mod_policy = 3;
message ConfigPolicy {
uint64 version = 1;
Policy policy = 2;
string mod_policy = 3;
message ConfigSignature {
bytes signature_header = 1; // A marshaled SignatureHeader
bytes signature = 2; // Signature over the concatenation signatureHeader bytes and config bytes
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.common";
package common;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// These status codes are intended to resemble selected HTTP status codes
enum Status {
SUCCESS = 200;
NOT_FOUND = 404;
enum HeaderType {
reserved 7, 9;
MESSAGE = 0; // Used for messages which are signed but opaque
CONFIG = 1; // Used for messages which express the channel config
CONFIG_UPDATE = 2; // Used for transactions which update the channel config
ENDORSER_TRANSACTION = 3; // Used by the SDK to submit endorser based transactions
ORDERER_TRANSACTION = 4; // Used internally by the orderer for management
DELIVER_SEEK_INFO = 5; // Used as the type for Envelope messages submitted to instruct the Deliver API to seek
CHAINCODE_PACKAGE = 6; // Used for packaging chaincode artifacts for install
PEER_ADMIN_OPERATION = 8; // Used for invoking an administrative operation on a peer
// This enum enlists indexes of the block metadata array
enum BlockMetadataIndex {
SIGNATURES = 0; // Block metadata array position for block signatures
LAST_CONFIG = 1; // Block metadata array position to store last configuration block sequence number
TRANSACTIONS_FILTER = 2; // Block metadata array position to store serialized bit array filter of invalid transactions
ORDERER = 3 [deprecated=true]; /* Block metadata array position to store operational metadata for orderers
e.g. For Kafka, this is where we store the last offset written to the local ledger */
COMMIT_HASH = 4; /* Block metadata array position to store the hash of TRANSACTIONS_FILTER, State Updates,
and the COMMIT_HASH of the previous block */
// LastConfig is the encoded value for the Metadata message which is encoded in the LAST_CONFIGURATION block metadata index
message LastConfig {
uint64 index = 1;
// Metadata is a common structure to be used to encode block metadata
message Metadata {
bytes value = 1;
repeated MetadataSignature signatures = 2;
message MetadataSignature {
bytes signature_header = 1; // An encoded SignatureHeader
bytes signature = 2; // The signature over the concatenation of the Metadata value bytes, signatureHeader, and block header
message Header {
bytes channel_header = 1;
bytes signature_header = 2;
// Header is a generic replay prevention and identity message to include in a signed payload
message ChannelHeader {
int32 type = 1; // Header types 0-10000 are reserved and defined by HeaderType
// Version indicates message protocol version
int32 version = 2;
// Timestamp is the local time when the message was created
// by the sender
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 3;
// Identifier of the channel this message is bound for
string channel_id = 4;
// An unique identifier that is used end-to-end.
// - set by higher layers such as end user or SDK
// - passed to the endorser (which will check for uniqueness)
// - as the header is passed along unchanged, it will be
// be retrieved by the committer (uniqueness check here as well)
// - to be stored in the ledger
string tx_id = 5;
// The epoch in which this header was generated, where epoch is defined based on block height
// Epoch in which the response has been generated. This field identifies a
// logical window of time. A proposal response is accepted by a peer only if
// two conditions hold:
// 1. the epoch specified in the message is the current epoch
// 2. this message has been only seen once during this epoch (i.e. it hasn't
// been replayed)
uint64 epoch = 6;
// Extension that may be attached based on the header type
bytes extension = 7;
// If mutual TLS is employed, this represents
// the hash of the client's TLS certificate
bytes tls_cert_hash = 8;
message SignatureHeader {
// Creator of the message, a marshaled msp.SerializedIdentity
bytes creator = 1;
// Arbitrary number that may only be used once. Can be used to detect replay attacks.
bytes nonce = 2;
// Payload is the message contents (and header to allow for signing)
message Payload {
// Header is included to provide identity and prevent replay
Header header = 1;
// Data, the encoding of which is defined by the type in the header
bytes data = 2;
// Envelope wraps a Payload with a signature so that the message may be authenticated
message Envelope {
// A marshaled Payload
bytes payload = 1;
// A signature by the creator specified in the Payload header
bytes signature = 2;
// This is finalized block structure to be shared among the orderer and peer
// Note that the BlockHeader chains to the previous BlockHeader, and the BlockData hash is embedded
// in the BlockHeader. This makes it natural and obvious that the Data is included in the hash, but
// the Metadata is not.
message Block {
BlockHeader header = 1;
BlockData data = 2;
BlockMetadata metadata = 3;
// BlockHeader is the element of the block which forms the block chain
// The block header is hashed using the configured chain hashing algorithm
// over the ASN.1 encoding of the BlockHeader
message BlockHeader {
uint64 number = 1; // The position in the blockchain
bytes previous_hash = 2; // The hash of the previous block header
bytes data_hash = 3; // The hash of the BlockData, by MerkleTree
message BlockData {
repeated bytes data = 1;
message BlockMetadata {
repeated bytes metadata = 1;
// OrdererBlockMetadata defines metadata that is set by the ordering service.
message OrdererBlockMetadata {
LastConfig last_config = 1;
bytes consenter_metadata = 2;
// Copyright the Hyperledger Fabric contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.common";
package common;
import "common/policies.proto";
// CollectionConfigPackage represents an array of CollectionConfig
// messages; the extra struct is required because repeated oneof is
// forbidden by the protobuf syntax
message CollectionConfigPackage {
repeated CollectionConfig config = 1;
// CollectionConfig defines the configuration of a collection object;
// it currently contains a single, static type.
// Dynamic collections are deferred.
message CollectionConfig {
oneof payload {
StaticCollectionConfig static_collection_config = 1;
// StaticCollectionConfig constitutes the configuration parameters of a
// static collection object. Static collections are collections that are
// known at chaincode instantiation time, and that cannot be changed.
// Dynamic collections are deferred.
message StaticCollectionConfig {
// the name of the collection inside the denoted chaincode
string name = 1;
// a reference to a policy residing / managed in the config block
// to define which orgs have access to this collection’s private data
CollectionPolicyConfig member_orgs_policy = 2;
// The minimum number of peers private data will be sent to upon
// endorsement. The endorsement would fail if dissemination to at least
// this number of peers is not achieved.
int32 required_peer_count = 3;
// The maximum number of peers that private data will be sent to
// upon endorsement. This number has to be bigger than required_peer_count.
int32 maximum_peer_count = 4;
// The number of blocks after which the collection data expires.
// For instance if the value is set to 10, a key last modified by block number 100
// will be purged at block number 111. A zero value is treated same as MaxUint64
uint64 block_to_live = 5;
// The member only read access denotes whether only collection member clients
// can read the private data (if set to true), or even non members can
// read the data (if set to false, for example if you want to implement more granular
// access logic in the chaincode)
bool member_only_read = 6;
// The member only write access denotes whether only collection member clients
// can write the private data (if set to true), or even non members can
// write the data (if set to false, for example if you want to implement more granular
// access logic in the chaincode)
bool member_only_write = 7;
// Collection policy configuration. Initially, the configuration can only
// contain a SignaturePolicy. In the future, the SignaturePolicy may be a
// more general Policy. Instead of containing the actual policy, the
// configuration may in the future contain a string reference to a policy.
message CollectionPolicyConfig {
oneof payload {
// Initially, only a signature policy is supported.
SignaturePolicyEnvelope signature_policy = 1;
// Later, the SignaturePolicy will be replaced by a Policy.
// Policy policy = 1;
// A reference to a Policy is planned to be added later.
// string reference = 2;
// CollectionCriteria defines an element of a private data that corresponds
// to a certain transaction and collection
message CollectionCriteria {
string channel = 1;
string tx_id = 2;
string collection = 3;
string namespace = 4;
The Linux Foundation 開在 edX 的免費 Hyperledger Sawtooth 開發課程。
Hyperledger Sawtooth for Application Developers
pseudomuto/protoc-gen-doc: Documentation generator plugin for Google Protocol Buffers
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bash --gen-proto-doc /tmp/src/sawtooth/protos /tmp/
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bytes | | The serialized version of the TransactionHeader |
header_signature | string | | The signature derived from signing the header |
payload | bytes | | The payload is the encoded family specific information of the transaction. Example cbor({'Verb': verb, 'Name': name,'Value': value}) |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
batcher_public_key | string | | Public key for the client who added this transaction to a batch |
dependencies | string | repeated | A list of transaction signatures that describe the transactions that must be processed before this transaction can be valid |
family_name | string | | The family name correlates to the transaction processor's family name that this transaction can be processed on, for example 'intkey' |
family_version | string | | The family version correlates to the transaction processor's family version that this transaction can be processed on, for example "1.0" |
inputs | string | repeated | A list of addresses that are given to the context manager and control what addresses the transaction processor is allowed to read from. |
nonce | string | | A random string that provides uniqueness for transactions with otherwise identical fields. |
outputs | string | repeated | A list of addresses that are given to the context manager and control what addresses the transaction processor is allowed to write to. |
payload_sha512 | string | | The sha512 hash of the encoded payload |
signer_public_key | string | | Public key for the client that signed the TransactionHeader |
A simple list of transactions that needs to be serialized before
it can be transmitted to a batcher.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transactions | Transaction | repeated | |
A request to get miscellaneous information about the validator
Information about the validator's peers
Field | Type | Label | Description |
endpoint | string | | The peer's public network endpoint |
The status of the response message, not the validator's status
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
ERROR | 2 | |
The message passed between the validator and client, containing the
header fields and content.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
message_type | Message.MessageType | | The type of message, used to determine how to 'route' the message to the appropriate handler as well as how to deserialize the content. |
correlation_id | string | | The identifier used to correlate response messages to their related request messages. correlation_id should be set to a random string for messages which are not responses to previously sent messages. For response messages, correlation_id should be set to the same string as contained in the request message. |
content | bytes | | The content of the message, defined by message_type. In many cases, this data has been serialized with Protocol Buffers or CBOR. |
A list of messages to be transmitted together.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
messages | Message | repeated | |
Name | Number | Description |
DEFAULT | 0 | |
TP_REGISTER_REQUEST | 1 | Registration request from the transaction processor to the validator |
TP_REGISTER_RESPONSE | 2 | Registration response from the validator to the transaction processor |
TP_UNREGISTER_REQUEST | 3 | Tell the validator that the transaction processor won't take any more transactions |
TP_UNREGISTER_RESPONSE | 4 | Response from the validator to the tp that it won't send any more transactions |
TP_PROCESS_REQUEST | 5 | Process Request from the validator/executor to the transaction processor |
TP_PROCESS_RESPONSE | 6 | Process response from the transaction processor to the validator/executor |
TP_STATE_GET_REQUEST | 7 | State get request from the transaction processor to validator/context_manager |
TP_STATE_GET_RESPONSE | 8 | State get response from the validator/context_manager to the transaction processor |
TP_STATE_SET_REQUEST | 9 | State set request from the transaction processor to the validator/context_manager |
TP_STATE_SET_RESPONSE | 10 | State set response from the validator/context_manager to the transaction processor |
TP_STATE_DELETE_REQUEST | 11 | State delete request from the transaction processor to the validator/context_manager |
TP_STATE_DELETE_RESPONSE | 12 | State delete response from the validator/context_manager to the transaction processor |
TP_RECEIPT_ADD_DATA_REQUEST | 13 | Message to append data to a transaction receipt |
TP_RECEIPT_ADD_DATA_RESPONSE | 14 | Response from validator to tell transaction processor that data has been appended |
TP_EVENT_ADD_REQUEST | 15 | Message to add event |
TP_EVENT_ADD_RESPONSE | 16 | Response from validator to tell transaction processor that event has been created |
CLIENT_BATCH_SUBMIT_REQUEST | 100 | Submission of a batchlist from the web api or another client to the validator |
CLIENT_BATCH_SUBMIT_RESPONSE | 101 | Response from the validator to the web api/client that the submission was accepted |
CLIENT_BLOCK_LIST_REQUEST | 102 | A request to list blocks from the web api/client to the validator |
CLIENT_STATE_CURRENT_REQUEST | 114 | Client state request of the current state hash to be retrieved from the journal |
CLIENT_STATE_CURRENT_RESPONSE | 115 | Response with the current state hash |
CLIENT_STATE_LIST_REQUEST | 116 | A request of all the addresses under a particular prefix, for a state hash. |
CLIENT_STATE_LIST_RESPONSE | 117 | The response of the addresses |
CLIENT_STATE_GET_REQUEST | 118 | Get the address:data entry at a particular address |
CLIENT_STATE_GET_RESPONSE | 119 | The response with the entry |
CLIENT_BATCH_STATUS_REQUEST | 120 | A request for the status of a batch or batches |
CLIENT_BATCH_STATUS_RESPONSE | 121 | A response with the batch statuses |
CLIENT_RECEIPT_GET_REQUEST | 122 | A request for one or more transaction receipts |
CLIENT_RECEIPT_GET_RESPONSE | 123 | A response with the receipts |
CLIENT_PEERS_GET_REQUEST | 125 | A request for a validator's peers |
CLIENT_PEERS_GET_RESPONSE | 126 | A response with the validator's peers |
CLIENT_STATUS_GET_REQUEST | 129 | A request for a validator's status |
CLIENT_STATUS_GET_RESPONSE | 130 | A response with the validator's status |
CLIENT_EVENTS_SUBSCRIBE_REQUEST | 500 | Message types for events |
GOSSIP_MESSAGE | 200 | Temp message types until a discussion can be had about gossip msg |
NETWORK_ACK | 300 | |
AUTHORIZATION_CONNECTION_RESPONSE | 600 | Message types for Authorization Types |
PING_REQUEST | 700 | |
CONSENSUS_REGISTER_REQUEST | 800 | Consensus service messages |
CONSENSUS_NOTIFY_PEER_CONNECTED | 900 | Consensus notification messages |
All information about a block that is relevant to consensus
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block_id | bytes | | |
previous_id | bytes | | |
signer_id | bytes | | The id of peer that signed this block |
block_num | uint64 | | |
payload | bytes | | |
summary | bytes | | A summary of the contents of the block |
Retrieve consensus-related information about blocks. If some blocks could
not be found, only the blocks that could be found will be returned.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block_ids | bytes | repeated | |
Broadcast a consensus message to all peers
Field | Type | Label | Description |
content | bytes | | Payload to broadcast peers |
NOTE: This payload will be wrapped up in a ConsensusPeerMessage struct, which includes computing its SHA-512 digest, inserting this engine's registration info, and the validator's public key, and signing everything with the validator's private key. |
| message_type | string | | |
Stop adding batches to the current block and abandon it.
Retrieve consensus-related information about the chain head.
Request that, for each block block in order, the block is checked to
determine whether the block can be committed successfully or not. Blocks
may be checked in parallel. If a new request arrives, it overrides the
previous request allowing the engine to reprioritize the list of blocks to
NOTE: OK does not mean the blocks will all commit successfully, only that
the directive was received successfully. The engine must listen for
notifications from the consuming component to learn if the blocks would
commit or not.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block_ids | bytes | repeated | |
Request that the block be committed. This request fails if the block has
not already been checked.
NOTE: OK does not mean the block has been committed, only that the directive
was received successfully. The engine must listen for notifications from the
consuming component to learn when the block commits.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block_id | bytes | | |
Fail this block and any of its descendants and purge them as needed.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block_id | bytes | | |
Insert the given consensus data into the block and sign it. If this call is
successful, the consensus engine will receive the block afterwards.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | bytes | | The consensus data to include in the finalized block |
Inform the consuming component that this block is no longer being considered
and can be held or freed as needed.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block_id | bytes | | |
Initialize a new block built on the block with the given previous id and
begin adding batches to it. If no previous id is specified, the current
head will be used.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
previous_id | bytes | | |
Confirm that the notification was received. The validator message
correlation id is used to determine which notification this is an ack for.
This block has been committed
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block_id | bytes | | |
This block cannot be committed successfully
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block_id | bytes | | |
A new block was received and passed initial consensus validation
This block can be committed successfully
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block_id | bytes | | |
The engine has been activated
The engine has been deactivated
A new peer was added
An existing peer was dropped
Field | Type | Label | Description |
peer_id | bytes | | |
A new message was received from a peer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
message | ConsensusPeerMessage | | The message sent |
sender_id | bytes | | The node that sent the message, not necessarily the node that created it |
Information about a peer that is relevant to consensus
Field | Type | Label | Description |
peer_id | bytes | | The unique id for this peer. This can be correlated with the signer id on consensus blocks. |
A consensus-related message sent between peers
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bytes | | The serialized version of the ConsensusPeerMessageHeader |
header_signature | bytes | | The signature derived from signing the header |
content | bytes | | The opaque payload to send to other nodes |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signer_id | bytes | | Public key for the component internal to the validator that signed the message |
content_sha512 | bytes | | The sha512 hash of the encoded message |
message_type | string | | Interpretation is left to the consensus engine implementation |
name | string | | Used to identify the consensus engine that produced this message |
version | string | | |
Sent to connect with the validator
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | | The name of this consensus engine |
version | string | | The version of this consensus engine |
additional_protocols | ConsensusRegisterRequest.Protocol | repeated | Any additional name/version pairs the consensus engine supports |
Send a consensus message to a specific, connected peer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
content | bytes | | Payload to send to peer |
NOTE: This payload will be wrapped up in a ConsensusPeerMessage struct, which includes computing its SHA-512 digest, inserting this engine's registration info, and the validator's public key, and signing everything with the validator's private key. |
| message_type | string | | |
| receiver_id | bytes | | Peer that this message is destined for |
A settings key-value pair
Read the values of these settings from state as of the given block. If some
values settings keys cannot be found, the keys that were found will be
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block_id | bytes | | |
keys | string | repeated | |
A state key-value pair
Read the data at these addresses from state as of the given block. If some
addresses cannot be found, state at the addresses that were found will be
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block_id | bytes | | |
addresses | string | repeated | |
Stop adding batches to the current block and return a summary of its
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 4 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 4 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 4 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 4 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 4 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 4 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 4 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 4 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 4 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 4 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 4 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 4 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 4 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 4 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 4 | |
Information about the status of a batch submitted to the validator.
batch_id: The id (header_signature) of the batch
status: The committed status of the batch
invalid_transactions: Info for transactions that failed, if any
COMMITTED - the batch was accepted and has been committed to the chain
INVALID - the batch failed validation, it should be resubmitted
PENDING - the batch is still being processed
UNKNOWN - no status for the batch could be found (possibly invalid)
A request for the status of one or more batches, specified by id.
If wait
is set to true, the validator will wait to respond until all
batches are committed, or until the specified timeout
in seconds has
elapsed. Defaults to 300.
This is a response to a request for the status of specific batches.
- OK - everything with the request worked as expected
- INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
- NO_RESOURCE - the response contains no data, likely because
no ids were specified in the request
Submits a list of Batches to be added to the blockchain.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
batches | Batch | repeated | |
This is a response to a submission of one or more Batches.
- OK - everything with the request worked as expected
- INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
- INVALID_BATCH - the batch failed validation, likely due to a bad signature
- QUEUE_FULL - the batch is unable to be queued for processing, due to
a full processing queue. The batch may be submitted again.
Name | Number | Description |
INVALID | 2 | |
PENDING | 3 | |
UNKNOWN | 4 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
INVALID_ID | 8 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
QUEUE_FULL | 4 | |
A request to return a specific block from the validator. The block
containing the given batch is returned. If no block on the current chain
contains the batch, NO_RESOURCE is returned.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
batch_id | string | | |
A request to return a specific block from the validator. The block must be
specified by its unique id, in this case the block's header signature
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block_id | string | | |
A request to return a specific block from the validator. The block must be
specified by its block number
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block_num | uint64 | | |
A request to return a specific block from the validator. The block
containing the given transaction is returned. If no block on the current
chain contains the transaction, NO_RESOURCE is returned.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transaction_id | string | | |
A response that returns the block specified by a ClientBlockGetByIdRequest
or ClientBlockGetByNumRequest.
- OK - everything worked as expected
- INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
- NO_RESOURCE - no block with the specified id exists
A request to return a list of blocks from the validator. May include the id
of a particular block to be the head
of the chain being requested. In that
case the list will include that block (if found), and all blocks previous
to it on the chain. Can be filtered using specific block_ids
A response that lists a chain of blocks with the newest at the beginning,
and the oldest (genesis) block at the end.
- OK - everything worked as expected
- INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
- NOT_READY - the validator does not yet have a genesis block
- NO_ROOT - the head block specified was not found
- NO_RESOURCE - no blocks were found with the parameters specified
- INVALID_PAGING - the paging controls were malformed or out of range
- INVALID_SORT - the sorting controls were malformed or invalid
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
INVALID_ID | 8 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 3 | |
NO_ROOT | 4 | |
INVALID_ID | 8 | |
The request from the validator/executor of the transaction processor
to verify a transaction.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | TransactionHeader | | The de-serialized transaction header from client request |
payload | bytes | | The transaction payload |
signature | string | | The transaction header_signature |
context_id | string | | The context_id for state requests. |
header_bytes | bytes | | The serialized header as received by client. Controlled by a flag during transaction processor registration. |
The response from the transaction processor to the validator/executor
used to respond about the validity of a transaction
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | TpProcessResponse.Status | | |
message | string | | A message to include on responses in the cases where status is either INVALID_TRANSACTION or INTERNAL_ERROR |
extended_data | bytes | | Information that may be included with the response. This information is an opaque, application-specific encoded block of data that will be propagated back to the transaction submitter. |
The registration request from the transaction processor to the
The protocol_version field is used to check if the validator supports
requested features by a transaction processor.
Following are the versions supported:
1 Transaction processor can request for either raw header bytes or
deserialized TransactionHeader field in the TpProcessRequest
message. The default option is set to send deserialized
Field | Type | Label | Description |
family | string | | A settled upon name for the capabilities of the transaction processor. For example: intkey, xo |
version | string | | The version supported. For example: 1.0 for version 1.0 2.1 for version 2.1 |
namespaces | string | repeated | The namespaces this transaction processor expects to interact with when processing transactions matching this specification; will be enforced by the state API on the validator. |
max_occupancy | uint32 | | The maximum number of transactions that this transaction processor can handle at once. |
protocol_version | uint32 | | Validator can make use of this field to check if the requested features are supported. Registration requests can be either accepted or rejected based on this field. |
request_header_style | TpRegisterRequest.TpProcessRequestHeaderStyle | | Setting it to RAW, validator would fill in serialized transaction header when sending TpProcessRequest to the transaction processor. |
A response sent from the validator to the transaction processor
acknowledging the registration
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | TpRegisterResponse.Status | | |
protocol_version | uint32 | | Respond back with protocol_version, the value that can be used by SDK to know if validator supports expected feature. |
The unregistration request from the transaction processor to the
validator/executor. The correct handlers are determined from the
zeromq identity of the tp, on the validator side.
A response sent from the validator to the transaction processor
acknowledging the unregistration
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
enum used to fill in transaction header field in TpProcessRequest.
This field can be set before transaction processor registers with
Name | Number | Description |
EXPANDED | 1 | |
RAW | 2 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
ERROR | 2 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
ERROR | 2 | |
Fetches a specific txn by its id (header_signature) from the blockchain.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transaction_id | string | | |
A response that returns the txn specified by a ClientTransactionGetRequest.
- OK - everything worked as expected, txn has been fetched
- INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
- NO_RESOURCE - no txn with the specified id exists
A request to return a list of txns from the validator. May include the id
of a particular block to be the head
of the chain being requested. In that
case the list will include the txns from that block, and all txns
previous to that block on the chain. Filter with specific transaction_ids
A response that lists transactions from newest to oldest.
- OK - everything worked as expected
- INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
- NOT_READY - the validator does not yet have a genesis block
- NO_ROOT - the head block specified was not found
- NO_RESOURCE - no txns were found with the parameters specified
- INVALID_PAGING - the paging controls were malformed or out of range
- INVALID_SORT - the sorting controls were malformed or invalid
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
INVALID_ID | 8 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 3 | |
NO_ROOT | 4 | |
INVALID_ID | 8 | |
Paging controls to be sent with List requests.
start: The id of a resource to start the page with
limit: The number of results per page, defaults to 100 and maxes out at 1000
Information about the pagination used, sent back with List responses.
next: The id of the first resource in the next page
start: The id of the first resource in the returned page
limit: The number of results per page, defaults to 100 and maxes out at 1000
Sorting controls to be sent with List requests. More than one can be sent.
If so, the first is used, and additional controls are tie-breakers.
keys: Nested set of keys to sort by (i.e. ['default, block_num'])
reverse: Whether or not to reverse the sort (i.e. descending order)
Field | Type | Label | Description |
keys | string | repeated | |
reverse | bool | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bytes | | The serialized version of the BatchHeader |
header_signature | string | | The signature derived from signing the header |
transactions | Transaction | repeated | A list of the transactions that match the list of transaction_ids listed in the batch header |
trace | bool | | A debugging flag which indicates this batch should be traced through the system, resulting in a higher level of debugging output. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signer_public_key | string | | Public key for the client that signed the BatchHeader |
transaction_ids | string | repeated | List of transaction.header_signatures that match the order of transactions required for the batch |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
batches | Batch | repeated | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
event_type | string | | Used to subscribe to events and servers as a hint for how to deserialize event_data and what pairs to expect in attributes. |
attributes | Event.Attribute | repeated | |
data | bytes | | Opaque data defined by the event_type. |
Transparent data defined by the event_type.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | | EventFilter is used when subscribing to events to limit the events received within a given event type. See validator/server/events/ for further explanation. |
match_string | string | | |
filter_type | EventFilter.FilterType | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
events | Event | repeated | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
event_type | string | | EventSubscription is used when subscribing to events to specify the type of events being subscribed to, along with any additional filters. See validator/server/events/ for further explanation. |
filters | EventFilter | repeated | |
Name | Number | Description |
SIMPLE_ANY | 1 | |
SIMPLE_ALL | 2 | |
REGEX_ANY | 3 | |
REGEX_ALL | 4 | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | | name of the policy, this should be unique. |
entries | Policy.Entry | repeated | list of Entries The entries will be processed in order from first to last. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | Policy.EntryType | | Whether this is a Permit_KEY or Deny_KEY entry |
key | string | | This should be a public key or * to refer to all participants. |
Policy will be stored in a Policy list to account for state collisions
Field | Type | Label | Description |
policies | Policy | repeated | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | | Role name |
policy_name | string | | Name of corresponding policy |
Roles will be stored in a RoleList to account for state collisions
Field | Type | Label | Description |
roles | Role | repeated | |
Name | Number | Description |
PERMIT_KEY | 1 | |
DENY_KEY | 2 | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bytes | | The serialized version of the BlockHeader |
header_signature | string | | The signature derived from signing the header |
batches | Batch | repeated | A list of batches. The batches may contain new batches that other validators may not have received yet, or they will be all batches needed for block validation when passed to the journal |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block_num | uint64 | | Block number in the chain |
previous_block_id | string | | The header_signature of the previous block that was added to the chain. |
signer_public_key | string | | Public key for the component internal to the validator that signed the BlockHeader |
batch_ids | string | repeated | List of batch.header_signatures that match the order of batches required for the block |
consensus | bytes | | Bytes that are set and verified by the consensus algorithm used to create and validate the block |
state_root_hash | string | | The state_root_hash should match the final state_root after all transactions in the batches have been applied, otherwise the block is not valid |
A request from a client for a particular entry in global state.
Like State List, it defaults to the newest state, but a state root
can be used to specify older data. Unlike State List the request must be
provided with a full address that corresponds to a single entry.
The response to a State Get Request from the client. Sends back just
the data stored at the entry, not the address. Also sends back the
head block id used to facilitate further requests.
- OK - everything worked as expected
- INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
- NOT_READY - the validator does not yet have a genesis block
- NO_ROOT - the state_root specified was not found
- NO_RESOURCE - the address specified doesn't exist
- INVALID_ADDRESS - address isn't a valid, i.e. it's a subtree (truncated)
A request to list every entry in global state. Defaults to the most current
tree, but can fetch older state by specifying a state root. Results can be
further filtered by specifying a subtree with a partial address.
An entry in the State
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 3 | |
NO_ROOT | 4 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 3 | |
NO_ROOT | 4 | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
subscriptions | EventSubscription | repeated | |
last_known_block_ids | string | repeated | The block id (or ids, if trying to walk back a fork) the subscriber last received events on. It can be set to empty if it has not yet received the genesis block. |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
The request from the transaction processor to the validator append data
to a transaction receipt
Field | Type | Label | Description |
context_id | string | | The context id that references a context in the context manager |
data | bytes | | |
The response from the validator to the transaction processor to verify that
data has been appended to a transaction receipt
A request from the handler/tp to delete state entries at an collection of addresses
Field | Type | Label | Description |
context_id | string | | |
addresses | string | repeated | |
A response form the contextmanager/validator with the addresses that were deleted
An entry in the State
A request from a handler/tp for the values at a series of addresses
Field | Type | Label | Description |
context_id | string | | The context id that references a context in the contextmanager |
addresses | string | repeated | |
A response from the contextmanager/validator with a series of State entries
A request from the handler/tp to put entries in the state of a context
A response from the contextmanager/validator with the addresses that were set
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
ERROR | 2 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
ERROR | 2 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
Setting Container for on-chain configuration key/value pairs
Field | Type | Label | Description |
entries | Setting.Entry | repeated | List of setting entries - more than one implies a state key collision |
Contains a setting entry (or entries, in the case of collisions).
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block_num | uint64 | | Block number in the chain |
previous_block_id | string | | The header_signature of the previous block that was added to the chain. |
signer_public_key | string | | Public key for the component internal to the validator that signed the BlockHeader |
header_signature | string | | The signature derived from signing the header |
timestamp | uint64 | | Approximately when this block was committed, as a Unix UTC timestamp |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block | BlockInfo | | The new block to add to state |
target_count | uint64 | | If this is set, the new target number of blocks to store in state |
sync_tolerance | uint64 | | If set, the new network time synchronization tolerance. |
StateChange objects have the type of SET, which is either an insert or
update, or DELETE. Items marked as a DELETE will have no byte value.
A collection of state changes.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
state_changes | StateChange | repeated | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
state_changes | StateChange | repeated | State changes made by this transaction StateChange is defined in protos/transaction_receipt.proto |
events | Event | repeated | Events fired by this transaction |
data | bytes | repeated | Transaction family defined data |
transaction_id | string | | |
Name | Number | Description |
TYPE_UNSET | 0 | |
SET | 1 | |
DELETE | 2 | |
Fetches a specific batch by its id (header_signature) from the blockchain.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
batch_id | string | | |
A response that returns the batch specified by a ClientBatchGetRequest.
- OK - everything worked as expected, batch has been fetched
- INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
- NO_RESOURCE - no batch with the specified id exists
A request to return a list of batches from the validator. May include the id
of a particular block to be the head
of the chain being requested. In that
case the list will include the batches from that block, and all batches
previous to that block on the chain. Filter with specific batch_ids
A response that lists batches from newest to oldest.
- OK - everything worked as expected
- INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
- NOT_READY - the validator does not yet have a genesis block
- NO_ROOT - the head block specified was not found
- NO_RESOURCE - no batches were found with the parameters specified
- INVALID_PAGING - the paging controls were malformed or out of range
- INVALID_SORT - the sorting controls were malformed or invalid
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
INVALID_ID | 8 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
NOT_READY | 3 | |
NO_ROOT | 4 | |
INVALID_ID | 8 | |
Empty message sent to request a payload to sign
Field | Type | Label | Description |
payload | bytes | | Random payload that the connecting node must sign |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
roles | RoleType | repeated | The approved roles for that connection |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
public_key | string | | public key of node |
signature | string | | signature derived from signing the challenge payload |
roles | RoleType | repeated | A set of requested Roles |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
roles | RoleType | repeated | A set of requested RoleTypes |
public_key | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
roles | RoleType | repeated | The actual set the requester has access to |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
violation | RoleType | | The Role the requester did not have access to |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
endpoint | string | | This is the first message that must be sent to start off authorization. The endpoint of the connection. |
Authorization Type required for the authorization procedure
Name | Number | Description |
TRUST | 1 | |
Whether the connection can participate in authorization
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
ERROR | 2 | |
Name | Number | Description |
ALL | 1 | A shorthand request for asking for all allowed roles. |
NETWORK | 2 | Role defining validator to validator communication |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
batches | Batch | repeated | The list of batches that will be applied during the genesis process |
An Entry in the change log for a given state root.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
parent | bytes | | A root hash of a merkle trie this tree was based off. |
additions | bytes | repeated | The hashes that were added for this root. These may be deleted during pruning, if this root is being abandoned. |
successors | ChangeLogEntry.Successor | repeated | The list of successors. |
A state root that succeed this root.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
successor | bytes | | A root hash of a merkle trie based of off this root. |
deletions | bytes | repeated | The keys (i.e. hashes) that were replaced (i.e. deleted) by this successor. These may be deleted during pruning. |
The disconnect message from a client to the server
Field | Type | Label | Description |
peer_endpoints | string | repeated | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | | The id of the batch that is being requested |
nonce | string | | A random string that provides uniqueness for requests with otherwise identical fields. |
time_to_live | uint32 | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ids | string | repeated | The id's of the transaction that are in the batches requested |
nonce | string | | A random string that provides uniqueness for requests with otherwise identical fields. |
time_to_live | uint32 | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
content | bytes | | The batch |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block_id | string | | The id of the block that is being requested |
nonce | string | | A random string that provides uniqueness for requests with otherwise identical fields. |
time_to_live | uint32 | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
content | bytes | | The block |
A response sent from the validator to the peer acknowledging message
The registration request from a peer to the validator
Field | Type | Label | Description |
endpoint | string | | |
protocol_version | uint32 | | The current version of the network protocol that is being used by the sender. This version is an increasing value. |
The unregistration request from a peer to the validator
Name | Number | Description |
BLOCK | 1 | |
BATCH | 2 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
ERROR | 2 | |
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
ERROR | 2 | |
Fetches a specific txn by its id (header_signature) from the blockchain.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transaction_ids | string | repeated | |
A response that returns the txn receipt specified by a
- OK - everything worked as expected, txn receipt has been fetched
- INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
- NO_RESOURCE - no receipt exists for the transaction id specified
Name | Number | Description |
OK | 1 | |
INVALID_ID | 8 | |
.proto Type | Notes | C++ Type | Java Type | Python Type |
double | | double | double | float |
float | | float | float | float |
int32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. | int32 | int | int |
int64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. | int64 | long | int/long |
uint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint32 | int | int/long |
uint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. | int32 | int | int |
sint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. | int64 | long | int/long |
fixed32 | Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. | uint32 | int | int |
fixed64 | Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sfixed32 | Always four bytes. | int32 | int | int |
sfixed64 | Always eight bytes. | int64 | long | int/long |
bool | | bool | boolean | boolean |
string | A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. | string | String | str/unicode |
bytes | May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. | string | ByteString | str |
├── authorization.proto
├── batch.proto
├── block_info.proto
├── block.proto
├── client_batch.proto
├── client_batch_submit.proto
├── client_block.proto
├── client_event.proto
├── client_list_control.proto
├── client_peers.proto
├── client_receipt.proto
├── client_state.proto
├── client_status.proto
├── client_transaction.proto
├── consensus.proto
├── events.proto
├── genesis.proto
├── identity.proto
├── merkle.proto
├── network.proto
├── processor.proto
├── setting.proto
├── state_context.proto
├── transaction.proto
├── transaction_receipt.proto
└── validator.proto
0 directories, 26 files
// Copyright 2016 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "transaction_pb2";
message TransactionHeader {
// Public key for the client who added this transaction to a batch
string batcher_public_key = 1;
// A list of transaction signatures that describe the transactions that
// must be processed before this transaction can be valid
repeated string dependencies = 2;
// The family name correlates to the transaction processor's family name
// that this transaction can be processed on, for example 'intkey'
string family_name = 3;
// The family version correlates to the transaction processor's family
// version that this transaction can be processed on, for example "1.0"
string family_version = 4;
// A list of addresses that are given to the context manager and control
// what addresses the transaction processor is allowed to read from.
repeated string inputs = 5;
// A random string that provides uniqueness for transactions with
// otherwise identical fields.
string nonce = 6;
// A list of addresses that are given to the context manager and control
// what addresses the transaction processor is allowed to write to.
repeated string outputs = 7;
//The sha512 hash of the encoded payload
string payload_sha512 = 9;
// Public key for the client that signed the TransactionHeader
string signer_public_key = 10;
message Transaction {
// The serialized version of the TransactionHeader
bytes header = 1;
// The signature derived from signing the header
string header_signature = 2;
// The payload is the encoded family specific information of the
// transaction. Example cbor({'Verb': verb, 'Name': name,'Value': value})
bytes payload = 3;
// A simple list of transactions that needs to be serialized before
// it can be transmitted to a batcher.
message TransactionList {
repeated Transaction transactions = 1;
// Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "client_status";
// A request to get miscellaneous information about the validator
message ClientStatusGetRequest{
message ClientStatusGetResponse {
// The status of the response message, not the validator's status
enum Status {
OK = 1;
ERROR = 2;
// Information about the validator's peers
message Peer {
// The peer's public network endpoint
string endpoint = 1;
Status status = 1;
repeated Peer peers = 2;
// The validator's public network endpoint
string endpoint = 3;
// Copyright 2016, 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "validator_pb2";
// A list of messages to be transmitted together.
message MessageList {
repeated Message messages = 1;
// The message passed between the validator and client, containing the
// header fields and content.
message Message {
enum MessageType {
// Registration request from the transaction processor to the validator
// Registration response from the validator to the
// transaction processor
// Tell the validator that the transaction processor
// won't take any more transactions
// Response from the validator to the tp that it won't
// send any more transactions
// Process Request from the validator/executor to the
// transaction processor
// Process response from the transaction processor to the validator/executor
// State get request from the transaction processor to validator/context_manager
// State get response from the validator/context_manager to the transaction processor
// State set request from the transaction processor to the validator/context_manager
// State set response from the validator/context_manager to the transaction processor
// State delete request from the transaction processor to the validator/context_manager
// State delete response from the validator/context_manager to the transaction processor
// Message to append data to a transaction receipt
// Response from validator to tell transaction processor that data has been appended
// Message to add event
// Response from validator to tell transaction processor that event has been created
// Submission of a batchlist from the web api or another client to the validator
// Response from the validator to the web api/client that the submission was accepted
// A request to list blocks from the web api/client to the validator
// Client state request of the current state hash to be retrieved from the journal
// Response with the current state hash
// A request of all the addresses under a particular prefix, for a state hash.
// The response of the addresses
// Get the address:data entry at a particular address
// The response with the entry
// A request for the status of a batch or batches
// A response with the batch statuses
// A request for one or more transaction receipts
// A response with the receipts
// A request for a validator's peers
// A response with the validator's peers
// A request for a validator's status
// A response with the validator's status
// Message types for events
// Temp message types until a discussion can be had about gossip msg
// Message types for Authorization Types
// Consensus service messages
// Consensus notification messages
// The type of message, used to determine how to 'route' the message
// to the appropriate handler as well as how to deserialize the
// content.
MessageType message_type = 1;
// The identifier used to correlate response messages to their related
// request messages. correlation_id should be set to a random string
// for messages which are not responses to previously sent messages. For
// response messages, correlation_id should be set to the same string as
// contained in the request message.
string correlation_id = 2;
// The content of the message, defined by message_type. In many
// cases, this data has been serialized with Protocol Buffers or
// CBOR.
bytes content = 3;
// Copyright 2018 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
// --== Data Structures ==--
message ConsensusPeerMessageHeader {
// Public key for the component internal to the validator that
// signed the message
bytes signer_id = 1;
// The sha512 hash of the encoded message
bytes content_sha512 = 2;
// Interpretation is left to the consensus engine implementation
string message_type = 5;
// Used to identify the consensus engine that produced this message
string name = 3;
string version = 4;
// A consensus-related message sent between peers
message ConsensusPeerMessage {
// The serialized version of the ConsensusPeerMessageHeader
bytes header = 1;
// The signature derived from signing the header
bytes header_signature = 3;
// The opaque payload to send to other nodes
bytes content = 2;
// All information about a block that is relevant to consensus
message ConsensusBlock {
bytes block_id = 1;
bytes previous_id = 2;
// The id of peer that signed this block
bytes signer_id = 3;
uint64 block_num = 4;
bytes payload = 5;
// A summary of the contents of the block
bytes summary = 6;
// Information about a peer that is relevant to consensus
message ConsensusPeerInfo {
// The unique id for this peer. This can be correlated with the signer id
// on consensus blocks.
bytes peer_id = 1;
// A settings key-value pair
message ConsensusSettingsEntry {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
// A state key-value pair
message ConsensusStateEntry {
string address = 1;
bytes data = 2;
// --== Registration ==--
// Sent to connect with the validator
message ConsensusRegisterRequest {
message Protocol {
string name = 1;
string version = 2;
// The name of this consensus engine
string name = 1;
// The version of this consensus engine
string version = 2;
// Any additional name/version pairs the consensus engine supports
repeated Protocol additional_protocols = 3;
message ConsensusRegisterResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
// Startup Info
ConsensusBlock chain_head = 2;
repeated ConsensusPeerInfo peers = 3;
ConsensusPeerInfo local_peer_info = 4;
// --== Notifications ==--
// The following are notifications provided by the validator to the consensus
// engine. An ack should be sent in response to all notifications.
// - P2P -
// A new peer was added
message ConsensusNotifyPeerConnected {
ConsensusPeerInfo peer_info = 1;
// An existing peer was dropped
message ConsensusNotifyPeerDisconnected {
bytes peer_id = 1;
// A new message was received from a peer
message ConsensusNotifyPeerMessage {
// The message sent
ConsensusPeerMessage message = 1;
// The node that sent the message, not necessarily the node that created it
bytes sender_id = 2;
// - Blocks -
// A new block was received and passed initial consensus validation
message ConsensusNotifyBlockNew {
ConsensusBlock block = 1;
// This block can be committed successfully
message ConsensusNotifyBlockValid {
bytes block_id = 1;
// This block cannot be committed successfully
message ConsensusNotifyBlockInvalid {
bytes block_id = 1;
// This block has been committed
message ConsensusNotifyBlockCommit {
bytes block_id = 1;
// The engine has been activated
message ConsensusNotifyEngineActivated {
// Startup Info
ConsensusBlock chain_head = 1;
repeated ConsensusPeerInfo peers = 2;
ConsensusPeerInfo local_peer_info = 3;
// The engine has been deactivated
message ConsensusNotifyEngineDeactivated {}
// Confirm that the notification was received. The validator message
// correlation id is used to determine which notification this is an ack for.
message ConsensusNotifyAck {}
// --== Services Provided ==--
// The following are services provided by the validator to the consensus
// engine. All service messages have at a minimum the following possible return
// statuses:
// No status was set by the validator, this should never happen
// OK
// The request was completed successfully
// The request was malformed in some way
// The validator failed to perform the request
// The validator is not accepting requests, usually because it is still
// starting up
// The consensus engine making the request is not the active engine
// Additionally, messages may have the following additional return statuses:
// The request is not valid given the current state of the validator
// No block with the given id could be found
// No peer with the given id could be found
// - P2P Messaging -
// Send a consensus message to a specific, connected peer
message ConsensusSendToRequest {
// Payload to send to peer
// NOTE: This payload will be wrapped up in a ConsensusPeerMessage struct,
// which includes computing its SHA-512 digest, inserting this engine's
// registration info, and the validator's public key, and signing everything
// with the validator's private key.
bytes content = 1;
string message_type = 3;
// Peer that this message is destined for
bytes receiver_id = 2;
message ConsensusSendToResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
// Broadcast a consensus message to all peers
message ConsensusBroadcastRequest {
// Payload to broadcast peers
// NOTE: This payload will be wrapped up in a ConsensusPeerMessage struct,
// which includes computing its SHA-512 digest, inserting this engine's
// registration info, and the validator's public key, and signing everything
// with the validator's private key.
bytes content = 1;
string message_type = 2;
message ConsensusBroadcastResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
// - Block Creation -
// Initialize a new block built on the block with the given previous id and
// begin adding batches to it. If no previous id is specified, the current
// head will be used.
message ConsensusInitializeBlockRequest {
bytes previous_id = 1;
message ConsensusInitializeBlockResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
// Stop adding batches to the current block and return a summary of its
// contents.
message ConsensusSummarizeBlockRequest {}
message ConsensusSummarizeBlockResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
// A summary of the block contents
bytes summary = 2;
// Insert the given consensus data into the block and sign it. If this call is
// successful, the consensus engine will receive the block afterwards.
message ConsensusFinalizeBlockRequest {
// The consensus data to include in the finalized block
bytes data = 1;
message ConsensusFinalizeBlockResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
// The block id of the newly created block
bytes block_id = 2;
// Stop adding batches to the current block and abandon it.
message ConsensusCancelBlockRequest {}
message ConsensusCancelBlockResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
// - Block Directives -
// Request that, for each block block in order, the block is checked to
// determine whether the block can be committed successfully or not. Blocks
// may be checked in parallel. If a new request arrives, it overrides the
// previous request allowing the engine to reprioritize the list of blocks to
// check.
// NOTE: OK does not mean the blocks will all commit successfully, only that
// the directive was received successfully. The engine must listen for
// notifications from the consuming component to learn if the blocks would
// commit or not.
message ConsensusCheckBlocksRequest {
repeated bytes block_ids = 1;
message ConsensusCheckBlocksResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
// Request that the block be committed. This request fails if the block has
// not already been checked.
// NOTE: OK does not mean the block has been committed, only that the directive
// was received successfully. The engine must listen for notifications from the
// consuming component to learn when the block commits.
message ConsensusCommitBlockRequest {
bytes block_id = 1;
message ConsensusCommitBlockResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
// Inform the consuming component that this block is no longer being considered
// and can be held or freed as needed.
message ConsensusIgnoreBlockRequest {
bytes block_id = 1;
message ConsensusIgnoreBlockResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
// Fail this block and any of its descendants and purge them as needed.
message ConsensusFailBlockRequest {
bytes block_id = 1;
message ConsensusFailBlockResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
// - Queries -
// Retrieve consensus-related information about blocks. If some blocks could
// not be found, only the blocks that could be found will be returned.
message ConsensusBlocksGetRequest {
repeated bytes block_ids = 1;
message ConsensusBlocksGetResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
repeated ConsensusBlock blocks = 2;
// Retrieve consensus-related information about the chain head.
message ConsensusChainHeadGetRequest {}
message ConsensusChainHeadGetResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
ConsensusBlock block = 2;
// Read the values of these settings from state as of the given block. If some
// values settings keys cannot be found, the keys that were found will be
// returned.
message ConsensusSettingsGetRequest {
bytes block_id = 1;
repeated string keys = 2;
message ConsensusSettingsGetResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
repeated ConsensusSettingsEntry entries = 2;
// Read the data at these addresses from state as of the given block. If some
// addresses cannot be found, state at the addresses that were found will be
// returned.
message ConsensusStateGetRequest {
bytes block_id = 1;
repeated string addresses = 2;
message ConsensusStateGetResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
repeated ConsensusStateEntry entries = 2;
// Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "client_batch_submit_pb2";
import "batch.proto";
// Information about the status of a batch submitted to the validator.
// Attributes:
// batch_id: The id (header_signature) of the batch
// status: The committed status of the batch
// invalid_transactions: Info for transactions that failed, if any
// Statuses:
// COMMITTED - the batch was accepted and has been committed to the chain
// INVALID - the batch failed validation, it should be resubmitted
// PENDING - the batch is still being processed
// UNKNOWN - no status for the batch could be found (possibly invalid)
message ClientBatchStatus {
enum Status {
message InvalidTransaction {
string transaction_id = 1;
string message = 2;
bytes extended_data = 3;
string batch_id = 1;
Status status = 2;
repeated InvalidTransaction invalid_transactions = 3;
// Submits a list of Batches to be added to the blockchain.
message ClientBatchSubmitRequest {
repeated Batch batches = 1;
// This is a response to a submission of one or more Batches.
// Statuses:
// * OK - everything with the request worked as expected
// * INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
// * INVALID_BATCH - the batch failed validation, likely due to a bad signature
// * QUEUE_FULL - the batch is unable to be queued for processing, due to
// a full processing queue. The batch may be submitted again.
message ClientBatchSubmitResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
// A request for the status of one or more batches, specified by id.
// If `wait` is set to true, the validator will wait to respond until all
// batches are committed, or until the specified `timeout` in seconds has
// elapsed. Defaults to 300.
message ClientBatchStatusRequest {
repeated string batch_ids = 1;
bool wait = 2;
uint32 timeout = 3;
// This is a response to a request for the status of specific batches.
// Statuses:
// * OK - everything with the request worked as expected
// * INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
// * NO_RESOURCE - the response contains no data, likely because
// no ids were specified in the request
message ClientBatchStatusResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
repeated ClientBatchStatus batch_statuses = 2;
// Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "client_block_pb2";
import "block.proto";
import "client_list_control.proto";
// A request to return a list of blocks from the validator. May include the id
// of a particular block to be the `head` of the chain being requested. In that
// case the list will include that block (if found), and all blocks previous
// to it on the chain. Can be filtered using specific `block_ids`.
message ClientBlockListRequest {
string head_id = 1;
repeated string block_ids = 2;
ClientPagingControls paging = 3;
repeated ClientSortControls sorting = 4;
// A response that lists a chain of blocks with the newest at the beginning,
// and the oldest (genesis) block at the end.
// Statuses:
// * OK - everything worked as expected
// * INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
// * NOT_READY - the validator does not yet have a genesis block
// * NO_ROOT - the head block specified was not found
// * NO_RESOURCE - no blocks were found with the parameters specified
// * INVALID_PAGING - the paging controls were malformed or out of range
// * INVALID_SORT - the sorting controls were malformed or invalid
message ClientBlockListResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
NO_ROOT = 4;
Status status = 1;
repeated Block blocks = 2;
string head_id = 3;
ClientPagingResponse paging = 4;
// A request to return a specific block from the validator. The block must be
// specified by its unique id, in this case the block's header signature
message ClientBlockGetByIdRequest {
string block_id = 1;
// A request to return a specific block from the validator. The block must be
// specified by its block number
message ClientBlockGetByNumRequest {
uint64 block_num = 1;
// A request to return a specific block from the validator. The block
// containing the given transaction is returned. If no block on the current
// chain contains the transaction, NO_RESOURCE is returned.
message ClientBlockGetByTransactionIdRequest {
string transaction_id = 1;
// A request to return a specific block from the validator. The block
// containing the given batch is returned. If no block on the current chain
// contains the batch, NO_RESOURCE is returned.
message ClientBlockGetByBatchIdRequest {
string batch_id = 1;
// A response that returns the block specified by a ClientBlockGetByIdRequest
// or ClientBlockGetByNumRequest.
// Statuses:
// * OK - everything worked as expected
// * INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
// * NO_RESOURCE - no block with the specified id exists
message ClientBlockGetResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
Block block = 2;
// Copyright 2016 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "processor_pb2";
import "transaction.proto";
// The registration request from the transaction processor to the
// validator/executor.
// The protocol_version field is used to check if the validator supports
// requested features by a transaction processor.
// Following are the versions supported:
// 1 Transaction processor can request for either raw header bytes or
// deserialized TransactionHeader field in the TpProcessRequest
// message. The default option is set to send deserialized
// TransactionHeader.
message TpRegisterRequest {
// enum used to fill in transaction header field in TpProcessRequest.
// This field can be set before transaction processor registers with
// validator.
enum TpProcessRequestHeaderStyle {
RAW = 2;
// A settled upon name for the capabilities of the transaction processor.
// For example: intkey, xo
string family = 1;
// The version supported. For example:
// 1.0 for version 1.0
// 2.1 for version 2.1
string version = 2;
// The namespaces this transaction processor expects to interact with
// when processing transactions matching this specification; will be
// enforced by the state API on the validator.
repeated string namespaces = 4;
// The maximum number of transactions that this transaction processor can
// handle at once.
uint32 max_occupancy = 5;
// Validator can make use of this field to check if the requested features
// are supported. Registration requests can be either accepted or rejected
// based on this field.
uint32 protocol_version = 6;
// Setting it to RAW, validator would fill in serialized transaction header
// when sending TpProcessRequest to the transaction processor.
TpProcessRequestHeaderStyle request_header_style = 7;
// A response sent from the validator to the transaction processor
// acknowledging the registration
message TpRegisterResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
ERROR = 2;
Status status = 1;
// Respond back with protocol_version, the value that can be used by SDK to
// know if validator supports expected feature.
uint32 protocol_version = 2;
// The unregistration request from the transaction processor to the
// validator/executor. The correct handlers are determined from the
// zeromq identity of the tp, on the validator side.
message TpUnregisterRequest {
// A response sent from the validator to the transaction processor
// acknowledging the unregistration
message TpUnregisterResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
ERROR = 2;
Status status = 1;
// The request from the validator/executor of the transaction processor
// to verify a transaction.
message TpProcessRequest {
// The de-serialized transaction header from client request
TransactionHeader header = 1;
// The transaction payload
bytes payload = 2;
// The transaction header_signature
string signature = 3;
// The context_id for state requests.
string context_id = 4;
// The serialized header as received by client.
// Controlled by a flag during transaction processor registration.
bytes header_bytes = 5;
// The response from the transaction processor to the validator/executor
// used to respond about the validity of a transaction
message TpProcessResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
// A message to include on responses in the cases where
string message = 2;
// Information that may be included with the response.
// This information is an opaque, application-specific encoded block of
// data that will be propagated back to the transaction submitter.
bytes extended_data = 3;
// Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "client_transaction_pb2";
import "transaction.proto";
import "client_list_control.proto";
// A request to return a list of txns from the validator. May include the id
// of a particular block to be the `head` of the chain being requested. In that
// case the list will include the txns from that block, and all txns
// previous to that block on the chain. Filter with specific `transaction_ids`.
message ClientTransactionListRequest {
string head_id = 1;
repeated string transaction_ids = 2;
ClientPagingControls paging = 3;
repeated ClientSortControls sorting = 4;
// A response that lists transactions from newest to oldest.
// Statuses:
// * OK - everything worked as expected
// * INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
// * NOT_READY - the validator does not yet have a genesis block
// * NO_ROOT - the head block specified was not found
// * NO_RESOURCE - no txns were found with the parameters specified
// * INVALID_PAGING - the paging controls were malformed or out of range
// * INVALID_SORT - the sorting controls were malformed or invalid
message ClientTransactionListResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
NO_ROOT = 4;
Status status = 1;
repeated Transaction transactions = 2;
string head_id = 3;
ClientPagingResponse paging = 4;
// Fetches a specific txn by its id (header_signature) from the blockchain.
message ClientTransactionGetRequest {
string transaction_id = 1;
// A response that returns the txn specified by a ClientTransactionGetRequest.
// Statuses:
// * OK - everything worked as expected, txn has been fetched
// * INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
// * NO_RESOURCE - no txn with the specified id exists
message ClientTransactionGetResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
Transaction transaction = 2;
// Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "client_list_control_pb2";
// Paging controls to be sent with List requests.
// Attributes:
// start: The id of a resource to start the page with
// limit: The number of results per page, defaults to 100 and maxes out at 1000
message ClientPagingControls {
string start = 1;
int32 limit = 2;
// Information about the pagination used, sent back with List responses.
// Attributes:
// next: The id of the first resource in the next page
// start: The id of the first resource in the returned page
// limit: The number of results per page, defaults to 100 and maxes out at 1000
message ClientPagingResponse {
string next = 1;
string start = 2;
int32 limit = 3;
// Sorting controls to be sent with List requests. More than one can be sent.
// If so, the first is used, and additional controls are tie-breakers.
// Attributes:
// keys: Nested set of keys to sort by (i.e. ['default, block_num'])
// reverse: Whether or not to reverse the sort (i.e. descending order)
message ClientSortControls {
repeated string keys = 1;
bool reverse = 2;
// Copyright 2016 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "batch_pb2";
import "transaction.proto";
message BatchHeader {
// Public key for the client that signed the BatchHeader
string signer_public_key = 1;
// List of transaction.header_signatures that match the order of
// transactions required for the batch
repeated string transaction_ids = 2;
message Batch {
// The serialized version of the BatchHeader
bytes header = 1;
// The signature derived from signing the header
string header_signature = 2;
// A list of the transactions that match the list of
// transaction_ids listed in the batch header
repeated Transaction transactions = 3;
// A debugging flag which indicates this batch should be traced through the
// system, resulting in a higher level of debugging output.
bool trace = 4;
message BatchList {
repeated Batch batches = 1;
// Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "events_pb2";
message Event {
// Used to subscribe to events and servers as a hint for how to deserialize
// event_data and what pairs to expect in attributes.
string event_type = 1;
// Transparent data defined by the event_type.
message Attribute {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
repeated Attribute attributes = 2;
// Opaque data defined by the event_type.
bytes data = 3;
message EventList {
repeated Event events = 1;
message EventFilter {
// EventFilter is used when subscribing to events to limit the events
// received within a given event type. See
// validator/server/events/ for further explanation.
string key = 1;
string match_string = 2;
enum FilterType {
FilterType filter_type = 3;
message EventSubscription {
// EventSubscription is used when subscribing to events to specify the type
// of events being subscribed to, along with any additional filters. See
// validator/server/events/ for further explanation.
string event_type = 1;
repeated EventFilter filters = 2;
// Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.identity.protobuf";
message Policy {
enum EntryType {
message Entry {
// Whether this is a Permit_KEY or Deny_KEY entry
EntryType type = 1;
// This should be a public key or * to refer to all participants.
string key = 2;
// name of the policy, this should be unique.
string name = 1;
// list of Entries
// The entries will be processed in order from first to last.
repeated Entry entries = 2;
// Policy will be stored in a Policy list to account for state collisions
message PolicyList {
repeated Policy policies = 1;
message Role {
// Role name
string name = 1;
// Name of corresponding policy
string policy_name = 2;
// Roles will be stored in a RoleList to account for state collisions
message RoleList {
repeated Role roles = 1;
// Copyright 2016 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "block_pb2";
import "batch.proto";
message BlockHeader {
// Block number in the chain
uint64 block_num = 1;
// The header_signature of the previous block that was added to the chain.
string previous_block_id = 2;
// Public key for the component internal to the validator that
// signed the BlockHeader
string signer_public_key = 3;
// List of batch.header_signatures that match the order of batches
// required for the block
repeated string batch_ids = 4;
// Bytes that are set and verified by the consensus algorithm used to
// create and validate the block
bytes consensus = 5;
// The state_root_hash should match the final state_root after all
// transactions in the batches have been applied, otherwise the block
// is not valid
string state_root_hash = 6;
message Block {
// The serialized version of the BlockHeader
bytes header = 1;
// The signature derived from signing the header
string header_signature = 2;
// A list of batches. The batches may contain new batches that other
// validators may not have received yet, or they will be all batches needed
// for block validation when passed to the journal
repeated Batch batches = 3;
// Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "client_state_pb2";
import "client_list_control.proto";
// A request to list every entry in global state. Defaults to the most current
// tree, but can fetch older state by specifying a state root. Results can be
// further filtered by specifying a subtree with a partial address.
message ClientStateListRequest {
string state_root = 1;
string address = 3;
ClientPagingControls paging = 4;
repeated ClientSortControls sorting = 5;
// A response that lists the data Entries from global state, filtered by state
// root or subtree address according to the request. Returns the state root
// used to facilitate future requests.
// Statuses:
// * OK - everything worked as expected
// * INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
// * NOT_READY - the validator does not yet have a genesis block
// * NO_ROOT - the head block or merkle_root specified was not found
// * NO_RESOURCE - the head/root specified is valid, but contains no data
// * INVALID_PAGING - the paging controls were malformed or out of range
// * INVALID_SORT - the sorting controls were malformed or invalid
message ClientStateListResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
NO_ROOT = 4;
// An entry in the State
message Entry {
string address = 1;
bytes data = 2;
Status status = 1;
repeated Entry entries = 2;
string state_root = 3;
ClientPagingResponse paging = 4;
// A request from a client for a particular entry in global state.
// Like State List, it defaults to the newest state, but a state root
// can be used to specify older data. Unlike State List the request must be
// provided with a full address that corresponds to a single entry.
message ClientStateGetRequest {
string state_root = 1;
string address = 3;
// The response to a State Get Request from the client. Sends back just
// the data stored at the entry, not the address. Also sends back the
// head block id used to facilitate further requests.
// Statuses:
// * OK - everything worked as expected
// * INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
// * NOT_READY - the validator does not yet have a genesis block
// * NO_ROOT - the state_root specified was not found
// * NO_RESOURCE - the address specified doesn't exist
// * INVALID_ADDRESS - address isn't a valid, i.e. it's a subtree (truncated)
message ClientStateGetResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
NO_ROOT = 4;
Status status = 1;
bytes value = 2;
string state_root = 3;
// Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "client_event_pb2";
import "events.proto";
message ClientEventsSubscribeRequest {
repeated EventSubscription subscriptions = 1;
// The block id (or ids, if trying to walk back a fork) the subscriber last
// received events on. It can be set to empty if it has not yet received the
// genesis block.
repeated string last_known_block_ids = 2;
message ClientEventsSubscribeResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
// Additional information about the response status
string response_message = 2;
message ClientEventsUnsubscribeRequest {}
message ClientEventsUnsubscribeResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
message ClientEventsGetRequest {
repeated EventSubscription subscriptions = 1;
repeated string block_ids = 2;
message ClientEventsGetResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
repeated Event events = 2;
// Copyright 2016 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "state_context_pb2";
import "events.proto";
// An entry in the State
message TpStateEntry {
string address = 1;
bytes data = 2;
// A request from a handler/tp for the values at a series of addresses
message TpStateGetRequest {
// The context id that references a context in the contextmanager
string context_id = 1;
repeated string addresses = 2;
// A response from the contextmanager/validator with a series of State entries
message TpStateGetResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
repeated TpStateEntry entries = 1;
Status status = 2;
// A request from the handler/tp to put entries in the state of a context
message TpStateSetRequest {
string context_id = 1;
repeated TpStateEntry entries = 2;
// A response from the contextmanager/validator with the addresses that were set
message TpStateSetResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
repeated string addresses = 1;
Status status = 2;
// A request from the handler/tp to delete state entries at an collection of addresses
message TpStateDeleteRequest {
string context_id = 1;
repeated string addresses = 2;
// A response form the contextmanager/validator with the addresses that were deleted
message TpStateDeleteResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
repeated string addresses = 1;
Status status = 2;
// The request from the transaction processor to the validator append data
// to a transaction receipt
message TpReceiptAddDataRequest {
// The context id that references a context in the context manager
string context_id = 1;
bytes data = 3;
// The response from the validator to the transaction processor to verify that
// data has been appended to a transaction receipt
message TpReceiptAddDataResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
ERROR = 2;
Status status = 2;
message TpEventAddRequest {
string context_id = 1;
Event event = 2;
message TpEventAddResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
ERROR = 2;
Status status = 2;
// Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "setting_pb2";
// Setting Container for on-chain configuration key/value pairs
message Setting {
// Contains a setting entry (or entries, in the case of collisions).
message Entry {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
// List of setting entries - more than one implies a state key collision
repeated Entry entries = 1;
// Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.block_info.protobuf";
option go_package = "block_info_pb2";
message BlockInfoConfig {
uint64 latest_block = 1;
uint64 oldest_block = 2;
uint64 target_count = 3;
uint64 sync_tolerance = 4;
message BlockInfo {
// Block number in the chain
uint64 block_num = 1;
// The header_signature of the previous block that was added to the chain.
string previous_block_id = 2;
// Public key for the component internal to the validator that
// signed the BlockHeader
string signer_public_key = 3;
// The signature derived from signing the header
string header_signature = 4;
// Approximately when this block was committed, as a Unix UTC timestamp
uint64 timestamp = 5;
message BlockInfoTxn {
// The new block to add to state
BlockInfo block = 1;
// If this is set, the new target number of blocks to store in state
uint64 target_count = 2;
// If set, the new network time synchronization tolerance.
uint64 sync_tolerance = 3;
// Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "txn_receipt_pb2";
import "events.proto";
message TransactionReceipt {
// State changes made by this transaction
// StateChange is defined in protos/transaction_receipt.proto
repeated StateChange state_changes = 1;
// Events fired by this transaction
repeated Event events = 2;
// Transaction family defined data
repeated bytes data = 3;
string transaction_id = 4;
// StateChange objects have the type of SET, which is either an insert or
// update, or DELETE. Items marked as a DELETE will have no byte value.
message StateChange {
enum Type {
SET = 1;
string address = 1;
bytes value = 2;
Type type = 3;
// A collection of state changes.
message StateChangeList {
repeated StateChange state_changes = 1;
// Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "client_batch_pb2";
import "batch.proto";
import "client_list_control.proto";
// A request to return a list of batches from the validator. May include the id
// of a particular block to be the `head` of the chain being requested. In that
// case the list will include the batches from that block, and all batches
// previous to that block on the chain. Filter with specific `batch_ids`.
message ClientBatchListRequest {
string head_id = 1;
repeated string batch_ids = 2;
ClientPagingControls paging = 3;
repeated ClientSortControls sorting = 4;
// A response that lists batches from newest to oldest.
// Statuses:
// * OK - everything worked as expected
// * INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
// * NOT_READY - the validator does not yet have a genesis block
// * NO_ROOT - the head block specified was not found
// * NO_RESOURCE - no batches were found with the parameters specified
// * INVALID_PAGING - the paging controls were malformed or out of range
// * INVALID_SORT - the sorting controls were malformed or invalid
message ClientBatchListResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
NO_ROOT = 4;
Status status = 1;
repeated Batch batches = 2;
string head_id = 3;
ClientPagingResponse paging = 4;
// Fetches a specific batch by its id (header_signature) from the blockchain.
message ClientBatchGetRequest {
string batch_id = 1;
// A response that returns the batch specified by a ClientBatchGetRequest.
// Statuses:
// * OK - everything worked as expected, batch has been fetched
// * INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
// * NO_RESOURCE - no batch with the specified id exists
message ClientBatchGetResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
Batch batch = 2;
// Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "authorization_pb2";
message ConnectionRequest {
// This is the first message that must be sent to start off authorization.
// The endpoint of the connection.
string endpoint = 1;
enum RoleType {
// A shorthand request for asking for all allowed roles.
ALL = 1;
// Role defining validator to validator communication
message ConnectionResponse {
// Whether the connection can participate in authorization
enum Status {
OK = 1;
ERROR = 2;
//Authorization Type required for the authorization procedure
enum AuthorizationType {
TRUST = 1;
message RoleEntry {
// The role type for this role entry
RoleType role = 1;
// The Authorization Type required for the above role
AuthorizationType auth_type = 2;
repeated RoleEntry roles = 1;
Status status = 2;
message AuthorizationTrustRequest {
// A set of requested RoleTypes
repeated RoleType roles = 1;
string public_key = 2;
message AuthorizationTrustResponse {
// The actual set the requester has access to
repeated RoleType roles = 1;
message AuthorizationViolation {
// The Role the requester did not have access to
RoleType violation = 1;
message AuthorizationChallengeRequest {
// Empty message sent to request a payload to sign
message AuthorizationChallengeResponse {
// Random payload that the connecting node must sign
bytes payload = 1;
message AuthorizationChallengeSubmit {
// public key of node
string public_key = 1;
// signature derived from signing the challenge payload
string signature = 3;
// A set of requested Roles
repeated RoleType roles = 4;
message AuthorizationChallengeResult {
// The approved roles for that connection
repeated RoleType roles = 1;
// Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "genesis_pb2";
import "batch.proto";
message GenesisData {
// The list of batches that will be applied during the genesis process
repeated Batch batches = 1;
// Copyright 2018 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "merkle_pb2";
// An Entry in the change log for a given state root.
message ChangeLogEntry {
// A state root that succeed this root.
message Successor {
// A root hash of a merkle trie based of off this root.
bytes successor = 1;
// The keys (i.e. hashes) that were replaced (i.e. deleted) by this
// successor. These may be deleted during pruning.
repeated bytes deletions = 2;
// A root hash of a merkle trie this tree was based off.
bytes parent = 1;
// The hashes that were added for this root. These may be deleted during
// pruning, if this root is being abandoned.
repeated bytes additions = 2;
// The list of successors.
repeated Successor successors = 3;
// Copyright 2016, 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "network_pb2";
// The disconnect message from a client to the server
message DisconnectMessage {
// The registration request from a peer to the validator
message PeerRegisterRequest {
string endpoint = 1;
// The current version of the network protocol that is being used by the
// sender. This version is an increasing value.
uint32 protocol_version = 2;
// The unregistration request from a peer to the validator
message PeerUnregisterRequest {
message GetPeersRequest {
message GetPeersResponse {
repeated string peer_endpoints = 1;
message PingRequest {
message PingResponse{
message GossipMessage {
enum ContentType{
BLOCK = 1;
BATCH = 2;
bytes content = 1;
ContentType content_type = 2;
uint32 time_to_live = 3;
// A response sent from the validator to the peer acknowledging message
// receipt
message NetworkAcknowledgement {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
ERROR = 2;
Status status = 1;
message GossipBlockRequest {
// The id of the block that is being requested
string block_id = 1;
// A random string that provides uniqueness for requests with
// otherwise identical fields.
string nonce = 2;
uint32 time_to_live = 3;
message GossipBlockResponse {
// The block
bytes content = 1;
message GossipBatchResponse {
//The batch
bytes content = 1;
message GossipBatchByBatchIdRequest {
// The id of the batch that is being requested
string id = 1;
// A random string that provides uniqueness for requests with
// otherwise identical fields.
string nonce = 2;
uint32 time_to_live = 3;
message GossipBatchByTransactionIdRequest {
// The id's of the transaction that are in the batches requested
repeated string ids = 1;
// A random string that provides uniqueness for requests with
// otherwise identical fields.
string nonce = 2;
uint32 time_to_live = 3;
// Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "client_peer";
message ClientPeersGetRequest{
message ClientPeersGetResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
ERROR = 2;
Status status = 1;
repeated string peers = 2;
// Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sawtooth.sdk.protobuf";
option go_package = "client_receipt_pb2";
import "transaction_receipt.proto";
// Fetches a specific txn by its id (header_signature) from the blockchain.
message ClientReceiptGetRequest {
repeated string transaction_ids = 1;
// A response that returns the txn receipt specified by a
// ClientTransactionReceiptGetRequest.
// Statuses:
// * OK - everything worked as expected, txn receipt has been fetched
// * INTERNAL_ERROR - general error, such as protobuf failing to deserialize
// * NO_RESOURCE - no receipt exists for the transaction id specified
message ClientReceiptGetResponse {
enum Status {
OK = 1;
Status status = 1;
repeated TransactionReceipt receipts = 2;
burrow/protobuf at master · hyperledger/burrow
git clone /tmp/src/burrow
bash --gen-proto-doc /tmp/src/burrow/protobuf /tmp/
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Height | uint64 | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
TxHash | bytes | | The hash of the transaction that caused this event to be generated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
TxType | uint32 | | Transaction type |
TxHash | bytes | | The hash of the transaction that caused this event to be generated |
EventType | uint32 | | The type of event |
EventID | string | | EventID published with event |
Height | uint64 | | The block height at which this event was emitted |
Index | uint64 | | The index of this event relative to other events generated by the same transaction |
Exception | errors.Exception | | If event is exception |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Address | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ChainID | string | | The original ChainID from for this transaction |
Height | uint64 | | The original height at which this transaction was committed |
Index | uint64 | | The original index in the block |
Time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | | The original block time for this transaction |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Address | bytes | | |
Could structure this further if needed - sum type of various results relevant to different transaction types
This message exists purely for framing []StreamEvent
Field | Type | Label | Description |
StreamEvents | StreamEvent | repeated | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Height | uint64 | | The block height |
Offset | uint64 | | The offset of the TxExecution in bytes |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
TxType | uint32 | | Transaction type |
TxHash | bytes | | The hash of the transaction that caused this event to be generated |
Height | uint64 | | The block height at which this Tx was included |
Index | uint64 | | The index of this transaction within the block |
Origin | Origin | | The origin information from the chain on which this tx was originally committed (if restored or otherwise imported) |
NameReg provides a global key value store based on Name, Data pairs that are subject to expiry and ownership by an
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Name | string | | registered name for the entry |
Owner | bytes | | address that created the entry |
Data | string | | data to store under this name |
Expires | uint64 | | block at which this entry expires |
For testing
An envelope contains both the signable Tx and the signatures for each input (in signatories)
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Signatories | Signatory | repeated | |
Tx | bytes | | Canonical bytes of the Tx ready to be signed |
BroadcastTx or Transaction receipt
Field | Type | Label | Description |
TxType | uint32 | | Transaction type |
TxHash | bytes | | The hash of the transaction that caused this event to be generated |
CreatesContract | bool | | Whether the transaction creates a contract |
ContractAddress | bytes | | The address of the contract being called |
Signatory contains signature and one or both of Address and PublicKey to identify the signer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Envelope | txs.Envelope | | An existing Envelope - either signed or unsigned - if the latter will be signed server-side |
Payload | payload.Any | | If no Envelope provided then one will be generated from the provided payload and signed server-side |
Timeout | google.protobuf.Duration | | The amount of time to wait for the transaction to be committed and the TxExecution to be returned (server-side). If zero there wait is unbounded. Timed out transactions return SyncInfo state that may be helpful debugging non-committed transactions - this timeout must be less than client timeout to see such information! |
Transaction Service Definition
BlockGossip determine consensus critical
elements of how blocks are gossiped
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block_part_size_bytes | int32 | | Note: must not be 0 |
BlockSize contains limits on the block size.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
max_bytes | int32 | | |
max_gas | int64 | | |
ConsensusParams contains all consensus-relevant parameters
that can be adjusted by the abci app
commit from validators from the last block |
| data_hash | bytes | | transactions |
| validators_hash | bytes | | hashes from the app output from the prev block
validators for the current block |
| next_validators_hash | bytes | | validators for the next block |
| consensus_hash | bytes | | consensus params for current block |
| app_hash | bytes | | state after txs from the previous block |
| last_results_hash | bytes | | root hash of all results from the txs from the previous block |
| evidence_hash | bytes | | consensus info
evidence included in the block |
| proposer_address | bytes | | original proposer of the block |
NOTE: validators here have empty pubkeys.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
tx | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
tx | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
message | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
height | int64 | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
version | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | bytes | | reserve 1 |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
message | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
error | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
code | uint32 | | |
log | string | | bytes data = 2; // use "value" instead. |
nondeterministic |
| info | string | | nondeterministic |
| index | int64 | | |
| key | bytes | | |
| value | bytes | | |
| proof | bytes | | |
| height | int64 | | |
TxSize contains limits on the tx size.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
max_bytes | int32 | | |
max_gas | int64 | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
address | bytes | | |
power | int64 | | PubKey pub_key = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false]; |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
validator | Validator | | |
signed_last_block | bool | | |
Define these here for compatibility but use tmlibs/common.KI64Pair.
Define these here for compatibility but use tmlibs/common.KVPair.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Perms | uint64 | optional | |
SetBit | uint64 | optional | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Action | uint64 | optional | The permission function |
Target | bytes | optional | The target of the action |
Permission | uint64 | optional | Possible arguments |
Role | string | optional | |
Value | bool | optional | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
CodeHash | bytes | | |
MetadataHash | bytes | | |
Metadata | string | | In the dump format we would like the ABI rather than its hash |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Address | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Height | uint64 | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Address | bytes | | |
MetadataHash | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Name | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Hash | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
IncludePrevious | int64 | | Use -1 for all available history |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Query | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Query | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Proposed | bool | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Metadata | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
AccountsWithCode | uint64 | | |
AccountsWithoutCode | uint64 | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
BlockTimeWithin | string | | |
BlockSeenTimeWithin | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Value | bytes | | |
Needed to proto2 rather than proto3 to get pointer field for PermArg
Field | Type | Label | Description |
CurveType | uint32 | | |
PublicKey | bytes | | Note may need initialisation |
PrivateKey | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
CurveType | uint32 | | |
PublicKey | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
CurveType | uint32 | | |
Signature | bytes | | |
This is the object that is stored in the leaves of the commitsTree - it captures the sub-tree hashes so that the
commitsTree's hash becomes a mixture of the hashes of all the sub-trees.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Inputs | TxInput | repeated | |
Txs | Any | repeated | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Input | TxInput | | Input must be the validator that desires to bond |
A instruction to run smart contract code in the EVM
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Input | TxInput | | The caller's input |
Address | bytes | | The contract address to call or nil if we are creating a contract |
GasLimit | uint64 | | The upper bound on the amount of gas (and therefore EVM execution steps) this CallTx may generate |
Fee | uint64 | | Fee to offer validators for processing transaction |
Data | bytes | | EVM bytecode |
WASM | bytes | | WASM bytecode |
ContractMeta | ContractMeta | repeated | Set of contracts this code will deploy |
A request to claim a globally unique name across the entire chain with some optional data storage leased for a fee
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Input | TxInput | | The name updater |
Name | string | | The name to update or create |
Data | string | | The data to store against the name |
Fee | uint64 | | The fee to provide that will determine the length of the name lease |
An update to the on-chain permissions
A payment between two sets of parties
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Inputs | TxInput | repeated | The payers |
Outputs | TxOutput | repeated | The payees |
An input to a transaction that may carry an Amount as a charge and whose sequence number must be one greater than
that associated with the account at Address at the time of being received
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Address | bytes | | The address from which this input flows |
Amount | uint64 | | The amount of native token to transfer from the input address |
Sequence | uint64 | | The sequence number that this transaction will induce (i.e. one greater than the input account's current sequence) |
An output from a transaction that may carry an amount as a charge
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Address | bytes | | The address to which this output flows |
Amount | uint64 | | The amount of native token to transfer to the output address |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Address | bytes | | |
VotingWeight | int64 | | |
Name | Number | Description |
PROPOSED | 0 | PROPOSED might be expired, if sequence number of any of the input accounts are out of date |
EXECUTED | 1 | |
FAILED | 2 | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Address | bytes | | |
Storage | Storage | repeated | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
height | uint64 | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Address | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Hash | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Address | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Address | string | | |
KeyName | string | repeated | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
KeyName | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | KeyID | repeated | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
PublicKey | bytes | | |
CurveType | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
KeyName | string | | |
Needed to proto2 rather than proto3 to get pointer field for PermArg
An inclusive range of blocks to include in output
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Start | Bound | | Bounds can be set to: absolute: block height relative: block height counting back from latest latest: latest block when call is processed stream: for End keep sending new blocks, for start same as latest |
End | Bound | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
BlockRange | BlockRange | | |
Query | string | | Specify a query on which to match the tags of events. Tag |
For example: EventType = 'LogEvent' AND EventID CONTAINS 'bar' AND TxHash = '020304' AND Height >= 34 AND Index < 3 AND Address = 'DEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEF' |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Height | uint64 | | Height of block required |
Wait | bool | | Whether to wait for the block to become available |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
TxHash | bytes | | Height of block required |
Wait | bool | | Whether to wait for the block to become available |
Name | Number | Description |
ABSOLUTE | 0 | Index is absolute index of an item |
RELATIVE | 1 | Index is an offset relative to last item |
FIRST | 2 | The first block |
LATEST | 3 | Ignore provided index and evaluate to latest index |
STREAM | 4 | Ignore provided index and stream new objects as they are generated |
Execution events
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
Stream | BlocksRequest | .exec.StreamEvent stream | Get StreamEvents (including transactions) for a range of block heights |
Tx | TxRequest | .exec.TxExecution | Get a particular TxExecution by hash |
Events | BlocksRequest | EventsResponse stream | GetEvents provides events streaming one block at a time - that is all events emitted in a particular block are guaranteed to be delivered in each GetEventsResponse |
Needed to proto2 rather than proto3 to get pointer field for PermArg
.proto Type | Notes | C++ Type | Java Type | Python Type |
double | | double | double | float |
float | | float | float | float |
int32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. | int32 | int | int |
int64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. | int64 | long | int/long |
uint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint32 | int | int/long |
uint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. | int32 | int | int |
sint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. | int64 | long | int/long |
fixed32 | Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. | uint32 | int | int |
fixed64 | Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sfixed32 | Always four bytes. | int32 | int | int |
sfixed64 | Always eight bytes. | int64 | long | int/long |
bool | | bool | boolean | boolean |
string | A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. | string | String | str/unicode |
bytes | May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. | string | ByteString | str |
├── acm.proto
├── balance.proto
├── bcm.proto
├── crypto.proto
├── dump.proto
├── encoding.proto
├── errors.proto
├── exec.proto
│ ├── gogo
│ │ └── protobuf
│ │ └── gogoproto
│ │ └── gogo.proto
│ └── tendermint
│ └── tendermint
│ ├── abci
│ │ └── types
│ │ └── types.proto
│ └── libs
│ └── common
│ └── types.proto
├── google
│ └── protobuf
│ ├── descriptor.proto
│ └── timestamp.proto
├── keys.proto
├── names.proto
├── payload.proto
├── permission.proto
├── rpcdump.proto
├── rpcevents.proto
├── rpc.proto
├── rpcquery.proto
├── rpctransact.proto
├── spec.proto
├── storage.proto
├── tendermint.proto
├── txs.proto
└── validator.proto
12 directories, 27 files
syntax = 'proto3';
option go_package = "";
import "";
package balance;
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
message Balance {
option (gogoproto.goproto_sizecache) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_unkeyed) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
uint32 Type = 1 [(gogoproto.casttype) = "Type"];
uint64 Amount = 2;
syntax = 'proto3';
package exec;
option go_package = "";
import "";
import "";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "errors.proto";
import "names.proto";
import "txs.proto";
import "permission.proto";
import "spec.proto";
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
// This message exists purely for framing []StreamEvent
message StreamEvents {
repeated StreamEvent StreamEvents = 1;
message StreamEvent {
option (gogoproto.onlyone) = true;
BeginBlock BeginBlock = 1;
BeginTx BeginTx = 2;
txs.Envelope Envelope = 3 [(gogoproto.customtype) = ""];
Event Event = 4;
EndTx EndTx = 5;
EndBlock EndBlock = 6;
message BeginBlock {
// The height of this block
uint64 Height = 1;
types.Header Header = 2;
message EndBlock {
uint64 Height = 1;
message BeginTx {
TxHeader TxHeader = 1;
// Result of tx execution
Result Result = 2;
// If tx execution was an exception
errors.Exception Exception = 4;
message EndTx {
// The hash of the transaction that caused this event to be generated
bytes TxHash = 3 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message TxHeader {
// Transaction type
uint32 TxType = 1 [(gogoproto.casttype) = ""];
// The hash of the transaction that caused this event to be generated
bytes TxHash = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// The block height at which this Tx was included
uint64 Height = 3;
// The index of this transaction within the block
uint64 Index = 4;
// The origin information from the chain on which this tx was originally committed (if restored or otherwise imported)
Origin Origin = 5;
message BlockExecution {
// The height of this block
uint64 Height = 1;
types.Header Header = 2;
repeated TxExecution TxExecutions = 3;
message TxExecutionKey {
// The block height
uint64 Height = 1;
// The offset of the TxExecution in bytes
uint64 Offset = 2;
message TxExecution {
TxHeader Header = 1 [(gogoproto.embed) = true];
// Signed Tx that triggered this execution
txs.Envelope Envelope = 6 [(gogoproto.customtype) = ""];
// Execution events
repeated Event Events = 7;
// The execution results
Result Result = 8;
// The transaction receipt
txs.Receipt Receipt = 9;
// If execution was an exception
errors.Exception Exception = 10;
// A proposal may contain other transactions
repeated TxExecution TxExecutions = 11;
message Origin {
// The original ChainID from for this transaction
string ChainID = 1;
// The original height at which this transaction was committed
uint64 Height = 2;
// The original index in the block
uint64 Index = 3;
// The original block time for this transaction
google.protobuf.Timestamp Time = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
message Header {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
// Transaction type
uint32 TxType = 1 [(gogoproto.casttype) = ""];
// The hash of the transaction that caused this event to be generated
bytes TxHash = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// The type of event
uint32 EventType = 3 [(gogoproto.casttype) = "EventType"];
// EventID published with event
string EventID = 4;
// The block height at which this event was emitted
uint64 Height = 5;
// The index of this event relative to other events generated by the same transaction
uint64 Index = 6;
// If event is exception
errors.Exception Exception = 7;
message Event {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
option (gogoproto.onlyone) = true;
Header Header = 1;
InputEvent Input = 2;
OutputEvent Output = 3;
CallEvent Call = 4;
LogEvent Log = 5;
GovernAccountEvent GovernAccount = 6;
// Could structure this further if needed - sum type of various results relevant to different transaction types
message Result {
// EVM execution return
bytes Return = 1;
// Gas used in computation
uint64 GasUsed = 2;
// Name entry created
names.Entry NameEntry = 3;
// Permission update performed
permission.PermArgs PermArgs = 4;
message LogEvent {
bytes Address = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
bytes Data = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
repeated bytes Topics = 3 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message CallEvent {
uint32 CallType = 5 [(gogoproto.casttype) = "CallType"];
CallData CallData = 1;
bytes Origin = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
uint64 StackDepth = 3;
bytes Return = 4 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message GovernAccountEvent {
spec.TemplateAccount AccountUpdate = 1;
message InputEvent {
bytes Address = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message OutputEvent {
bytes Address = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message CallData {
bytes Caller = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
bytes Callee = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
bytes Data = 3 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
uint64 Value = 4;
uint64 Gas = 5;
syntax = 'proto3';
package names;
option go_package = "";
import "";
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
// Enable custom Marshal method.
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
// Enable custom Unmarshal method.
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
// Enable custom Size method (Required by Marshal and Unmarshal).
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
// Enable registration with golang/protobuf for the grpc-gateway.
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
// Enable generation of XXX_MessageName methods for grpc-go/status.
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
// NameReg provides a global key value store based on Name, Data pairs that are subject to expiry and ownership by an
// account.
message Entry {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
// registered name for the entry
string Name = 1;
// address that created the entry
bytes Owner = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// data to store under this name
string Data = 3;
// block at which this entry expires
uint64 Expires = 4;
syntax = 'proto3';
option go_package = "";
import "";
package encoding;
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
// For testing
message TestMessage {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
uint32 Type = 1;
uint64 Amount = 2;
syntax = 'proto3';
package validator;
option go_package = "";
import "";
import "crypto.proto";
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
message Validator {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
bytes Address = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = ""];
crypto.PublicKey PublicKey = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
uint64 Power = 3;
syntax = 'proto3';
option go_package = "";
import "";
import "crypto.proto";
package txs;
// Enable custom Marshal method.
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
// Enable custom Unmarshal method.
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
// Enable custom Size method (Required by Marshal and Unmarshal).
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
// Enable registration with golang/protobuf for the grpc-gateway.
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
// Enable generation of XXX_MessageName methods for grpc-go/status.
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
// An envelope contains both the signable Tx and the signatures for each input (in signatories)
message Envelope {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
repeated Signatory Signatories = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Canonical bytes of the Tx ready to be signed
bytes Tx = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "Tx"];
// Signatory contains signature and one or both of Address and PublicKey to identify the signer
message Signatory {
bytes Address = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = ""];
crypto.PublicKey PublicKey = 2;
crypto.Signature Signature = 4;
// BroadcastTx or Transaction receipt
message Receipt {
// Transaction type
uint32 TxType = 1[(gogoproto.casttype) = ""];
// The hash of the transaction that caused this event to be generated
bytes TxHash = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Whether the transaction creates a contract
bool CreatesContract = 3;
// The address of the contract being called
bytes ContractAddress = 4 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
syntax = 'proto3';
package rpctransact;
option go_package = "";
import "";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "exec.proto";
import "payload.proto";
import "txs.proto";
// Enable custom Marshal method.
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
// Enable custom Unmarshal method.
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
// Enable custom Size method (Required by Marshal and Unmarshal).
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
// Enable registration with golang/protobuf for the grpc-gateway.
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
// Enable generation of XXX_MessageName methods for grpc-go/status.
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
// Transaction Service Definition
service Transact {
// Broadcast a transaction to the mempool - if the transaction is not signed signing will be attempted server-side
// and wait for it to be included in block
rpc BroadcastTxSync (TxEnvelopeParam) returns (exec.TxExecution);
// Broadcast a transaction to the mempool - if the transaction is not signed signing will be attempted server-side
rpc BroadcastTxAsync (TxEnvelopeParam) returns (txs.Receipt);
// Sign transaction server-side
rpc SignTx (TxEnvelopeParam) returns (TxEnvelope);
// Formulate a transaction from a Payload and retrun the envelop with the Tx bytes ready to sign
rpc FormulateTx (payload.Any) returns (TxEnvelope);
// Formulate and sign a CallTx transaction signed server-side and wait for it to be included in a block, retrieving response
rpc CallTxSync (payload.CallTx) returns (exec.TxExecution);
// Formulate and sign a CallTx transaction signed server-side
rpc CallTxAsync (payload.CallTx) returns (txs.Receipt);
// Perform a 'simulated' call of a contract against the current committed EVM state without any changes been saved
// and wait for the transaction to be included in a block
rpc CallTxSim (payload.CallTx) returns (exec.TxExecution);
// Perform a 'simulated' execution of provided code against the current committed EVM state without any changes been saved
rpc CallCodeSim (CallCodeParam) returns (exec.TxExecution);
// Formulate a SendTx transaction signed server-side and wait for it to be included in a block, retrieving response
rpc SendTxSync (payload.SendTx) returns (exec.TxExecution);
// Formulate and SendTx transaction signed server-side
rpc SendTxAsync (payload.SendTx) returns (txs.Receipt);
// Formualte a NameTx signed server-side and wait for it to be included in a block returning the registered name
rpc NameTxSync (payload.NameTx) returns (exec.TxExecution);
// Formulate a NameTx signed server-side
rpc NameTxAsync (payload.NameTx) returns (txs.Receipt);
message CallCodeParam {
bytes FromAddress = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
bytes Code = 2;
bytes Data = 3;
message TxEnvelope {
txs.Envelope Envelope = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = ""];
message TxEnvelopeParam {
// An existing Envelope - either signed or unsigned - if the latter will be signed server-side
txs.Envelope Envelope = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = ""];
// If no Envelope provided then one will be generated from the provided payload and signed server-side
payload.Any Payload = 2;
// The amount of time to wait for the transaction to be committed and the TxExecution to be returned (server-side).
// If zero there wait is unbounded. Timed out transactions return SyncInfo state that may be helpful debugging
// non-committed transactions - this timeout must be less than client timeout to see such information!
google.protobuf.Duration Timeout = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.stdduration) = true];
syntax = "proto3";
package types;
// For more information on gogo.proto, see:
import "";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "";
// This file is copied from
// NOTE: When using custom types, mind the warnings.
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
// Generate tests
option (gogoproto.populate_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.equal_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.testgen_all) = true;
// Request types
message Request {
oneof value {
RequestEcho echo = 2;
RequestFlush flush = 3;
RequestInfo info = 4;
RequestSetOption set_option = 5;
RequestInitChain init_chain = 6;
RequestQuery query = 7;
RequestBeginBlock begin_block = 8;
RequestCheckTx check_tx = 9;
RequestDeliverTx deliver_tx = 19;
RequestEndBlock end_block = 11;
RequestCommit commit = 12;
message RequestEcho {
string message = 1;
message RequestFlush {
message RequestInfo {
string version = 1;
// nondeterministic
message RequestSetOption {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
message RequestInitChain {
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false, (gogoproto.stdtime)=true];
string chain_id = 2;
ConsensusParams consensus_params = 3;
repeated ValidatorUpdate validators = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
bytes app_state_bytes = 5;
message RequestQuery {
bytes data = 1;
string path = 2;
int64 height = 3;
bool prove = 4;
// NOTE: validators here have empty pubkeys.
message RequestBeginBlock {
bytes hash = 1;
Header header = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
LastCommitInfo last_commit_info = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
repeated Evidence byzantine_validators = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
message RequestCheckTx {
bytes tx = 1;
message RequestDeliverTx {
bytes tx = 1;
message RequestEndBlock {
int64 height = 1;
message RequestCommit {
// Response types
message Response {
oneof value {
ResponseException exception = 1;
ResponseEcho echo = 2;
ResponseFlush flush = 3;
ResponseInfo info = 4;
ResponseSetOption set_option = 5;
ResponseInitChain init_chain = 6;
ResponseQuery query = 7;
ResponseBeginBlock begin_block = 8;
ResponseCheckTx check_tx = 9;
ResponseDeliverTx deliver_tx = 10;
ResponseEndBlock end_block = 11;
ResponseCommit commit = 12;
// nondeterministic
message ResponseException {
string error = 1;
message ResponseEcho {
string message = 1;
message ResponseFlush {
message ResponseInfo {
string data = 1;
string version = 2;
int64 last_block_height = 3;
bytes last_block_app_hash = 4;
// nondeterministic
message ResponseSetOption {
uint32 code = 1;
// bytes data = 2;
string log = 3;
string info = 4;
message ResponseInitChain {
ConsensusParams consensus_params = 1;
repeated ValidatorUpdate validators = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
message ResponseQuery {
uint32 code = 1;
// bytes data = 2; // use "value" instead.
string log = 3; // nondeterministic
string info = 4; // nondeterministic
int64 index = 5;
bytes key = 6;
bytes value = 7;
bytes proof = 8;
int64 height = 9;
message ResponseBeginBlock {
repeated common.KVPair tags = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false, (gogoproto.jsontag)="tags,omitempty"];
message ResponseCheckTx {
uint32 code = 1;
bytes data = 2;
string log = 3; // nondeterministic
string info = 4; // nondeterministic
int64 gas_wanted = 5;
int64 gas_used = 6;
repeated common.KVPair tags = 7 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false, (gogoproto.jsontag)="tags,omitempty"];
message ResponseDeliverTx {
uint32 code = 1;
bytes data = 2;
string log = 3; // nondeterministic
string info = 4; // nondeterministic
int64 gas_wanted = 5;
int64 gas_used = 6;
repeated common.KVPair tags = 7 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false, (gogoproto.jsontag)="tags,omitempty"];
message ResponseEndBlock {
repeated ValidatorUpdate validator_updates = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
ConsensusParams consensus_param_updates = 2;
repeated common.KVPair tags = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false, (gogoproto.jsontag)="tags,omitempty"];
message ResponseCommit {
// reserve 1
bytes data = 2;
// Misc.
// ConsensusParams contains all consensus-relevant parameters
// that can be adjusted by the abci app
message ConsensusParams {
BlockSize block_size = 1;
TxSize tx_size = 2;
BlockGossip block_gossip = 3;
// BlockSize contains limits on the block size.
message BlockSize {
int32 max_bytes = 1;
int64 max_gas = 2;
// TxSize contains limits on the tx size.
message TxSize {
int32 max_bytes = 1;
int64 max_gas = 2;
// BlockGossip determine consensus critical
// elements of how blocks are gossiped
message BlockGossip {
// Note: must not be 0
int32 block_part_size_bytes = 1;
message LastCommitInfo {
int32 round = 1;
repeated VoteInfo votes = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
// Blockchain Types
message Header {
// basic block info
string chain_id = 1 [(gogoproto.customname)="ChainID"];
int64 height = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false, (gogoproto.stdtime)=true];
int64 num_txs = 4;
int64 total_txs = 5;
// prev block info
BlockID last_block_id = 6 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
// hashes of block data
bytes last_commit_hash = 7; // commit from validators from the last block
bytes data_hash = 8; // transactions
// hashes from the app output from the prev block
bytes validators_hash = 9; // validators for the current block
bytes next_validators_hash = 10; // validators for the next block
bytes consensus_hash = 11; // consensus params for current block
bytes app_hash = 12; // state after txs from the previous block
bytes last_results_hash = 13;// root hash of all results from the txs from the previous block
// consensus info
bytes evidence_hash = 14; // evidence included in the block
bytes proposer_address = 15; // original proposer of the block
message BlockID {
bytes hash = 1;
PartSetHeader parts_header = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
message PartSetHeader {
int32 total = 1;
bytes hash = 2;
// Validator
message Validator {
bytes address = 1;
//PubKey pub_key = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
int64 power = 3;
// ValidatorUpdate
message ValidatorUpdate {
PubKey pub_key = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
int64 power = 2;
// VoteInfo
message VoteInfo {
Validator validator = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
bool signed_last_block = 2;
message PubKey {
string type = 1;
bytes data = 2;
message Evidence {
string type = 1;
Validator validator = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
int64 height = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false, (gogoproto.stdtime)=true];
int64 total_voting_power = 5;
// Service Definition
service ABCIApplication {
rpc Echo(RequestEcho) returns (ResponseEcho) ;
rpc Flush(RequestFlush) returns (ResponseFlush);
rpc Info(RequestInfo) returns (ResponseInfo);
rpc SetOption(RequestSetOption) returns (ResponseSetOption);
rpc DeliverTx(RequestDeliverTx) returns (ResponseDeliverTx);
rpc CheckTx(RequestCheckTx) returns (ResponseCheckTx);
rpc Query(RequestQuery) returns (ResponseQuery);
rpc Commit(RequestCommit) returns (ResponseCommit);
rpc InitChain(RequestInitChain) returns (ResponseInitChain);
rpc BeginBlock(RequestBeginBlock) returns (ResponseBeginBlock);
rpc EndBlock(RequestEndBlock) returns (ResponseEndBlock);
syntax = "proto3";
package common;
import "";
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
// Generate tests
option (gogoproto.populate_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.equal_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.testgen_all) = true;
// Abstract types
// Define these here for compatibility but use tmlibs/common.KVPair.
message KVPair {
bytes key = 1;
bytes value = 2;
// Define these here for compatibility but use tmlibs/common.KI64Pair.
message KI64Pair {
bytes key = 1;
int64 value = 2;
syntax = 'proto2';
package permission;
option go_package = "";
import "";
// Enable custom Marshal method.
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
// Enable custom Unmarshal method.
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
// Enable custom Size method (Required by Marshal and Unmarshal).
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
// Enable registration with golang/protobuf for the grpc-gateway.
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
// Enable generation of XXX_MessageName methods for grpc-go/status.
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
message AccountPermissions {
optional BasePermissions Base = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
option (gogoproto.goproto_sizecache) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_unkeyed) = false;
repeated string Roles = 2;
message BasePermissions {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_sizecache) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_unkeyed) = false;
optional uint64 Perms = 1 [(gogoproto.casttype) = "PermFlag", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
optional uint64 SetBit = 2 [(gogoproto.casttype) = "PermFlag", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message PermArgs {
option (gogoproto.goproto_unrecognized) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
// The permission function
optional uint64 Action = 1 [(gogoproto.casttype) = "PermFlag", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// The target of the action
optional bytes Target = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = ""];
// Possible arguments
optional uint64 Permission = 3 [(gogoproto.casttype) = "PermFlag"];
optional string Role = 4;
optional bool Value = 5;
syntax = 'proto3';
package acm;
option go_package = "";
import "";
import "permission.proto";
import "crypto.proto";
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
message Account {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
bytes Address = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
crypto.PublicKey PublicKey = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
uint64 Sequence = 3;
uint64 Balance = 4;
bytes EVMCode = 5 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "Bytecode", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
permission.AccountPermissions Permissions = 6 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
bytes WASMCode = 7 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "Bytecode", (gogoproto.jsontag) = ",omitempty", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
bytes CodeHash = 8 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.jsontag) = "-"];
repeated ContractMeta ContractMeta = 9;
// The metadata is stored in the deployed account. When the deployed account creates new account (from Solidity/EVM), they point to the original deployed
// account where the metadata is stored. This original account is called the forebear.
bytes Forebear = 10 [(gogoproto.customtype) = ""];
message ContractMeta {
bytes CodeHash = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
bytes MetadataHash = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// In the dump format we would like the ABI rather than its hash
string Metadata = 3;
syntax = 'proto3';
package rpcquery;
option go_package = "";
import "";
import "";
import "names.proto";
import "acm.proto";
import "validator.proto";
import "rpc.proto";
import "payload.proto";
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
service Query {
rpc Status (StatusParam) returns (rpc.ResultStatus);
rpc GetAccount (GetAccountParam) returns (acm.Account);
rpc GetMetadata (GetMetadataParam) returns (MetadataResult);
rpc GetStorage (GetStorageParam) returns (StorageValue);
rpc ListAccounts (ListAccountsParam) returns (stream acm.Account);
rpc GetName (GetNameParam) returns (names.Entry);
rpc ListNames (ListNamesParam) returns (stream names.Entry);
rpc GetValidatorSet (GetValidatorSetParam) returns (ValidatorSet);
rpc GetValidatorSetHistory (GetValidatorSetHistoryParam) returns (ValidatorSetHistory);
rpc GetProposal(GetProposalParam) returns (payload.Ballot);
rpc ListProposals(ListProposalsParam) returns (stream ProposalResult);
rpc GetStats(GetStatsParam) returns (Stats);
rpc GetBlockHeader(GetBlockParam) returns (types.Header);
message StatusParam {
string BlockTimeWithin = 1;
string BlockSeenTimeWithin = 2;
message GetAccountParam {
bytes Address = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message GetMetadataParam {
bytes Address = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = ""];
bytes MetadataHash = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = ""];
message MetadataResult {
string Metadata = 1;
message GetStorageParam {
bytes Address = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
bytes Key = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message StorageValue {
bytes Value = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message ListAccountsParam {
string Query = 1;
message GetNameParam {
string Name = 1;
message ListNamesParam {
string Query = 1;
message GetValidatorSetParam {
message GetValidatorSetHistoryParam {
// Use -1 for all available history
int64 IncludePrevious = 1;
message ValidatorSetHistory {
repeated ValidatorSet History = 1;
message ValidatorSet {
uint64 height = 1;
repeated validator.Validator Set = 2;
message GetProposalParam {
bytes Hash = 1;
message ListProposalsParam {
bool Proposed = 1;
message ProposalResult {
bytes Hash = 1;
payload.Ballot Ballot = 2;
message GetStatsParam {
message Stats {
uint64 AccountsWithCode = 1;
uint64 AccountsWithoutCode = 2;
message GetBlockParam {
uint64 Height = 1;
// Needed to proto2 rather than proto3 to get pointer field for PermArg
syntax = 'proto3';
option go_package = "";
import "";
package tendermint;
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
message NodeInfo {
bytes ID = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
string ListenAddress = 2;
string Network = 3;
string Version = 4;
bytes Channels = 5 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
string Moniker = 6;
string RPCAddress = 7;
string TxIndex = 8;
syntax = 'proto3';
package crypto;
option go_package = "";
import "";
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
message PublicKey {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
uint32 CurveType = 1 [(gogoproto.casttype) = "CurveType"];
bytes PublicKey = 2[(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message PrivateKey {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;
uint32 CurveType = 1 [(gogoproto.casttype) = "CurveType"];
// Note may need initialisation
bytes PublicKey = 2;
bytes PrivateKey = 3;
message Signature {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
uint32 CurveType = 1 [(gogoproto.casttype) = "CurveType"];
bytes Signature = 2;
syntax = 'proto3';
option go_package = "";
import "";
package storage;
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
// This is the object that is stored in the leaves of the commitsTree - it captures the sub-tree hashes so that the
// commitsTree's hash becomes a mixture of the hashes of all the sub-trees.
message CommitID {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
int64 Version = 1;
bytes Hash = 2;
syntax = 'proto3';
option go_package = "";
import "";
import "permission.proto";
import "spec.proto";
package payload;
// Enable custom Marshal method.
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
// Enable custom Unmarshal method.
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
// Enable custom Size method (Required by Marshal and Unmarshal).
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
// Enable registration with golang/protobuf for the grpc-gateway.
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
// Enable generation of XXX_MessageName methods for grpc-go/status.
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
message Any {
option (gogoproto.onlyone) = true;
CallTx CallTx = 1;
SendTx SendTx = 2;
NameTx NameTx = 3;
PermsTx PermsTx = 4;
GovTx GovTx = 5;
BondTx BondTx = 6;
UnbondTx UnbondTx = 7;
BatchTx BatchTx = 8;
ProposalTx ProposalTx = 9;
// An input to a transaction that may carry an Amount as a charge and whose sequence number must be one greater than
// that associated with the account at Address at the time of being received
message TxInput {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
// The address from which this input flows
bytes Address = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// The amount of native token to transfer from the input address
uint64 Amount = 2;
// The sequence number that this transaction will induce (i.e. one greater than the input account's current sequence)
uint64 Sequence = 3;
// An output from a transaction that may carry an amount as a charge
message TxOutput {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
// The address to which this output flows
bytes Address = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// The amount of native token to transfer to the output address
uint64 Amount = 2;
// A instruction to run smart contract code in the EVM
message CallTx {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
// The caller's input
TxInput Input = 1;
// The contract address to call or nil if we are creating a contract
bytes Address = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = ""];
// The upper bound on the amount of gas (and therefore EVM execution steps) this CallTx may generate
uint64 GasLimit = 3;
// Fee to offer validators for processing transaction
uint64 Fee = 4;
// EVM bytecode
bytes Data = 5 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// WASM bytecode
bytes WASM = 6 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.jsontag)="tags,omitempty"];
// Set of contracts this code will deploy
repeated ContractMeta ContractMeta = 7;
message ContractMeta {
bytes CodeHash = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
string Meta = 2;
// A payment between two sets of parties
message SendTx {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;
// The payers
repeated TxInput Inputs = 1;
// The payees
repeated TxOutput Outputs = 2;
// An update to the on-chain permissions
message PermsTx {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
// The permission moderator
TxInput Input = 1;
// The modified permissions
permission.PermArgs PermArgs = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// A request to claim a globally unique name across the entire chain with some optional data storage leased for a fee
message NameTx {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
// The name updater
TxInput Input = 1;
// The name to update or create
string Name = 2;
// The data to store against the name
string Data = 3;
// The fee to provide that will determine the length of the name lease
uint64 Fee = 4;
message BondTx {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;
// Input must be the validator that desires to bond
TxInput Input = 1;
message UnbondTx {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;
TxInput Input = 1;
// Account to unbond
TxOutput Output = 2;
message GovTx {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;
repeated TxInput Inputs = 1;
repeated spec.TemplateAccount AccountUpdates = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = true];
message ProposalTx {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;
TxInput Input = 1;
int64 VotingWeight = 2;
bytes ProposalHash = 3 [(gogoproto.customtype) = ""];
Proposal Proposal = 4;
message BatchTx {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;
repeated TxInput Inputs = 1;
repeated Any Txs = 2;
message Vote {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;
bytes Address = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
int64 VotingWeight = 2;
message Proposal {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;
string Name = 1;
string Description = 2;
BatchTx BatchTx = 3;
message Ballot {
Proposal Proposal = 1;
bytes FinalizingTx = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = ""];
enum ProposalState {
// PROPOSED might be expired, if sequence number of any of the input accounts are out of date
ProposalState proposalState = 4;
repeated Vote Votes = 5;
syntax = 'proto3';
option go_package = "";
import "";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "acm.proto";
import "exec.proto";
import "names.proto";
package dump;
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
// Enable custom Marshal method.
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
// Enable custom Unmarshal method.
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
// Enable custom Size method (Required by Marshal and Unmarshal).
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
// Enable registration with golang/protobuf for the grpc-gateway.
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
// Enable generation of XXX_MessageName methods for grpc-go/status.
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
message Storage {
bytes Key = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
bytes Value = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message AccountStorage {
bytes Address = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
repeated Storage Storage = 2;
message EVMEvent {
// The original ChainID from for this event
string ChainID = 1;
// The original index for this event
uint64 Index = 4;
// The original block time for this transaction
google.protobuf.Timestamp Time = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false, (gogoproto.stdtime)=true];
// The event itself
exec.LogEvent Event = 3;
message Dump {
uint64 Height = 1;
acm.Account Account = 2;
AccountStorage AccountStorage = 3;
EVMEvent EVMEvent = 4;
names.Entry Name = 5;
syntax = 'proto3';
package rpcdump;
option go_package = "";
import "";
import "dump.proto";
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
service Dump {
rpc GetDump(GetDumpParam) returns (stream dump.Dump);
message GetDumpParam {
uint64 height = 1;
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
package keys;
import "";
import "crypto.proto";
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
service Keys {
rpc GenerateKey(GenRequest) returns (GenResponse);
rpc PublicKey(PubRequest) returns (PubResponse);
rpc Sign(SignRequest) returns (SignResponse);
rpc Verify(VerifyRequest) returns (VerifyResponse);
rpc Import(ImportRequest) returns (ImportResponse);
rpc ImportJSON(ImportJSONRequest) returns (ImportResponse);
rpc Export(ExportRequest) returns (ExportResponse);
rpc Hash(HashRequest) returns (HashResponse);
rpc RemoveName(RemoveNameRequest) returns (RemoveNameResponse);
rpc List(ListRequest) returns (ListResponse);
rpc AddName(AddNameRequest) returns (AddNameResponse);
// Some empty types we may define later
message ListRequest {
string KeyName = 1;
message VerifyResponse {
message RemoveNameResponse {
message AddNameResponse {
message RemoveNameRequest {
string KeyName = 1;
message GenRequest {
string Passphrase = 1;
string CurveType = 2;
string KeyName = 3;
message GenResponse {
string Address = 1;
message PubRequest {
string Address = 1;
string Name = 2;
message PubResponse {
bytes PublicKey = 1;
string CurveType = 2;
message ImportJSONRequest {
string Passphrase = 1;
string JSON = 2;
message ImportResponse {
string Address = 1;
message ImportRequest {
string Passphrase = 1;
string Name = 2;
string CurveType = 3;
bytes KeyBytes = 4;
message ExportRequest {
string Passphrase = 1;
string Name = 2;
string Address = 3;
message ExportResponse {
bytes Publickey = 1;
bytes Privatekey = 2;
bytes Address = 3;
string CurveType = 4;
message SignRequest {
string Passphrase = 1;
string Address = 2;
string Name = 3;
bytes Message = 4;
message SignResponse {
crypto.Signature Signature = 3;
message VerifyRequest {
bytes PublicKey = 2;
bytes Message = 3;
crypto.Signature Signature = 5;
message HashRequest {
string Hashtype = 1;
bytes Message = 2;
message HashResponse {
string Hash = 1;
message KeyID {
string Address = 1;
repeated string KeyName = 2;
message ListResponse {
repeated KeyID key = 1;
message AddNameRequest {
string Keyname = 1;
string Address = 2;
syntax = "proto3";
package errors;
option go_package = "";
import "";
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
// Enable custom Marshal method.
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
// Enable custom Unmarshal method.
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
// Enable custom Size method (Required by Marshal and Unmarshal).
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
// Enable registration with golang/protobuf for the grpc-gateway.
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
// Enable generation of XXX_MessageName methods for grpc-go/status.
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
message Exception {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
uint32 Code = 1 [(gogoproto.casttype) = "Code"];
string Exception = 2;
// Needed to proto2 rather than proto3 to get pointer field for PermArg
syntax = 'proto3';
option go_package = "";
import "";
import "tendermint.proto";
import "validator.proto";
import "bcm.proto";
package rpc;
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
message ResultStatus {
string ChainID = 1;
string RunID = 2;
string BurrowVersion = 3;
bytes GenesisHash = 4 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
tendermint.NodeInfo NodeInfo = 5;
bcm.SyncInfo SyncInfo = 6;
// When catching up in fast sync
bool CatchingUp = 8 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = ""];
validator.Validator ValidatorInfo = 7;
syntax = 'proto3';
option go_package = "";
import "";
import "exec.proto";
package rpcevents;
// Enable custom Marshal method.
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
// Enable custom Unmarshal method.
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
// Enable custom Size method (Required by Marshal and Unmarshal).
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
// Enable registration with golang/protobuf for the grpc-gateway.
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
// Enable generation of XXX_MessageName methods for grpc-go/status.
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
// Execution events
service ExecutionEvents {
// Get StreamEvents (including transactions) for a range of block heights
rpc Stream (BlocksRequest) returns (stream exec.StreamEvent);
// Get a particular TxExecution by hash
rpc Tx (TxRequest) returns (exec.TxExecution);
// GetEvents provides events streaming one block at a time - that is all events emitted in a particular block
// are guaranteed to be delivered in each GetEventsResponse
rpc Events (BlocksRequest) returns (stream EventsResponse);
message GetBlockRequest {
// Height of block required
uint64 Height = 1;
// Whether to wait for the block to become available
bool Wait = 2;
message TxRequest {
// Height of block required
bytes TxHash = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Whether to wait for the block to become available
bool Wait = 2;
message BlocksRequest {
BlockRange BlockRange = 1;
// Specify a query on which to match the tags of events.
// Tag | Match type | Values
// -----------------------------------------
// All events
// -----------------------------------------
// TxType | String | "UnknownTx", "SendTx", "CallTx", "NameTx", "BondTx", "UnbondTx", "PermissionsTx", "GovernanceTx"
// TxHash | String | bytes
// EventType | String | "CallEvent", "LogEvent", "AccountInputEvent", "AccountOutputEvent"
// EventID | String | string
// Height | Integer | uint64
// Index | Integer | uint64
// MessageType | String | Go type name
// -----------------------------------------
// Log event
// -----------------------------------------
// Address | String | Address (hex)
// Log<0-4> | String | Word256 (hex)
// Log<0-4>Text | String | string (trimmed)
// -----------------------------------------
// Call event
// -----------------------------------------
// Origin | String | Address (hex)
// Callee | String | Address (hex)
// Caller | String | Address (hex)
// Value | Integer | uint64
// Gas | Integer | uint64
// StackDepth | Integer | uint64
// Exception | String | string
// -----------------------------------------
// Tx event (input/output)
// -----------------------------------------
// Exception | String | string
// For example:
// EventType = 'LogEvent' AND EventID CONTAINS 'bar' AND TxHash = '020304' AND Height >= 34 AND Index < 3 AND Address = 'DEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEF'
string Query = 2;
message EventsResponse {
uint64 Height = 1;
repeated exec.Event Events = 2;
message GetTxsRequest {
uint64 StartHeight = 1;
uint64 EndHeight = 2;
string Query = 3;
message GetTxsResponse {
uint64 Height = 1;
repeated exec.TxExecution TxExecutions = 2;
message Bound {
BoundType Type = 1;
uint64 Index = 2;
enum BoundType {
// Index is absolute index of an item
// Index is an offset relative to last item
// The first block
FIRST = 2;
// Ignore provided index and evaluate to latest index
// Ignore provided index and stream new objects as they are generated
// An inclusive range of blocks to include in output
message BlockRange {
// Bounds can be set to:
// absolute: block height
// relative: block height counting back from latest
// latest: latest block when call is processed
// stream: for End keep sending new blocks, for start same as latest
Bound Start = 1;
Bound End = 2;
// Needed to proto2 rather than proto3 to get pointer field for PermArg
syntax = 'proto3';
option go_package = "";
import "";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
package bcm;
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
message SyncInfo {
uint64 LatestBlockHeight = 1 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = ""];
bytes LatestBlockHash = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
bytes LatestAppHash = 3 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Timestamp of block as set by the block proposer
google.protobuf.Timestamp LatestBlockTime = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
// Time at which we committed the last block
google.protobuf.Timestamp LatestBlockSeenTime = 5 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
// Time elapsed since last commit
google.protobuf.Duration LatestBlockDuration = 6 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.stdduration) = true];
message PersistedState {
bytes AppHashAfterLastBlock = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
google.protobuf.Timestamp LastBlockTime = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
uint64 LastBlockHeight = 3;
bytes GenesisHash = 4 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
syntax = 'proto3';
option go_package = "";
import "";
import "crypto.proto";
import "balance.proto";
package spec;
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.goproto_registration) = true;
option (gogoproto.messagename_all) = true;
message TemplateAccount {
option (gogoproto.goproto_sizecache) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_unkeyed) = false;
string Name = 1;
bytes Address = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.jsontag) = ",omitempty", (gogoproto.moretags) = "toml:\",omitempty\""];
crypto.PublicKey PublicKey = 3 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = ",omitempty", (gogoproto.moretags) = "toml:\",omitempty\""];
repeated balance.Balance Amounts = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.jsontag) = ",omitempty", (gogoproto.moretags) = "toml:\",omitempty\""];
repeated string Permissions = 5 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = ",omitempty", (gogoproto.moretags) = "toml:\",omitempty\""];
repeated string Roles = 6 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = ",omitempty", (gogoproto.moretags) = "toml:\",omitempty\""];
bytes Code = 7 [(gogoproto.nullable) = true, (gogoproto.customtype) = ""];
實做完整的 Java 版節點與客戶端進入 Ethereum 生態圈,與慣見的以太坊節點與客戶端軟體較大差異在於文件中 How To 的兩個章節 Limit Access to Node 與 Use Privacy Features,以及出廠標配的監控 Prometheus 與 Grafana 設置。
可參閱之前的 pegasyseng/pantheon
$ docker run -it --rm --entrypoint=bash pegasyseng/pantheon -c 'ls -al bin'
total 24
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Aug 1 20:58 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Aug 1 20:58 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9226 Aug 1 20:58 pantheon
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3021 Aug 1 20:58 pantheon.bat
$ docker run -it --rm --entrypoint=bash pegasyseng/pantheon -c 'cat bin/pantheon'
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Copyright 2015 the original author or authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
## pantheon start up script for UN*X
# Attempt to set APP_HOME
# Resolve links: $0 may be a link
# Need this for relative symlinks.
while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do
ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"`
link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'`
if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then
PRG=`dirname "$PRG"`"/$link"
cd "`dirname \"$PRG\"`/.." >/dev/null
APP_HOME="`pwd -P`"
cd "$SAVED" >/dev/null
APP_BASE_NAME=`basename "$0"`
# Add default JVM options here. You can also use JAVA_OPTS and PANTHEON_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script.
DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS='"-Dvertx.disableFileCPResolving=true" "-Dpantheon.home=$APP_HOME" "-Dlog4j.shutdownHookEnabled=false" "--add-opens" "java.base/"'
# Use the maximum available, or set MAX_FD != -1 to use that value.
warn () {
echo "$*"
die () {
echo "$*"
exit 1
# OS specific support (must be 'true' or 'false').
case "`uname`" in
Darwin* )
# Determine the Java command to use to start the JVM.
if [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then
if [ -x "$JAVA_HOME/jre/sh/java" ] ; then
# IBM's JDK on AIX uses strange locations for the executables
if [ ! -x "$JAVACMD" ] ; then
die "ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: $JAVA_HOME
Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
location of your Java installation."
which java >/dev/null 2>&1 || die "ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH.
Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
location of your Java installation."
# Increase the maximum file descriptors if we can.
if [ "$cygwin" = "false" -a "$darwin" = "false" -a "$nonstop" = "false" ] ; then
MAX_FD_LIMIT=`ulimit -H -n`
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
if [ "$MAX_FD" = "maximum" -o "$MAX_FD" = "max" ] ; then
ulimit -n $MAX_FD
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
warn "Could not set maximum file descriptor limit: $MAX_FD"
warn "Could not query maximum file descriptor limit: $MAX_FD_LIMIT"
# For Darwin, add options to specify how the application appears in the dock
if $darwin; then
GRADLE_OPTS="$GRADLE_OPTS \"-Xdock:name=$APP_NAME\" \"-Xdock:icon=$APP_HOME/media/gradle.icns\""
# For Cygwin, switch paths to Windows format before running java
if $cygwin ; then
APP_HOME=`cygpath --path --mixed "$APP_HOME"`
CLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --mixed "$CLASSPATH"`
JAVACMD=`cygpath --unix "$JAVACMD"`
# We build the pattern for arguments to be converted via cygpath
ROOTDIRSRAW=`find -L / -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d 2>/dev/null`
for dir in $ROOTDIRSRAW ; do
# Add a user-defined pattern to the cygpath arguments
if [ "$GRADLE_CYGPATTERN" != "" ] ; then
# Now convert the arguments - kludge to limit ourselves to /bin/sh
for arg in "$@" ; do
CHECK=`echo "$arg"|egrep -c "$OURCYGPATTERN" -`
CHECK2=`echo "$arg"|egrep -c "^-"` ### Determine if an option
if [ $CHECK -ne 0 ] && [ $CHECK2 -eq 0 ] ; then ### Added a condition
eval `echo args$i`=`cygpath --path --ignore --mixed "$arg"`
eval `echo args$i`="\"$arg\""
case $i in
(0) set -- ;;
(1) set -- "$args0" ;;
(2) set -- "$args0" "$args1" ;;
(3) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" ;;
(4) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" ;;
(5) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" ;;
(6) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" ;;
(7) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" "$args6" ;;
(8) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" "$args6" "$args7" ;;
(9) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" "$args6" "$args7" "$args8" ;;
# Escape application args
save () {
for i do printf %s\\n "$i" | sed "s/'/'\\\\''/g;1s/^/'/;\$s/\$/' \\\\/" ; done
echo " "
APP_ARGS=$(save "$@")
# Collect all arguments for the java command, following the shell quoting and substitution rules
eval set -- $DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS $JAVA_OPTS $PANTHEON_OPTS -classpath "\"$CLASSPATH\"" tech.pegasys.pantheon.Pantheon "$APP_ARGS"
# by default we should be in the correct project dir, but when run from Finder on Mac, the cwd is wrong
if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ] && [ "$HOME" = "$PWD" ]; then
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
exec "$JAVACMD" "$@"
Introducing Hyperledger Avalon – Hyperledger
There are a couple of key challenges with blockchain that probably don’t surprise any reader of this blog: scalability and confidentiality. One approach to both of these limitations is to perform some operations “off-chain.” In a traditional view of a blockchain, the data and validation logic for every transaction takes place on every node of the blockchain network or “on-chain.” It’s this redundancy and transparency that provides a network with its integrity but also comes at the cost of performance and confidentiality. By offloading some work, participants can trade off resiliency and integrity for performance and confidentiality. Of course, everyone wants to have their cake and eat it too, and so the use of the use of “trusted computing” is intended to maintain resiliency and integrity guarantees as much as possible while affording the additional performance and confidentiality. Trusted computing includes a variety of techniques to ensure that computation was done correctly and secretly. Hyperledger Avalon will realize these as different Worker types and include TEE (Trusted Execution Environments like Intel® SGX), MPC (multi-party compute), and ZK (zero-knowledge proofs).
Polkdot 官網的標語
Polkadot is a platform with low barriers to entry for flexible, autonomous economies acting together within Polkadot’s shared security umbrella. Polkadot is a revolution, not just in blockchain technology but also towards enabling fairer peer-to-peer digital jurisdictions.

創建類似 kusama 需要更改的設定在 polkadot-service crate,主要是創世 kusama.json 與。
Parathreads - Polkadot Wiki
For some applications, being a parathread simply makes more sense than being a parachain. Namely, these are applications that do not have frequent state updates. Take a domain name service, for example. Read requests come in large numbers, but it would be normal to update the registry on an hourly basis. DNS has no need of Polkadot’s six-second block time. Oracles also make sense as parathreads, say a daily weather or Bitcoin block oracle.
寫入不高的應用如域名 DNS 與預言機 Oracle,成本類似現有 bitcoin, ethereum 的動態手續費,會隨著擁擠而拉高,這點與 Parachain 標租後進塊時間固定等同吃到飽不太一樣。
Initial Parachain Offering (IPCO) ?
Preparing for Your First Parachain Auction - LongHash incubator - Medium
Facebook releases plan for its Libra cryptocurrency to 'meet the daily financial needs of billions of people' - The Block
"The challenge is that as of today we do not believe that there is a proven solution that can deliver the scale, stability, and security needed to support billions of people and transactions across the globe through a permissionless network," the whitepaper notes, conservatively quoting a throughput capacity of 1,000 transactions per second and a 10-second finality upon launch.
引用 区块链安全问题剖析与 Libra 安全点评
单一性依赖问题:Libra 如果完全依赖 RUST 语言实现,那么会存在单一依赖问题,如果 RUST 语言出现安全问题,则会波及整个 Libra 系统,这一点可能需要时间来解决。
關於單一依賴的解決速度可能會比其他專案快一點,因 Libra 選型用的是 Google Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) 格式,從 immutability-io/vault-libra: A Vault plugin for Libra 專案出現的時間點可知整合這類已有 Protobuf 規格的專案相對時間會快上許多,除了格式一致讓 Golang 對接 Rust 應用程式較簡易之外,後續要 Java Python Nodejs 要對接或實作也會方便許多。
說到對接方便這件事除了開發,其實也牽涉到運轉處理事件的效率,如 The Site Reliability Workbook Chapter 2 - Implementing SLOs 建議初始的 SLOs Pipeline 管道區,管區裡會接多長與多少段其實開發階段並不一定清楚,平台運轉後遇到事件時可能會有動態的管路配置,如管裡流的是 Protobuf,對於處理事件的 SRE 來說一來上手容易二來工具也多,處理上更有效率。

就公鏈來說每個小型獨立節點一般無設置管路區的必要,有設置管路區需求的是較大型服務商,在收發訊息之間加上各種處理來提供服務。聯盟鏈來說對接的同盟可能都會配管,這時如遇到 hyperledger/fabric-protos 類似的專案,進管前處理與進管後的管道開發管理都會省下不少功夫,可提高整本帳的可靠度。
libra/types/src/proto at master · libra/libra
git clone /tmp/src/libra
bash --gen-proto-doc /tmp/src/libra/types/src/proto /tmp/
Account state as a whole.
After execution, updates to accounts are passed in this form to storage for
Field | Type | Label | Description |
address | bytes | | Account address |
blob | bytes | | Account state blob |
A generic structure that represents signed RawTransaction
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signed_txn | bytes | | LCS byte code representation of a SignedTransaction |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
version | uint64 | | The version of the returned signed transaction. |
signed_transaction | SignedTransaction | | The transaction itself. |
proof | SignedTransactionProof | | The proof authenticating the signed transaction. |
events | EventsList | | The events yielded by executing the transaction, if requested. |
A generic structure that represents a block of transactions originated from a
particular validator instance.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transactions | SignedTransaction | repeated | Set of Signed Transactions |
validator_public_key | bytes | | Public key of the validator that created this block |
validator_signature | bytes | | Signature of the validator that created this block |
An argument to the transaction if the transaction takes arguments
A list of consecutive transactions with proof. This is mainly used for state
synchronization when a validator would request a list of transactions from a
peer, verify the proof, execute the transactions and persist them. Note that
the transactions are supposed to belong to the same epoch E, otherwise
verification will fail.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transactions | SignedTransaction | repeated | The list of transactions. |
infos | TransactionInfo | repeated | The list of corresponding TransactionInfo objects. |
events_for_versions | EventsForVersions | | The list of corresponding Event objects (only present if fetch_events was set to true in req) |
first_transaction_version | google.protobuf.UInt64Value | | If the list is not empty, the version of the first transaction. |
proof_of_first_transaction | AccumulatorProof | | The proofs of the first and last transaction in this chunk. When this is used for state synchronization, the validator who requests the transactions will provide a version in the request and the proofs will be relative to the given version. When this is returned in GetTransactionsResponse, the proofs will be relative to the ledger info returned in UpdateToLatestLedgerResponse. |
proof_of_last_transaction | AccumulatorProof | | |
Transaction struct to commit to storage
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signed_txn | SignedTransaction | | The signed transaction which was executed |
account_states | AccountState | repeated | State db updates |
events | Event | repeated | Events yielded by the transaction. |
gas_used | uint64 | | The amount of gas used. |
Name | Number | Description |
U64 | 0 | |
ADDRESS | 1 | |
STRING | 2 | |
is the object we store in the transaction accumulator. It
consists of the transaction as well as the execution result of this
transaction. This are later returned to the client so that a client can
validate the tree
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signed_transaction_hash | bytes | | Hash of the signed transaction that is stored |
state_root_hash | bytes | | The root hash of Sparse Merkle Tree describing the world state at the end of this transaction |
event_root_hash | bytes | | The root hash of Merkle Accumulator storing all events emitted during this transaction. |
gas_used | uint64 | | The amount of gas used by this transaction. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
blob | bytes | | |
An event emitted from a smart contract
An event along with the proof for the event
A list of EventList's, each representing all events for a transaction.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
events_for_version | EventsList | repeated | |
A list of events.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
events | Event | repeated | |
Protobuf definition for the Rust struct ValidatorPublicKeys
Field | Type | Label | Description |
account_address | bytes | | Validator account address |
consensus_public_key | bytes | | Consensus public key |
network_signing_public_key | bytes | | Network signing publick key |
network_identity_public_key | bytes | | Network identity publick key |
The statuses and errors produced by the VM can be categorized into a
couple different types:
- Validation Statuses: all the errors that can (/should) be
the result of executing the prologue -- these are primarily used by
the vm validator and AC.
- Verification Errors: errors that are the result of performing
bytecode verification (happens at the time of publishing).
- VM Invariant Errors: errors that arise from an internal invariant of
the VM being violated. These signify a problem with either the VM or
bytecode verifier.
- Binary Errors: errors that can occur during the process of
deserialization of a transaction.
- Runtime Statuses: errors that can arise from the execution of a
transaction (assuming the prologue executes without error). These are
errors that can occur during execution due to things such as division
by zero, running out of gas, etc. These do not signify an issue with
the VM.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
major_status | uint64 | | e.g. assertion violation, out of gas |
has_sub_status | bool | | Any substatus code. e.g. assertion error number |
sub_status | uint64 | | |
has_message | bool | | |
message | string | | |
This is used to prove validator changes. When a validator is changing, it
triggers an event on /validator_change_account/events/sent. To tell the
client about validator changes, we query
/validator_change_account/events/sent to get all versions that contain
validator changes after the version that we are trying to update from. For
each of these versions, the old validator set would have signed the ledger
info at that version. The client needs this as well as the event results +
proof. The client can then verify that these events were under the current
tree and that the changes were signed by the old validators (and that the
events correctly show which validators are the new validators).
This message represents a single validator change event and the proof that
corresponds to it
The unique identifier for a module on the chain.
Protobuf definition for the Rust struct ValidatorSet.
Even though we don't always need all hashes, we pass them in and return them
/ always so that we keep them in sync on the client and don't make the client
/ worry about which one(s) to pass in which cases
/ This structure serves a dual purpose.
/ First, if this structure is signed by 2f+1 validators it signifies the state
/ of the ledger at version version
-- it contains the transaction
/ accumulator at that version which commits to all historical transactions.
/ This structure may be expanded to include other information that is derived
/ from that accumulator (e.g. the current time according to the time contract)
/ to reduce the number of proofs a client must get.
/ Second, the structure contains a consensus_data_hash
value. This is the
/ hash of an internal data structure that represents a block that is voted on
/ by consensus.
/ Combining these two concepts when the consensus algorithm votes on a block B
/ it votes for a LedgerInfo with the version
being the latest version that
/ will be committed if B gets 2f+1 votes. It sets consensus_data_hash
/ represent B so that if those 2f+1 votes are gathered, the block is valid to
/ commit
Field | Type | Label | Description |
version | uint64 | | Current latest version of the system |
transaction_accumulator_hash | bytes | | Root hash of transaction accumulator at this version |
consensus_data_hash | bytes | | Hash of consensus-specific data that is opaque to all parts of the system other than consensus. This is needed to verify signatures because consensus signing includes this hash |
consensus_block_id | bytes | | The block id of the last committed block corresponding to this ledger info. This field is not particularly interesting to the clients, but can be used by the validators for synchronization. |
epoch_num | uint64 | | Epoch number corresponds to the set of validators that are active for this ledger info. The main motivation for keeping the epoch number in the LedgerInfo is to ensure that the client has enough information to verify that the signatures for this info are coming from the validators that indeed form a quorum. Without epoch number a potential attack could reuse the signatures from the validators in one epoch in order to sign the wrong info belonging to another epoch, in which these validators do not form a quorum. The very first epoch number is 0. |
timestamp_usecs | uint64 | | Timestamp that represents the microseconds since the epoch (unix time) that is generated by the proposer of the block. This is strictly increasing with every block. If a client reads a timestamp > the one they specified for transaction expiration time, they can be certain that their transaction will never be included in a block in the future (assuming that their transaction has not yet been included) |
next_validator_set | ValidatorSet | | An optional field with the validator set for the next epoch in case it's the last ledger info in the current epoch. |
The validator node returns this structure which includes signatures
/ from each validator to confirm the state. The client needs to only pass
/ back the LedgerInfo element since the validator node doesn't need to know
/ the signatures again when the client performs a query, those are only there
/ for the client to be able to verify the state
Field | Type | Label | Description |
validator_id | bytes | | The account address of the validator, which can be used for retrieving its public key during the given epoch. |
signature | bytes | | |
The complete proof used to authenticate an account state.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
frozen_subtree_roots | bytes | repeated | The root hashes of the frozen subtrees that form the small accumulator. Note that none of these hashes should be default hash. |
num_siblings | uint32 | | The total number of siblings. |
non_default_siblings | bytes | repeated | The non-default siblings. Note that the entire list of siblings always start of zero or more non-default siblings, followed by zero of more default siblings. So given the total number of siblings and the non-default siblings we should be able to construct the entire sibling list. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
bitmap | uint64 | | The bitmap indicating which siblings are default. 1 means non-default and 0 means default. The LSB corresponds to the sibling at the bottom of the accumulator. The leftmost 1-bit corresponds to the sibling at the level just below root level in the accumulator, since this one is always non-default. |
non_default_siblings | bytes | repeated | The non-default siblings. The ones near the root are at the beginning of the list. |
The complete proof used to authenticate an event.
The complete proof used to authenticate a signed transaction.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
leaf | bytes | | This proof can be used to authenticate whether a given leaf exists in the tree or not. In Rust: - If this is Some(HashValue, HashValue) - If the first HashValue equals requested key, this is an inclusion proof and the second HashValue equals the hash of the corresponding account blob. - Otherwise this is a non-inclusion proof. The first HashValue is the only key that exists in the subtree and the second HashValue equals the hash of the corresponding account blob. - If this is None , this is also a non-inclusion proof which indicates the subtree is empty. |
In protobuf, this leaf field should either be - empty, which corresponds to None in the Rust structure. - exactly 64 bytes, which corresponds to Some<(HashValue, HashValue)> in the Rust structure. |
| bitmap | bytes | | The bitmap indicating which siblings are default. 1 means non-default and 0 means default. The MSB of the first byte corresponds to the sibling at the top of the Sparse Merkle Tree. The rightmost 1-bit of the last byte corresponds to the sibling at the bottom, since this one is always non-default. |
| non_default_siblings | bytes | repeated | The non-default siblings. The ones near the root are at the beginning of the list. |
How to verify the response as a client:
(Note that every response comes in the form of GetWithProofResponse which
wraps the inner response elements that correspond to the specific request
types. Below we will assume a single request/response type. The
verification can be extended as needed for multiple types. Also note that we
will use the following notation: resp = GetWithProofResponse and req =
GetWithProofRequest). Also note that the following will be considered
equivalent for brevity: req.requested_items.get_account_state_request ==
req.get_account_state_request And, resp.values.get_account_state_response ==
- let state_req = req.requested_items.get_account_state_request;
- let state_resp = resp.values.get_account_state_response;
- Verify that:
- state_req.access_path == state_resp.access_path
- This ensures that the server is responding with the correct access
- let state_data_hash = Hash(state_resp.value);
- let state_proof = resp.values.proof.state_proof_value.sparse_merkle_proof;
- Validate state_proof using state_data_hash as the leaf
- When verifying the state tree, use:
state_root_hash = resp.values.transaction_info.state_root_hash
- Validate accumulator using resp.values.transaction_info as the leaf
- When verifying the accumulator, use:
root_hash =
- Validate that the transaction root hash submitted in
exists in the proof for accumulator and that the proof is valid with
this hash
- Validate ledger info
- let ledger_info_hash =
- Verify signatures from resp.ledger_info_with_sigs.signatures are
ledger_info_hash and that there are >2/3 nodes signing this
- Validate that the timestamp is relatively recent in
- Note that other than type completed_transaction, there will be no proof
since the transaction has not yet been committed. To ensure that a
validator is telling the truth about it not being committed yet, a
client should query for their account state and verify that their
current sequence number is less than what they are searching for with
- let txn =
- let txn_hash = Hash(txn);
- Verify that resp.proof.transaction_info.signed_transaction_hash == txn_hash
- Validate accumulator using resp.proof.transaction_info as the leaf
- When verifying the accumulator, use:
root_hash =
- Validate that the transaction root hash submitted in
exists in the proof for accumulator and that the proof is valid with
this hash
- Validate ledger info
- let ledger_info_hash =
- Verify signatures from resp.ledger_info_with_sigs.signatures are
ledger_info_hash and that there are >2/3 nodes signing this
- Validate that the timestamp is relatively recent in
- for txn in resp.get_transactions_response.transactions:
- let txn = txn.committed_transaction;
- let txn_hash = Hash(txn);
- Verify that txn.proof.transaction_info.signed_transaction_hash ==
- Validate accumulator using txn.proof.transaction_info as the leaf
- When verifying the accumulator, use:
root_hash =
- Verify that transactions are sequential and none are missing
- Validate ledger info
- let ledger_info_hash =
- Verify signatures from resp.ledger_info_with_sigs.signatures are
ledger_info_hash and that there are >2/3 nodes signing this
- Validate that the timestamp is relatively recent in
- If the number of transactions returned is less than limit for an ascending
or if the requested offset > current version for a descending query,
the client should verify that the timestamp in ledger info is relatively
recent to determine if it is likely that all transactions available were
Gets latest state for an account.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
address | bytes | | Account for which we are fetching the state. |
State information returned by a get account state query.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
account_state_with_proof | AccountStateWithProof | | Blob value representing the account state together with proof the client can utilize to verify it. |
Get transactions that altered an account - this includes both sent and
received. A user of this should check that the data returned matches what
they expect. As an example, a potential attack vector would be something
like the following: Alice is buying an apple from Bob. Alice's phone signs a
transaction X with sequence number N that pays coins to Bob. Alice transmits
this signature to Bob's payment terminal which then submits the transaction
and checks its status to see if Alice can be given the apple. However, as Bob
is doing this Alice constructs a second transaction X' also with sequence
number N. Alice gets that transaction inserted in the blockchain. If Bob
isn't thoughtful about how he uses this API he may assume that if he asks for
the N'th transaction on Alice's account that when the API returns that this
means the transaction has gone through. The point here is that one should be
careful in reading too much into "transaction X is on the chain" and focus on
the logs, which tell you what the transaction did.
If a client submitted a transaction, they should also verify that the hash of
the returned transaction matches what they submitted. As an example, if a
client has two wallets that share the same account, they may both submit a
transaction at the same sequence number and only one will be committed. A
client should never assume that if they receive the response that this
transaction was included that it means that this is definitely the
transaction that was submitted. They should check that the hash matches what
they sent
Field | Type | Label | Description |
account | bytes | | Account for which to query transactions |
sequence_number | uint64 | | |
fetch_events | bool | | Set to true to fetch events for the transaction at this version |
Transaction information for transactions requested by
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signed_transaction_with_proof | SignedTransactionWithProof | | When the transaction requested is committed, return the committed transaction with proof. |
proof_of_current_sequence_number | AccountStateWithProof | | When the transaction requested is not committed, we give a proof that shows the current sequence number is smaller than what would have been if the transaction was committed. |
Get events that exist on an event access path. In the current world,
a user may specify events that were received, events that were sent, or any
event that modifies their account
Field | Type | Label | Description |
access_path | AccessPath | | |
start_event_seq_num | uint64 | | The sequence number of the event to start with for this query. Use a sequence number of MAX_INT to represent the latest. |
ascending | bool | | If ascending is true this query will return up to limit events that were emitted after start_event_seq_num . Otherwise it will return up to limit events before the offset. Both cases are inclusive. |
limit | uint64 | | Limit number of results |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
events_with_proof | EventWithProof | repeated | Returns an event and proof of each of the events in the request. The first element of proofs will be the closest to start_event_seq_num . |
proof_of_latest_event | AccountStateWithProof | | If the number of events returned is less than limit for an ascending query or if start_event_seq_num > the latest seq_num for a descending query, returns the state of the account containing the given access path in the latest state. This allows the client to verify that there are in fact no extra events. |
The LedgerInfoWithSignatures which is on the main UpdateToLatestLedgerResponse can be used to validate this. |
Get up to limit transactions starting from start_version.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
start_version | uint64 | | The version of the transaction to start with for this query. Use a version of MAX_INT to represent the latest. |
limit | uint64 | | Limit number of results |
fetch_events | bool | | Set to true to fetch events for the transaction at each version |
Individual response items to the queries posed by the requests
This API is used to update the client to the latest ledger version and
optionally also request 1..n other pieces of data. This allows for batch
queries. All queries return proofs that a client should check to validate
the data.
Note that if a client only wishes to update to the latest LedgerInfo and
receive the proof that this latest ledger extends the client_known_version
ledger the client had, they can simply set the requested_items to an empty
Field | Type | Label | Description |
client_known_version | uint64 | | This is the version the client already trusts. Usually the client should set this to the version it obtained the last time it synced with the chain. If this is the first time ever the client sends a request, it must use the waypoint hard-coded in its software. |
requested_items | RequestItem | repeated | The items for which we are requesting data in this API call. |
Response from getting latest ledger
Field | Type | Label | Description |
response_items | ResponseItem | repeated | Responses to the queries posed by the requests. The proofs generated will be relative to the version of the latest ledger provided below. |
ledger_info_with_sigs | LedgerInfoWithSignatures | | The latest ledger info this node has. It will come with at least 2f+1 validator signatures as well as a proof that shows the latest ledger extends the old ledger the client had. |
validator_change_events | ValidatorChangeEventWithProof | repeated | Validator change events from what the client last knew. This is used to inform the client of validator changes from the client's last known version until the current version |
.proto Type | Notes | C++ Type | Java Type | Python Type |
double | | double | double | float |
float | | float | float | float |
int32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. | int32 | int | int |
int64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. | int64 | long | int/long |
uint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint32 | int | int/long |
uint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. | int32 | int | int |
sint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. | int64 | long | int/long |
fixed32 | Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. | uint32 | int | int |
fixed64 | Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sfixed32 | Always four bytes. | int32 | int | int |
sfixed64 | Always eight bytes. | int64 | long | int/long |
bool | | bool | boolean | boolean |
string | A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. | string | String | str/unicode |
bytes | May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. | string | ByteString | str |
├── access_path.proto
├── account_state_blob.proto
├── events.proto
├── get_with_proof.proto
├── language_storage.proto
├── ledger_info.proto
├── proof.proto
├── transaction_info.proto
├── transaction.proto
├── validator_change.proto
├── validator_public_keys.proto
├── validator_set.proto
└── vm_errors.proto
0 directories, 13 files
// Copyright (c) The Libra Core Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
package types;
import "access_path.proto";
import "events.proto";
import "proof.proto";
import "transaction_info.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
// An argument to the transaction if the transaction takes arguments
message TransactionArgument {
enum ArgType {
U64 = 0;
// A generic structure that represents signed RawTransaction
message SignedTransaction {
// LCS byte code representation of a SignedTransaction
bytes signed_txn = 5;
message SignedTransactionWithProof {
// The version of the returned signed transaction.
uint64 version = 1;
// The transaction itself.
SignedTransaction signed_transaction = 2;
// The proof authenticating the signed transaction.
SignedTransactionProof proof = 3;
// The events yielded by executing the transaction, if requested.
EventsList events = 4;
// A generic structure that represents a block of transactions originated from a
// particular validator instance.
message SignedTransactionsBlock {
// Set of Signed Transactions
repeated SignedTransaction transactions = 1;
// Public key of the validator that created this block
bytes validator_public_key = 2;
// Signature of the validator that created this block
bytes validator_signature = 3;
// Account state as a whole.
// After execution, updates to accounts are passed in this form to storage for
// persistence.
message AccountState {
// Account address
bytes address = 1;
// Account state blob
bytes blob = 2;
// Transaction struct to commit to storage
message TransactionToCommit {
// The signed transaction which was executed
SignedTransaction signed_txn = 1;
// State db updates
repeated AccountState account_states = 2;
// Events yielded by the transaction.
repeated Event events = 3;
// The amount of gas used.
uint64 gas_used = 4;
// A list of consecutive transactions with proof. This is mainly used for state
// synchronization when a validator would request a list of transactions from a
// peer, verify the proof, execute the transactions and persist them. Note that
// the transactions are supposed to belong to the same epoch E, otherwise
// verification will fail.
message TransactionListWithProof {
// The list of transactions.
repeated SignedTransaction transactions = 1;
// The list of corresponding TransactionInfo objects.
repeated TransactionInfo infos = 2;
// The list of corresponding Event objects (only present if fetch_events was set to true in req)
EventsForVersions events_for_versions = 3;
// If the list is not empty, the version of the first transaction.
google.protobuf.UInt64Value first_transaction_version = 4;
// The proofs of the first and last transaction in this chunk. When this is
// used for state synchronization, the validator who requests the transactions
// will provide a version in the request and the proofs will be relative to
// the given version. When this is returned in GetTransactionsResponse, the
// proofs will be relative to the ledger info returned in
// UpdateToLatestLedgerResponse.
AccumulatorProof proof_of_first_transaction = 5;
AccumulatorProof proof_of_last_transaction = 6;
// Copyright (c) The Libra Core Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
package types;
// `TransactionInfo` is the object we store in the transaction accumulator. It
// consists of the transaction as well as the execution result of this
// transaction. This are later returned to the client so that a client can
// validate the tree
message TransactionInfo {
// Hash of the signed transaction that is stored
bytes signed_transaction_hash = 1;
// The root hash of Sparse Merkle Tree describing the world state at the end
// of this transaction
bytes state_root_hash = 2;
// The root hash of Merkle Accumulator storing all events emitted during this
// transaction.
bytes event_root_hash = 3;
// The amount of gas used by this transaction.
uint64 gas_used = 4;
// Copyright (c) The Libra Core Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
package types;
import "proof.proto";
message AccountStateBlob { bytes blob = 1; }
message AccountStateWithProof {
uint64 version = 1;
AccountStateBlob blob = 2;
AccountStateProof proof = 3;
// Copyright (c) The Libra Core Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// This file contains proto definitions related to events. Events are emitted
// by smart contract execution. These could include events such as received
// transactions, sent transactions, etc.
syntax = "proto3";
package types;
import "access_path.proto";
import "proof.proto";
// An event emitted from a smart contract
message Event {
bytes key = 1;
uint64 sequence_number = 2;
bytes event_data = 3;
// An event along with the proof for the event
message EventWithProof {
uint64 transaction_version = 1;
uint64 event_index = 2;
Event event = 3;
EventProof proof = 4;
// A list of events.
message EventsList {
repeated Event events = 1;
// A list of EventList's, each representing all events for a transaction.
message EventsForVersions {
repeated EventsList events_for_version = 1;
// Copyright (c) The Libra Core Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
package types;
// Protobuf definition for the Rust struct ValidatorPublicKeys
message ValidatorPublicKeys {
// Validator account address
bytes account_address = 1;
// Consensus public key
bytes consensus_public_key = 2;
// Network signing publick key
bytes network_signing_public_key = 3;
/// Network identity publick key
bytes network_identity_public_key = 4;
// Copyright (c) The Libra Core Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
package types;
import "language_storage.proto";
// The statuses and errors produced by the VM can be categorized into a
// couple different types:
// 1. Validation Statuses: all the errors that can (/should) be
// the result of executing the prologue -- these are primarily used by
// the vm validator and AC.
// 2. Verification Errors: errors that are the result of performing
// bytecode verification (happens at the time of publishing).
// 3. VM Invariant Errors: errors that arise from an internal invariant of
// the VM being violated. These signify a problem with either the VM or
// bytecode verifier.
// 4. Binary Errors: errors that can occur during the process of
// deserialization of a transaction.
// 5. Runtime Statuses: errors that can arise from the execution of a
// transaction (assuming the prologue executes without error). These are
// errors that can occur during execution due to things such as division
// by zero, running out of gas, etc. These do not signify an issue with
// the VM.
message VMStatus {
// e.g. assertion violation, out of gas
uint64 major_status = 1;
// Any substatus code. e.g. assertion error number
bool has_sub_status = 2;
uint64 sub_status = 3;
bool has_message = 4;
string message = 5;
// Copyright (c) The Libra Core Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
package types;
import "events.proto";
import "ledger_info.proto";
// This is used to prove validator changes. When a validator is changing, it
// triggers an event on /validator_change_account/events/sent. To tell the
// client about validator changes, we query
// /validator_change_account/events/sent to get all versions that contain
// validator changes after the version that we are trying to update from. For
// each of these versions, the old validator set would have signed the ledger
// info at that version. The client needs this as well as the event results +
// proof. The client can then verify that these events were under the current
// tree and that the changes were signed by the old validators (and that the
// events correctly show which validators are the new validators).
// This message represents a single validator change event and the proof that
// corresponds to it
message ValidatorChangeEventWithProof {
LedgerInfoWithSignatures ledger_info_with_sigs = 1;
EventWithProof event_with_proof = 2;
// Copyright (c) The Libra Core Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
package types;
/// The unique identifier for a module on the chain.
message ModuleId {
bytes address = 1;
string name = 2;
// Copyright (c) The Libra Core Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
package types;
import "validator_public_keys.proto";
// Protobuf definition for the Rust struct ValidatorSet.
message ValidatorSet {
repeated ValidatorPublicKeys validator_public_keys = 1;
// Copyright (c) The Libra Core Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
package types;
import "validator_set.proto";
/// Even though we don't always need all hashes, we pass them in and return them
/// always so that we keep them in sync on the client and don't make the client
/// worry about which one(s) to pass in which cases
/// This structure serves a dual purpose.
/// First, if this structure is signed by 2f+1 validators it signifies the state
/// of the ledger at version `version` -- it contains the transaction
/// accumulator at that version which commits to all historical transactions.
/// This structure may be expanded to include other information that is derived
/// from that accumulator (e.g. the current time according to the time contract)
/// to reduce the number of proofs a client must get.
/// Second, the structure contains a `consensus_data_hash` value. This is the
/// hash of an internal data structure that represents a block that is voted on
/// by consensus.
/// Combining these two concepts when the consensus algorithm votes on a block B
/// it votes for a LedgerInfo with the `version` being the latest version that
/// will be committed if B gets 2f+1 votes. It sets `consensus_data_hash` to
/// represent B so that if those 2f+1 votes are gathered, the block is valid to
/// commit
message LedgerInfo {
// Current latest version of the system
uint64 version = 1;
// Root hash of transaction accumulator at this version
bytes transaction_accumulator_hash = 2;
// Hash of consensus-specific data that is opaque to all parts of the system
// other than consensus. This is needed to verify signatures because
// consensus signing includes this hash
bytes consensus_data_hash = 3;
// The block id of the last committed block corresponding to this ledger info.
// This field is not particularly interesting to the clients, but can be used
// by the validators for synchronization.
bytes consensus_block_id = 4;
// Epoch number corresponds to the set of validators that are active for this
// ledger info. The main motivation for keeping the epoch number in the
// LedgerInfo is to ensure that the client has enough information to verify
// that the signatures for this info are coming from the validators that
// indeed form a quorum. Without epoch number a potential attack could reuse
// the signatures from the validators in one epoch in order to sign the wrong
// info belonging to another epoch, in which these validators do not form a
// quorum. The very first epoch number is 0.
uint64 epoch_num = 5;
// Timestamp that represents the microseconds since the epoch (unix time) that is
// generated by the proposer of the block. This is strictly increasing with every block.
// If a client reads a timestamp > the one they specified for transaction expiration time,
// they can be certain that their transaction will never be included in a block in the future
// (assuming that their transaction has not yet been included)
uint64 timestamp_usecs = 6;
// An optional field with the validator set for the next epoch in case it's the last
// ledger info in the current epoch.
ValidatorSet next_validator_set = 7;
/// The validator node returns this structure which includes signatures
/// from each validator to confirm the state. The client needs to only pass
/// back the LedgerInfo element since the validator node doesn't need to know
/// the signatures again when the client performs a query, those are only there
/// for the client to be able to verify the state
message LedgerInfoWithSignatures {
// Signatures of the root node from each validator
repeated ValidatorSignature signatures = 1;
LedgerInfo ledger_info = 2;
message ValidatorSignature {
// The account address of the validator, which can be used for retrieving its
// public key during the given epoch.
bytes validator_id = 1;
bytes signature = 2;
// Copyright (c) The Libra Core Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
package types;
import "transaction_info.proto";
message AccumulatorProof {
// The bitmap indicating which siblings are default. 1 means non-default and
// 0 means default. The LSB corresponds to the sibling at the bottom of the
// accumulator. The leftmost 1-bit corresponds to the sibling at the level
// just below root level in the accumulator, since this one is always
// non-default.
uint64 bitmap = 1;
// The non-default siblings. The ones near the root are at the beginning of
// the list.
repeated bytes non_default_siblings = 2;
message SparseMerkleProof {
// This proof can be used to authenticate whether a given leaf exists in the
// tree or not. In Rust:
// - If this is `Some(HashValue, HashValue)`
// - If the first `HashValue` equals requested key, this is an inclusion
// proof and the second `HashValue` equals the hash of the
// corresponding account blob.
// - Otherwise this is a non-inclusion proof. The first `HashValue` is
// the only key that exists in the subtree and the second `HashValue`
// equals the hash of the corresponding account blob.
// - If this is `None`, this is also a non-inclusion proof which indicates
// the subtree is empty.
// In protobuf, this leaf field should either be
// - empty, which corresponds to None in the Rust structure.
// - exactly 64 bytes, which corresponds to Some<(HashValue, HashValue)>
// in the Rust structure.
bytes leaf = 1;
// The bitmap indicating which siblings are default. 1 means non-default and
// 0 means default. The MSB of the first byte corresponds to the sibling at
// the top of the Sparse Merkle Tree. The rightmost 1-bit of the last byte
// corresponds to the sibling at the bottom, since this one is always
// non-default.
bytes bitmap = 2;
// The non-default siblings. The ones near the root are at the beginning of
// the list.
repeated bytes non_default_siblings = 3;
message AccumulatorConsistencyProof {
// The root hashes of the frozen subtrees that form the small accumulator.
// Note that none of these hashes should be default hash.
repeated bytes frozen_subtree_roots = 1;
// The total number of siblings.
uint32 num_siblings = 2;
// The non-default siblings. Note that the entire list of siblings always
// start of zero or more non-default siblings, followed by zero of more
// default siblings. So given the total number of siblings and the non-default
// siblings we should be able to construct the entire sibling list.
repeated bytes non_default_siblings = 3;
// The complete proof used to authenticate a signed transaction.
message SignedTransactionProof {
AccumulatorProof ledger_info_to_transaction_info_proof = 1;
TransactionInfo transaction_info = 2;
// The complete proof used to authenticate an account state.
message AccountStateProof {
AccumulatorProof ledger_info_to_transaction_info_proof = 1;
TransactionInfo transaction_info = 2;
SparseMerkleProof transaction_info_to_account_proof = 3;
// The complete proof used to authenticate an event.
message EventProof {
AccumulatorProof ledger_info_to_transaction_info_proof = 1;
TransactionInfo transaction_info = 2;
AccumulatorProof transaction_info_to_event_proof = 3;
// Copyright (c) The Libra Core Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// This file contains proto definitions for performing queries and getting back
// results with proofs. This is the interface for a client to query data from
// the system. Every query result must include proof so that a client can be
// certain that the data returned is valid. A client must verify this proof to
// ensure that a node isn't lying to them.
// How to verify the response as a client:
// (Note that every response comes in the form of GetWithProofResponse which
// wraps the inner response elements that correspond to the specific request
// types. Below we will assume a single request/response type. The
// verification can be extended as needed for multiple types. Also note that we
// will use the following notation: resp = GetWithProofResponse and req =
// GetWithProofRequest). Also note that the following will be considered
// equivalent for brevity: req.requested_items.get_account_state_request ==
// req.get_account_state_request And, resp.values.get_account_state_response ==
// resp.get_account_state_response
// GetAccountStateResponse:
// - let state_req = req.requested_items.get_account_state_request;
// - let state_resp = resp.values.get_account_state_response;
// - Verify that:
// - state_req.access_path == state_resp.access_path
// - This ensures that the server is responding with the correct access
// path
// - let state_data_hash = Hash(state_resp.value);
// - let state_proof = resp.values.proof.state_proof_value.sparse_merkle_proof;
// - Validate state_proof using state_data_hash as the leaf
// - When verifying the state tree, use:
// state_root_hash = resp.values.transaction_info.state_root_hash
// - Validate accumulator using resp.values.transaction_info as the leaf
// - When verifying the accumulator, use:
// root_hash =
// resp.ledger_info_with_sigs.ledger_info.ledger_info.txn_root_hash;
// - Validate that the transaction root hash submitted in
// req.known_value.node_value.txn_root_hash
// exists in the proof for accumulator and that the proof is valid with
// this hash
// - Validate ledger info
// - let ledger_info_hash =
// Hash(resp.ledger_info_with_sigs.ledger_info.ledger_info);
// - Verify signatures from resp.ledger_info_with_sigs.signatures are
// signing
// ledger_info_hash and that there are >2/3 nodes signing this
// correctly
// - Validate that the timestamp is relatively recent in
// resp.ledger_info_with_sigs.ledger_info.timestamp
// GetAccountTransactionBySequenceNumberResponse:
// - Note that other than type completed_transaction, there will be no proof
// returned
// since the transaction has not yet been committed. To ensure that a
// validator is telling the truth about it not being committed yet, a
// client should query for their account state and verify that their
// current sequence number is less than what they are searching for with
// GetAccountTransactionBySequenceNumberResponse
// - let txn =
// resp.get_account_transaction_by_sequence_number_response.transaction.committed_transaction;
// - let txn_hash = Hash(txn);
// - Verify that resp.proof.transaction_info.signed_transaction_hash == txn_hash
// - Validate accumulator using resp.proof.transaction_info as the leaf
// - When verifying the accumulator, use:
// root_hash =
// resp.ledger_info_with_sigs.ledger_info.ledger_info.txn_root_hash;
// - Validate that the transaction root hash submitted in
// req.known_value.node_value.txn_root_hash
// exists in the proof for accumulator and that the proof is valid with
// this hash
// - Validate ledger info
// - let ledger_info_hash =
// Hash(resp.ledger_info_with_sigs.ledger_info.ledger_info);
// - Verify signatures from resp.ledger_info_with_sigs.signatures are
// signing
// ledger_info_hash and that there are >2/3 nodes signing this
// correctly
// - Validate that the timestamp is relatively recent in
// resp.ledger_info_with_sigs.ledger_info.timestamp
// GetTransactionsResponse:
// - for txn in resp.get_transactions_response.transactions:
// - let txn = txn.committed_transaction;
// - let txn_hash = Hash(txn);
// - Verify that txn.proof.transaction_info.signed_transaction_hash ==
// txn_hash
// - Validate accumulator using txn.proof.transaction_info as the leaf
// - When verifying the accumulator, use:
// root_hash =
// resp.ledger_info_with_sigs.ledger_info.ledger_info.txn_root_hash;
// - Verify that transactions are sequential and none are missing
// - Validate ledger info
// - let ledger_info_hash =
// Hash(resp.ledger_info_with_sigs.ledger_info.ledger_info);
// - Verify signatures from resp.ledger_info_with_sigs.signatures are
// signing
// ledger_info_hash and that there are >2/3 nodes signing this
// correctly
// - Validate that the timestamp is relatively recent in
// resp.ledger_info_with_sigs.ledger_info.timestamp
// - If the number of transactions returned is less than limit for an ascending
// query
// or if the requested offset > current version for a descending query,
// the client should verify that the timestamp in ledger info is relatively
// recent to determine if it is likely that all transactions available were
// returned
syntax = "proto3";
package types;
import "access_path.proto";
import "account_state_blob.proto";
import "events.proto";
import "ledger_info.proto";
import "transaction.proto";
import "validator_change.proto";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------- Update to latest ledger request
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This API is used to update the client to the latest ledger version and
// optionally also request 1..n other pieces of data. This allows for batch
// queries. All queries return proofs that a client should check to validate
// the data.
// Note that if a client only wishes to update to the latest LedgerInfo and
// receive the proof that this latest ledger extends the client_known_version
// ledger the client had, they can simply set the requested_items to an empty
// list.
message UpdateToLatestLedgerRequest {
// This is the version the client already trusts. Usually the client should
// set this to the version it obtained the last time it synced with the
// chain. If this is the first time ever the client sends a request, it must
// use the waypoint hard-coded in its software.
uint64 client_known_version = 1;
// The items for which we are requesting data in this API call.
repeated RequestItem requested_items = 2;
message RequestItem {
oneof requested_items {
GetAccountStateRequest get_account_state_request = 1;
get_account_transaction_by_sequence_number_request = 2;
GetEventsByEventAccessPathRequest get_events_by_event_access_path_request =
GetTransactionsRequest get_transactions_request = 4;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------- Update to latest ledger response
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Response from getting latest ledger
message UpdateToLatestLedgerResponse {
// Responses to the queries posed by the requests. The proofs generated will
// be relative to the version of the latest ledger provided below.
repeated ResponseItem response_items = 1;
// The latest ledger info this node has. It will come with at least 2f+1
// validator signatures as well as a proof that shows the latest ledger
// extends the old ledger the client had.
LedgerInfoWithSignatures ledger_info_with_sigs = 2;
// Validator change events from what the client last knew. This is used to
// inform the client of validator changes from the client's last known version
// until the current version
repeated ValidatorChangeEventWithProof validator_change_events = 3;
// Individual response items to the queries posed by the requests
message ResponseItem {
oneof response_items {
GetAccountStateResponse get_account_state_response = 3;
get_account_transaction_by_sequence_number_response = 4;
GetEventsByEventAccessPathResponse get_events_by_event_access_path_response = 5;
GetTransactionsResponse get_transactions_response = 6;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------- Get account state (balance, sequence number, etc.)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets latest state for an account.
message GetAccountStateRequest {
// Account for which we are fetching the state.
bytes address = 1;
// State information returned by a get account state query.
message GetAccountStateResponse {
// Blob value representing the account state together with proof the client
// can utilize to verify it.
AccountStateWithProof account_state_with_proof = 1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------- Get single transaction by account + sequence number
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get transactions that altered an account - this includes both sent and
// received. A user of this should check that the data returned matches what
// they expect. As an example, a potential attack vector would be something
// like the following: Alice is buying an apple from Bob. Alice's phone signs a
// transaction X with sequence number N that pays coins to Bob. Alice transmits
// this signature to Bob's payment terminal which then submits the transaction
// and checks its status to see if Alice can be given the apple. However, as Bob
// is doing this Alice constructs a second transaction X' also with sequence
// number N. Alice gets that transaction inserted in the blockchain. If Bob
// isn't thoughtful about how he uses this API he may assume that if he asks for
// the N'th transaction on Alice's account that when the API returns that this
// means the transaction has gone through. The point here is that one should be
// careful in reading too much into "transaction X is on the chain" and focus on
// the logs, which tell you what the transaction did.
// If a client submitted a transaction, they should also verify that the hash of
// the returned transaction matches what they submitted. As an example, if a
// client has two wallets that share the same account, they may both submit a
// transaction at the same sequence number and only one will be committed. A
// client should never assume that if they receive the response that this
// transaction was included that it means that this is definitely the
// transaction that was submitted. They should check that the hash matches what
// they sent
message GetAccountTransactionBySequenceNumberRequest {
// Account for which to query transactions
bytes account = 1;
uint64 sequence_number = 2;
// Set to true to fetch events for the transaction at this version
bool fetch_events = 3;
// Transaction information for transactions requested by
// GetAccountTransactionsRequest
message GetAccountTransactionBySequenceNumberResponse {
// When the transaction requested is committed, return the committed
// transaction with proof.
SignedTransactionWithProof signed_transaction_with_proof = 2;
// When the transaction requested is not committed, we give a proof that
// shows the current sequence number is smaller than what would have been if
// the transaction was committed.
AccountStateWithProof proof_of_current_sequence_number = 3;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------- Get events by event access path
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get events that exist on an event access path. In the current world,
// a user may specify events that were received, events that were sent, or any
// event that modifies their account
message GetEventsByEventAccessPathRequest {
AccessPath access_path = 1;
// The sequence number of the event to start with for this query. Use a
// sequence number of MAX_INT to represent the latest.
uint64 start_event_seq_num = 2;
// If ascending is true this query will return up to `limit` events that were
// emitted after `start_event_seq_num`. Otherwise it will return up to `limit`
// events before the offset. Both cases are inclusive.
bool ascending = 3;
// Limit number of results
uint64 limit = 4;
message GetEventsByEventAccessPathResponse {
// Returns an event and proof of each of the events in the request. The first
// element of proofs will be the closest to `start_event_seq_num`.
repeated EventWithProof events_with_proof = 1;
// If the number of events returned is less than `limit` for an ascending
// query or if start_event_seq_num > the latest seq_num for a descending
// query, returns the state of the account containing the given access path
// in the latest state. This allows the client to verify that there are in
// fact no extra events.
// The LedgerInfoWithSignatures which is on the main
// UpdateToLatestLedgerResponse can be used to validate this.
AccountStateWithProof proof_of_latest_event = 2;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------- Get transactions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get up to limit transactions starting from start_version.
message GetTransactionsRequest {
// The version of the transaction to start with for this query. Use a version
// of MAX_INT to represent the latest.
uint64 start_version = 1;
// Limit number of results
uint64 limit = 2;
// Set to true to fetch events for the transaction at each version
bool fetch_events = 3;
message GetTransactionsResponse {
TransactionListWithProof txn_list_with_proof = 1;
// Copyright (c) The Libra Core Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
package types;
message AccessPath {
bytes address = 1;
bytes path = 2;
lnd/lnrpc at master · lightningnetwork/lnd
git clone /tmp/src/lnd
bash --gen-proto-doc /tmp/src/lnd/lnrpc /tmp/
Field | Type | Label | Description |
hash | bytes | | The hash of the block. |
height | uint32 | | The height of the block. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
raw_tx | bytes | | The raw bytes of the confirmed transaction. |
block_hash | bytes | | The hash of the block in which the confirmed transaction was included in. |
block_height | uint32 | | The height of the block in which the confirmed transaction was included in. |
tx_index | uint32 | | The index of the confirmed transaction within the transaction. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
conf | ConfDetails | | An event that includes the confirmation details of the request (txid/ouput script). |
reorg | Reorg | | An event send when the transaction of the request is reorged out of the chain. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
txid | bytes | | The transaction hash for which we should request a confirmation notification for. If set to a hash of all zeros, then the confirmation notification will be requested for the script instead. |
script | bytes | | An output script within a transaction with the hash above which will be used by light clients to match block filters. If the transaction hash is set to a hash of all zeros, then a confirmation notification will be requested for this script instead. |
num_confs | uint32 | | The number of desired confirmations the transaction/output script should reach before dispatching a confirmation notification. |
height_hint | uint32 | | The earliest height in the chain for which the transaction/output script could have been included in a block. This should in most cases be set to the broadcast height of the transaction/output script. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
hash | bytes | | The hash of the transaction. |
index | uint32 | | The index of the output within the transaction. |
TODO(wilmer): need to know how the client will use this first.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
spending_outpoint | Outpoint | | The outpoint was that spent. |
raw_spending_tx | bytes | | The raw bytes of the spending transaction. |
spending_tx_hash | bytes | | The hash of the spending transaction. |
spending_input_index | uint32 | | The input of the spending transaction that fulfilled the spend request. |
spending_height | uint32 | | The height at which the spending transaction was included in a block. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
spend | SpendDetails | | An event that includes the details of the spending transaction of the request (outpoint/output script). |
reorg | Reorg | | An event sent when the spending transaction of the request was reorged out of the chain. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
outpoint | Outpoint | | The outpoint for which we should request a spend notification for. If set to a zero outpoint, then the spend notification will be requested for the script instead. |
script | bytes | | The output script for the outpoint above. This will be used by light clients to match block filters. If the outpoint is set to a zero outpoint, then a spend notification will be requested for this script instead. |
height_hint | uint32 | | The earliest height in the chain for which the outpoint/output script could have been spent. This should in most cases be set to the broadcast height of the outpoint/output script. |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
RegisterConfirmationsNtfn | ConfRequest | ConfEvent stream | RegisterConfirmationsNtfn is a synchronous response-streaming RPC that registers an intent for a client to be notified once a confirmation request has reached its required number of confirmations on-chain. |
A client can specify whether the confirmation request should be for a particular transaction by its hash or for an output script by specifying a zero hash. |
| RegisterSpendNtfn | SpendRequest | SpendEvent stream | RegisterSpendNtfn is a synchronous response-streaming RPC that registers an intent for a client to be notification once a spend request has been spent by a transaction that has confirmed on-chain.
A client can specify whether the spend request should be for a particular outpoint or for an output script by specifying a zero outpoint. |
| RegisterBlockEpochNtfn | BlockEpoch | BlockEpoch stream | RegisterBlockEpochNtfn is a synchronous response-streaming RPC that registers an intent for a client to be notified of blocks in the chain. The stream will return a hash and height tuple of a block for each new/stale block in the chain. It is the client's responsibility to determine whether the tuple returned is for a new or stale block in the chain.
A client can also request a historical backlog of blocks from a particular point. This allows clients to be idempotent by ensuring that they do not missing processing a single block within the chain. |
No fields, as we always give out a p2wkh address.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
addr | string | | The address encoded using a bech32 format. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
outpoint | lnrpc.OutPoint | | The input we're attempting to bump the fee of. |
target_conf | uint32 | | The target number of blocks that the input should be spent within. |
sat_per_byte | uint32 | | The fee rate, expressed in sat/byte, that should be used to spend the input with. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
conf_target | int32 | | The number of confirmations to shoot for when estimating the fee. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
sat_per_kw | int64 | | The amount of satoshis per kw that should be used in order to reach the confirmation target in the request. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key_finger_print | int32 | | Is the key finger print of the root pubkey that this request is targeting. This allows the WalletKit to possibly serve out keys for multiple HD chains via public derivation. |
key_family | int32 | | The target key family to derive a key from. In other contexts, this is known as the "account". |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
outpoint | lnrpc.OutPoint | | The outpoint of the output we're attempting to sweep. |
witness_type | WitnessType | | The witness type of the output we're attempting to sweep. |
amount_sat | uint32 | | The value of the output we're attempting to sweep. |
sat_per_byte | uint32 | | The fee rate we'll use to sweep the output. The fee rate is only determined once a sweeping transaction for the output is created, so it's possible for this to be 0 before this. |
broadcast_attempts | uint32 | | The number of broadcast attempts we've made to sweep the output. |
next_broadcast_height | uint32 | | The next height of the chain at which we'll attempt to broadcast the sweep transaction of the output. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pending_sweeps | PendingSweep | repeated | The set of outputs currently being swept by lnd's central batching engine. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
publish_error | string | | If blank, then no error occurred and the transaction was successfully published. If not the empty string, then a string representation of the broadcast error. |
TODO(roasbeef): map to a proper enum type |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
sat_per_kw | int64 | | The number of satoshis per kilo weight that should be used when crafting this transaction. |
outputs | signrpc.TxOut | repeated | A slice of the outputs that should be created in the transaction produced. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
raw_tx | bytes | | The serialized transaction sent out on the network. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
tx_hex | bytes | | The raw serialized transaction. |
Name | Number | Description |
COMMITMENT_TIME_LOCK | 1 | A witness that allows us to spend the output of a commitment transaction after a relative lock-time lockout. |
COMMITMENT_NO_DELAY | 2 | A witness that allows us to spend a settled no-delay output immediately on a counterparty's commitment transaction. |
COMMITMENT_REVOKE | 3 | A witness that allows us to sweep the settled output of a malicious counterparty's who broadcasts a revoked commitment transaction. |
HTLC_OFFERED_REVOKE | 4 | A witness that allows us to sweep an HTLC which we offered to the remote party in the case that they broadcast a revoked commitment state. |
HTLC_ACCEPTED_REVOKE | 5 | A witness that allows us to sweep an HTLC output sent to us in the case that the remote party broadcasts a revoked commitment state. |
HTLC_OFFERED_TIMEOUT_SECOND_LEVEL | 6 | A witness that allows us to sweep an HTLC output that we extended to a party, but was never fulfilled. This HTLC output isn't directly on the commitment transaction, but is the result of a confirmed second-level HTLC transaction. As a result, we can only spend this after a CSV delay. |
HTLC_ACCEPTED_SUCCESS_SECOND_LEVEL | 7 | A witness that allows us to sweep an HTLC output that was offered to us, and for which we have a payment preimage. This HTLC output isn't directly on our commitment transaction, but is the result of confirmed second-level HTLC transaction. As a result, we can only spend this after a CSV delay. |
HTLC_OFFERED_REMOTE_TIMEOUT | 8 | A witness that allows us to sweep an HTLC that we offered to the remote party which lies in the commitment transaction of the remote party. We can spend this output after the absolute CLTV timeout of the HTLC as passed. |
HTLC_ACCEPTED_REMOTE_SUCCESS | 9 | A witness that allows us to sweep an HTLC that was offered to us by the remote party. We use this witness in the case that the remote party goes to chain, and we know the pre-image to the HTLC. We can sweep this without any additional timeout. |
HTLC_SECOND_LEVEL_REVOKE | 10 | A witness that allows us to sweep an HTLC from the remote party's commitment transaction in the case that the broadcast a revoked commitment, but then also immediately attempt to go to the second level to claim the HTLC. |
WITNESS_KEY_HASH | 11 | A witness type that allows us to spend a regular p2wkh output that's sent to an output which is under complete control of the backing wallet. |
NESTED_WITNESS_KEY_HASH | 12 | A witness type that allows us to sweep an output that sends to a nested P2SH script that pays to a key solely under our control. |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
DeriveNextKey | KeyReq | .signrpc.KeyDescriptor | DeriveNextKey attempts to derive the next key within the key family (account in BIP43) specified. This method should return the next external child within this branch. |
DeriveKey | .signrpc.KeyLocator | .signrpc.KeyDescriptor | DeriveKey attempts to derive an arbitrary key specified by the passed KeyLocator. |
NextAddr | AddrRequest | AddrResponse | NextAddr returns the next unused address within the wallet. |
PublishTransaction | Transaction | PublishResponse | PublishTransaction attempts to publish the passed transaction to the network. Once this returns without an error, the wallet will continually attempt to re-broadcast the transaction on start up, until it enters the chain. |
SendOutputs | SendOutputsRequest | SendOutputsResponse | SendOutputs is similar to the existing sendmany call in Bitcoind, and allows the caller to create a transaction that sends to several outputs at once. This is ideal when wanting to batch create a set of transactions. |
EstimateFee | EstimateFeeRequest | EstimateFeeResponse | EstimateFee attempts to query the internal fee estimator of the wallet to determine the fee (in sat/kw) to attach to a transaction in order to achieve the confirmation target. |
PendingSweeps | PendingSweepsRequest | PendingSweepsResponse | PendingSweeps returns lists of on-chain outputs that lnd is currently attempting to sweep within its central batching engine. Outputs with similar fee rates are batched together in order to sweep them within a single transaction. |
NOTE: Some of the fields within PendingSweepsRequest are not guaranteed to remain supported. This is an advanced API that depends on the internals of the UtxoSweeper, so things may change. |
| BumpFee | BumpFeeRequest | BumpFeeResponse | BumpFee bumps the fee of an arbitrary input within a transaction. This RPC takes a different approach than bitcoind's bumpfee command. lnd has a central batching engine in which inputs with similar fee rates are batched together to save on transaction fees. Due to this, we cannot rely on bumping the fee on a specific transaction, since transactions can change at any point with the addition of new inputs. The list of inputs that currently exist within lnd's central batching engine can be retrieved through the PendingSweeps RPC.
When bumping the fee of an input that currently exists within lnd's central batching engine, a higher fee transaction will be created that replaces the lower fee transaction through the Replace-By-Fee (RBF) policy. If it
This RPC also serves useful when wanting to perform a Child-Pays-For-Parent (CPFP), where the child transaction pays for its parent's fee. This can be done by specifying an outpoint within the low fee transaction that is under the control of the wallet.
The fee preference can be expressed either as a specific fee rate or a delta of blocks in which the output should be swept on-chain within. If a fee preference is not explicitly specified, then an error is returned.
Note that this RPC currently doesn't perform any validation checks on the fee preference being provided. For now, the responsibility of ensuring that the new fee preference is sufficient is delegated to the user. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
enable | bool | | Whether the autopilot agent should be enabled or not. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pubkeys | string | repeated | |
ignore_local_state | bool | | If set, we will ignore the local channel state when calculating scores. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
heuristic | string | | The name of the heuristic to provide scores to. |
scores | SetScoresRequest.ScoresEntry | repeated | A map from hex-encoded public keys to scores. Scores must be in the range [0.0, 1.0]. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
active | bool | | Indicates whether the autopilot is active or not. |
Autopilot is a service that can be used to get information about the current
state of the daemon's autopilot agent, and also supply it with information
that can be used when deciding where to open channels.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
memo | string | | An optional memo to attach along with the invoice. Used for record keeping purposes for the invoice's creator, and will also be set in the description field of the encoded payment request if the description_hash field is not being used. |
hash | bytes | | The hash of the preimage |
value | int64 | | The value of this invoice in satoshis |
description_hash | bytes | | Hash (SHA-256) of a description of the payment. Used if the description of payment (memo) is too long to naturally fit within the description field of an encoded payment request. |
expiry | int64 | | Payment request expiry time in seconds. Default is 3600 (1 hour). |
fallback_addr | string | | Fallback on-chain address. |
cltv_expiry | uint64 | | Delta to use for the time-lock of the CLTV extended to the final hop. |
route_hints | lnrpc.RouteHint | repeated | Route hints that can each be individually used to assist in reaching the invoice's destination. |
private | bool | | Whether this invoice should include routing hints for private channels. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
payment_request | string | | A bare-bones invoice for a payment within the Lightning Network. With the details of the invoice, the sender has all the data necessary to send a payment to the recipient. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
payment_hash | bytes | | Hash corresponding to the (hold) invoice to cancel. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
preimage | bytes | | Externally discovered pre-image that should be used to settle the hold invoice. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
r_hash | bytes | | Hash corresponding to the (hold) invoice to subscribe to. |
Invoices is a service that can be used to create, accept, settle and cancel
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
SubscribeSingleInvoice | SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest | .lnrpc.Invoice stream | SubscribeSingleInvoice returns a uni-directional stream (server -> client) to notify the client of state transitions of the specified invoice. Initially the current invoice state is always sent out. |
CancelInvoice | CancelInvoiceMsg | CancelInvoiceResp | CancelInvoice cancels a currently open invoice. If the invoice is already canceled, this call will succeed. If the invoice is already settled, it will fail. |
AddHoldInvoice | AddHoldInvoiceRequest | AddHoldInvoiceResp | AddHoldInvoice creates a hold invoice. It ties the invoice to the hash supplied in the request. |
SettleInvoice | SettleInvoiceMsg | SettleInvoiceResp | SettleInvoice settles an accepted invoice. If the invoice is already settled, this call will succeed. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
r_hash | bytes | | |
payment_request | string | | A bare-bones invoice for a payment within the Lightning Network. With the details of the invoice, the sender has all the data necessary to send a payment to the recipient. |
add_index | uint64 | | The "add" index of this invoice. Each newly created invoice will increment this index making it monotonically increasing. Callers to the SubscribeInvoices call can use this to instantly get notified of all added invoices with an add_index greater than this one. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chain | string | | The blockchain the node is on (eg bitcoin, litecoin) |
network | string | | The network the node is on (eg regtest, testnet, mainnet) |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
single_chan_backups | ChannelBackups | | The set of new channels that have been added since the last channel backup snapshot was requested. |
multi_chan_backup | MultiChanBackup | | A multi-channel backup that covers all open channels currently known to lnd. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chan_id | uint64 | | The unique channel ID for the channel. The first 3 bytes are the block height, the next 3 the index within the block, and the last 2 bytes are the output index for the channel. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
current_password | bytes | | current_password should be the current valid passphrase used to unlock the daemon. |
new_password | bytes | | new_password should be the new passphrase that will be needed to unlock the daemon. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
active | bool | | Whether this channel is active or not |
remote_pubkey | string | | The identity pubkey of the remote node |
channel_point | string | | The outpoint (txid:index) of the funding transaction. With this value, Bob will be able to generate a signature for Alice's version of the commitment transaction. |
chan_id | uint64 | | The unique channel ID for the channel. The first 3 bytes are the block height, the next 3 the index within the block, and the last 2 bytes are the output index for the channel. |
capacity | int64 | | The total amount of funds held in this channel |
local_balance | int64 | | This node's current balance in this channel |
remote_balance | int64 | | The counterparty's current balance in this channel |
commit_fee | int64 | | The amount calculated to be paid in fees for the current set of commitment transactions. The fee amount is persisted with the channel in order to allow the fee amount to be removed and recalculated with each channel state update, including updates that happen after a system restart. |
commit_weight | int64 | | The weight of the commitment transaction |
fee_per_kw | int64 | | The required number of satoshis per kilo-weight that the requester will pay at all times, for both the funding transaction and commitment transaction. This value can later be updated once the channel is open. |
unsettled_balance | int64 | | The unsettled balance in this channel |
total_satoshis_sent | int64 | | The total number of satoshis we've sent within this channel. |
total_satoshis_received | int64 | | The total number of satoshis we've received within this channel. |
num_updates | uint64 | | The total number of updates conducted within this channel. |
pending_htlcs | HTLC | repeated | The list of active, uncleared HTLCs currently pending within the channel. |
csv_delay | uint32 | | The CSV delay expressed in relative blocks. If the channel is force closed, we will need to wait for this many blocks before we can regain our funds. |
private | bool | | Whether this channel is advertised to the network or not. |
initiator | bool | | True if we were the ones that created the channel. |
chan_status_flags | string | | A set of flags showing the current state of the channel. |
local_chan_reserve_sat | int64 | | The minimum satoshis this node is required to reserve in its balance. |
remote_chan_reserve_sat | int64 | | The minimum satoshis the other node is required to reserve in its balance. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chan_point | ChannelPoint | | Identifies the channel that this backup belongs to. |
chan_backup | bytes | | Is an encrypted single-chan backup. this can be passed to RestoreChannelBackups, or the WalletUnlocker Init and Unlock methods in order to trigger the recovery protocol. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chan_backups | ChannelBackup | repeated | A set of single-chan static channel backups. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
balance | int64 | | Sum of channels balances denominated in satoshis |
pending_open_balance | int64 | | Sum of channels pending balances denominated in satoshis |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channel_point | string | | The outpoint (txid:index) of the funding transaction. |
chan_id | uint64 | | The unique channel ID for the channel. |
chain_hash | string | | The hash of the genesis block that this channel resides within. |
closing_tx_hash | string | | The txid of the transaction which ultimately closed this channel. |
remote_pubkey | string | | Public key of the remote peer that we formerly had a channel with. |
capacity | int64 | | Total capacity of the channel. |
close_height | uint32 | | Height at which the funding transaction was spent. |
settled_balance | int64 | | Settled balance at the time of channel closure |
time_locked_balance | int64 | | The sum of all the time-locked outputs at the time of channel closure |
close_type | ChannelCloseSummary.ClosureType | | Details on how the channel was closed. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
closing_txid | bytes | | |
success | bool | | |
A fully authenticated channel along with all its unique attributes.
Once an authenticated channel announcement has been processed on the network,
then an instance of ChannelEdgeInfo encapsulating the channels attributes is
stored. The other portions relevant to routing policy of a channel are stored
within a ChannelEdgePolicy for each direction of the channel.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channel_id | uint64 | | The unique channel ID for the channel. The first 3 bytes are the block height, the next 3 the index within the block, and the last 2 bytes are the output index for the channel. |
chan_point | string | | |
last_update | uint32 | | |
node1_pub | string | | |
node2_pub | string | | |
capacity | int64 | | |
node1_policy | RoutingPolicy | | |
node2_policy | RoutingPolicy | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chan_id | uint64 | | The unique channel ID for the channel. The first 3 bytes are the block height, the next 3 the index within the block, and the last 2 bytes are the output index for the channel. |
chan_point | ChannelPoint | | |
capacity | int64 | | |
routing_policy | RoutingPolicy | | |
advertising_node | string | | |
connecting_node | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chan_point | string | | The channel that this fee report belongs to. |
base_fee_msat | int64 | | The base fee charged regardless of the number of milli-satoshis sent. |
fee_per_mil | int64 | | The amount charged per milli-satoshis transferred expressed in millionths of a satoshi. |
fee_rate | double | | The effective fee rate in milli-satoshis. Computed by dividing the fee_per_mil value by 1 million. |
Returns a new instance of the directed channel graph.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
nodes | LightningNode | repeated | The list of LightningNode s in this channel graph |
edges | ChannelEdge | repeated | The list of ChannelEdge s in this channel graph |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
include_unannounced | bool | | Whether unannounced channels are included in the response or not. If set, unannounced channels are included. Unannounced channels are both private channels, and public channels that are not yet announced to the network. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
funding_txid_bytes | bytes | | Txid of the funding transaction |
funding_txid_str | string | | Hex-encoded string representing the funding transaction |
output_index | uint32 | | The index of the output of the funding transaction |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channel_point | ChannelPoint | | The outpoint (txid:index) of the funding transaction. With this value, Bob will be able to generate a signature for Alice's version of the commitment transaction. |
force | bool | | If true, then the channel will be closed forcibly. This means the current commitment transaction will be signed and broadcast. |
target_conf | int32 | | The target number of blocks that the closure transaction should be confirmed by. |
sat_per_byte | int64 | | A manual fee rate set in sat/byte that should be used when crafting the closure transaction. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chan_id | uint64 | | The unique channel ID for the channel. The first 3 bytes are the block height, the next 3 the index within the block, and the last 2 bytes are the output index for the channel. |
capacity | int64 | | |
closed_height | uint32 | | |
chan_point | ChannelPoint | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
cooperative | bool | | |
local_force | bool | | |
remote_force | bool | | |
breach | bool | | |
funding_canceled | bool | | |
abandoned | bool | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
addr | LightningAddress | | Lightning address of the peer, in the format <pubkey>@host |
perm | bool | | If set, the daemon will attempt to persistently connect to the target peer. Otherwise, the call will be synchronous. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
show | bool | | |
level_spec | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
sub_systems | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pub_key | string | | The pubkey of the node to disconnect from |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channel_id | uint64 | | The short channel id of this edge. |
direction_reverse | bool | | The direction of this edge. If direction_reverse is false, the direction of this edge is from the channel endpoint with the lexicographically smaller pub key to the endpoint with the larger pub key. If direction_reverse is is true, the edge goes the other way. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
AddrToAmount | EstimateFeeRequest.AddrToAmountEntry | repeated | The map from addresses to amounts for the transaction. |
target_conf | int32 | | The target number of blocks that this transaction should be confirmed by. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
fee_sat | int64 | | The total fee in satoshis. |
feerate_sat_per_byte | int64 | | The fee rate in satoshi/byte. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chan_point | ChannelPoint | | The target channel point to obtain a back up for. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
fixed | int64 | | The fee limit expressed as a fixed amount of satoshis. |
percent | int64 | | The fee limit expressed as a percentage of the payment amount. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channel_fees | ChannelFeeReport | repeated | An array of channel fee reports which describes the current fee schedule for each channel. |
day_fee_sum | uint64 | | The total amount of fee revenue (in satoshis) the switch has collected over the past 24 hrs. |
week_fee_sum | uint64 | | The total amount of fee revenue (in satoshis) the switch has collected over the past 1 week. |
month_fee_sum | uint64 | | The total amount of fee revenue (in satoshis) the switch has collected over the past 1 month. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
timestamp | uint64 | | Timestamp is the time (unix epoch offset) that this circuit was completed. |
chan_id_in | uint64 | | The incoming channel ID that carried the HTLC that created the circuit. |
chan_id_out | uint64 | | The outgoing channel ID that carried the preimage that completed the circuit. |
amt_in | uint64 | | The total amount (in satoshis) of the incoming HTLC that created half the circuit. |
amt_out | uint64 | | The total amount (in satoshis) of the outgoing HTLC that created the second half of the circuit. |
fee | uint64 | | The total fee (in satoshis) that this payment circuit carried. |
fee_msat | uint64 | | The total fee (in milli-satoshis) that this payment circuit carried. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
start_time | uint64 | | Start time is the starting point of the forwarding history request. All records beyond this point will be included, respecting the end time, and the index offset. |
end_time | uint64 | | End time is the end point of the forwarding history request. The response will carry at most 50k records between the start time and the end time. The index offset can be used to implement pagination. |
index_offset | uint32 | | Index offset is the offset in the time series to start at. As each response can only contain 50k records, callers can use this to skip around within a packed time series. |
num_max_events | uint32 | | The max number of events to return in the response to this query. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
forwarding_events | ForwardingEvent | repeated | A list of forwarding events from the time slice of the time series specified in the request. |
last_offset_index | uint32 | | The index of the last time in the set of returned forwarding events. Can be used to seek further, pagination style. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
aezeed_passphrase | bytes | | aezeed_passphrase is an optional user provided passphrase that will be used to encrypt the generated aezeed cipher seed. |
seed_entropy | bytes | | seed_entropy is an optional 16-bytes generated via CSPRNG. If not specified, then a fresh set of randomness will be used to create the seed. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
cipher_seed_mnemonic | string | repeated | cipher_seed_mnemonic is a 24-word mnemonic that encodes a prior aezeed cipher seed obtained by the user. This field is optional, as if not provided, then the daemon will generate a new cipher seed for the user. Otherwise, then the daemon will attempt to recover the wallet state linked to this cipher seed. |
enciphered_seed | bytes | | enciphered_seed are the raw aezeed cipher seed bytes. This is the raw cipher text before run through our mnemonic encoding scheme. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
identity_pubkey | string | | The identity pubkey of the current node. |
alias | string | | If applicable, the alias of the current node, e.g. "bob" |
num_pending_channels | uint32 | | Number of pending channels |
num_active_channels | uint32 | | Number of active channels |
num_peers | uint32 | | Number of peers |
block_height | uint32 | | The node's current view of the height of the best block |
block_hash | string | | The node's current view of the hash of the best block |
synced_to_chain | bool | | Whether the wallet's view is synced to the main chain |
testnet | bool | | Whether the current node is connected to testnet. This field is deprecated and the network field should be used instead |
uris | string | repeated | The URIs of the current node. |
best_header_timestamp | int64 | | Timestamp of the block best known to the wallet |
version | string | | The version of the LND software that the node is running. |
num_inactive_channels | uint32 | | Number of inactive channels |
chains | Chain | repeated | A list of active chains the node is connected to |
color | string | | The color of the current node in hex code format |
synced_to_graph | bool | | Whether we consider ourselves synced with the public channel graph. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chan_id | uint64 | | The unique channel ID for the channel. The first 3 bytes are the block height, the next 3 the index within the block, and the last 2 bytes are the output index for the channel. |
chan_capacity | int64 | | |
amt_to_forward | int64 | | |
fee | int64 | | |
expiry | uint32 | | |
amt_to_forward_msat | int64 | | |
fee_msat | int64 | | |
pub_key | string | | An optional public key of the hop. If the public key is given, the payment can be executed without relying on a copy of the channel graph. |
tlv_payload | bool | | If set to true, then this hop will be encoded using the new variable length TLV format. Note that if any custom tlv_records below are specified, then this field MUST be set to true for them to be encoded properly. |
tlv_records | Hop.TlvRecordsEntry | repeated | An optional set of key-value TLV records. This is useful within the context of the SendToRoute call as it allows callers to specify arbitrary K-V pairs to drop off at each hop within the onion. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
node_id | string | | The public key of the node at the start of the channel. |
chan_id | uint64 | | The unique identifier of the channel. |
fee_base_msat | uint32 | | The base fee of the channel denominated in millisatoshis. |
fee_proportional_millionths | uint32 | | The fee rate of the channel for sending one satoshi across it denominated in millionths of a satoshi. |
cltv_expiry_delta | uint32 | | The time-lock delta of the channel. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
wallet_password | bytes | | wallet_password is the passphrase that should be used to encrypt the wallet. This MUST be at least 8 chars in length. After creation, this password is required to unlock the daemon. |
cipher_seed_mnemonic | string | repeated | cipher_seed_mnemonic is a 24-word mnemonic that encodes a prior aezeed cipher seed obtained by the user. This may have been generated by the GenSeed method, or be an existing seed. |
aezeed_passphrase | bytes | | aezeed_passphrase is an optional user provided passphrase that will be used to encrypt the generated aezeed cipher seed. |
recovery_window | int32 | | recovery_window is an optional argument specifying the address lookahead when restoring a wallet seed. The recovery window applies to each individual branch of the BIP44 derivation paths. Supplying a recovery window of zero indicates that no addresses should be recovered, such after the first initialization of the wallet. |
channel_backups | ChanBackupSnapshot | | channel_backups is an optional argument that allows clients to recover the settled funds within a set of channels. This should be populated if the user was unable to close out all channels and sweep funds before partial or total data loss occurred. If specified, then after on-chain recovery of funds, lnd begin to carry out the data loss recovery protocol in order to recover the funds in each channel from a remote force closed transaction. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
memo | string | | An optional memo to attach along with the invoice. Used for record keeping purposes for the invoice's creator, and will also be set in the description field of the encoded payment request if the description_hash field is not being used. |
receipt | bytes | | Deprecated. An optional cryptographic receipt of payment which is not implemented. |
r_preimage | bytes | | The hex-encoded preimage (32 byte) which will allow settling an incoming HTLC payable to this preimage |
r_hash | bytes | | The hash of the preimage |
value | int64 | | The value of this invoice in satoshis |
settled | bool | | Whether this invoice has been fulfilled |
creation_date | int64 | | When this invoice was created |
settle_date | int64 | | When this invoice was settled |
payment_request | string | | A bare-bones invoice for a payment within the Lightning Network. With the details of the invoice, the sender has all the data necessary to send a payment to the recipient. |
description_hash | bytes | | Hash (SHA-256) of a description of the payment. Used if the description of payment (memo) is too long to naturally fit within the description field of an encoded payment request. |
expiry | int64 | | Payment request expiry time in seconds. Default is 3600 (1 hour). |
fallback_addr | string | | Fallback on-chain address. |
cltv_expiry | uint64 | | Delta to use for the time-lock of the CLTV extended to the final hop. |
route_hints | RouteHint | repeated | Route hints that can each be individually used to assist in reaching the invoice's destination. |
private | bool | | Whether this invoice should include routing hints for private channels. |
add_index | uint64 | | The "add" index of this invoice. Each newly created invoice will increment this index making it monotonically increasing. Callers to the SubscribeInvoices call can use this to instantly get notified of all added invoices with an add_index greater than this one. |
settle_index | uint64 | | The "settle" index of this invoice. Each newly settled invoice will increment this index making it monotonically increasing. Callers to the SubscribeInvoices call can use this to instantly get notified of all settled invoices with an settle_index greater than this one. |
amt_paid | int64 | | Deprecated, use amt_paid_sat or amt_paid_msat. |
amt_paid_sat | int64 | | The amount that was accepted for this invoice, in satoshis. This will ONLY be set if this invoice has been settled. We provide this field as if the invoice was created with a zero value, then we need to record what amount was ultimately accepted. Additionally, it's possible that the sender paid MORE that was specified in the original invoice. So we'll record that here as well. |
amt_paid_msat | int64 | | The amount that was accepted for this invoice, in millisatoshis. This will ONLY be set if this invoice has been settled. We provide this field as if the invoice was created with a zero value, then we need to record what amount was ultimately accepted. Additionally, it's possible that the sender paid MORE that was specified in the original invoice. So we'll record that here as well. |
state | Invoice.InvoiceState | | The state the invoice is in. |
htlcs | InvoiceHTLC | repeated | List of HTLCs paying to this invoice [EXPERIMENTAL]. |
Details of an HTLC that paid to an invoice
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chan_id | uint64 | | Short channel id over which the htlc was received. |
htlc_index | uint64 | | Index identifying the htlc on the channel. |
amt_msat | uint64 | | The amount of the htlc in msat. |
accept_height | int32 | | Block height at which this htlc was accepted. |
accept_time | int64 | | Time at which this htlc was accepted. |
resolve_time | int64 | | Time at which this htlc was settled or cancelled. |
expiry_height | int32 | | Block height at which this htlc expires. |
state | InvoiceHTLCState | | Current state the htlc is in. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
add_index | uint64 | | If specified (non-zero), then we'll first start by sending out notifications for all added indexes with an add_index greater than this value. This allows callers to catch up on any events they missed while they weren't connected to the streaming RPC. |
settle_index | uint64 | | If specified (non-zero), then we'll first start by sending out notifications for all settled indexes with an settle_index greater than this value. This allows callers to catch up on any events they missed while they weren't connected to the streaming RPC. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pubkey | string | | The identity pubkey of the Lightning node |
host | string | | The network location of the lightning node, e.g. or localhost:10011 |
An individual vertex/node within the channel graph. A node is
connected to other nodes by one or more channel edges emanating from it. As the
graph is directed, a node will also have an incoming edge attached to it for
each outgoing edge.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
active_only | bool | | |
inactive_only | bool | | |
public_only | bool | | |
private_only | bool | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channels | Channel | repeated | The list of active channels |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pending_only | bool | | If set, only unsettled invoices will be returned in the response. |
index_offset | uint64 | | The index of an invoice that will be used as either the start or end of a query to determine which invoices should be returned in the response. |
num_max_invoices | uint64 | | The max number of invoices to return in the response to this query. |
reversed | bool | | If set, the invoices returned will result from seeking backwards from the specified index offset. This can be used to paginate backwards. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
invoices | Invoice | repeated | A list of invoices from the time slice of the time series specified in the request. |
last_index_offset | uint64 | | The index of the last item in the set of returned invoices. This can be used to seek further, pagination style. |
first_index_offset | uint64 | | The index of the last item in the set of returned invoices. This can be used to seek backwards, pagination style. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
include_incomplete | bool | | If true, then return payments that have not yet fully completed. This means that pending payments, as well as failed payments will show up if this field is set to True. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
payments | Payment | repeated | The list of payments |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
peers | Peer | repeated | The list of currently connected peers |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
min_confs | int32 | | The minimum number of confirmations to be included. |
max_confs | int32 | | The maximum number of confirmations to be included. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
utxos | Utxo | repeated | A list of utxos |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chan_points | ChannelPoint | repeated | Is the set of all channels that are included in this multi-channel backup. |
multi_chan_backup | bytes | | A single encrypted blob containing all the static channel backups of the channel listed above. This can be stored as a single file or blob, and safely be replaced with any prior/future versions. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | AddressType | | The address type |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
address | string | | The newly generated wallet address |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
node | LightningNode | | An individual vertex/node within the channel graph. A node is connected to other nodes by one or more channel edges emanating from it. As the graph is directed, a node will also have an incoming edge attached to it for each outgoing edge. |
num_channels | uint32 | | The total number of channels for the node. |
total_capacity | int64 | | The sum of all channels capacity for the node, denominated in satoshis. |
channels | ChannelEdge | repeated | A list of all public channels for the node. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pub_key | string | | The 33-byte hex-encoded compressed public of the target node |
include_channels | bool | | If true, will include all known channels associated with the node. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
from | bytes | | The sending node of the pair. |
to | bytes | | The receiving node of the pair. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
node_pubkey | bytes | | The pubkey of the node to open a channel with |
node_pubkey_string | string | | The hex encoded pubkey of the node to open a channel with |
local_funding_amount | int64 | | The number of satoshis the wallet should commit to the channel |
push_sat | int64 | | The number of satoshis to push to the remote side as part of the initial commitment state |
target_conf | int32 | | The target number of blocks that the funding transaction should be confirmed by. |
sat_per_byte | int64 | | A manual fee rate set in sat/byte that should be used when crafting the funding transaction. |
private | bool | | Whether this channel should be private, not announced to the greater network. |
min_htlc_msat | int64 | | The minimum value in millisatoshi we will require for incoming HTLCs on the channel. |
remote_csv_delay | uint32 | | The delay we require on the remote's commitment transaction. If this is not set, it will be scaled automatically with the channel size. |
min_confs | int32 | | The minimum number of confirmations each one of your outputs used for the funding transaction must satisfy. |
spend_unconfirmed | bool | | Whether unconfirmed outputs should be used as inputs for the funding transaction. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
txid_bytes | bytes | | Raw bytes representing the transaction id. |
txid_str | string | | Reversed, hex-encoded string representing the transaction id. |
output_index | uint32 | | The index of the output on the transaction. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pay_req | string | | The payment request string to be decoded |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
payment_hash | string | | The payment hash |
value | int64 | | Deprecated, use value_sat or value_msat. |
creation_date | int64 | | The date of this payment |
path | string | repeated | The path this payment took |
fee | int64 | | Deprecated, use fee_sat or fee_msat. |
payment_preimage | string | | The payment preimage |
value_sat | int64 | | The value of the payment in satoshis |
value_msat | int64 | | The value of the payment in milli-satoshis |
payment_request | string | | The optional payment request being fulfilled. |
status | Payment.PaymentStatus | | The status of the payment. |
fee_sat | int64 | | The fee paid for this payment in satoshis |
fee_msat | int64 | | The fee paid for this payment in milli-satoshis |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
r_hash_str | string | | The hex-encoded payment hash of the invoice to be looked up. The passed payment hash must be exactly 32 bytes, otherwise an error is returned. |
r_hash | bytes | | The payment hash of the invoice to be looked up. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pub_key | string | | The identity pubkey of the peer |
address | string | | Network address of the peer; eg |
bytes_sent | uint64 | | Bytes of data transmitted to this peer |
bytes_recv | uint64 | | Bytes of data transmitted from this peer |
sat_sent | int64 | | Satoshis sent to this peer |
sat_recv | int64 | | Satoshis received from this peer |
inbound | bool | | A channel is inbound if the counterparty initiated the channel |
ping_time | int64 | | Ping time to this peer |
sync_type | Peer.SyncType | | The type of sync we are currently performing with this peer. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channel | PendingChannelsResponse.PendingChannel | | The pending channel to be force closed |
closing_txid | string | | The transaction id of the closing transaction |
limbo_balance | int64 | | The balance in satoshis encumbered in this pending channel |
maturity_height | uint32 | | The height at which funds can be swept into the wallet |
blocks_til_maturity | int32 | | Remaining # of blocks until the commitment output can be swept. Negative values indicate how many blocks have passed since becoming mature. |
recovered_balance | int64 | | The total value of funds successfully recovered from this channel |
pending_htlcs | PendingHTLC | repeated | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
remote_node_pub | string | | |
channel_point | string | | |
capacity | int64 | | |
local_balance | int64 | | |
remote_balance | int64 | | |
local_chan_reserve_sat | int64 | | The minimum satoshis this node is required to reserve in its balance. |
remote_chan_reserve_sat | int64 | | The minimum satoshis the other node is required to reserve in its balance. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channel | PendingChannelsResponse.PendingChannel | | The pending channel |
confirmation_height | uint32 | | The height at which this channel will be confirmed |
commit_fee | int64 | | The amount calculated to be paid in fees for the current set of commitment transactions. The fee amount is persisted with the channel in order to allow the fee amount to be removed and recalculated with each channel state update, including updates that happen after a system restart. |
commit_weight | int64 | | The weight of the commitment transaction |
fee_per_kw | int64 | | The required number of satoshis per kilo-weight that the requester will pay at all times, for both the funding transaction and commitment transaction. This value can later be updated once the channel is open. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
incoming | bool | | The direction within the channel that the htlc was sent |
amount | int64 | | The total value of the htlc |
outpoint | string | | The final output to be swept back to the user's wallet |
maturity_height | uint32 | | The next block height at which we can spend the current stage |
blocks_til_maturity | int32 | | The number of blocks remaining until the current stage can be swept. Negative values indicate how many blocks have passed since becoming mature. |
stage | uint32 | | Indicates whether the htlc is in its first or second stage of recovery |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
global | bool | | If set, then this update applies to all currently active channels. |
chan_point | ChannelPoint | | If set, this update will target a specific channel. |
base_fee_msat | int64 | | The base fee charged regardless of the number of milli-satoshis sent. |
fee_rate | double | | The effective fee rate in milli-satoshis. The precision of this value goes up to 6 decimal places, so 1e-6. |
time_lock_delta | uint32 | | The required timelock delta for HTLCs forwarded over the channel. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pub_key | string | | The 33-byte hex-encoded public key for the payment destination |
amt | int64 | | The amount to send expressed in satoshis |
final_cltv_delta | int32 | | An optional CLTV delta from the current height that should be used for the timelock of the final hop |
fee_limit | FeeLimit | | The maximum number of satoshis that will be paid as a fee of the payment. This value can be represented either as a percentage of the amount being sent, or as a fixed amount of the maximum fee the user is willing the pay to send the payment. |
ignored_nodes | bytes | repeated | A list of nodes to ignore during path finding. |
ignored_edges | EdgeLocator | repeated | Deprecated. A list of edges to ignore during path finding. |
source_pub_key | string | | The source node where the request route should originated from. If empty, self is assumed. |
use_mission_control | bool | | If set to true, edge probabilities from mission control will be used to get the optimal route. |
ignored_pairs | NodePair | repeated | A list of directed node pairs that will be ignored during path finding. |
dest_tlv | QueryRoutesRequest.DestTlvEntry | repeated | An optional field that can be used to pass an arbitrary set of TLV records to a peer which understands the new records. This can be used to pass application specific data during the payment attempt. If the destination does not support the specified recrods, and error will be returned. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
routes | Route | repeated | The route that results from the path finding operation. This is still a repeated field to retain backwards compatibility. |
success_prob | double | | The success probability of the returned route based on the current mission control state. [EXPERIMENTAL] |
A path through the channel graph which runs over one or more channels in
succession. This struct carries all the information required to craft the
Sphinx onion packet, and send the payment along the first hop in the path. A
route is only selected as valid if all the channels have sufficient capacity to
carry the initial payment amount after fees are accounted for.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
total_time_lock | uint32 | | The cumulative (final) time lock across the entire route. This is the CLTV value that should be extended to the first hop in the route. All other hops will decrement the time-lock as advertised, leaving enough time for all hops to wait for or present the payment preimage to complete the payment. |
total_fees | int64 | | The sum of the fees paid at each hop within the final route. In the case of a one-hop payment, this value will be zero as we don't need to pay a fee to ourselves. |
total_amt | int64 | | The total amount of funds required to complete a payment over this route. This value includes the cumulative fees at each hop. As a result, the HTLC extended to the first-hop in the route will need to have at least this many satoshis, otherwise the route will fail at an intermediate node due to an insufficient amount of fees. |
hops | Hop | repeated | Contains details concerning the specific forwarding details at each hop. |
total_fees_msat | int64 | | The total fees in millisatoshis. |
total_amt_msat | int64 | | The total amount in millisatoshis. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
hop_hints | HopHint | repeated | A list of hop hints that when chained together can assist in reaching a specific destination. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
addr | string | | The address to send coins to |
amount | int64 | | The amount in satoshis to send |
target_conf | int32 | | The target number of blocks that this transaction should be confirmed by. |
sat_per_byte | int64 | | A manual fee rate set in sat/byte that should be used when crafting the transaction. |
send_all | bool | | If set, then the amount field will be ignored, and lnd will attempt to send all the coins under control of the internal wallet to the specified address. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
txid | string | | The transaction ID of the transaction |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
AddrToAmount | SendManyRequest.AddrToAmountEntry | repeated | The map from addresses to amounts |
target_conf | int32 | | The target number of blocks that this transaction should be confirmed by. |
sat_per_byte | int64 | | A manual fee rate set in sat/byte that should be used when crafting the transaction. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
txid | string | | The id of the transaction |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
dest | bytes | | The identity pubkey of the payment recipient |
dest_string | string | | The hex-encoded identity pubkey of the payment recipient |
amt | int64 | | Number of satoshis to send. |
payment_hash | bytes | | The hash to use within the payment's HTLC |
payment_hash_string | string | | The hex-encoded hash to use within the payment's HTLC |
payment_request | string | | A bare-bones invoice for a payment within the Lightning Network. With the details of the invoice, the sender has all the data necessary to send a payment to the recipient. |
final_cltv_delta | int32 | | The CLTV delta from the current height that should be used to set the timelock for the final hop. |
fee_limit | FeeLimit | | The maximum number of satoshis that will be paid as a fee of the payment. This value can be represented either as a percentage of the amount being sent, or as a fixed amount of the maximum fee the user is willing the pay to send the payment. |
outgoing_chan_id | uint64 | | The channel id of the channel that must be taken to the first hop. If zero, any channel may be used. |
cltv_limit | uint32 | | An optional maximum total time lock for the route. If zero, there is no maximum enforced. |
dest_tlv | SendRequest.DestTlvEntry | repeated | An optional field that can be used to pass an arbitrary set of TLV records to a peer which understands the new records. This can be used to pass application specific data during the payment attempt. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
payment_hash | bytes | | The payment hash to use for the HTLC. |
payment_hash_string | string | | An optional hex-encoded payment hash to be used for the HTLC. |
route | Route | | Route that should be used to attempt to complete the payment. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
msg | bytes | | The message to be signed |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signature | string | | The signature for the given message |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
tx_hash | string | | The transaction hash |
amount | int64 | | The transaction amount, denominated in satoshis |
num_confirmations | int32 | | The number of confirmations |
block_hash | string | | The hash of the block this transaction was included in |
block_height | int32 | | The height of the block this transaction was included in |
time_stamp | int64 | | Timestamp of this transaction |
total_fees | int64 | | Fees paid for this transaction |
dest_addresses | string | repeated | Addresses that received funds for this transaction |
raw_tx_hex | string | | The raw transaction hex. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transactions | Transaction | repeated | The list of transactions relevant to the wallet. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
wallet_password | bytes | | wallet_password should be the current valid passphrase for the daemon. This will be required to decrypt on-disk material that the daemon requires to function properly. |
recovery_window | int32 | | recovery_window is an optional argument specifying the address lookahead when restoring a wallet seed. The recovery window applies to each individual branch of the BIP44 derivation paths. Supplying a recovery window of zero indicates that no addresses should be recovered, such after the first initialization of the wallet. |
channel_backups | ChanBackupSnapshot | | channel_backups is an optional argument that allows clients to recover the settled funds within a set of channels. This should be populated if the user was unable to close out all channels and sweep funds before partial or total data loss occurred. If specified, then after on-chain recovery of funds, lnd begin to carry out the data loss recovery protocol in order to recover the funds in each channel from a remote force closed transaction. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | AddressType | | The type of address |
address | string | | The address |
amount_sat | int64 | | The value of the unspent coin in satoshis |
pk_script | string | | The pkscript in hex |
outpoint | OutPoint | | The outpoint in format txid:n |
confirmations | int64 | | The number of confirmations for the Utxo |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
msg | bytes | | The message over which the signature is to be verified |
signature | string | | The signature to be verified over the given message |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
valid | bool | | Whether the signature was valid over the given message |
pubkey | string | | The pubkey recovered from the signature |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
total_balance | int64 | | The balance of the wallet |
confirmed_balance | int64 | | The confirmed balance of a wallet(with >= 1 confirmations) |
unconfirmed_balance | int64 | | The unconfirmed balance of a wallet(with 0 confirmations) |
has to be one of:
: Pay to witness key hash (WITNESS_PUBKEY_HASH
= 0)
: Pay to nested witness key hash (NESTED_PUBKEY_HASH
= 1)
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
OPEN | 0 | |
SETTLED | 1 | |
CANCELED | 2 | |
ACCEPTED | 3 | |
Name | Number | Description |
ACCEPTED | 0 | |
SETTLED | 1 | |
Name | Number | Description |
UNKNOWN | 0 | |
IN_FLIGHT | 1 | |
FAILED | 3 | |
Name | Number | Description |
UNKNOWN_SYNC | 0 | Denotes that we cannot determine the peer's current sync type. |
ACTIVE_SYNC | 1 | Denotes that we are actively receiving new graph updates from the peer. |
PASSIVE_SYNC | 2 | Denotes that we are not receiving new graph updates from the peer. |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
WalletBalance | WalletBalanceRequest | WalletBalanceResponse | lncli: walletbalance WalletBalance returns total unspent outputs(confirmed and unconfirmed), all confirmed unspent outputs and all unconfirmed unspent outputs under control of the wallet. |
ChannelBalance | ChannelBalanceRequest | ChannelBalanceResponse | lncli: channelbalance ChannelBalance returns the total funds available across all open channels in satoshis. |
GetTransactions | GetTransactionsRequest | TransactionDetails | lncli: listchaintxns GetTransactions returns a list describing all the known transactions relevant to the wallet. |
EstimateFee | EstimateFeeRequest | EstimateFeeResponse | lncli: estimatefee EstimateFee asks the chain backend to estimate the fee rate and total fees for a transaction that pays to multiple specified outputs. |
SendCoins | SendCoinsRequest | SendCoinsResponse | lncli: sendcoins SendCoins executes a request to send coins to a particular address. Unlike SendMany, this RPC call only allows creating a single output at a time. If neither target_conf, or sat_per_byte are set, then the internal wallet will consult its fee model to determine a fee for the default confirmation target. |
ListUnspent | ListUnspentRequest | ListUnspentResponse | lncli: listunspent ListUnspent returns a list of all utxos spendable by the wallet with a number of confirmations between the specified minimum and maximum. |
SubscribeTransactions | GetTransactionsRequest | Transaction stream | SubscribeTransactions creates a uni-directional stream from the server to the client in which any newly discovered transactions relevant to the wallet are sent over. |
SendMany | SendManyRequest | SendManyResponse | lncli: sendmany SendMany handles a request for a transaction that creates multiple specified outputs in parallel. If neither target_conf, or sat_per_byte are set, then the internal wallet will consult its fee model to determine a fee for the default confirmation target. |
NewAddress | NewAddressRequest | NewAddressResponse | lncli: newaddress NewAddress creates a new address under control of the local wallet. |
SignMessage | SignMessageRequest | SignMessageResponse | lncli: signmessage SignMessage signs a message with this node's private key. The returned signature string is zbase32 encoded and pubkey recoverable, meaning that only the message digest and signature are needed for verification. |
VerifyMessage | VerifyMessageRequest | VerifyMessageResponse | lncli: verifymessage VerifyMessage verifies a signature over a msg. The signature must be zbase32 encoded and signed by an active node in the resident node's channel database. In addition to returning the validity of the signature, VerifyMessage also returns the recovered pubkey from the signature. |
ConnectPeer | ConnectPeerRequest | ConnectPeerResponse | lncli: connect ConnectPeer attempts to establish a connection to a remote peer. This is at the networking level, and is used for communication between nodes. This is distinct from establishing a channel with a peer. |
DisconnectPeer | DisconnectPeerRequest | DisconnectPeerResponse | lncli: disconnect DisconnectPeer attempts to disconnect one peer from another identified by a given pubKey. In the case that we currently have a pending or active channel with the target peer, then this action will be not be allowed. |
ListPeers | ListPeersRequest | ListPeersResponse | lncli: listpeers ListPeers returns a verbose listing of all currently active peers. |
GetInfo | GetInfoRequest | GetInfoResponse | lncli: getinfo GetInfo returns general information concerning the lightning node including it's identity pubkey, alias, the chains it is connected to, and information concerning the number of open+pending channels. |
PendingChannels | PendingChannelsRequest | PendingChannelsResponse | lncli: pendingchannels PendingChannels returns a list of all the channels that are currently considered "pending". A channel is pending if it has finished the funding workflow and is waiting for confirmations for the funding txn, or is in the process of closure, either initiated cooperatively or non-cooperatively. |
ListChannels | ListChannelsRequest | ListChannelsResponse | lncli: listchannels ListChannels returns a description of all the open channels that this node is a participant in. |
SubscribeChannelEvents | ChannelEventSubscription | ChannelEventUpdate stream | SubscribeChannelEvents creates a uni-directional stream from the server to the client in which any updates relevant to the state of the channels are sent over. Events include new active channels, inactive channels, and closed channels. |
ClosedChannels | ClosedChannelsRequest | ClosedChannelsResponse | lncli: closedchannels ClosedChannels returns a description of all the closed channels that this node was a participant in. |
OpenChannelSync | OpenChannelRequest | ChannelPoint | OpenChannelSync is a synchronous version of the OpenChannel RPC call. This call is meant to be consumed by clients to the REST proxy. As with all other sync calls, all byte slices are intended to be populated as hex encoded strings. |
OpenChannel | OpenChannelRequest | OpenStatusUpdate stream | lncli: openchannel OpenChannel attempts to open a singly funded channel specified in the request to a remote peer. Users are able to specify a target number of blocks that the funding transaction should be confirmed in, or a manual fee rate to us for the funding transaction. If neither are specified, then a lax block confirmation target is used. |
CloseChannel | CloseChannelRequest | CloseStatusUpdate stream | lncli: closechannel CloseChannel attempts to close an active channel identified by its channel outpoint (ChannelPoint). The actions of this method can additionally be augmented to attempt a force close after a timeout period in the case of an inactive peer. If a non-force close (cooperative closure) is requested, then the user can specify either a target number of blocks until the closure transaction is confirmed, or a manual fee rate. If neither are specified, then a default lax, block confirmation target is used. |
AbandonChannel | AbandonChannelRequest | AbandonChannelResponse | lncli: abandonchannel AbandonChannel removes all channel state from the database except for a close summary. This method can be used to get rid of permanently unusable channels due to bugs fixed in newer versions of lnd. Only available when in debug builds of lnd. |
SendPayment | SendRequest stream | SendResponse stream | lncli: sendpayment SendPayment dispatches a bi-directional streaming RPC for sending payments through the Lightning Network. A single RPC invocation creates a persistent bi-directional stream allowing clients to rapidly send payments through the Lightning Network with a single persistent connection. |
SendPaymentSync | SendRequest | SendResponse | SendPaymentSync is the synchronous non-streaming version of SendPayment. This RPC is intended to be consumed by clients of the REST proxy. Additionally, this RPC expects the destination's public key and the payment hash (if any) to be encoded as hex strings. |
SendToRoute | SendToRouteRequest stream | SendResponse stream | lncli: sendtoroute SendToRoute is a bi-directional streaming RPC for sending payment through the Lightning Network. This method differs from SendPayment in that it allows users to specify a full route manually. This can be used for things like rebalancing, and atomic swaps. |
SendToRouteSync | SendToRouteRequest | SendResponse | SendToRouteSync is a synchronous version of SendToRoute. It Will block until the payment either fails or succeeds. |
AddInvoice | Invoice | AddInvoiceResponse | lncli: addinvoice AddInvoice attempts to add a new invoice to the invoice database. Any duplicated invoices are rejected, therefore all invoices must have a unique payment preimage. |
ListInvoices | ListInvoiceRequest | ListInvoiceResponse | lncli: listinvoices ListInvoices returns a list of all the invoices currently stored within the database. Any active debug invoices are ignored. It has full support for paginated responses, allowing users to query for specific invoices through their add_index. This can be done by using either the first_index_offset or last_index_offset fields included in the response as the index_offset of the next request. By default, the first 100 invoices created will be returned. Backwards pagination is also supported through the Reversed flag. |
LookupInvoice | PaymentHash | Invoice | lncli: lookupinvoice LookupInvoice attempts to look up an invoice according to its payment hash. The passed payment hash must be exactly 32 bytes, if not, an error is returned. |
SubscribeInvoices | InvoiceSubscription | Invoice stream | SubscribeInvoices returns a uni-directional stream (server -> client) for notifying the client of newly added/settled invoices. The caller can optionally specify the add_index and/or the settle_index. If the add_index is specified, then we'll first start by sending add invoice events for all invoices with an add_index greater than the specified value. If the settle_index is specified, the next, we'll send out all settle events for invoices with a settle_index greater than the specified value. One or both of these fields can be set. If no fields are set, then we'll only send out the latest add/settle events. |
DecodePayReq | PayReqString | PayReq | lncli: decodepayreq DecodePayReq takes an encoded payment request string and attempts to decode it, returning a full description of the conditions encoded within the payment request. |
ListPayments | ListPaymentsRequest | ListPaymentsResponse | lncli: listpayments ListPayments returns a list of all outgoing payments. |
DeleteAllPayments | DeleteAllPaymentsRequest | DeleteAllPaymentsResponse | DeleteAllPayments deletes all outgoing payments from DB. |
DescribeGraph | ChannelGraphRequest | ChannelGraph | lncli: describegraph DescribeGraph returns a description of the latest graph state from the point of view of the node. The graph information is partitioned into two components: all the nodes/vertexes, and all the edges that connect the vertexes themselves. As this is a directed graph, the edges also contain the node directional specific routing policy which includes: the time lock delta, fee information, etc. |
GetChanInfo | ChanInfoRequest | ChannelEdge | lncli: getchaninfo GetChanInfo returns the latest authenticated network announcement for the given channel identified by its channel ID: an 8-byte integer which uniquely identifies the location of transaction's funding output within the blockchain. |
GetNodeInfo | NodeInfoRequest | NodeInfo | lncli: getnodeinfo GetNodeInfo returns the latest advertised, aggregated, and authenticated channel information for the specified node identified by its public key. |
QueryRoutes | QueryRoutesRequest | QueryRoutesResponse | lncli: queryroutes QueryRoutes attempts to query the daemon's Channel Router for a possible route to a target destination capable of carrying a specific amount of satoshis. The returned route contains the full details required to craft and send an HTLC, also including the necessary information that should be present within the Sphinx packet encapsulated within the HTLC. |
GetNetworkInfo | NetworkInfoRequest | NetworkInfo | lncli: getnetworkinfo GetNetworkInfo returns some basic stats about the known channel graph from the point of view of the node. |
StopDaemon | StopRequest | StopResponse | lncli: stop StopDaemon will send a shutdown request to the interrupt handler, triggering a graceful shutdown of the daemon. |
SubscribeChannelGraph | GraphTopologySubscription | GraphTopologyUpdate stream | SubscribeChannelGraph launches a streaming RPC that allows the caller to receive notifications upon any changes to the channel graph topology from the point of view of the responding node. Events notified include: new nodes coming online, nodes updating their authenticated attributes, new channels being advertised, updates in the routing policy for a directional channel edge, and when channels are closed on-chain. |
DebugLevel | DebugLevelRequest | DebugLevelResponse | lncli: debuglevel DebugLevel allows a caller to programmatically set the logging verbosity of lnd. The logging can be targeted according to a coarse daemon-wide logging level, or in a granular fashion to specify the logging for a target sub-system. |
FeeReport | FeeReportRequest | FeeReportResponse | lncli: feereport FeeReport allows the caller to obtain a report detailing the current fee schedule enforced by the node globally for each channel. |
UpdateChannelPolicy | PolicyUpdateRequest | PolicyUpdateResponse | lncli: updatechanpolicy UpdateChannelPolicy allows the caller to update the fee schedule and channel policies for all channels globally, or a particular channel. |
ForwardingHistory | ForwardingHistoryRequest | ForwardingHistoryResponse | lncli: fwdinghistory ForwardingHistory allows the caller to query the htlcswitch for a record of all HTLCs forwarded within the target time range, and integer offset within that time range. If no time-range is specified, then the first chunk of the past 24 hrs of forwarding history are returned. |
A list of forwarding events are returned. The size of each forwarding event is 40 bytes, and the max message size able to be returned in gRPC is 4 MiB. As a result each message can only contain 50k entries. Each response has the index offset of the last entry. The index offset can be provided to the request to allow the caller to skip a series of records. |
| ExportChannelBackup | ExportChannelBackupRequest | ChannelBackup | lncli: exportchanbackup
ExportChannelBackup attempts to return an encrypted static channel backup for the target channel identified by it channel point. The backup is encrypted with a key generated from the aezeed seed of the user. The returned backup can either be restored using the RestoreChannelBackup method once lnd is running, or via the InitWallet and UnlockWallet methods from the WalletUnlocker service. |
| ExportAllChannelBackups | ChanBackupExportRequest | ChanBackupSnapshot | ExportAllChannelBackups returns static channel backups for all existing channels known to lnd. A set of regular singular static channel backups for each channel are returned. Additionally, a multi-channel backup is returned as well, which contains a single encrypted blob containing the backups of each channel. |
| VerifyChanBackup | ChanBackupSnapshot | VerifyChanBackupResponse | VerifyChanBackup allows a caller to verify the integrity of a channel backup snapshot. This method will accept either a packed Single or a packed Multi. Specifying both will result in an error. |
| RestoreChannelBackups | RestoreChanBackupRequest | RestoreBackupResponse | lncli: restorechanbackup
RestoreChannelBackups accepts a set of singular channel backups, or a single encrypted multi-chan backup and attempts to recover any funds remaining within the channel. If we are able to unpack the backup, then the new channel will be shown under listchannels, as well as pending channels. |
| SubscribeChannelBackups | ChannelBackupSubscription | ChanBackupSnapshot stream | SubscribeChannelBackups allows a client to sub-subscribe to the most up to date information concerning the state of all channel backups. Each time a new channel is added, we return the new set of channels, along with a multi-chan backup containing the backup info for all channels. Each time a channel is closed, we send a new update, which contains new new chan back ups, but the updated set of encrypted multi-chan backups with the closed channel(s) removed. |
The WalletUnlocker service is used to set up a wallet password for
lnd at first startup, and unlock a previously set up wallet.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GenSeed | GenSeedRequest | GenSeedResponse | GenSeed is the first method that should be used to instantiate a new lnd instance. This method allows a caller to generate a new aezeed cipher seed given an optional passphrase. If provided, the passphrase will be necessary to decrypt the cipherseed to expose the internal wallet seed. |
Once the cipherseed is obtained and verified by the user, the InitWallet method should be used to commit the newly generated seed, and create the wallet. |
| InitWallet | InitWalletRequest | InitWalletResponse | InitWallet is used when lnd is starting up for the first time to fully initialize the daemon and its internal wallet. At the very least a wallet password must be provided. This will be used to encrypt sensitive material on disk.
In the case of a recovery scenario, the user can also specify their aezeed mnemonic and passphrase. If set, then the daemon will use this prior state to initialize its internal wallet.
Alternatively, this can be used along with the GenSeed RPC to obtain a seed, then present it to the user. Once it has been verified by the user, the seed can be fed into this RPC in order to commit the new wallet. |
| UnlockWallet | UnlockWalletRequest | UnlockWalletResponse | lncli: unlock
UnlockWallet is used at startup of lnd to provide a password to unlock the wallet database. |
| ChangePassword | ChangePasswordRequest | ChangePasswordResponse | lncli: changepassword
ChangePassword changes the password of the encrypted wallet. This will automatically unlock the wallet database if successful. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pubkey | bytes | | The identifying public key of the watchtower to add. |
address | string | | A network address the watchtower is reachable over. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pubkey | bytes | | The identifying public key of the watchtower to retrieve information for. |
include_sessions | bool | | Whether we should include sessions with the watchtower in the response. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
include_sessions | bool | | Whether we should include sessions with the watchtower in the response. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
towers | Tower | repeated | The list of watchtowers available for new backups. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
max_updates | uint32 | | The maximum number of updates each session we negotiate with watchtowers should allow. |
sweep_sat_per_byte | uint32 | | The fee rate, in satoshis per vbyte, that will be used by watchtowers for justice transactions in response to channel breaches. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pubkey | bytes | | The identifying public key of the watchtower to remove. |
address | string | | If set, then the record for this address will be removed, indicating that is is stale. Otherwise, the watchtower will no longer be used for future session negotiations and backups. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
num_backups | uint32 | | The total number of backups made to all active and exhausted watchtower sessions. |
num_pending_backups | uint32 | | The total number of backups that are pending to be acknowledged by all active and exhausted watchtower sessions. |
num_failed_backups | uint32 | | The total number of backups that all active and exhausted watchtower sessions have failed to acknowledge. |
num_sessions_acquired | uint32 | | The total number of new sessions made to watchtowers. |
num_sessions_exhausted | uint32 | | The total number of watchtower sessions that have been exhausted. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pubkey | bytes | | The identifying public key of the watchtower. |
addresses | string | repeated | The list of addresses the watchtower is reachable over. |
active_session_candidate | bool | | Whether the watchtower is currently a candidate for new sessions. |
num_sessions | uint32 | | The number of sessions that have been negotiated with the watchtower. |
sessions | TowerSession | repeated | The list of sessions that have been negotiated with the watchtower. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
num_backups | uint32 | | The total number of successful backups that have been made to the watchtower session. |
num_pending_backups | uint32 | | The total number of backups in the session that are currently pending to be acknowledged by the watchtower. |
max_backups | uint32 | | The maximum number of backups allowed by the watchtower session. |
sweep_sat_per_byte | uint32 | | The fee rate, in satoshis per vbyte, that will be used by the watchtower for the justice transaction in the event of a channel breach. |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
AddTower | AddTowerRequest | AddTowerResponse | AddTower adds a new watchtower reachable at the given address and considers it for new sessions. If the watchtower already exists, then any new addresses included will be considered when dialing it for session negotiations and backups. |
RemoveTower | RemoveTowerRequest | RemoveTowerResponse | RemoveTower removes a watchtower from being considered for future session negotiations and from being used for any subsequent backups until it's added again. If an address is provided, then this RPC only serves as a way of removing the address from the watchtower instead. |
ListTowers | ListTowersRequest | ListTowersResponse | ListTowers returns the list of watchtowers registered with the client. |
GetTowerInfo | GetTowerInfoRequest | Tower | GetTowerInfo retrieves information for a registered watchtower. |
Stats | StatsRequest | StatsResponse | Stats returns the in-memory statistics of the client since startup. |
Policy | PolicyRequest | PolicyResponse | Policy returns the active watchtower client policy configuration. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signature | bytes | | The signature that validates the announced data and proves the ownership of node id. |
chain_hash | bytes | | The target chain that this channel was opened within. This value should be the genesis hash of the target chain. Along with the short channel ID, this uniquely identifies the channel globally in a blockchain. |
chan_id | uint64 | | The unique description of the funding transaction. |
timestamp | uint32 | | A timestamp that allows ordering in the case of multiple announcements. We should ignore the message if timestamp is not greater than the last-received. |
message_flags | uint32 | | The bitfield that describes whether optional fields are present in this update. Currently, the least-significant bit must be set to 1 if the optional field MaxHtlc is present. |
channel_flags | uint32 | | The bitfield that describes additional meta-data concerning how the update is to be interpreted. Currently, the least-significant bit must be set to 0 if the creating node corresponds to the first node in the previously sent channel announcement and 1 otherwise. If the second bit is set, then the channel is set to be disabled. |
time_lock_delta | uint32 | | The minimum number of blocks this node requires to be added to the expiry of HTLCs. This is a security parameter determined by the node operator. This value represents the required gap between the time locks of the incoming and outgoing HTLC's set to this node. |
htlc_minimum_msat | uint64 | | The minimum HTLC value which will be accepted. |
base_fee | uint32 | | The base fee that must be used for incoming HTLC's to this particular channel. This value will be tacked onto the required for a payment independent of the size of the payment. |
fee_rate | uint32 | | The fee rate that will be charged per millionth of a satoshi. |
htlc_maximum_msat | uint64 | | The maximum HTLC value which will be accepted. |
extra_opaque_data | bytes | | The set of data that was appended to this message, some of which we may not actually know how to iterate or parse. By holding onto this data, we ensure that we're able to properly validate the set of signatures that cover these new fields, and ensure we're able to make upgrades to the network in a forwards compatible manner. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
code | Failure.FailureCode | | Failure code as defined in the Lightning spec |
channel_update | ChannelUpdate | | An optional channel update message. |
htlc_msat | uint64 | | A failure type-dependent htlc value. |
onion_sha_256 | bytes | | The sha256 sum of the onion payload. |
cltv_expiry | uint32 | | A failure type-dependent cltv expiry value. |
flags | uint32 | | A failure type-dependent flags value. |
failure_source_index | uint32 | | The position in the path of the intermediate or final node that generated the failure message. Position zero is the sender node. |
NodeHistory contains the mission control state for a particular node.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pubkey | bytes | | Node pubkey |
last_fail_time | int64 | | Time stamp of last failure. Set to zero if no failure happened yet. |
other_success_prob | float | | Estimation of success probability of forwarding towards peers of this node for which no specific history is available. |
PairHistory contains the mission control state for a particular node pair.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
node_from | bytes | | The source node pubkey of the pair. |
node_to | bytes | | The destination node pubkey of the pair. |
timestamp | int64 | | Time stamp of last result. |
min_penalize_amt_sat | int64 | | Minimum penalization amount (only applies to failed attempts). |
success_prob | float | | Estimation of success probability for this pair. |
last_attempt_successful | bool | | Whether the last payment attempt through this pair was successful. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
state | PaymentState | | Current state the payment is in. |
preimage | bytes | | The pre-image of the payment when state is SUCCEEDED. |
route | lnrpc.Route | | The taken route when state is SUCCEEDED. |
QueryMissionControlResponse contains mission control state.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
nodes | NodeHistory | repeated | Node-level mission control state. |
pairs | PairHistory | repeated | Node pair-level mission control state. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
dest | bytes | | The destination once wishes to obtain a routing fee quote to. |
amt_sat | int64 | | The amount one wishes to send to the target destination. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
routing_fee_msat | int64 | | A lower bound of the estimated fee to the target destination within the network, expressed in milli-satoshis. |
time_lock_delay | int64 | | An estimate of the worst case time delay that can occur. Note that callers will still need to factor in the final CLTV delta of the last hop into this value. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
dest | bytes | | The identity pubkey of the payment recipient |
amt | int64 | | Number of satoshis to send. |
payment_hash | bytes | | The hash to use within the payment's HTLC |
final_cltv_delta | int32 | | The CLTV delta from the current height that should be used to set the timelock for the final hop. |
payment_request | string | | A bare-bones invoice for a payment within the Lightning Network. With the details of the invoice, the sender has all the data necessary to send a payment to the recipient. The amount in the payment request may be zero. In that case it is required to set the amt field as well. If no payment request is specified, the following fields are required: dest, amt and payment_hash. |
timeout_seconds | int32 | | An upper limit on the amount of time we should spend when attempting to fulfill the payment. This is expressed in seconds. If we cannot make a successful payment within this time frame, an error will be returned. This field must be non-zero. |
fee_limit_sat | int64 | | The maximum number of satoshis that will be paid as a fee of the payment. If this field is left to the default value of 0, only zero-fee routes will be considered. This usually means single hop routes connecting directly to the destination. To send the payment without a fee limit, use max int here. |
outgoing_chan_id | uint64 | | The channel id of the channel that must be taken to the first hop. If zero, any channel may be used. |
cltv_limit | int32 | | An optional maximum total time lock for the route. If zero, there is no maximum enforced. |
route_hints | lnrpc.RouteHint | repeated | Optional route hints to reach the destination through private channels. |
dest_tlv | SendPaymentRequest.DestTlvEntry | repeated | An optional field that can be used to pass an arbitrary set of TLV records to a peer which understands the new records. This can be used to pass application specific data during the payment attempt. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
payment_hash | bytes | | The payment hash to use for the HTLC. |
route | lnrpc.Route | | Route that should be used to attempt to complete the payment. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
preimage | bytes | | The preimage obtained by making the payment. |
failure | Failure | | The failure message in case the payment failed. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
payment_hash | bytes | | The hash of the payment to look up. |
Name | Number | Description |
RESERVED | 0 | The numbers assigned in this enumeration match the failure codes as defined in BOLT #4. Because protobuf 3 requires enums to start with 0, a RESERVED value is added. |
UNKNOWN_FAILURE | 998 | The error source is known, but the failure itself couldn't be decoded. |
UNREADABLE_FAILURE | 999 | An unreadable failure result is returned if the received failure message cannot be decrypted. In that case the error source is unknown. |
Name | Number | Description |
IN_FLIGHT | 0 | Payment is still in flight. |
SUCCEEDED | 1 | Payment completed successfully. |
FAILED_TIMEOUT | 2 | There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded. |
FAILED_NO_ROUTE | 3 | All possible routes were tried and failed permanently. Or were no routes to the destination at all. |
FAILED_ERROR | 4 | A non-recoverable error has occured. |
FAILED_INCORRECT_PAYMENT_DETAILS | 5 | Payment details incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amt or invalid final cltv delta) |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pubkey | bytes | | The public key of the watchtower. |
listeners | string | repeated | The listening addresses of the watchtower. |
uris | string | repeated | The URIs of the watchtower. |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetInfo | GetInfoRequest | GetInfoResponse | lncli: tower info GetInfo returns general information concerning the companion watchtower including it's public key and URIs where the server is currently listening for clients. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
witness | bytes | repeated | The serializes witness stack for the specified input. |
sig_script | bytes | | The optional sig script for the specified witness that will only be set if the input specified is a nested p2sh witness program. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
input_scripts | InputScript | repeated | The set of fully valid input scripts requested. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
raw_key_bytes | bytes | | The raw bytes of the key being identified. Either this or the KeyLocator must be specified. |
key_loc | KeyLocator | | The key locator that identifies which key to use for signing. Either this or the raw bytes of the target key must be specified. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key_family | int32 | | The family of key being identified. |
key_index | int32 | | The precise index of the key being identified. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key_desc | KeyDescriptor | | A descriptor that precisely describes which key to use for signing. This may provide the raw public key directly, or require the Signer to re-derive the key according to the populated derivation path. |
single_tweak | bytes | | A scalar value that will be added to the private key corresponding to the above public key to obtain the private key to be used to sign this input. This value is typically derived via the following computation: |
derivedKey = privkey + sha256(perCommitmentPoint || pubKey) mod N |
| double_tweak | bytes | | A private key that will be used in combination with its corresponding private key to derive the private key that is to be used to sign the target input. Within the Lightning protocol, this value is typically the commitment secret from a previously revoked commitment transaction. This value is in combination with two hash values, and the original private key to derive the private key to be used when signing.
k = (privKeysha256(pubKey || tweakPub) + tweakPrivsha256(tweakPub || pubKey)) mod N |
| witness_script | bytes | | The full script required to properly redeem the output. This field will only be populated if a p2wsh or a p2sh output is being signed. |
| output | TxOut | | A description of the output being spent. The value and script MUST be provided. |
| sighash | uint32 | | The target sighash type that should be used when generating the final sighash, and signature. |
| input_index | int32 | | The target input within the transaction that should be signed. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
raw_tx_bytes | bytes | | The raw bytes of the transaction to be signed. |
sign_descs | SignDescriptor | repeated | A set of sign descriptors, for each input to be signed. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
raw_sigs | bytes | repeated | A set of signatures realized in a fixed 64-byte format ordered in ascending input order. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
value | int64 | | The value of the output being spent. |
pk_script | bytes | | The script of the output being spent. |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
SignOutputRaw | SignReq | SignResp | SignOutputRaw is a method that can be used to generated a signature for a set of inputs/outputs to a transaction. Each request specifies details concerning how the outputs should be signed, which keys they should be signed with, and also any optional tweaks. The return value is a fixed 64-byte signature (the same format as we use on the wire in Lightning). |
If we are unable to sign using the specified keys, then an error will be returned. |
| ComputeInputScript | SignReq | InputScriptResp | ComputeInputScript generates a complete InputIndex for the passed transaction with the signature as defined within the passed SignDescriptor. This method should be capable of generating the proper input script for both regular p2wkh output and p2wkh outputs nested within a regular p2sh output.
Note that when using this method to sign inputs belonging to the wallet, the only items of the SignDescriptor that need to be populated are pkScript in the TxOut field, the value in that same field, and finally the input index. |
.proto Type | Notes | C++ Type | Java Type | Python Type |
double | | double | double | float |
float | | float | float | float |
int32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. | int32 | int | int |
int64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. | int64 | long | int/long |
uint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint32 | int | int/long |
uint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. | int32 | int | int |
sint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. | int64 | long | int/long |
fixed32 | Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. | uint32 | int | int |
fixed64 | Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sfixed32 | Always four bytes. | int32 | int | int |
sfixed64 | Always eight bytes. | int64 | long | int/long |
bool | | bool | boolean | boolean |
string | A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. | string | String | str/unicode |
bytes | May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. | string | ByteString | str |
├── autopilotrpc
│ └── autopilot.proto
├── chainrpc
│ └── chainnotifier.proto
├── invoicesrpc
│ └── invoices.proto
├── routerrpc
│ └── router.proto
├── rpc.proto
├── signrpc
│ └── signer.proto
├── walletrpc
│ └── walletkit.proto
├── watchtowerrpc
│ └── watchtower.proto
└── wtclientrpc
└── wtclient.proto
8 directories, 9 files
syntax = "proto3";
package chainrpc;
message ConfRequest {
The transaction hash for which we should request a confirmation notification
for. If set to a hash of all zeros, then the confirmation notification will
be requested for the script instead.
bytes txid = 1;
An output script within a transaction with the hash above which will be used
by light clients to match block filters. If the transaction hash is set to a
hash of all zeros, then a confirmation notification will be requested for
this script instead.
bytes script = 2;
The number of desired confirmations the transaction/output script should
reach before dispatching a confirmation notification.
uint32 num_confs = 3;
The earliest height in the chain for which the transaction/output script
could have been included in a block. This should in most cases be set to the
broadcast height of the transaction/output script.
uint32 height_hint = 4;
message ConfDetails {
// The raw bytes of the confirmed transaction.
bytes raw_tx = 1;
// The hash of the block in which the confirmed transaction was included in.
bytes block_hash = 2;
// The height of the block in which the confirmed transaction was included in.
uint32 block_height = 3;
// The index of the confirmed transaction within the transaction.
uint32 tx_index = 4;
message Reorg {
// TODO(wilmer): need to know how the client will use this first.
message ConfEvent {
oneof event {
An event that includes the confirmation details of the request
(txid/ouput script).
ConfDetails conf = 1;
An event send when the transaction of the request is reorged out of the
Reorg reorg = 2;
message Outpoint {
// The hash of the transaction.
bytes hash = 1;
// The index of the output within the transaction.
uint32 index = 2;
message SpendRequest {
The outpoint for which we should request a spend notification for. If set to
a zero outpoint, then the spend notification will be requested for the
script instead.
Outpoint outpoint = 1;
The output script for the outpoint above. This will be used by light clients
to match block filters. If the outpoint is set to a zero outpoint, then a
spend notification will be requested for this script instead.
bytes script = 2;
The earliest height in the chain for which the outpoint/output script could
have been spent. This should in most cases be set to the broadcast height of
the outpoint/output script.
uint32 height_hint = 3;
// TODO(wilmer): extend to support num confs on spending tx.
message SpendDetails {
// The outpoint was that spent.
Outpoint spending_outpoint = 1;
// The raw bytes of the spending transaction.
bytes raw_spending_tx = 2;
// The hash of the spending transaction.
bytes spending_tx_hash = 3;
// The input of the spending transaction that fulfilled the spend request.
uint32 spending_input_index = 4;
// The height at which the spending transaction was included in a block.
uint32 spending_height = 5;
message SpendEvent {
oneof event {
An event that includes the details of the spending transaction of the
request (outpoint/output script).
SpendDetails spend = 1;
An event sent when the spending transaction of the request was
reorged out of the chain.
Reorg reorg = 2;
message BlockEpoch {
// The hash of the block.
bytes hash = 1;
// The height of the block.
uint32 height = 2;
service ChainNotifier {
RegisterConfirmationsNtfn is a synchronous response-streaming RPC that
registers an intent for a client to be notified once a confirmation request
has reached its required number of confirmations on-chain.
A client can specify whether the confirmation request should be for a
particular transaction by its hash or for an output script by specifying a
zero hash.
rpc RegisterConfirmationsNtfn(ConfRequest) returns (stream ConfEvent);
RegisterSpendNtfn is a synchronous response-streaming RPC that registers an
intent for a client to be notification once a spend request has been spent
by a transaction that has confirmed on-chain.
A client can specify whether the spend request should be for a particular
outpoint or for an output script by specifying a zero outpoint.
rpc RegisterSpendNtfn(SpendRequest) returns (stream SpendEvent);
RegisterBlockEpochNtfn is a synchronous response-streaming RPC that
registers an intent for a client to be notified of blocks in the chain. The
stream will return a hash and height tuple of a block for each new/stale
block in the chain. It is the client's responsibility to determine whether
the tuple returned is for a new or stale block in the chain.
A client can also request a historical backlog of blocks from a particular
point. This allows clients to be idempotent by ensuring that they do not
missing processing a single block within the chain.
rpc RegisterBlockEpochNtfn(BlockEpoch) returns (stream BlockEpoch);
syntax = "proto3";
import "rpc.proto";
import "signrpc/signer.proto";
package walletrpc;
option go_package = "";
message KeyReq {
Is the key finger print of the root pubkey that this request is targeting.
This allows the WalletKit to possibly serve out keys for multiple HD chains
via public derivation.
int32 key_finger_print = 1;
The target key family to derive a key from. In other contexts, this is
known as the "account".
int32 key_family = 2;
message AddrRequest{
// No fields, as we always give out a p2wkh address.
message AddrResponse {
The address encoded using a bech32 format.
string addr = 1;
message Transaction {
The raw serialized transaction.
bytes tx_hex = 1;
message PublishResponse {
If blank, then no error occurred and the transaction was successfully
published. If not the empty string, then a string representation of the
broadcast error.
TODO(roasbeef): map to a proper enum type
string publish_error = 1;
message SendOutputsRequest {
The number of satoshis per kilo weight that should be used when crafting
this transaction.
int64 sat_per_kw = 1;
A slice of the outputs that should be created in the transaction produced.
repeated signrpc.TxOut outputs = 2;
message SendOutputsResponse {
The serialized transaction sent out on the network.
bytes raw_tx = 1;
message EstimateFeeRequest {
The number of confirmations to shoot for when estimating the fee.
int32 conf_target = 1;
message EstimateFeeResponse {
The amount of satoshis per kw that should be used in order to reach the
confirmation target in the request.
int64 sat_per_kw = 1;
enum WitnessType {
A witness that allows us to spend the output of a commitment transaction
after a relative lock-time lockout.
A witness that allows us to spend a settled no-delay output immediately on a
counterparty's commitment transaction.
A witness that allows us to sweep the settled output of a malicious
counterparty's who broadcasts a revoked commitment transaction.
A witness that allows us to sweep an HTLC which we offered to the remote
party in the case that they broadcast a revoked commitment state.
A witness that allows us to sweep an HTLC output sent to us in the case that
the remote party broadcasts a revoked commitment state.
A witness that allows us to sweep an HTLC output that we extended to a
party, but was never fulfilled. This HTLC output isn't directly on the
commitment transaction, but is the result of a confirmed second-level HTLC
transaction. As a result, we can only spend this after a CSV delay.
A witness that allows us to sweep an HTLC output that was offered to us, and
for which we have a payment preimage. This HTLC output isn't directly on our
commitment transaction, but is the result of confirmed second-level HTLC
transaction. As a result, we can only spend this after a CSV delay.
A witness that allows us to sweep an HTLC that we offered to the remote
party which lies in the commitment transaction of the remote party. We can
spend this output after the absolute CLTV timeout of the HTLC as passed.
A witness that allows us to sweep an HTLC that was offered to us by the
remote party. We use this witness in the case that the remote party goes to
chain, and we know the pre-image to the HTLC. We can sweep this without any
additional timeout.
A witness that allows us to sweep an HTLC from the remote party's commitment
transaction in the case that the broadcast a revoked commitment, but then
also immediately attempt to go to the second level to claim the HTLC.
A witness type that allows us to spend a regular p2wkh output that's sent to
an output which is under complete control of the backing wallet.
A witness type that allows us to sweep an output that sends to a nested P2SH
script that pays to a key solely under our control.
message PendingSweep {
// The outpoint of the output we're attempting to sweep.
lnrpc.OutPoint outpoint = 1 [json_name = "outpoint"];
// The witness type of the output we're attempting to sweep.
WitnessType witness_type = 2 [json_name = "witness_type"];
// The value of the output we're attempting to sweep.
uint32 amount_sat = 3 [json_name = "amount_sat"];
The fee rate we'll use to sweep the output. The fee rate is only determined
once a sweeping transaction for the output is created, so it's possible for
this to be 0 before this.
uint32 sat_per_byte = 4 [json_name = "sat_per_byte"];
// The number of broadcast attempts we've made to sweep the output.
uint32 broadcast_attempts = 5 [json_name = "broadcast_attempts"];
The next height of the chain at which we'll attempt to broadcast the
sweep transaction of the output.
uint32 next_broadcast_height = 6 [json_name = "next_broadcast_height"];
message PendingSweepsRequest {
message PendingSweepsResponse {
The set of outputs currently being swept by lnd's central batching engine.
repeated PendingSweep pending_sweeps = 1 [json_name = "pending_sweeps"];
message BumpFeeRequest {
// The input we're attempting to bump the fee of.
lnrpc.OutPoint outpoint = 1 [json_name = "outpoint"];
// The target number of blocks that the input should be spent within.
uint32 target_conf = 2 [json_name = "target_conf"];
The fee rate, expressed in sat/byte, that should be used to spend the input
uint32 sat_per_byte = 3 [json_name = "sat_per_byte"];
message BumpFeeResponse {
service WalletKit {
DeriveNextKey attempts to derive the *next* key within the key family
(account in BIP43) specified. This method should return the next external
child within this branch.
rpc DeriveNextKey(KeyReq) returns (signrpc.KeyDescriptor);
DeriveKey attempts to derive an arbitrary key specified by the passed
rpc DeriveKey(signrpc.KeyLocator) returns (signrpc.KeyDescriptor);
NextAddr returns the next unused address within the wallet.
rpc NextAddr(AddrRequest) returns (AddrResponse);
PublishTransaction attempts to publish the passed transaction to the
network. Once this returns without an error, the wallet will continually
attempt to re-broadcast the transaction on start up, until it enters the
rpc PublishTransaction(Transaction) returns (PublishResponse);
SendOutputs is similar to the existing sendmany call in Bitcoind, and
allows the caller to create a transaction that sends to several outputs at
once. This is ideal when wanting to batch create a set of transactions.
rpc SendOutputs(SendOutputsRequest) returns (SendOutputsResponse);
EstimateFee attempts to query the internal fee estimator of the wallet to
determine the fee (in sat/kw) to attach to a transaction in order to
achieve the confirmation target.
rpc EstimateFee(EstimateFeeRequest) returns (EstimateFeeResponse);
PendingSweeps returns lists of on-chain outputs that lnd is currently
attempting to sweep within its central batching engine. Outputs with similar
fee rates are batched together in order to sweep them within a single
NOTE: Some of the fields within PendingSweepsRequest are not guaranteed to
remain supported. This is an advanced API that depends on the internals of
the UtxoSweeper, so things may change.
rpc PendingSweeps(PendingSweepsRequest) returns (PendingSweepsResponse);
BumpFee bumps the fee of an arbitrary input within a transaction. This RPC
takes a different approach than bitcoind's bumpfee command. lnd has a
central batching engine in which inputs with similar fee rates are batched
together to save on transaction fees. Due to this, we cannot rely on
bumping the fee on a specific transaction, since transactions can change at
any point with the addition of new inputs. The list of inputs that
currently exist within lnd's central batching engine can be retrieved
through the PendingSweeps RPC.
When bumping the fee of an input that currently exists within lnd's central
batching engine, a higher fee transaction will be created that replaces the
lower fee transaction through the Replace-By-Fee (RBF) policy. If it
This RPC also serves useful when wanting to perform a Child-Pays-For-Parent
(CPFP), where the child transaction pays for its parent's fee. This can be
done by specifying an outpoint within the low fee transaction that is under
the control of the wallet.
The fee preference can be expressed either as a specific fee rate or a delta
of blocks in which the output should be swept on-chain within. If a fee
preference is not explicitly specified, then an error is returned.
Note that this RPC currently doesn't perform any validation checks on the
fee preference being provided. For now, the responsibility of ensuring that
the new fee preference is sufficient is delegated to the user.
rpc BumpFee(BumpFeeRequest) returns (BumpFeeResponse);
syntax = "proto3";
package autopilotrpc;
option go_package = "";
// Autopilot is a service that can be used to get information about the current
// state of the daemon's autopilot agent, and also supply it with information
// that can be used when deciding where to open channels.
service Autopilot {
Status returns whether the daemon's autopilot agent is active.
rpc Status(StatusRequest) returns (StatusResponse);
ModifyStatus is used to modify the status of the autopilot agent, like
enabling or disabling it.
rpc ModifyStatus(ModifyStatusRequest) returns (ModifyStatusResponse);
QueryScores queries all available autopilot heuristics, in addition to any
active combination of these heruristics, for the scores they would give to
the given nodes.
rpc QueryScores(QueryScoresRequest) returns (QueryScoresResponse);
SetScores attempts to set the scores used by the running autopilot agent,
if the external scoring heuristic is enabled.
rpc SetScores(SetScoresRequest) returns (SetScoresResponse);
message StatusRequest{
message StatusResponse{
/// Indicates whether the autopilot is active or not.
bool active = 1 [json_name = "active"];
message ModifyStatusRequest{
/// Whether the autopilot agent should be enabled or not.
bool enable = 1 [json_name = "enable"];
message ModifyStatusResponse {}
message QueryScoresRequest{
repeated string pubkeys = 1 [json_name = "pubkeys"];
/// If set, we will ignore the local channel state when calculating scores.
bool ignore_local_state = 2 [json_name = "no_state"];
message QueryScoresResponse {
message HeuristicResult {
string heuristic = 1 [json_name = "heuristic"];
map<string, double> scores= 2 [json_name = "scores"];
repeated HeuristicResult results = 1 [json_name = "results"];
message SetScoresRequest{
/// The name of the heuristic to provide scores to.
string heuristic = 1 [json_name = "heuristic"];
A map from hex-encoded public keys to scores. Scores must be in the range
[0.0, 1.0].
map<string, double> scores = 2 [json_name = "scores"];
message SetScoresResponse {}
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "rpc.proto";
package invoicesrpc;
option go_package = "";
// Invoices is a service that can be used to create, accept, settle and cancel
// invoices.
service Invoices {
SubscribeSingleInvoice returns a uni-directional stream (server -> client)
to notify the client of state transitions of the specified invoice.
Initially the current invoice state is always sent out.
rpc SubscribeSingleInvoice (SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest) returns (stream lnrpc.Invoice);
CancelInvoice cancels a currently open invoice. If the invoice is already
canceled, this call will succeed. If the invoice is already settled, it will
rpc CancelInvoice(CancelInvoiceMsg) returns (CancelInvoiceResp);
AddHoldInvoice creates a hold invoice. It ties the invoice to the hash
supplied in the request.
rpc AddHoldInvoice(AddHoldInvoiceRequest) returns (AddHoldInvoiceResp);
SettleInvoice settles an accepted invoice. If the invoice is already
settled, this call will succeed.
rpc SettleInvoice(SettleInvoiceMsg) returns (SettleInvoiceResp);
message CancelInvoiceMsg {
/// Hash corresponding to the (hold) invoice to cancel.
bytes payment_hash = 1;
message CancelInvoiceResp {}
message AddHoldInvoiceRequest {
An optional memo to attach along with the invoice. Used for record keeping
purposes for the invoice's creator, and will also be set in the description
field of the encoded payment request if the description_hash field is not
being used.
string memo = 1 [json_name = "memo"];
/// The hash of the preimage
bytes hash = 2 [json_name = "hash"];
/// The value of this invoice in satoshis
int64 value = 3 [json_name = "value"];
Hash (SHA-256) of a description of the payment. Used if the description of
payment (memo) is too long to naturally fit within the description field
of an encoded payment request.
bytes description_hash = 4 [json_name = "description_hash"];
/// Payment request expiry time in seconds. Default is 3600 (1 hour).
int64 expiry = 5 [json_name = "expiry"];
/// Fallback on-chain address.
string fallback_addr = 6 [json_name = "fallback_addr"];
/// Delta to use for the time-lock of the CLTV extended to the final hop.
uint64 cltv_expiry = 7 [json_name = "cltv_expiry"];
Route hints that can each be individually used to assist in reaching the
invoice's destination.
repeated lnrpc.RouteHint route_hints = 8 [json_name = "route_hints"];
/// Whether this invoice should include routing hints for private channels.
bool private = 9 [json_name = "private"];
message AddHoldInvoiceResp {
A bare-bones invoice for a payment within the Lightning Network. With the
details of the invoice, the sender has all the data necessary to send a
payment to the recipient.
string payment_request = 1 [json_name = "payment_request"];
message SettleInvoiceMsg {
/// Externally discovered pre-image that should be used to settle the hold invoice.
bytes preimage = 1;
message SettleInvoiceResp {}
message SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest {
reserved 1;
/// Hash corresponding to the (hold) invoice to subscribe to.
bytes r_hash = 2 [json_name = "r_hash"];
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
package lnrpc;
option go_package = "";
* Comments in this file will be directly parsed into the API
* Documentation as descriptions of the associated method, message, or field.
* These descriptions should go right above the definition of the object, and
* can be in either block or /// comment format.
* One edge case exists where a // comment followed by a /// comment in the
* next line will cause the description not to show up in the documentation. In
* that instance, simply separate the two comments with a blank line.
* An RPC method can be matched to an lncli command by placing a line in the
* beginning of the description in exactly the following format:
* lncli: `methodname`
* Failure to specify the exact name of the command will cause documentation
* generation to fail.
* More information on how exactly the gRPC documentation is generated from
* this proto file can be found here:
// The WalletUnlocker service is used to set up a wallet password for
// lnd at first startup, and unlock a previously set up wallet.
service WalletUnlocker {
GenSeed is the first method that should be used to instantiate a new lnd
instance. This method allows a caller to generate a new aezeed cipher seed
given an optional passphrase. If provided, the passphrase will be necessary
to decrypt the cipherseed to expose the internal wallet seed.
Once the cipherseed is obtained and verified by the user, the InitWallet
method should be used to commit the newly generated seed, and create the
rpc GenSeed(GenSeedRequest) returns (GenSeedResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/genseed"
InitWallet is used when lnd is starting up for the first time to fully
initialize the daemon and its internal wallet. At the very least a wallet
password must be provided. This will be used to encrypt sensitive material
on disk.
In the case of a recovery scenario, the user can also specify their aezeed
mnemonic and passphrase. If set, then the daemon will use this prior state
to initialize its internal wallet.
Alternatively, this can be used along with the GenSeed RPC to obtain a
seed, then present it to the user. Once it has been verified by the user,
the seed can be fed into this RPC in order to commit the new wallet.
rpc InitWallet(InitWalletRequest) returns (InitWalletResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/initwallet"
body: "*"
/** lncli: `unlock`
UnlockWallet is used at startup of lnd to provide a password to unlock
the wallet database.
rpc UnlockWallet(UnlockWalletRequest) returns (UnlockWalletResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/unlockwallet"
body: "*"
/** lncli: `changepassword`
ChangePassword changes the password of the encrypted wallet. This will
automatically unlock the wallet database if successful.
rpc ChangePassword (ChangePasswordRequest) returns (ChangePasswordResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/changepassword"
body: "*"
message GenSeedRequest {
aezeed_passphrase is an optional user provided passphrase that will be used
to encrypt the generated aezeed cipher seed.
bytes aezeed_passphrase = 1;
seed_entropy is an optional 16-bytes generated via CSPRNG. If not
specified, then a fresh set of randomness will be used to create the seed.
bytes seed_entropy = 2;
message GenSeedResponse {
cipher_seed_mnemonic is a 24-word mnemonic that encodes a prior aezeed
cipher seed obtained by the user. This field is optional, as if not
provided, then the daemon will generate a new cipher seed for the user.
Otherwise, then the daemon will attempt to recover the wallet state linked
to this cipher seed.
repeated string cipher_seed_mnemonic = 1;
enciphered_seed are the raw aezeed cipher seed bytes. This is the raw
cipher text before run through our mnemonic encoding scheme.
bytes enciphered_seed = 2;
message InitWalletRequest {
wallet_password is the passphrase that should be used to encrypt the
wallet. This MUST be at least 8 chars in length. After creation, this
password is required to unlock the daemon.
bytes wallet_password = 1;
cipher_seed_mnemonic is a 24-word mnemonic that encodes a prior aezeed
cipher seed obtained by the user. This may have been generated by the
GenSeed method, or be an existing seed.
repeated string cipher_seed_mnemonic = 2;
aezeed_passphrase is an optional user provided passphrase that will be used
to encrypt the generated aezeed cipher seed.
bytes aezeed_passphrase = 3;
recovery_window is an optional argument specifying the address lookahead
when restoring a wallet seed. The recovery window applies to each
individual branch of the BIP44 derivation paths. Supplying a recovery
window of zero indicates that no addresses should be recovered, such after
the first initialization of the wallet.
int32 recovery_window = 4;
channel_backups is an optional argument that allows clients to recover the
settled funds within a set of channels. This should be populated if the
user was unable to close out all channels and sweep funds before partial or
total data loss occurred. If specified, then after on-chain recovery of
funds, lnd begin to carry out the data loss recovery protocol in order to
recover the funds in each channel from a remote force closed transaction.
ChanBackupSnapshot channel_backups = 5;
message InitWalletResponse {
message UnlockWalletRequest {
wallet_password should be the current valid passphrase for the daemon. This
will be required to decrypt on-disk material that the daemon requires to
function properly.
bytes wallet_password = 1;
recovery_window is an optional argument specifying the address lookahead
when restoring a wallet seed. The recovery window applies to each
individual branch of the BIP44 derivation paths. Supplying a recovery
window of zero indicates that no addresses should be recovered, such after
the first initialization of the wallet.
int32 recovery_window = 2;
channel_backups is an optional argument that allows clients to recover the
settled funds within a set of channels. This should be populated if the
user was unable to close out all channels and sweep funds before partial or
total data loss occurred. If specified, then after on-chain recovery of
funds, lnd begin to carry out the data loss recovery protocol in order to
recover the funds in each channel from a remote force closed transaction.
ChanBackupSnapshot channel_backups = 3;
message UnlockWalletResponse {}
message ChangePasswordRequest {
current_password should be the current valid passphrase used to unlock the
bytes current_password = 1;
new_password should be the new passphrase that will be needed to unlock the
bytes new_password = 2;
message ChangePasswordResponse {}
service Lightning {
/** lncli: `walletbalance`
WalletBalance returns total unspent outputs(confirmed and unconfirmed), all
confirmed unspent outputs and all unconfirmed unspent outputs under control
of the wallet.
rpc WalletBalance (WalletBalanceRequest) returns (WalletBalanceResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/balance/blockchain"
/** lncli: `channelbalance`
ChannelBalance returns the total funds available across all open channels
in satoshis.
rpc ChannelBalance (ChannelBalanceRequest) returns (ChannelBalanceResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/balance/channels"
/** lncli: `listchaintxns`
GetTransactions returns a list describing all the known transactions
relevant to the wallet.
rpc GetTransactions (GetTransactionsRequest) returns (TransactionDetails) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/transactions"
/** lncli: `estimatefee`
EstimateFee asks the chain backend to estimate the fee rate and total fees
for a transaction that pays to multiple specified outputs.
rpc EstimateFee (EstimateFeeRequest) returns (EstimateFeeResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/transactions/fee"
/** lncli: `sendcoins`
SendCoins executes a request to send coins to a particular address. Unlike
SendMany, this RPC call only allows creating a single output at a time. If
neither target_conf, or sat_per_byte are set, then the internal wallet will
consult its fee model to determine a fee for the default confirmation
rpc SendCoins (SendCoinsRequest) returns (SendCoinsResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/transactions"
body: "*"
/** lncli: `listunspent`
ListUnspent returns a list of all utxos spendable by the wallet with a
number of confirmations between the specified minimum and maximum.
rpc ListUnspent (ListUnspentRequest) returns (ListUnspentResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/utxos"
SubscribeTransactions creates a uni-directional stream from the server to
the client in which any newly discovered transactions relevant to the
wallet are sent over.
rpc SubscribeTransactions (GetTransactionsRequest) returns (stream Transaction);
/** lncli: `sendmany`
SendMany handles a request for a transaction that creates multiple specified
outputs in parallel. If neither target_conf, or sat_per_byte are set, then
the internal wallet will consult its fee model to determine a fee for the
default confirmation target.
rpc SendMany (SendManyRequest) returns (SendManyResponse);
/** lncli: `newaddress`
NewAddress creates a new address under control of the local wallet.
rpc NewAddress (NewAddressRequest) returns (NewAddressResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/newaddress"
/** lncli: `signmessage`
SignMessage signs a message with this node's private key. The returned
signature string is `zbase32` encoded and pubkey recoverable, meaning that
only the message digest and signature are needed for verification.
rpc SignMessage (SignMessageRequest) returns (SignMessageResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/signmessage"
body: "*"
/** lncli: `verifymessage`
VerifyMessage verifies a signature over a msg. The signature must be
zbase32 encoded and signed by an active node in the resident node's
channel database. In addition to returning the validity of the signature,
VerifyMessage also returns the recovered pubkey from the signature.
rpc VerifyMessage (VerifyMessageRequest) returns (VerifyMessageResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/verifymessage"
body: "*"
/** lncli: `connect`
ConnectPeer attempts to establish a connection to a remote peer. This is at
the networking level, and is used for communication between nodes. This is
distinct from establishing a channel with a peer.
rpc ConnectPeer (ConnectPeerRequest) returns (ConnectPeerResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/peers"
body: "*"
/** lncli: `disconnect`
DisconnectPeer attempts to disconnect one peer from another identified by a
given pubKey. In the case that we currently have a pending or active channel
with the target peer, then this action will be not be allowed.
rpc DisconnectPeer (DisconnectPeerRequest) returns (DisconnectPeerResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
delete: "/v1/peers/{pub_key}"
/** lncli: `listpeers`
ListPeers returns a verbose listing of all currently active peers.
rpc ListPeers (ListPeersRequest) returns (ListPeersResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/peers"
/** lncli: `getinfo`
GetInfo returns general information concerning the lightning node including
it's identity pubkey, alias, the chains it is connected to, and information
concerning the number of open+pending channels.
rpc GetInfo (GetInfoRequest) returns (GetInfoResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/getinfo"
// TODO(roasbeef): merge with below with bool?
/** lncli: `pendingchannels`
PendingChannels returns a list of all the channels that are currently
considered "pending". A channel is pending if it has finished the funding
workflow and is waiting for confirmations for the funding txn, or is in the
process of closure, either initiated cooperatively or non-cooperatively.
rpc PendingChannels (PendingChannelsRequest) returns (PendingChannelsResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/channels/pending"
/** lncli: `listchannels`
ListChannels returns a description of all the open channels that this node
is a participant in.
rpc ListChannels (ListChannelsRequest) returns (ListChannelsResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/channels"
SubscribeChannelEvents creates a uni-directional stream from the server to
the client in which any updates relevant to the state of the channels are
sent over. Events include new active channels, inactive channels, and closed
rpc SubscribeChannelEvents (ChannelEventSubscription) returns (stream ChannelEventUpdate);
/** lncli: `closedchannels`
ClosedChannels returns a description of all the closed channels that
this node was a participant in.
rpc ClosedChannels (ClosedChannelsRequest) returns (ClosedChannelsResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/channels/closed"
OpenChannelSync is a synchronous version of the OpenChannel RPC call. This
call is meant to be consumed by clients to the REST proxy. As with all
other sync calls, all byte slices are intended to be populated as hex
encoded strings.
rpc OpenChannelSync (OpenChannelRequest) returns (ChannelPoint) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/channels"
body: "*"
/** lncli: `openchannel`
OpenChannel attempts to open a singly funded channel specified in the
request to a remote peer. Users are able to specify a target number of
blocks that the funding transaction should be confirmed in, or a manual fee
rate to us for the funding transaction. If neither are specified, then a
lax block confirmation target is used.
rpc OpenChannel (OpenChannelRequest) returns (stream OpenStatusUpdate);
/** lncli: `closechannel`
CloseChannel attempts to close an active channel identified by its channel
outpoint (ChannelPoint). The actions of this method can additionally be
augmented to attempt a force close after a timeout period in the case of an
inactive peer. If a non-force close (cooperative closure) is requested,
then the user can specify either a target number of blocks until the
closure transaction is confirmed, or a manual fee rate. If neither are
specified, then a default lax, block confirmation target is used.
rpc CloseChannel (CloseChannelRequest) returns (stream CloseStatusUpdate) {
option (google.api.http) = {
delete: "/v1/channels/{channel_point.funding_txid_str}/{channel_point.output_index}"
/** lncli: `abandonchannel`
AbandonChannel removes all channel state from the database except for a
close summary. This method can be used to get rid of permanently unusable
channels due to bugs fixed in newer versions of lnd. Only available
when in debug builds of lnd.
rpc AbandonChannel (AbandonChannelRequest) returns (AbandonChannelResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
delete: "/v1/channels/abandon/{channel_point.funding_txid_str}/{channel_point.output_index}"
/** lncli: `sendpayment`
SendPayment dispatches a bi-directional streaming RPC for sending payments
through the Lightning Network. A single RPC invocation creates a persistent
bi-directional stream allowing clients to rapidly send payments through the
Lightning Network with a single persistent connection.
rpc SendPayment (stream SendRequest) returns (stream SendResponse);
SendPaymentSync is the synchronous non-streaming version of SendPayment.
This RPC is intended to be consumed by clients of the REST proxy.
Additionally, this RPC expects the destination's public key and the payment
hash (if any) to be encoded as hex strings.
rpc SendPaymentSync (SendRequest) returns (SendResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/channels/transactions"
body: "*"
/** lncli: `sendtoroute`
SendToRoute is a bi-directional streaming RPC for sending payment through
the Lightning Network. This method differs from SendPayment in that it
allows users to specify a full route manually. This can be used for things
like rebalancing, and atomic swaps.
rpc SendToRoute(stream SendToRouteRequest) returns (stream SendResponse);
SendToRouteSync is a synchronous version of SendToRoute. It Will block
until the payment either fails or succeeds.
rpc SendToRouteSync (SendToRouteRequest) returns (SendResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/channels/transactions/route"
body: "*"
/** lncli: `addinvoice`
AddInvoice attempts to add a new invoice to the invoice database. Any
duplicated invoices are rejected, therefore all invoices *must* have a
unique payment preimage.
rpc AddInvoice (Invoice) returns (AddInvoiceResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/invoices"
body: "*"
/** lncli: `listinvoices`
ListInvoices returns a list of all the invoices currently stored within the
database. Any active debug invoices are ignored. It has full support for
paginated responses, allowing users to query for specific invoices through
their add_index. This can be done by using either the first_index_offset or
last_index_offset fields included in the response as the index_offset of the
next request. By default, the first 100 invoices created will be returned.
Backwards pagination is also supported through the Reversed flag.
rpc ListInvoices (ListInvoiceRequest) returns (ListInvoiceResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/invoices"
/** lncli: `lookupinvoice`
LookupInvoice attempts to look up an invoice according to its payment hash.
The passed payment hash *must* be exactly 32 bytes, if not, an error is
rpc LookupInvoice (PaymentHash) returns (Invoice) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/invoice/{r_hash_str}"
SubscribeInvoices returns a uni-directional stream (server -> client) for
notifying the client of newly added/settled invoices. The caller can
optionally specify the add_index and/or the settle_index. If the add_index
is specified, then we'll first start by sending add invoice events for all
invoices with an add_index greater than the specified value. If the
settle_index is specified, the next, we'll send out all settle events for
invoices with a settle_index greater than the specified value. One or both
of these fields can be set. If no fields are set, then we'll only send out
the latest add/settle events.
rpc SubscribeInvoices (InvoiceSubscription) returns (stream Invoice) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/invoices/subscribe"
/** lncli: `decodepayreq`
DecodePayReq takes an encoded payment request string and attempts to decode
it, returning a full description of the conditions encoded within the
payment request.
rpc DecodePayReq (PayReqString) returns (PayReq) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/payreq/{pay_req}"
/** lncli: `listpayments`
ListPayments returns a list of all outgoing payments.
rpc ListPayments (ListPaymentsRequest) returns (ListPaymentsResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/payments"
DeleteAllPayments deletes all outgoing payments from DB.
rpc DeleteAllPayments (DeleteAllPaymentsRequest) returns (DeleteAllPaymentsResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
delete: "/v1/payments"
/** lncli: `describegraph`
DescribeGraph returns a description of the latest graph state from the
point of view of the node. The graph information is partitioned into two
components: all the nodes/vertexes, and all the edges that connect the
vertexes themselves. As this is a directed graph, the edges also contain
the node directional specific routing policy which includes: the time lock
delta, fee information, etc.
rpc DescribeGraph (ChannelGraphRequest) returns (ChannelGraph) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/graph"
/** lncli: `getchaninfo`
GetChanInfo returns the latest authenticated network announcement for the
given channel identified by its channel ID: an 8-byte integer which
uniquely identifies the location of transaction's funding output within the
rpc GetChanInfo (ChanInfoRequest) returns (ChannelEdge) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/graph/edge/{chan_id}"
/** lncli: `getnodeinfo`
GetNodeInfo returns the latest advertised, aggregated, and authenticated
channel information for the specified node identified by its public key.
rpc GetNodeInfo (NodeInfoRequest) returns (NodeInfo) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/graph/node/{pub_key}"
/** lncli: `queryroutes`
QueryRoutes attempts to query the daemon's Channel Router for a possible
route to a target destination capable of carrying a specific amount of
satoshis. The returned route contains the full details required to craft and
send an HTLC, also including the necessary information that should be
present within the Sphinx packet encapsulated within the HTLC.
rpc QueryRoutes(QueryRoutesRequest) returns (QueryRoutesResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/graph/routes/{pub_key}/{amt}"
/** lncli: `getnetworkinfo`
GetNetworkInfo returns some basic stats about the known channel graph from
the point of view of the node.
rpc GetNetworkInfo (NetworkInfoRequest) returns (NetworkInfo) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/graph/info"
/** lncli: `stop`
StopDaemon will send a shutdown request to the interrupt handler, triggering
a graceful shutdown of the daemon.
rpc StopDaemon(StopRequest) returns (StopResponse);
SubscribeChannelGraph launches a streaming RPC that allows the caller to
receive notifications upon any changes to the channel graph topology from
the point of view of the responding node. Events notified include: new
nodes coming online, nodes updating their authenticated attributes, new
channels being advertised, updates in the routing policy for a directional
channel edge, and when channels are closed on-chain.
rpc SubscribeChannelGraph(GraphTopologySubscription) returns (stream GraphTopologyUpdate);
/** lncli: `debuglevel`
DebugLevel allows a caller to programmatically set the logging verbosity of
lnd. The logging can be targeted according to a coarse daemon-wide logging
level, or in a granular fashion to specify the logging for a target
rpc DebugLevel (DebugLevelRequest) returns (DebugLevelResponse);
/** lncli: `feereport`
FeeReport allows the caller to obtain a report detailing the current fee
schedule enforced by the node globally for each channel.
rpc FeeReport(FeeReportRequest) returns (FeeReportResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/fees"
/** lncli: `updatechanpolicy`
UpdateChannelPolicy allows the caller to update the fee schedule and
channel policies for all channels globally, or a particular channel.
rpc UpdateChannelPolicy(PolicyUpdateRequest) returns (PolicyUpdateResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/chanpolicy"
body: "*"
/** lncli: `fwdinghistory`
ForwardingHistory allows the caller to query the htlcswitch for a record of
all HTLCs forwarded within the target time range, and integer offset
within that time range. If no time-range is specified, then the first chunk
of the past 24 hrs of forwarding history are returned.
A list of forwarding events are returned. The size of each forwarding event
is 40 bytes, and the max message size able to be returned in gRPC is 4 MiB.
As a result each message can only contain 50k entries. Each response has
the index offset of the last entry. The index offset can be provided to the
request to allow the caller to skip a series of records.
rpc ForwardingHistory(ForwardingHistoryRequest) returns (ForwardingHistoryResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/switch"
body: "*"
/** lncli: `exportchanbackup`
ExportChannelBackup attempts to return an encrypted static channel backup
for the target channel identified by it channel point. The backup is
encrypted with a key generated from the aezeed seed of the user. The
returned backup can either be restored using the RestoreChannelBackup
method once lnd is running, or via the InitWallet and UnlockWallet methods
from the WalletUnlocker service.
rpc ExportChannelBackup(ExportChannelBackupRequest) returns (ChannelBackup) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/channels/backup/{chan_point.funding_txid_str}/{chan_point.output_index}"
ExportAllChannelBackups returns static channel backups for all existing
channels known to lnd. A set of regular singular static channel backups for
each channel are returned. Additionally, a multi-channel backup is returned
as well, which contains a single encrypted blob containing the backups of
each channel.
rpc ExportAllChannelBackups(ChanBackupExportRequest) returns (ChanBackupSnapshot) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/channels/backup"
VerifyChanBackup allows a caller to verify the integrity of a channel backup
snapshot. This method will accept either a packed Single or a packed Multi.
Specifying both will result in an error.
rpc VerifyChanBackup(ChanBackupSnapshot) returns (VerifyChanBackupResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/channels/backup/verify"
body: "*"
/** lncli: `restorechanbackup`
RestoreChannelBackups accepts a set of singular channel backups, or a
single encrypted multi-chan backup and attempts to recover any funds
remaining within the channel. If we are able to unpack the backup, then the
new channel will be shown under listchannels, as well as pending channels.
rpc RestoreChannelBackups(RestoreChanBackupRequest) returns (RestoreBackupResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/channels/backup/restore"
body: "*"
SubscribeChannelBackups allows a client to sub-subscribe to the most up to
date information concerning the state of all channel backups. Each time a
new channel is added, we return the new set of channels, along with a
multi-chan backup containing the backup info for all channels. Each time a
channel is closed, we send a new update, which contains new new chan back
ups, but the updated set of encrypted multi-chan backups with the closed
channel(s) removed.
rpc SubscribeChannelBackups(ChannelBackupSubscription) returns (stream ChanBackupSnapshot) {
message Utxo {
/// The type of address
AddressType type = 1 [json_name = "address_type"];
/// The address
string address = 2 [json_name = "address"];
/// The value of the unspent coin in satoshis
int64 amount_sat = 3 [json_name = "amount_sat"];
/// The pkscript in hex
string pk_script = 4 [json_name = "pk_script"];
/// The outpoint in format txid:n
OutPoint outpoint = 5 [json_name = "outpoint"];
/// The number of confirmations for the Utxo
int64 confirmations = 6 [json_name = "confirmations"];
message Transaction {
/// The transaction hash
string tx_hash = 1 [ json_name = "tx_hash" ];
/// The transaction amount, denominated in satoshis
int64 amount = 2 [ json_name = "amount" ];
/// The number of confirmations
int32 num_confirmations = 3 [ json_name = "num_confirmations" ];
/// The hash of the block this transaction was included in
string block_hash = 4 [ json_name = "block_hash" ];
/// The height of the block this transaction was included in
int32 block_height = 5 [ json_name = "block_height" ];
/// Timestamp of this transaction
int64 time_stamp = 6 [ json_name = "time_stamp" ];
/// Fees paid for this transaction
int64 total_fees = 7 [ json_name = "total_fees" ];
/// Addresses that received funds for this transaction
repeated string dest_addresses = 8 [ json_name = "dest_addresses" ];
/// The raw transaction hex.
string raw_tx_hex = 9 [ json_name = "raw_tx_hex" ];
message GetTransactionsRequest {
message TransactionDetails {
/// The list of transactions relevant to the wallet.
repeated Transaction transactions = 1 [json_name = "transactions"];
message FeeLimit {
oneof limit {
/// The fee limit expressed as a fixed amount of satoshis.
int64 fixed = 1;
/// The fee limit expressed as a percentage of the payment amount.
int64 percent = 2;
message SendRequest {
/// The identity pubkey of the payment recipient
bytes dest = 1;
/// The hex-encoded identity pubkey of the payment recipient
string dest_string = 2;
/// Number of satoshis to send.
int64 amt = 3;
/// The hash to use within the payment's HTLC
bytes payment_hash = 4;
/// The hex-encoded hash to use within the payment's HTLC
string payment_hash_string = 5;
A bare-bones invoice for a payment within the Lightning Network. With the
details of the invoice, the sender has all the data necessary to send a
payment to the recipient.
string payment_request = 6;
The CLTV delta from the current height that should be used to set the
timelock for the final hop.
int32 final_cltv_delta = 7;
The maximum number of satoshis that will be paid as a fee of the payment.
This value can be represented either as a percentage of the amount being
sent, or as a fixed amount of the maximum fee the user is willing the pay to
send the payment.
FeeLimit fee_limit = 8;
The channel id of the channel that must be taken to the first hop. If zero,
any channel may be used.
uint64 outgoing_chan_id = 9;
An optional maximum total time lock for the route. If zero, there is no
maximum enforced.
uint32 cltv_limit = 10;
An optional field that can be used to pass an arbitrary set of TLV records
to a peer which understands the new records. This can be used to pass
application specific data during the payment attempt.
map<uint64, bytes> dest_tlv = 11;
message SendResponse {
string payment_error = 1 [json_name = "payment_error"];
bytes payment_preimage = 2 [json_name = "payment_preimage"];
Route payment_route = 3 [json_name = "payment_route"];
bytes payment_hash = 4 [json_name = "payment_hash"];
message SendToRouteRequest {
/// The payment hash to use for the HTLC.
bytes payment_hash = 1;
/// An optional hex-encoded payment hash to be used for the HTLC.
string payment_hash_string = 2;
reserved 3;
/// Route that should be used to attempt to complete the payment.
Route route = 4;
message ChannelPoint {
oneof funding_txid {
/// Txid of the funding transaction
bytes funding_txid_bytes = 1 [json_name = "funding_txid_bytes"];
/// Hex-encoded string representing the funding transaction
string funding_txid_str = 2 [json_name = "funding_txid_str"];
/// The index of the output of the funding transaction
uint32 output_index = 3 [json_name = "output_index"];
message OutPoint {
/// Raw bytes representing the transaction id.
bytes txid_bytes = 1 [json_name = "txid_bytes"];
/// Reversed, hex-encoded string representing the transaction id.
string txid_str = 2 [json_name = "txid_str"];
/// The index of the output on the transaction.
uint32 output_index = 3 [json_name = "output_index"];
message LightningAddress {
/// The identity pubkey of the Lightning node
string pubkey = 1 [json_name = "pubkey"];
/// The network location of the lightning node, e.g. `` or `localhost:10011`
string host = 2 [json_name = "host"];
message EstimateFeeRequest {
/// The map from addresses to amounts for the transaction.
map<string, int64> AddrToAmount = 1;
/// The target number of blocks that this transaction should be confirmed by.
int32 target_conf = 2;
message EstimateFeeResponse {
/// The total fee in satoshis.
int64 fee_sat = 1 [json_name = "fee_sat"];
/// The fee rate in satoshi/byte.
int64 feerate_sat_per_byte = 2 [json_name = "feerate_sat_per_byte"];
message SendManyRequest {
/// The map from addresses to amounts
map<string, int64> AddrToAmount = 1;
/// The target number of blocks that this transaction should be confirmed by.
int32 target_conf = 3;
/// A manual fee rate set in sat/byte that should be used when crafting the transaction.
int64 sat_per_byte = 5;
message SendManyResponse {
/// The id of the transaction
string txid = 1 [json_name = "txid"];
message SendCoinsRequest {
/// The address to send coins to
string addr = 1;
/// The amount in satoshis to send
int64 amount = 2;
/// The target number of blocks that this transaction should be confirmed by.
int32 target_conf = 3;
/// A manual fee rate set in sat/byte that should be used when crafting the transaction.
int64 sat_per_byte = 5;
If set, then the amount field will be ignored, and lnd will attempt to
send all the coins under control of the internal wallet to the specified
bool send_all = 6;
message SendCoinsResponse {
/// The transaction ID of the transaction
string txid = 1 [json_name = "txid"];
message ListUnspentRequest {
/// The minimum number of confirmations to be included.
int32 min_confs = 1;
/// The maximum number of confirmations to be included.
int32 max_confs = 2;
message ListUnspentResponse {
/// A list of utxos
repeated Utxo utxos = 1 [json_name = "utxos"];
`AddressType` has to be one of:
- `p2wkh`: Pay to witness key hash (`WITNESS_PUBKEY_HASH` = 0)
- `np2wkh`: Pay to nested witness key hash (`NESTED_PUBKEY_HASH` = 1)
enum AddressType {
message NewAddressRequest {
/// The address type
AddressType type = 1;
message NewAddressResponse {
/// The newly generated wallet address
string address = 1 [json_name = "address"];
message SignMessageRequest {
/// The message to be signed
bytes msg = 1 [ json_name = "msg" ];
message SignMessageResponse {
/// The signature for the given message
string signature = 1 [ json_name = "signature" ];
message VerifyMessageRequest {
/// The message over which the signature is to be verified
bytes msg = 1 [ json_name = "msg" ];
/// The signature to be verified over the given message
string signature = 2 [ json_name = "signature" ];
message VerifyMessageResponse {
/// Whether the signature was valid over the given message
bool valid = 1 [ json_name = "valid" ];
/// The pubkey recovered from the signature
string pubkey = 2 [ json_name = "pubkey" ];
message ConnectPeerRequest {
/// Lightning address of the peer, in the format `<pubkey>@host`
LightningAddress addr = 1;
/** If set, the daemon will attempt to persistently connect to the target
* peer. Otherwise, the call will be synchronous. */
bool perm = 2;
message ConnectPeerResponse {
message DisconnectPeerRequest {
/// The pubkey of the node to disconnect from
string pub_key = 1 [json_name = "pub_key"];
message DisconnectPeerResponse {
message HTLC {
bool incoming = 1 [json_name = "incoming"];
int64 amount = 2 [json_name = "amount"];
bytes hash_lock = 3 [json_name = "hash_lock"];
uint32 expiration_height = 4 [json_name = "expiration_height"];
message Channel {
/// Whether this channel is active or not
bool active = 1 [json_name = "active"];
/// The identity pubkey of the remote node
string remote_pubkey = 2 [json_name = "remote_pubkey"];
The outpoint (txid:index) of the funding transaction. With this value, Bob
will be able to generate a signature for Alice's version of the commitment
string channel_point = 3 [json_name = "channel_point"];
The unique channel ID for the channel. The first 3 bytes are the block
height, the next 3 the index within the block, and the last 2 bytes are the
output index for the channel.
uint64 chan_id = 4 [json_name = "chan_id"];
/// The total amount of funds held in this channel
int64 capacity = 5 [json_name = "capacity"];
/// This node's current balance in this channel
int64 local_balance = 6 [json_name = "local_balance"];
/// The counterparty's current balance in this channel
int64 remote_balance = 7 [json_name = "remote_balance"];
The amount calculated to be paid in fees for the current set of commitment
transactions. The fee amount is persisted with the channel in order to
allow the fee amount to be removed and recalculated with each channel state
update, including updates that happen after a system restart.
int64 commit_fee = 8 [json_name = "commit_fee"];
/// The weight of the commitment transaction
int64 commit_weight = 9 [json_name = "commit_weight"];
The required number of satoshis per kilo-weight that the requester will pay
at all times, for both the funding transaction and commitment transaction.
This value can later be updated once the channel is open.
int64 fee_per_kw = 10 [json_name = "fee_per_kw"];
/// The unsettled balance in this channel
int64 unsettled_balance = 11 [json_name = "unsettled_balance"];
The total number of satoshis we've sent within this channel.
int64 total_satoshis_sent = 12 [json_name = "total_satoshis_sent"];
The total number of satoshis we've received within this channel.
int64 total_satoshis_received = 13 [json_name = "total_satoshis_received"];
The total number of updates conducted within this channel.
uint64 num_updates = 14 [json_name = "num_updates"];
The list of active, uncleared HTLCs currently pending within the channel.
repeated HTLC pending_htlcs = 15 [json_name = "pending_htlcs"];
The CSV delay expressed in relative blocks. If the channel is force closed,
we will need to wait for this many blocks before we can regain our funds.
uint32 csv_delay = 16 [json_name = "csv_delay"];
/// Whether this channel is advertised to the network or not.
bool private = 17 [json_name = "private"];
/// True if we were the ones that created the channel.
bool initiator = 18 [json_name = "initiator"];
/// A set of flags showing the current state of the channel.
string chan_status_flags = 19 [json_name = "chan_status_flags"];
/// The minimum satoshis this node is required to reserve in its balance.
int64 local_chan_reserve_sat = 20 [json_name = "local_chan_reserve_sat"];
The minimum satoshis the other node is required to reserve in its balance.
int64 remote_chan_reserve_sat = 21 [json_name = "remote_chan_reserve_sat"];
message ListChannelsRequest {
bool active_only = 1;
bool inactive_only = 2;
bool public_only = 3;
bool private_only = 4;
message ListChannelsResponse {
/// The list of active channels
repeated Channel channels = 11 [json_name = "channels"];
message ChannelCloseSummary {
/// The outpoint (txid:index) of the funding transaction.
string channel_point = 1 [json_name = "channel_point"];
/// The unique channel ID for the channel.
uint64 chan_id = 2 [json_name = "chan_id"];
/// The hash of the genesis block that this channel resides within.
string chain_hash = 3 [json_name = "chain_hash"];
/// The txid of the transaction which ultimately closed this channel.
string closing_tx_hash = 4 [json_name = "closing_tx_hash"];
/// Public key of the remote peer that we formerly had a channel with.
string remote_pubkey = 5 [json_name = "remote_pubkey"];
/// Total capacity of the channel.
int64 capacity = 6 [json_name = "capacity"];
/// Height at which the funding transaction was spent.
uint32 close_height = 7 [json_name = "close_height"];
/// Settled balance at the time of channel closure
int64 settled_balance = 8 [json_name = "settled_balance"];
/// The sum of all the time-locked outputs at the time of channel closure
int64 time_locked_balance = 9 [json_name = "time_locked_balance"];
enum ClosureType {
/// Details on how the channel was closed.
ClosureType close_type = 10 [json_name = "close_type"];
message ClosedChannelsRequest {
bool cooperative = 1;
bool local_force = 2;
bool remote_force = 3;
bool breach = 4;
bool funding_canceled = 5;
bool abandoned = 6;
message ClosedChannelsResponse {
repeated ChannelCloseSummary channels = 1 [json_name = "channels"];
message Peer {
/// The identity pubkey of the peer
string pub_key = 1 [json_name = "pub_key"];
/// Network address of the peer; eg ``
string address = 3 [json_name = "address"];
/// Bytes of data transmitted to this peer
uint64 bytes_sent = 4 [json_name = "bytes_sent"];
/// Bytes of data transmitted from this peer
uint64 bytes_recv = 5 [json_name = "bytes_recv"];
/// Satoshis sent to this peer
int64 sat_sent = 6 [json_name = "sat_sent"];
/// Satoshis received from this peer
int64 sat_recv = 7 [json_name = "sat_recv"];
/// A channel is inbound if the counterparty initiated the channel
bool inbound = 8 [json_name = "inbound"];
/// Ping time to this peer
int64 ping_time = 9 [json_name = "ping_time"];
enum SyncType {
Denotes that we cannot determine the peer's current sync type.
Denotes that we are actively receiving new graph updates from the peer.
Denotes that we are not receiving new graph updates from the peer.
// The type of sync we are currently performing with this peer.
SyncType sync_type = 10 [json_name = "sync_type"];
message ListPeersRequest {
message ListPeersResponse {
/// The list of currently connected peers
repeated Peer peers = 1 [json_name = "peers"];
message GetInfoRequest {
message GetInfoResponse {
/// The identity pubkey of the current node.
string identity_pubkey = 1 [json_name = "identity_pubkey"];
/// If applicable, the alias of the current node, e.g. "bob"
string alias = 2 [json_name = "alias"];
/// Number of pending channels
uint32 num_pending_channels = 3 [json_name = "num_pending_channels"];
/// Number of active channels
uint32 num_active_channels = 4 [json_name = "num_active_channels"];
/// Number of peers
uint32 num_peers = 5 [json_name = "num_peers"];
/// The node's current view of the height of the best block
uint32 block_height = 6 [json_name = "block_height"];
/// The node's current view of the hash of the best block
string block_hash = 8 [json_name = "block_hash"];
/// Whether the wallet's view is synced to the main chain
bool synced_to_chain = 9 [json_name = "synced_to_chain"];
Whether the current node is connected to testnet. This field is
deprecated and the network field should be used instead
bool testnet = 10 [json_name = "testnet", deprecated = true];
reserved 11;
/// The URIs of the current node.
repeated string uris = 12 [json_name = "uris"];
/// Timestamp of the block best known to the wallet
int64 best_header_timestamp = 13 [ json_name = "best_header_timestamp" ];
/// The version of the LND software that the node is running.
string version = 14 [ json_name = "version" ];
/// Number of inactive channels
uint32 num_inactive_channels = 15 [json_name = "num_inactive_channels"];
/// A list of active chains the node is connected to
repeated Chain chains = 16 [json_name = "chains"];
/// The color of the current node in hex code format
string color = 17 [json_name = "color"];
// Whether we consider ourselves synced with the public channel graph.
bool synced_to_graph = 18 [json_name = "synced_to_graph"];
message Chain {
/// The blockchain the node is on (eg bitcoin, litecoin)
string chain = 1 [json_name = "chain"];
/// The network the node is on (eg regtest, testnet, mainnet)
string network = 2 [json_name = "network"];
message ConfirmationUpdate {
bytes block_sha = 1;
int32 block_height = 2;
uint32 num_confs_left = 3;
message ChannelOpenUpdate {
ChannelPoint channel_point = 1 [json_name = "channel_point"];
message ChannelCloseUpdate {
bytes closing_txid = 1 [json_name = "closing_txid"];
bool success = 2 [json_name = "success"];
message CloseChannelRequest {
The outpoint (txid:index) of the funding transaction. With this value, Bob
will be able to generate a signature for Alice's version of the commitment
ChannelPoint channel_point = 1;
/// If true, then the channel will be closed forcibly. This means the current commitment transaction will be signed and broadcast.
bool force = 2;
/// The target number of blocks that the closure transaction should be confirmed by.
int32 target_conf = 3;
/// A manual fee rate set in sat/byte that should be used when crafting the closure transaction.
int64 sat_per_byte = 4;
message CloseStatusUpdate {
oneof update {
PendingUpdate close_pending = 1 [json_name = "close_pending"];
ChannelCloseUpdate chan_close = 3 [json_name = "chan_close"];
message PendingUpdate {
bytes txid = 1 [json_name = "txid"];
uint32 output_index = 2 [json_name = "output_index"];
message OpenChannelRequest {
/// The pubkey of the node to open a channel with
bytes node_pubkey = 2 [json_name = "node_pubkey"];
/// The hex encoded pubkey of the node to open a channel with
string node_pubkey_string = 3 [json_name = "node_pubkey_string"];
/// The number of satoshis the wallet should commit to the channel
int64 local_funding_amount = 4 [json_name = "local_funding_amount"];
/// The number of satoshis to push to the remote side as part of the initial commitment state
int64 push_sat = 5 [json_name = "push_sat"];
/// The target number of blocks that the funding transaction should be confirmed by.
int32 target_conf = 6;
/// A manual fee rate set in sat/byte that should be used when crafting the funding transaction.
int64 sat_per_byte = 7;
/// Whether this channel should be private, not announced to the greater network.
bool private = 8 [json_name = "private"];
/// The minimum value in millisatoshi we will require for incoming HTLCs on the channel.
int64 min_htlc_msat = 9 [json_name = "min_htlc_msat"];
/// The delay we require on the remote's commitment transaction. If this is not set, it will be scaled automatically with the channel size.
uint32 remote_csv_delay = 10 [json_name = "remote_csv_delay"];
/// The minimum number of confirmations each one of your outputs used for the funding transaction must satisfy.
int32 min_confs = 11 [json_name = "min_confs"];
/// Whether unconfirmed outputs should be used as inputs for the funding transaction.
bool spend_unconfirmed = 12 [json_name = "spend_unconfirmed"];
message OpenStatusUpdate {
oneof update {
PendingUpdate chan_pending = 1 [json_name = "chan_pending"];
ChannelOpenUpdate chan_open = 3 [json_name = "chan_open"];
message PendingHTLC {
/// The direction within the channel that the htlc was sent
bool incoming = 1 [ json_name = "incoming" ];
/// The total value of the htlc
int64 amount = 2 [ json_name = "amount" ];
/// The final output to be swept back to the user's wallet
string outpoint = 3 [ json_name = "outpoint" ];
/// The next block height at which we can spend the current stage
uint32 maturity_height = 4 [ json_name = "maturity_height" ];
The number of blocks remaining until the current stage can be swept.
Negative values indicate how many blocks have passed since becoming
int32 blocks_til_maturity = 5 [ json_name = "blocks_til_maturity" ];
/// Indicates whether the htlc is in its first or second stage of recovery
uint32 stage = 6 [ json_name = "stage" ];
message PendingChannelsRequest {}
message PendingChannelsResponse {
message PendingChannel {
string remote_node_pub = 1 [ json_name = "remote_node_pub" ];
string channel_point = 2 [ json_name = "channel_point" ];
int64 capacity = 3 [ json_name = "capacity" ];
int64 local_balance = 4 [ json_name = "local_balance" ];
int64 remote_balance = 5 [ json_name = "remote_balance" ];
/// The minimum satoshis this node is required to reserve in its balance.
int64 local_chan_reserve_sat = 6 [json_name = "local_chan_reserve_sat"];
The minimum satoshis the other node is required to reserve in its
int64 remote_chan_reserve_sat = 7 [json_name = "remote_chan_reserve_sat"];
message PendingOpenChannel {
/// The pending channel
PendingChannel channel = 1 [ json_name = "channel" ];
/// The height at which this channel will be confirmed
uint32 confirmation_height = 2 [ json_name = "confirmation_height" ];
The amount calculated to be paid in fees for the current set of
commitment transactions. The fee amount is persisted with the channel
in order to allow the fee amount to be removed and recalculated with
each channel state update, including updates that happen after a system
int64 commit_fee = 4 [json_name = "commit_fee" ];
/// The weight of the commitment transaction
int64 commit_weight = 5 [ json_name = "commit_weight" ];
The required number of satoshis per kilo-weight that the requester will
pay at all times, for both the funding transaction and commitment
transaction. This value can later be updated once the channel is open.
int64 fee_per_kw = 6 [ json_name = "fee_per_kw" ];
message WaitingCloseChannel {
/// The pending channel waiting for closing tx to confirm
PendingChannel channel = 1;
/// The balance in satoshis encumbered in this channel
int64 limbo_balance = 2 [ json_name = "limbo_balance" ];
message ClosedChannel {
/// The pending channel to be closed
PendingChannel channel = 1;
/// The transaction id of the closing transaction
string closing_txid = 2 [ json_name = "closing_txid" ];
message ForceClosedChannel {
/// The pending channel to be force closed
PendingChannel channel = 1 [ json_name = "channel" ];
/// The transaction id of the closing transaction
string closing_txid = 2 [ json_name = "closing_txid" ];
/// The balance in satoshis encumbered in this pending channel
int64 limbo_balance = 3 [ json_name = "limbo_balance" ];
/// The height at which funds can be swept into the wallet
uint32 maturity_height = 4 [ json_name = "maturity_height" ];
Remaining # of blocks until the commitment output can be swept.
Negative values indicate how many blocks have passed since becoming
int32 blocks_til_maturity = 5 [ json_name = "blocks_til_maturity" ];
/// The total value of funds successfully recovered from this channel
int64 recovered_balance = 6 [ json_name = "recovered_balance" ];
repeated PendingHTLC pending_htlcs = 8 [ json_name = "pending_htlcs" ];
/// The balance in satoshis encumbered in pending channels
int64 total_limbo_balance = 1 [ json_name = "total_limbo_balance" ];
/// Channels pending opening
repeated PendingOpenChannel pending_open_channels = 2 [ json_name = "pending_open_channels" ];
/// Channels pending closing
repeated ClosedChannel pending_closing_channels = 3 [ json_name = "pending_closing_channels" ];
/// Channels pending force closing
repeated ForceClosedChannel pending_force_closing_channels = 4 [ json_name = "pending_force_closing_channels" ];
/// Channels waiting for closing tx to confirm
repeated WaitingCloseChannel waiting_close_channels = 5 [ json_name = "waiting_close_channels" ];
message ChannelEventSubscription {
message ChannelEventUpdate {
oneof channel {
Channel open_channel = 1 [ json_name = "open_channel" ];
ChannelCloseSummary closed_channel = 2 [ json_name = "closed_channel" ];
ChannelPoint active_channel = 3 [ json_name = "active_channel" ];
ChannelPoint inactive_channel = 4 [ json_name = "inactive_channel" ];
enum UpdateType {
UpdateType type = 5 [ json_name = "type" ];
message WalletBalanceRequest {
message WalletBalanceResponse {
/// The balance of the wallet
int64 total_balance = 1 [json_name = "total_balance"];
/// The confirmed balance of a wallet(with >= 1 confirmations)
int64 confirmed_balance = 2 [json_name = "confirmed_balance"];
/// The unconfirmed balance of a wallet(with 0 confirmations)
int64 unconfirmed_balance = 3 [json_name = "unconfirmed_balance"];
message ChannelBalanceRequest {
message ChannelBalanceResponse {
/// Sum of channels balances denominated in satoshis
int64 balance = 1 [json_name = "balance"];
/// Sum of channels pending balances denominated in satoshis
int64 pending_open_balance = 2 [json_name = "pending_open_balance"];
message QueryRoutesRequest {
/// The 33-byte hex-encoded public key for the payment destination
string pub_key = 1;
/// The amount to send expressed in satoshis
int64 amt = 2;
reserved 3;
/// An optional CLTV delta from the current height that should be used for the timelock of the final hop
int32 final_cltv_delta = 4;
The maximum number of satoshis that will be paid as a fee of the payment.
This value can be represented either as a percentage of the amount being
sent, or as a fixed amount of the maximum fee the user is willing the pay to
send the payment.
FeeLimit fee_limit = 5;
A list of nodes to ignore during path finding.
repeated bytes ignored_nodes = 6;
Deprecated. A list of edges to ignore during path finding.
repeated EdgeLocator ignored_edges = 7 [deprecated = true];
The source node where the request route should originated from. If empty,
self is assumed.
string source_pub_key = 8;
If set to true, edge probabilities from mission control will be used to get
the optimal route.
bool use_mission_control = 9;
A list of directed node pairs that will be ignored during path finding.
repeated NodePair ignored_pairs = 10;
An optional field that can be used to pass an arbitrary set of TLV records
to a peer which understands the new records. This can be used to pass
application specific data during the payment attempt. If the destination
does not support the specified recrods, and error will be returned.
map<uint64, bytes> dest_tlv = 11;
message NodePair {
/// The sending node of the pair.
bytes from = 1;
/// The receiving node of the pair.
bytes to = 2;
message EdgeLocator {
/// The short channel id of this edge.
uint64 channel_id = 1;
The direction of this edge. If direction_reverse is false, the direction
of this edge is from the channel endpoint with the lexicographically smaller
pub key to the endpoint with the larger pub key. If direction_reverse is
is true, the edge goes the other way.
bool direction_reverse = 2;
message QueryRoutesResponse {
The route that results from the path finding operation. This is still a
repeated field to retain backwards compatibility.
repeated Route routes = 1 [json_name = "routes"];
The success probability of the returned route based on the current mission
control state. [EXPERIMENTAL]
double success_prob = 2 [json_name = "success_prob"];
message Hop {
The unique channel ID for the channel. The first 3 bytes are the block
height, the next 3 the index within the block, and the last 2 bytes are the
output index for the channel.
uint64 chan_id = 1 [json_name = "chan_id"];
int64 chan_capacity = 2 [json_name = "chan_capacity"];
int64 amt_to_forward = 3 [json_name = "amt_to_forward", deprecated = true];
int64 fee = 4 [json_name = "fee", deprecated = true];
uint32 expiry = 5 [json_name = "expiry"];
int64 amt_to_forward_msat = 6 [json_name = "amt_to_forward_msat"];
int64 fee_msat = 7 [json_name = "fee_msat"];
An optional public key of the hop. If the public key is given, the payment
can be executed without relying on a copy of the channel graph.
string pub_key = 8 [json_name = "pub_key"];
If set to true, then this hop will be encoded using the new variable length
TLV format. Note that if any custom tlv_records below are specified, then
this field MUST be set to true for them to be encoded properly.
bool tlv_payload = 9 [json_name = "tlv_payload"];
An optional set of key-value TLV records. This is useful within the context
of the SendToRoute call as it allows callers to specify arbitrary K-V pairs
to drop off at each hop within the onion.
map<uint64, bytes> tlv_records = 10 [json_name = "tlv_records"];
A path through the channel graph which runs over one or more channels in
succession. This struct carries all the information required to craft the
Sphinx onion packet, and send the payment along the first hop in the path. A
route is only selected as valid if all the channels have sufficient capacity to
carry the initial payment amount after fees are accounted for.
message Route {
The cumulative (final) time lock across the entire route. This is the CLTV
value that should be extended to the first hop in the route. All other hops
will decrement the time-lock as advertised, leaving enough time for all
hops to wait for or present the payment preimage to complete the payment.
uint32 total_time_lock = 1 [json_name = "total_time_lock"];
The sum of the fees paid at each hop within the final route. In the case
of a one-hop payment, this value will be zero as we don't need to pay a fee
to ourselves.
int64 total_fees = 2 [json_name = "total_fees", deprecated = true];
The total amount of funds required to complete a payment over this route.
This value includes the cumulative fees at each hop. As a result, the HTLC
extended to the first-hop in the route will need to have at least this many
satoshis, otherwise the route will fail at an intermediate node due to an
insufficient amount of fees.
int64 total_amt = 3 [json_name = "total_amt", deprecated = true];
Contains details concerning the specific forwarding details at each hop.
repeated Hop hops = 4 [json_name = "hops"];
The total fees in millisatoshis.
int64 total_fees_msat = 5 [json_name = "total_fees_msat"];
The total amount in millisatoshis.
int64 total_amt_msat = 6 [json_name = "total_amt_msat"];
message NodeInfoRequest {
/// The 33-byte hex-encoded compressed public of the target node
string pub_key = 1;
/// If true, will include all known channels associated with the node.
bool include_channels = 2;
message NodeInfo {
An individual vertex/node within the channel graph. A node is
connected to other nodes by one or more channel edges emanating from it. As
the graph is directed, a node will also have an incoming edge attached to
it for each outgoing edge.
LightningNode node = 1 [json_name = "node"];
/// The total number of channels for the node.
uint32 num_channels = 2 [json_name = "num_channels"];
/// The sum of all channels capacity for the node, denominated in satoshis.
int64 total_capacity = 3 [json_name = "total_capacity"];
/// A list of all public channels for the node.
repeated ChannelEdge channels = 4 [json_name = "channels"];
An individual vertex/node within the channel graph. A node is
connected to other nodes by one or more channel edges emanating from it. As the
graph is directed, a node will also have an incoming edge attached to it for
each outgoing edge.
message LightningNode {
uint32 last_update = 1 [ json_name = "last_update" ];
string pub_key = 2 [ json_name = "pub_key" ];
string alias = 3 [ json_name = "alias" ];
repeated NodeAddress addresses = 4 [ json_name = "addresses" ];
string color = 5 [ json_name = "color" ];
message NodeAddress {
string network = 1 [ json_name = "network" ];
string addr = 2 [ json_name = "addr" ];
message RoutingPolicy {
uint32 time_lock_delta = 1 [json_name = "time_lock_delta"];
int64 min_htlc = 2 [json_name = "min_htlc"];
int64 fee_base_msat = 3 [json_name = "fee_base_msat"];
int64 fee_rate_milli_msat = 4 [json_name = "fee_rate_milli_msat"];
bool disabled = 5 [json_name = "disabled"];
uint64 max_htlc_msat = 6 [json_name = "max_htlc_msat"];
uint32 last_update = 7 [json_name = "last_update"];
A fully authenticated channel along with all its unique attributes.
Once an authenticated channel announcement has been processed on the network,
then an instance of ChannelEdgeInfo encapsulating the channels attributes is
stored. The other portions relevant to routing policy of a channel are stored
within a ChannelEdgePolicy for each direction of the channel.
message ChannelEdge {
The unique channel ID for the channel. The first 3 bytes are the block
height, the next 3 the index within the block, and the last 2 bytes are the
output index for the channel.
uint64 channel_id = 1 [json_name = "channel_id"];
string chan_point = 2 [json_name = "chan_point"];
uint32 last_update = 3 [json_name = "last_update", deprecated = true];
string node1_pub = 4 [json_name = "node1_pub"];
string node2_pub = 5 [json_name = "node2_pub"];
int64 capacity = 6 [json_name = "capacity"];
RoutingPolicy node1_policy = 7 [json_name = "node1_policy"];
RoutingPolicy node2_policy = 8 [json_name = "node2_policy"];
message ChannelGraphRequest {
Whether unannounced channels are included in the response or not. If set,
unannounced channels are included. Unannounced channels are both private
channels, and public channels that are not yet announced to the network.
bool include_unannounced = 1 [json_name = "include_unannounced"];
/// Returns a new instance of the directed channel graph.
message ChannelGraph {
/// The list of `LightningNode`s in this channel graph
repeated LightningNode nodes = 1 [json_name = "nodes"];
/// The list of `ChannelEdge`s in this channel graph
repeated ChannelEdge edges = 2 [json_name = "edges"];
message ChanInfoRequest {
The unique channel ID for the channel. The first 3 bytes are the block
height, the next 3 the index within the block, and the last 2 bytes are the
output index for the channel.
uint64 chan_id = 1;
message NetworkInfoRequest {
message NetworkInfo {
uint32 graph_diameter = 1 [json_name = "graph_diameter"];
double avg_out_degree = 2 [json_name = "avg_out_degree"];
uint32 max_out_degree = 3 [json_name = "max_out_degree"];
uint32 num_nodes = 4 [json_name = "num_nodes"];
uint32 num_channels = 5 [json_name = "num_channels"];
int64 total_network_capacity = 6 [json_name = "total_network_capacity"];
double avg_channel_size = 7 [json_name = "avg_channel_size"];
int64 min_channel_size = 8 [json_name = "min_channel_size"];
int64 max_channel_size = 9 [json_name = "max_channel_size"];
int64 median_channel_size_sat = 10 [json_name = "median_channel_size_sat"];
// The number of edges marked as zombies.
uint64 num_zombie_chans = 11 [json_name = "num_zombie_chans"];
// TODO(roasbeef): fee rate info, expiry
// * also additional RPC for tracking fee info once in
message StopRequest{}
message StopResponse{}
message GraphTopologySubscription {}
message GraphTopologyUpdate {
repeated NodeUpdate node_updates = 1;
repeated ChannelEdgeUpdate channel_updates = 2;
repeated ClosedChannelUpdate closed_chans = 3;
message NodeUpdate {
repeated string addresses = 1;
string identity_key = 2;
bytes global_features = 3;
string alias = 4;
string color = 5;
message ChannelEdgeUpdate {
The unique channel ID for the channel. The first 3 bytes are the block
height, the next 3 the index within the block, and the last 2 bytes are the
output index for the channel.
uint64 chan_id = 1;
ChannelPoint chan_point = 2;
int64 capacity = 3;
RoutingPolicy routing_policy = 4;
string advertising_node = 5;
string connecting_node = 6;
message ClosedChannelUpdate {
The unique channel ID for the channel. The first 3 bytes are the block
height, the next 3 the index within the block, and the last 2 bytes are the
output index for the channel.
uint64 chan_id = 1;
int64 capacity = 2;
uint32 closed_height = 3;
ChannelPoint chan_point = 4;
message HopHint {
/// The public key of the node at the start of the channel.
string node_id = 1 [json_name = "node_id"];
/// The unique identifier of the channel.
uint64 chan_id = 2 [json_name = "chan_id"];
/// The base fee of the channel denominated in millisatoshis.
uint32 fee_base_msat = 3 [json_name = "fee_base_msat"];
The fee rate of the channel for sending one satoshi across it denominated in
millionths of a satoshi.
uint32 fee_proportional_millionths = 4 [json_name = "fee_proportional_millionths"];
/// The time-lock delta of the channel.
uint32 cltv_expiry_delta = 5 [json_name = "cltv_expiry_delta"];
message RouteHint {
A list of hop hints that when chained together can assist in reaching a
specific destination.
repeated HopHint hop_hints = 1 [json_name = "hop_hints"];
message Invoice {
An optional memo to attach along with the invoice. Used for record keeping
purposes for the invoice's creator, and will also be set in the description
field of the encoded payment request if the description_hash field is not
being used.
string memo = 1 [json_name = "memo"];
/** Deprecated. An optional cryptographic receipt of payment which is not
bytes receipt = 2 [json_name = "receipt", deprecated = true];
The hex-encoded preimage (32 byte) which will allow settling an incoming
HTLC payable to this preimage
bytes r_preimage = 3 [json_name = "r_preimage"];
/// The hash of the preimage
bytes r_hash = 4 [json_name = "r_hash"];
/// The value of this invoice in satoshis
int64 value = 5 [json_name = "value"];
/// Whether this invoice has been fulfilled
bool settled = 6 [json_name = "settled", deprecated = true];
/// When this invoice was created
int64 creation_date = 7 [json_name = "creation_date"];
/// When this invoice was settled
int64 settle_date = 8 [json_name = "settle_date"];
A bare-bones invoice for a payment within the Lightning Network. With the
details of the invoice, the sender has all the data necessary to send a
payment to the recipient.
string payment_request = 9 [json_name = "payment_request"];
Hash (SHA-256) of a description of the payment. Used if the description of
payment (memo) is too long to naturally fit within the description field
of an encoded payment request.
bytes description_hash = 10 [json_name = "description_hash"];
/// Payment request expiry time in seconds. Default is 3600 (1 hour).
int64 expiry = 11 [json_name = "expiry"];
/// Fallback on-chain address.
string fallback_addr = 12 [json_name = "fallback_addr"];
/// Delta to use for the time-lock of the CLTV extended to the final hop.
uint64 cltv_expiry = 13 [json_name = "cltv_expiry"];
Route hints that can each be individually used to assist in reaching the
invoice's destination.
repeated RouteHint route_hints = 14 [json_name = "route_hints"];
/// Whether this invoice should include routing hints for private channels.
bool private = 15 [json_name = "private"];
The "add" index of this invoice. Each newly created invoice will increment
this index making it monotonically increasing. Callers to the
SubscribeInvoices call can use this to instantly get notified of all added
invoices with an add_index greater than this one.
uint64 add_index = 16 [json_name = "add_index"];
The "settle" index of this invoice. Each newly settled invoice will
increment this index making it monotonically increasing. Callers to the
SubscribeInvoices call can use this to instantly get notified of all
settled invoices with an settle_index greater than this one.
uint64 settle_index = 17 [json_name = "settle_index"];
/// Deprecated, use amt_paid_sat or amt_paid_msat.
int64 amt_paid = 18 [json_name = "amt_paid", deprecated = true];
The amount that was accepted for this invoice, in satoshis. This will ONLY
be set if this invoice has been settled. We provide this field as if the
invoice was created with a zero value, then we need to record what amount
was ultimately accepted. Additionally, it's possible that the sender paid
MORE that was specified in the original invoice. So we'll record that here
as well.
int64 amt_paid_sat = 19 [json_name = "amt_paid_sat"];
The amount that was accepted for this invoice, in millisatoshis. This will
ONLY be set if this invoice has been settled. We provide this field as if
the invoice was created with a zero value, then we need to record what
amount was ultimately accepted. Additionally, it's possible that the sender
paid MORE that was specified in the original invoice. So we'll record that
here as well.
int64 amt_paid_msat = 20 [json_name = "amt_paid_msat"];
enum InvoiceState {
OPEN = 0;
The state the invoice is in.
InvoiceState state = 21 [json_name = "state"];
/// List of HTLCs paying to this invoice [EXPERIMENTAL].
repeated InvoiceHTLC htlcs = 22 [json_name = "htlcs"];
enum InvoiceHTLCState {
/// Details of an HTLC that paid to an invoice
message InvoiceHTLC {
/// Short channel id over which the htlc was received.
uint64 chan_id = 1 [json_name = "chan_id"];
/// Index identifying the htlc on the channel.
uint64 htlc_index = 2 [json_name = "htlc_index"];
/// The amount of the htlc in msat.
uint64 amt_msat = 3 [json_name = "amt_msat"];
/// Block height at which this htlc was accepted.
int32 accept_height = 4 [json_name = "accept_height"];
/// Time at which this htlc was accepted.
int64 accept_time = 5 [json_name = "accept_time"];
/// Time at which this htlc was settled or cancelled.
int64 resolve_time = 6 [json_name = "resolve_time"];
/// Block height at which this htlc expires.
int32 expiry_height = 7 [json_name = "expiry_height"];
/// Current state the htlc is in.
InvoiceHTLCState state = 8 [json_name = "state"];
message AddInvoiceResponse {
bytes r_hash = 1 [json_name = "r_hash"];
A bare-bones invoice for a payment within the Lightning Network. With the
details of the invoice, the sender has all the data necessary to send a
payment to the recipient.
string payment_request = 2 [json_name = "payment_request"];
The "add" index of this invoice. Each newly created invoice will increment
this index making it monotonically increasing. Callers to the
SubscribeInvoices call can use this to instantly get notified of all added
invoices with an add_index greater than this one.
uint64 add_index = 16 [json_name = "add_index"];
message PaymentHash {
The hex-encoded payment hash of the invoice to be looked up. The passed
payment hash must be exactly 32 bytes, otherwise an error is returned.
string r_hash_str = 1 [json_name = "r_hash_str"];
/// The payment hash of the invoice to be looked up.
bytes r_hash = 2 [json_name = "r_hash"];
message ListInvoiceRequest {
/// If set, only unsettled invoices will be returned in the response.
bool pending_only = 1 [json_name = "pending_only"];
The index of an invoice that will be used as either the start or end of a
query to determine which invoices should be returned in the response.
uint64 index_offset = 4 [json_name = "index_offset"];
/// The max number of invoices to return in the response to this query.
uint64 num_max_invoices = 5 [json_name = "num_max_invoices"];
If set, the invoices returned will result from seeking backwards from the
specified index offset. This can be used to paginate backwards.
bool reversed = 6 [json_name = "reversed"];
message ListInvoiceResponse {
A list of invoices from the time slice of the time series specified in the
repeated Invoice invoices = 1 [json_name = "invoices"];
The index of the last item in the set of returned invoices. This can be used
to seek further, pagination style.
uint64 last_index_offset = 2 [json_name = "last_index_offset"];
The index of the last item in the set of returned invoices. This can be used
to seek backwards, pagination style.
uint64 first_index_offset = 3 [json_name = "first_index_offset"];
message InvoiceSubscription {
If specified (non-zero), then we'll first start by sending out
notifications for all added indexes with an add_index greater than this
value. This allows callers to catch up on any events they missed while they
weren't connected to the streaming RPC.
uint64 add_index = 1 [json_name = "add_index"];
If specified (non-zero), then we'll first start by sending out
notifications for all settled indexes with an settle_index greater than
this value. This allows callers to catch up on any events they missed while
they weren't connected to the streaming RPC.
uint64 settle_index = 2 [json_name = "settle_index"];
message Payment {
/// The payment hash
string payment_hash = 1 [json_name = "payment_hash"];
/// Deprecated, use value_sat or value_msat.
int64 value = 2 [json_name = "value", deprecated = true];
/// The date of this payment
int64 creation_date = 3 [json_name = "creation_date"];
/// The path this payment took
repeated string path = 4 [ json_name = "path" ];
/// Deprecated, use fee_sat or fee_msat.
int64 fee = 5 [json_name = "fee", deprecated = true];
/// The payment preimage
string payment_preimage = 6 [json_name = "payment_preimage"];
/// The value of the payment in satoshis
int64 value_sat = 7 [json_name = "value_sat"];
/// The value of the payment in milli-satoshis
int64 value_msat = 8 [json_name = "value_msat"];
/// The optional payment request being fulfilled.
string payment_request = 9 [json_name = "payment_request"];
enum PaymentStatus {
// The status of the payment.
PaymentStatus status = 10 [json_name = "status"];
/// The fee paid for this payment in satoshis
int64 fee_sat = 11 [json_name = "fee_sat"];
/// The fee paid for this payment in milli-satoshis
int64 fee_msat = 12 [json_name = "fee_msat"];
message ListPaymentsRequest {
If true, then return payments that have not yet fully completed. This means
that pending payments, as well as failed payments will show up if this
field is set to True.
bool include_incomplete = 1;
message ListPaymentsResponse {
/// The list of payments
repeated Payment payments = 1 [json_name = "payments"];
message DeleteAllPaymentsRequest {
message DeleteAllPaymentsResponse {
message AbandonChannelRequest {
ChannelPoint channel_point = 1;
message AbandonChannelResponse {
message DebugLevelRequest {
bool show = 1;
string level_spec = 2;
message DebugLevelResponse {
string sub_systems = 1 [json_name = "sub_systems"];
message PayReqString {
/// The payment request string to be decoded
string pay_req = 1;
message PayReq {
string destination = 1 [json_name = "destination"];
string payment_hash = 2 [json_name = "payment_hash"];
int64 num_satoshis = 3 [json_name = "num_satoshis"];
int64 timestamp = 4 [json_name = "timestamp"];
int64 expiry = 5 [json_name = "expiry"];
string description = 6 [json_name = "description"];
string description_hash = 7 [json_name = "description_hash"];
string fallback_addr = 8 [json_name = "fallback_addr"];
int64 cltv_expiry = 9 [json_name = "cltv_expiry"];
repeated RouteHint route_hints = 10 [json_name = "route_hints"];
message FeeReportRequest {}
message ChannelFeeReport {
/// The channel that this fee report belongs to.
string chan_point = 1 [json_name = "channel_point"];
/// The base fee charged regardless of the number of milli-satoshis sent.
int64 base_fee_msat = 2 [json_name = "base_fee_msat"];
/// The amount charged per milli-satoshis transferred expressed in millionths of a satoshi.
int64 fee_per_mil = 3 [json_name = "fee_per_mil"];
/// The effective fee rate in milli-satoshis. Computed by dividing the fee_per_mil value by 1 million.
double fee_rate = 4 [json_name = "fee_rate"];
message FeeReportResponse {
/// An array of channel fee reports which describes the current fee schedule for each channel.
repeated ChannelFeeReport channel_fees = 1 [json_name = "channel_fees"];
/// The total amount of fee revenue (in satoshis) the switch has collected over the past 24 hrs.
uint64 day_fee_sum = 2 [json_name = "day_fee_sum"];
/// The total amount of fee revenue (in satoshis) the switch has collected over the past 1 week.
uint64 week_fee_sum = 3 [json_name = "week_fee_sum"];
/// The total amount of fee revenue (in satoshis) the switch has collected over the past 1 month.
uint64 month_fee_sum = 4 [json_name = "month_fee_sum"];
message PolicyUpdateRequest {
oneof scope {
/// If set, then this update applies to all currently active channels.
bool global = 1 [json_name = "global"] ;
/// If set, this update will target a specific channel.
ChannelPoint chan_point = 2 [json_name = "chan_point"];
/// The base fee charged regardless of the number of milli-satoshis sent.
int64 base_fee_msat = 3 [json_name = "base_fee_msat"];
/// The effective fee rate in milli-satoshis. The precision of this value goes up to 6 decimal places, so 1e-6.
double fee_rate = 4 [json_name = "fee_rate"];
/// The required timelock delta for HTLCs forwarded over the channel.
uint32 time_lock_delta = 5 [json_name = "time_lock_delta"];
message PolicyUpdateResponse {
message ForwardingHistoryRequest {
/// Start time is the starting point of the forwarding history request. All records beyond this point will be included, respecting the end time, and the index offset.
uint64 start_time = 1 [json_name = "start_time"];
/// End time is the end point of the forwarding history request. The response will carry at most 50k records between the start time and the end time. The index offset can be used to implement pagination.
uint64 end_time = 2 [json_name = "end_time"];
/// Index offset is the offset in the time series to start at. As each response can only contain 50k records, callers can use this to skip around within a packed time series.
uint32 index_offset = 3 [json_name = "index_offset"];
/// The max number of events to return in the response to this query.
uint32 num_max_events = 4 [json_name = "num_max_events"];
message ForwardingEvent {
/// Timestamp is the time (unix epoch offset) that this circuit was completed.
uint64 timestamp = 1 [json_name = "timestamp"];
/// The incoming channel ID that carried the HTLC that created the circuit.
uint64 chan_id_in = 2 [json_name = "chan_id_in"];
/// The outgoing channel ID that carried the preimage that completed the circuit.
uint64 chan_id_out = 4 [json_name = "chan_id_out"];
/// The total amount (in satoshis) of the incoming HTLC that created half the circuit.
uint64 amt_in = 5 [json_name = "amt_in"];
/// The total amount (in satoshis) of the outgoing HTLC that created the second half of the circuit.
uint64 amt_out = 6 [json_name = "amt_out"];
/// The total fee (in satoshis) that this payment circuit carried.
uint64 fee = 7 [json_name = "fee"];
/// The total fee (in milli-satoshis) that this payment circuit carried.
uint64 fee_msat = 8 [json_name = "fee_msat"];
// TODO(roasbeef): add settlement latency?
// * use FPE on the chan id?
// * also list failures?
message ForwardingHistoryResponse {
/// A list of forwarding events from the time slice of the time series specified in the request.
repeated ForwardingEvent forwarding_events = 1 [json_name = "forwarding_events"];
/// The index of the last time in the set of returned forwarding events. Can be used to seek further, pagination style.
uint32 last_offset_index = 2 [json_name = "last_offset_index"];
message ExportChannelBackupRequest {
/// The target channel point to obtain a back up for.
ChannelPoint chan_point = 1;
message ChannelBackup {
Identifies the channel that this backup belongs to.
ChannelPoint chan_point = 1 [ json_name = "chan_point" ];
Is an encrypted single-chan backup. this can be passed to
RestoreChannelBackups, or the WalletUnlocker Init and Unlock methods in
order to trigger the recovery protocol.
bytes chan_backup = 2 [ json_name = "chan_backup" ];
message MultiChanBackup {
Is the set of all channels that are included in this multi-channel backup.
repeated ChannelPoint chan_points = 1 [ json_name = "chan_points" ];
A single encrypted blob containing all the static channel backups of the
channel listed above. This can be stored as a single file or blob, and
safely be replaced with any prior/future versions.
bytes multi_chan_backup = 2 [ json_name = "multi_chan_backup" ];
message ChanBackupExportRequest {}
message ChanBackupSnapshot {
The set of new channels that have been added since the last channel backup
snapshot was requested.
ChannelBackups single_chan_backups = 1 [ json_name = "single_chan_backups" ];
A multi-channel backup that covers all open channels currently known to
MultiChanBackup multi_chan_backup = 2 [ json_name = "multi_chan_backup" ];
message ChannelBackups {
A set of single-chan static channel backups.
repeated ChannelBackup chan_backups = 1 [ json_name = "chan_backups" ];
message RestoreChanBackupRequest {
oneof backup {
ChannelBackups chan_backups = 1 [ json_name = "chan_backups" ];
bytes multi_chan_backup = 2 [ json_name = "multi_chan_backup" ];
message RestoreBackupResponse {}
message ChannelBackupSubscription {}
message VerifyChanBackupResponse {
syntax = "proto3";
package wtclientrpc;
option go_package = "";
message AddTowerRequest {
// The identifying public key of the watchtower to add.
bytes pubkey = 1 [json_name = "pubkey"];
// A network address the watchtower is reachable over.
string address = 2 [json_name = "address"];
message AddTowerResponse {
message RemoveTowerRequest {
// The identifying public key of the watchtower to remove.
bytes pubkey = 1 [json_name = "pubkey"];
If set, then the record for this address will be removed, indicating that is
is stale. Otherwise, the watchtower will no longer be used for future
session negotiations and backups.
string address = 2 [json_name = "address"];
message RemoveTowerResponse {
message GetTowerInfoRequest {
// The identifying public key of the watchtower to retrieve information for.
bytes pubkey = 1 [json_name = "pubkey"];
// Whether we should include sessions with the watchtower in the response.
bool include_sessions = 2 [json_name = "include_sessions"];
message TowerSession {
The total number of successful backups that have been made to the
watchtower session.
uint32 num_backups = 1 [json_name = "num_backups"];
The total number of backups in the session that are currently pending to be
acknowledged by the watchtower.
uint32 num_pending_backups = 2 [json_name = "num_pending_backups"];
// The maximum number of backups allowed by the watchtower session.
uint32 max_backups = 3 [json_name = "max_backups"];
The fee rate, in satoshis per vbyte, that will be used by the watchtower for
the justice transaction in the event of a channel breach.
uint32 sweep_sat_per_byte = 4 [json_name = "sweep_sat_per_byte"];
message Tower {
// The identifying public key of the watchtower.
bytes pubkey = 1 [json_name = "pubkey"];
// The list of addresses the watchtower is reachable over.
repeated string addresses = 2 [json_name = "addresses"];
// Whether the watchtower is currently a candidate for new sessions.
bool active_session_candidate = 3 [json_name = "active_session_candidate"];
// The number of sessions that have been negotiated with the watchtower.
uint32 num_sessions = 4 [json_name = "num_sessions"];
// The list of sessions that have been negotiated with the watchtower.
repeated TowerSession sessions = 5 [json_name = "sessions"];
message ListTowersRequest {
// Whether we should include sessions with the watchtower in the response.
bool include_sessions = 1 [json_name = "include_sessions"];
message ListTowersResponse {
// The list of watchtowers available for new backups.
repeated Tower towers = 1 [json_name = "towers"];
message StatsRequest {
message StatsResponse {
The total number of backups made to all active and exhausted watchtower
uint32 num_backups = 1 [json_name = "num_backups"];
The total number of backups that are pending to be acknowledged by all
active and exhausted watchtower sessions.
uint32 num_pending_backups = 2 [json_name = "num_pending_backups"];
The total number of backups that all active and exhausted watchtower
sessions have failed to acknowledge.
uint32 num_failed_backups = 3 [json_name = "num_failed_backups"];
// The total number of new sessions made to watchtowers.
uint32 num_sessions_acquired = 4 [json_name = "num_sessions_acquired"];
// The total number of watchtower sessions that have been exhausted.
uint32 num_sessions_exhausted = 5 [json_name = "num_sessions_exhausted"];
message PolicyRequest {
message PolicyResponse {
The maximum number of updates each session we negotiate with watchtowers
should allow.
uint32 max_updates = 1 [json_name = "max_updates"];
The fee rate, in satoshis per vbyte, that will be used by watchtowers for
justice transactions in response to channel breaches.
uint32 sweep_sat_per_byte = 2 [json_name = "sweep_sat_per_byte"];
service WatchtowerClient {
AddTower adds a new watchtower reachable at the given address and
considers it for new sessions. If the watchtower already exists, then
any new addresses included will be considered when dialing it for
session negotiations and backups.
rpc AddTower(AddTowerRequest) returns (AddTowerResponse);
RemoveTower removes a watchtower from being considered for future session
negotiations and from being used for any subsequent backups until it's added
again. If an address is provided, then this RPC only serves as a way of
removing the address from the watchtower instead.
rpc RemoveTower(RemoveTowerRequest) returns (RemoveTowerResponse);
// ListTowers returns the list of watchtowers registered with the client.
rpc ListTowers(ListTowersRequest) returns (ListTowersResponse);
// GetTowerInfo retrieves information for a registered watchtower.
rpc GetTowerInfo(GetTowerInfoRequest) returns (Tower);
// Stats returns the in-memory statistics of the client since startup.
rpc Stats(StatsRequest) returns (StatsResponse);
// Policy returns the active watchtower client policy configuration.
rpc Policy(PolicyRequest) returns (PolicyResponse);
syntax = "proto3";
import "rpc.proto";
package routerrpc;
option go_package = "";
message SendPaymentRequest {
/// The identity pubkey of the payment recipient
bytes dest = 1;
/// Number of satoshis to send.
int64 amt = 2;
/// The hash to use within the payment's HTLC
bytes payment_hash = 3;
The CLTV delta from the current height that should be used to set the
timelock for the final hop.
int32 final_cltv_delta = 4;
A bare-bones invoice for a payment within the Lightning Network. With the
details of the invoice, the sender has all the data necessary to send a
payment to the recipient. The amount in the payment request may be zero. In
that case it is required to set the amt field as well. If no payment request
is specified, the following fields are required: dest, amt and payment_hash.
string payment_request = 5;
An upper limit on the amount of time we should spend when attempting to
fulfill the payment. This is expressed in seconds. If we cannot make a
successful payment within this time frame, an error will be returned.
This field must be non-zero.
int32 timeout_seconds = 6;
The maximum number of satoshis that will be paid as a fee of the payment.
If this field is left to the default value of 0, only zero-fee routes will
be considered. This usually means single hop routes connecting directly to
the destination. To send the payment without a fee limit, use max int here.
int64 fee_limit_sat = 7;
The channel id of the channel that must be taken to the first hop. If zero,
any channel may be used.
uint64 outgoing_chan_id = 8;
An optional maximum total time lock for the route. If zero, there is no
maximum enforced.
int32 cltv_limit = 9;
Optional route hints to reach the destination through private channels.
repeated lnrpc.RouteHint route_hints = 10 [json_name = "route_hints"];
An optional field that can be used to pass an arbitrary set of TLV records
to a peer which understands the new records. This can be used to pass
application specific data during the payment attempt.
map<uint64, bytes> dest_tlv = 11;
message TrackPaymentRequest {
/// The hash of the payment to look up.
bytes payment_hash = 1;
enum PaymentState {
Payment is still in flight.
Payment completed successfully.
There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded.
All possible routes were tried and failed permanently. Or were no
routes to the destination at all.
A non-recoverable error has occured.
Payment details incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amt or
invalid final cltv delta)
message PaymentStatus {
/// Current state the payment is in.
PaymentState state = 1;
The pre-image of the payment when state is SUCCEEDED.
bytes preimage = 2;
The taken route when state is SUCCEEDED.
lnrpc.Route route = 3;
message RouteFeeRequest {
The destination once wishes to obtain a routing fee quote to.
bytes dest = 1;
The amount one wishes to send to the target destination.
int64 amt_sat = 2;
message RouteFeeResponse {
A lower bound of the estimated fee to the target destination within the
network, expressed in milli-satoshis.
int64 routing_fee_msat = 1;
An estimate of the worst case time delay that can occur. Note that callers
will still need to factor in the final CLTV delta of the last hop into this
int64 time_lock_delay = 2;
message SendToRouteRequest {
/// The payment hash to use for the HTLC.
bytes payment_hash = 1;
/// Route that should be used to attempt to complete the payment.
lnrpc.Route route = 2;
message SendToRouteResponse {
/// The preimage obtained by making the payment.
bytes preimage = 1;
/// The failure message in case the payment failed.
Failure failure = 2;
message Failure {
enum FailureCode {
The numbers assigned in this enumeration match the failure codes as
defined in BOLT #4. Because protobuf 3 requires enums to start with 0,
a RESERVED value is added.
The error source is known, but the failure itself couldn't be decoded.
An unreadable failure result is returned if the received failure message
cannot be decrypted. In that case the error source is unknown.
/// Failure code as defined in the Lightning spec
FailureCode code = 1;
reserved 2;
/// An optional channel update message.
ChannelUpdate channel_update = 3;
/// A failure type-dependent htlc value.
uint64 htlc_msat = 4;
/// The sha256 sum of the onion payload.
bytes onion_sha_256 = 5;
/// A failure type-dependent cltv expiry value.
uint32 cltv_expiry = 6;
/// A failure type-dependent flags value.
uint32 flags = 7;
The position in the path of the intermediate or final node that generated
the failure message. Position zero is the sender node.
uint32 failure_source_index = 8;
message ChannelUpdate {
The signature that validates the announced data and proves the ownership
of node id.
bytes signature = 1;
The target chain that this channel was opened within. This value
should be the genesis hash of the target chain. Along with the short
channel ID, this uniquely identifies the channel globally in a
bytes chain_hash = 2;
The unique description of the funding transaction.
uint64 chan_id = 3;
A timestamp that allows ordering in the case of multiple announcements.
We should ignore the message if timestamp is not greater than the
uint32 timestamp = 4;
The bitfield that describes whether optional fields are present in this
update. Currently, the least-significant bit must be set to 1 if the
optional field MaxHtlc is present.
uint32 message_flags = 10;
The bitfield that describes additional meta-data concerning how the
update is to be interpreted. Currently, the least-significant bit must be
set to 0 if the creating node corresponds to the first node in the
previously sent channel announcement and 1 otherwise. If the second bit
is set, then the channel is set to be disabled.
uint32 channel_flags = 5;
The minimum number of blocks this node requires to be added to the expiry
of HTLCs. This is a security parameter determined by the node operator.
This value represents the required gap between the time locks of the
incoming and outgoing HTLC's set to this node.
uint32 time_lock_delta = 6;
The minimum HTLC value which will be accepted.
uint64 htlc_minimum_msat = 7;
The base fee that must be used for incoming HTLC's to this particular
channel. This value will be tacked onto the required for a payment
independent of the size of the payment.
uint32 base_fee = 8;
The fee rate that will be charged per millionth of a satoshi.
uint32 fee_rate = 9;
The maximum HTLC value which will be accepted.
uint64 htlc_maximum_msat = 11;
The set of data that was appended to this message, some of which we may
not actually know how to iterate or parse. By holding onto this data, we
ensure that we're able to properly validate the set of signatures that
cover these new fields, and ensure we're able to make upgrades to the
network in a forwards compatible manner.
bytes extra_opaque_data = 12;
message ResetMissionControlRequest{}
message ResetMissionControlResponse{}
message QueryMissionControlRequest {}
/// QueryMissionControlResponse contains mission control state.
message QueryMissionControlResponse {
/// Node-level mission control state.
repeated NodeHistory nodes = 1 [json_name = "nodes"];
/// Node pair-level mission control state.
repeated PairHistory pairs = 2 [json_name = "pairs"];
/// NodeHistory contains the mission control state for a particular node.
message NodeHistory {
/// Node pubkey
bytes pubkey = 1 [json_name = "pubkey"];
/// Time stamp of last failure. Set to zero if no failure happened yet.
int64 last_fail_time = 2 [json_name = "last_fail_time"];
Estimation of success probability of forwarding towards peers of this node
for which no specific history is available.
float other_success_prob = 3 [json_name = "other_success_prob"];
reserved 4;
/// PairHistory contains the mission control state for a particular node pair.
message PairHistory {
/// The source node pubkey of the pair.
bytes node_from = 1 [json_name ="node_from"];
/// The destination node pubkey of the pair.
bytes node_to = 2 [json_name="node_to"];
/// Time stamp of last result.
int64 timestamp = 3 [json_name = "timestamp"];
/// Minimum penalization amount (only applies to failed attempts).
int64 min_penalize_amt_sat = 4 [json_name = "min_penalize_amt_sat"];
/// Estimation of success probability for this pair.
float success_prob = 5 [json_name = "success_prob"];
/// Whether the last payment attempt through this pair was successful.
bool last_attempt_successful = 6 [json_name = "last_attempt_successful"];
service Router {
SendPayment attempts to route a payment described by the passed
PaymentRequest to the final destination. The call returns a stream of
payment status updates.
rpc SendPayment(SendPaymentRequest) returns (stream PaymentStatus);
TrackPayment returns an update stream for the payment identified by the
payment hash.
rpc TrackPayment(TrackPaymentRequest) returns (stream PaymentStatus);
EstimateRouteFee allows callers to obtain a lower bound w.r.t how much it
may cost to send an HTLC to the target end destination.
rpc EstimateRouteFee(RouteFeeRequest) returns (RouteFeeResponse);
SendToRoute attempts to make a payment via the specified route. This method
differs from SendPayment in that it allows users to specify a full route
manually. This can be used for things like rebalancing, and atomic swaps.
rpc SendToRoute(SendToRouteRequest) returns (SendToRouteResponse);
ResetMissionControl clears all mission control state and starts with a clean
rpc ResetMissionControl(ResetMissionControlRequest) returns (ResetMissionControlResponse);
QueryMissionControl exposes the internal mission control state to callers.
It is a development feature.
rpc QueryMissionControl(QueryMissionControlRequest) returns (QueryMissionControlResponse);
syntax = "proto3";
package watchtowerrpc;
option go_package = "";
service Watchtower {
/** lncli: tower info
GetInfo returns general information concerning the companion watchtower
including it's public key and URIs where the server is currently
listening for clients.
rpc GetInfo(GetInfoRequest) returns (GetInfoResponse);
message GetInfoRequest{
message GetInfoResponse {
/// The public key of the watchtower.
bytes pubkey = 1 [json_name = "pubkey"];
/// The listening addresses of the watchtower.
repeated string listeners = 2 [json_name = "listeners"];
/// The URIs of the watchtower.
repeated string uris = 3 [json_name = "uris" ];
syntax = "proto3";
package signrpc;
option go_package = "";
message KeyLocator {
/// The family of key being identified.
int32 key_family = 1;
/// The precise index of the key being identified.
int32 key_index = 2;
message KeyDescriptor {
The raw bytes of the key being identified. Either this or the KeyLocator
must be specified.
bytes raw_key_bytes = 1;
The key locator that identifies which key to use for signing. Either this
or the raw bytes of the target key must be specified.
KeyLocator key_loc = 2;
message TxOut {
/// The value of the output being spent.
int64 value = 1;
/// The script of the output being spent.
bytes pk_script = 2;
message SignDescriptor {
A descriptor that precisely describes *which* key to use for signing. This
may provide the raw public key directly, or require the Signer to re-derive
the key according to the populated derivation path.
KeyDescriptor key_desc = 1;
A scalar value that will be added to the private key corresponding to the
above public key to obtain the private key to be used to sign this input.
This value is typically derived via the following computation:
* derivedKey = privkey + sha256(perCommitmentPoint || pubKey) mod N
bytes single_tweak = 2;
A private key that will be used in combination with its corresponding
private key to derive the private key that is to be used to sign the target
input. Within the Lightning protocol, this value is typically the
commitment secret from a previously revoked commitment transaction. This
value is in combination with two hash values, and the original private key
to derive the private key to be used when signing.
* k = (privKey*sha256(pubKey || tweakPub) +
tweakPriv*sha256(tweakPub || pubKey)) mod N
bytes double_tweak = 3;
The full script required to properly redeem the output. This field will
only be populated if a p2wsh or a p2sh output is being signed.
bytes witness_script = 4;
A description of the output being spent. The value and script MUST be provided.
TxOut output = 5;
The target sighash type that should be used when generating the final
sighash, and signature.
uint32 sighash = 7;
The target input within the transaction that should be signed.
int32 input_index = 8;
message SignReq {
/// The raw bytes of the transaction to be signed.
bytes raw_tx_bytes = 1;
/// A set of sign descriptors, for each input to be signed.
repeated SignDescriptor sign_descs = 2;
message SignResp {
A set of signatures realized in a fixed 64-byte format ordered in ascending
input order.
repeated bytes raw_sigs = 1;
message InputScript {
/// The serializes witness stack for the specified input.
repeated bytes witness = 1;
The optional sig script for the specified witness that will only be set if
the input specified is a nested p2sh witness program.
bytes sig_script = 2;
message InputScriptResp {
/// The set of fully valid input scripts requested.
repeated InputScript input_scripts = 1;
service Signer {
SignOutputRaw is a method that can be used to generated a signature for a
set of inputs/outputs to a transaction. Each request specifies details
concerning how the outputs should be signed, which keys they should be
signed with, and also any optional tweaks. The return value is a fixed
64-byte signature (the same format as we use on the wire in Lightning).
If we are unable to sign using the specified keys, then an error will be
rpc SignOutputRaw(SignReq) returns (SignResp);
ComputeInputScript generates a complete InputIndex for the passed
transaction with the signature as defined within the passed SignDescriptor.
This method should be capable of generating the proper input script for
both regular p2wkh output and p2wkh outputs nested within a regular p2sh
Note that when using this method to sign inputs belonging to the wallet,
the only items of the SignDescriptor that need to be populated are pkScript
in the TxOut field, the value in that same field, and finally the input
rpc ComputeInputScript(SignReq) returns (InputScriptResp);
Cryptocurrency Tutorial: How to Create Services · exonum/exonum-doc
Exonum uses Protobuf as its serialization format for storage of data. Thus, we need to describe our structures using the Protobuf interface description language first.
syntax = "proto3";
// Allows to use `exonum.PublicKey` structure already described in `exonum`
// library.
import "helpers.proto";
// Wallet structure used to persist data within the service.
message Wallet {
exonum.PublicKey pub_key = 1;
string name = 2;
uint64 balance = 3;
// Transaction type for creating a new wallet.
message TxCreateWallet {
// UTF-8 string with the owner's name.
string name = 1;
// Transaction type for transferring tokens between two wallets.
message TxTransfer {
// Public key of the receiver.
exonum.PublicKey to = 1;
// Number of tokens to transfer from the sender's account to the receiver's
// account.
uint64 amount = 2;
// Auxiliary number to guarantee non-idempotence of transactions.
uint64 seed = 3;
exonum/exonum/src/proto/schema/exonum at master · exonum/exonum
git clone /tmp/src/exonum
bash --gen-proto-doc /tmp/src/exonum/exonum/src/proto/schema/exonum /tmp/
Field | Type | Label | Description |
a | uint64 | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
fixed_array_8 | bytes | | |
fixed_array_16 | bytes | | |
fixed_array_32 | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
value | uint64 | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
height | uint64 | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | | |
Transaction fields
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
index_type | uint32 | | |
is_family | bool | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
actual_from | uint64 | | |
cfg_hash | Hash | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
block_height | uint64 | | |
position_in_block | uint64 | | |
.proto Type | Notes | C++ Type | Java Type | Python Type |
double | | double | double | float |
float | | float | float | float |
int32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. | int32 | int | int |
int64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. | int64 | long | int/long |
uint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint32 | int | int/long |
uint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. | int32 | int | int |
sint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. | int64 | long | int/long |
fixed32 | Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. | uint32 | int | int |
fixed64 | Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sfixed32 | Always four bytes. | int32 | int | int |
sfixed64 | Always eight bytes. | int64 | long | int/long |
bool | | bool | boolean | boolean |
string | A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. | string | String | str/unicode |
bytes | May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. | string | ByteString | str |
├── blockchain.proto
├── doc_tests.proto
├── helpers.proto
├── protocol.proto
├── storage.proto
└── tests.proto
0 directories, 6 files
// Copyright 2019 The Exonum Team
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
import "helpers.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
package exonum.tests;
message TimestampTx { bytes data = 1; }
message TxAfterCommit { uint64 height = 1; }
message TxConfig {
exonum.PublicKey from = 1;
bytes config = 2;
uint64 actual_from = 3;
message TxSimple {
exonum.PublicKey public_key = 1;
string msg = 2;
message TestServiceTx { uint64 value = 1; }
message BlockchainTestTxA { uint64 a = 1; }
message BlockchainTestTxB {
uint64 b = 1;
uint32 c = 2;
message CreateWallet {
exonum.PublicKey pubkey = 1;
string name = 2;
message Transfer {
exonum.PublicKey from = 1;
exonum.PublicKey to = 2;
uint64 amount = 3;
message Point {
uint32 x = 1;
uint32 y = 2;
message TestProtobufConvert {
exonum.PublicKey key = 1;
exonum.Hash hash = 2;
uint32 unsigned_32 = 3;
uint64 unsigned_64 = 4;
int32 regular_i32 = 5;
int64 regular_i64 = 6;
fixed32 fixed_u32 = 7;
fixed64 fixed_u64 = 8;
sfixed32 fixed_i32 = 9;
sfixed64 fixed_i64 = 10;
float float_32 = 11;
double float_64 = 12;
bool boolean = 13;
sint32 s_i32 = 14;
sint64 s_i64 = 15;
bytes bytes_field = 16;
string string_field = 17;
Point message_field = 18;
exonum.BitVec bit_vec = 19;
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 20;
message TestProtobufConvertRepeated {
repeated exonum.PublicKey keys = 1;
repeated bytes bytes_array = 2;
repeated string string_array = 3;
repeated uint32 num_array = 4;
message TestProtobufConvertMap {
map<uint32, uint64> num_map = 1;
map<uint32, string> string_map = 2;
map<uint32, bytes> bytes_map = 4;
map<uint32, Point> point_map = 5;
map<string, uint64> key_string_map = 6;
message TestFixedArrays {
bytes fixed_array_8 = 1;
bytes fixed_array_16 = 2;
bytes fixed_array_32 = 3;
// Copyright 2019 The Exonum Team
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
import "helpers.proto";
package exonum.doc_tests;
message CreateWallet { string name = 1; }
message Point {
int32 x = 1;
int32 y = 2;
message TxA {
// Transaction fields
message TxB {
/// ...
message MyTransaction { exonum.PublicKey public_key = 1; }
message MyStructSmall {
exonum.PublicKey key = 1;
uint32 num_field = 2;
string string_field = 3;
message MyStructBig {
exonum.Hash hash = 1;
MyStructSmall my_struct_small = 2;
// Copyright 2019 The Exonum Team
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package exonum;
message Hash { bytes data = 1; }
message PublicKey { bytes data = 1; }
message Signature { bytes data = 1; }
message BitVec {
bytes data = 1;
uint64 len = 2;
// Copyright 2019 The Exonum Team
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package exonum;
message IndexMetadata {
uint32 index_type = 1;
bool is_family = 2;
// Copyright 2019 The Exonum Team
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package exonum.consensus;
import "helpers.proto";
import "blockchain.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
message Connect {
string pub_addr = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 2;
string user_agent = 3;
message Status {
uint64 height = 1;
exonum.Hash last_hash = 2;
uint64 pool_size = 3;
message Propose {
uint32 validator = 1;
uint64 height = 2;
uint32 round = 3;
exonum.Hash prev_hash = 4;
repeated exonum.Hash transactions = 5;
message Prevote {
uint32 validator = 1;
uint64 height = 2;
uint32 round = 3;
exonum.Hash propose_hash = 4;
uint32 locked_round = 5;
message Precommit {
uint32 validator = 1;
uint64 height = 2;
uint32 round = 3;
exonum.Hash propose_hash = 4;
exonum.Hash block_hash = 5;
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 6;
message BlockResponse {
exonum.PublicKey to = 1;
exonum.Block block = 2;
repeated bytes precommits = 3;
repeated exonum.Hash transactions = 4;
message TransactionsResponse {
exonum.PublicKey to = 1;
repeated bytes transactions = 2;
message ProposeRequest {
exonum.PublicKey to = 1;
uint64 height = 2;
exonum.Hash propose_hash = 3;
message TransactionsRequest {
exonum.PublicKey to = 1;
repeated exonum.Hash txs = 2;
message PrevotesRequest {
exonum.PublicKey to = 1;
uint64 height = 2;
uint32 round = 3;
exonum.Hash propose_hash = 4;
exonum.BitVec validators = 5;
message PeersRequest { exonum.PublicKey to = 1; }
message BlockRequest {
exonum.PublicKey to = 1;
uint64 height = 2;
message PoolTransactionsRequest {
exonum.PublicKey to = 1;
// Copyright 2019 The Exonum Team
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package exonum;
import "helpers.proto";
message Block {
uint32 proposer_id = 1;
uint64 height = 2;
uint32 tx_count = 3;
exonum.Hash prev_hash = 4;
exonum.Hash tx_hash = 5;
exonum.Hash state_hash = 6;
message ConfigReference {
uint64 actual_from = 1;
exonum.Hash cfg_hash = 2;
message TxLocation {
uint64 block_height = 1;
uint64 position_in_block = 2;
message TransactionResult {
uint32 status = 1;
string description = 2;
trisacrypto/trisa - github 專案讓錢包或交易所等可符合 Financial Action Task Force (FATF) 的 travel rule 要求。參考報導 CipherTrace Enters Race to Solve Crypto's FATF Compliance Headache - CoinDesk
Lloyd’s Of London, Aon And Others Poised To Profit From Cryptocurrency Hacker Insurance
With $300 billion in crypto assets on the planet and less than $1 billion in available insurance coverage, there’s a huge imbalance between supply and demand.
發展 AI + 機械人上,日本也要失敗?(下) - *CUP
儘管技術已經做到頂尖,成本控制也在合理範圍內,但武藏精工卻還是無法完全以 AI 來取代人力。卡在他們眼前的瓶頸,叫做「安全性」。
pseudomuto/protoc-gen-doc: Documentation generator plugin for Google Protocol Buffers
git clone /tmp/src/trisa
bash --gen-proto-doc /tmp/src/trisa/proto /tmp/
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | | The transaction identifier generated by the sender. Any response to a transaction request needs to carry the same identifier. |
transaction | bytes | | Encrypted TransactionData |
encryption_key | bytes | | Encryption key used to encrypt the transaction blob. This key itself is encrypted using the public key of the receiver. |
encryption_algorithm | string | | The encryption algorithm used to encrypt the transaction blob. |
hmac | bytes | | HMAC signature calculated from encrypted transaction blob. |
hmac_secret | bytes | | The HMAC secret used to calculate the HMAC signature. This secret itself is encrypted using the public key of the receiver. |
hmac_algorithm | string | | The algorithm used to calculate the HMAC signature. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
revoked | string | repeated | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ca | string | | URL where the /.well-known/trisa endpoint is located. |
x509_root_store | string | | URL to the root certificate store. |
x509_issuer_store | string | | URL to the intermediate/issuer certificate store. |
x509_vasp_store | string | | URL to the active VASP certificate store. |
crl_store | string | | URL to the CRL store. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
store | X509 | repeated | |
.proto Type | Notes | C++ Type | Java Type | Python Type |
double | | double | double | float |
float | | float | float | float |
int32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. | int32 | int | int |
int64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. | int64 | long | int/long |
uint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint32 | int | int/long |
uint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. | int32 | int | int |
sint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. | int64 | long | int/long |
fixed32 | Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. | uint32 | int | int |
fixed64 | Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sfixed32 | Always four bytes. | int32 | int | int |
sfixed64 | Always eight bytes. | int64 | long | int/long |
bool | | bool | boolean | boolean |
string | A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. | string | String | str/unicode |
bytes | May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. | string | ByteString | str |
├── trisa
│ ├── data
│ │ ├── bitcoin
│ │ │ └── v1alpha1
│ │ │ └── bitcoin.proto
│ │ └── ethereum
│ │ └── v1alpha1
│ │ └── ethereum.proto
│ ├── identity
│ │ ├── be
│ │ │ └── v1alpha1
│ │ │ └── identity.proto
│ │ └── us
│ │ └── v1alpha1
│ │ └── identity.proto
│ └── protocol
│ └── v1alpha1
│ └── trisa.proto
└── tvca
└── discovery
└── discovery.proto
15 directories, 6 files
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
message Data {
string source = 1;
string destination = 2;
int32 amount = 3;
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
message Data {
string source = 1;
string destination = 2;
int32 amount = 3;
syntax = "proto3";
package trisa.protocol.v1alpha1;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
option go_package = "";
service TrisaPeer2Peer {
rpc TransactionStream(stream Transaction) returns (stream Transaction) {}
message Transaction {
// The transaction identifier generated by the sender. Any response
// to a transaction request needs to carry the same identifier.
string id = 1;
// Encrypted TransactionData
bytes transaction = 2;
// Encryption key used to encrypt the transaction blob. This key itself
// is encrypted using the public key of the receiver.
bytes encryption_key = 3;
// The encryption algorithm used to encrypt the transaction blob.
string encryption_algorithm = 4;
// HMAC signature calculated from encrypted transaction blob.
bytes hmac = 5;
// The HMAC secret used to calculate the HMAC signature. This secret
// itself is encrypted using the public key of the receiver.
bytes hmac_secret = 6;
// The algorithm used to calculate the HMAC signature.
string hmac_algorithm = 7;
message TransactionData {
// Identity contains any valid identity structure.
google.protobuf.Any identity = 1;
// Data contains the network specific data.
google.protobuf.Any data = 2;
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
message Identity {
string first_name = 1;
string last_name = 2;
string ssn = 3;
string state = 4;
string driver_license = 5;
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
message Identity {
string first_name = 1;
string last_name = 2;
string national_number = 3;
string city_of_birth = 4;
syntax = "proto3";
package trisa.tvca.discovery;
option go_package = "";
message Trisa {
// URL where the /.well-known/trisa endpoint is located.
string ca = 1;
// URL to the root certificate store.
string x509_root_store = 2;
// URL to the intermediate/issuer certificate store.
string x509_issuer_store = 3;
// URL to the active VASP certificate store.
string x509_vasp_store = 4;
// URL to the CRL store.
string crl_store = 5;
message X509Store {
repeated X509 store = 1;
message X509 {
string id = 1;
string pem = 2;
message CRLStore {
repeated string revoked = 1;
xuperunion/pb at master · xuperchain/xuperunion
git clone /tmp/src/xuperunion
bash --gen-proto-doc /tmp/src/xuperunion/pb /tmp/
ChainedBftPhaseMessage is the proposal message of the protocal.
In Hotstuff, there are two kinds of messages, "NEW_VIEW_MESSAGE" and "QC_Message".
A stable leader can skip this "NEW_VIEW_MESSAGE".
Field | Type | Label | Description |
Type | QCState | | Message Type: NEW_VIEW_MESSAGE or QC_MESSAGE |
ViewNumber | int64 | | ViewNumber the current view number |
ProposalQC | QuorumCert | | The new proposal send to other replicas while the |
JustifyQC | QuorumCert | | JustifyQC is the QC of the leader gathered, send to next leader, while the message type is "NEW_VIEW_MESSAGE" |
MsgDigest | bytes | | MsgDigest is the digest of the msgg |
Signature | SignInfo | | Signature for this msg |
ChainedBftVoteMessage is the vote message of the protocal.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ProposalId | bytes | | The id of this message votes for. |
Signature | SignInfo | | Replica will sign the QCMessage if the QuorumCert if valid. |
QCSignInfos is the signs of the leader gathered from replicas of a specifically certType.
A slice of signs is used at present.
TODO @qizheng09: It will be change to Threshold-Signatures after
Crypto lib support Threshold-Signatures.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
QCSignInfos | SignInfo | repeated | QCSignInfos |
QuorumCert is a data type that combines a collection of signatures from replicas.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ProposalId | bytes | | The id of Proposal this QC certified. |
ProposalMsg | bytes | | The msg of Proposal this QC certified. |
Type | QCState | | The current type of this QC certified. the type contains NEW_VIEW , PREPARE |
ViewNumber | int64 | | The view number of this QC certified. |
SignInfos | QCSignInfos | | SignInfos is the signs of the leader gathered from replicas of a specifically certType. |
SignInfo is the signature information of the
QCState is the phase of hotstuff
Name | Number | Description |
NEW_VIEW | 0 | |
PREPARE | 1 | |
PRE_COMMIT | 2 | |
COMMIT | 3 | |
DECIDE | 4 | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
address | string | | |
jsonEncryptedPrivateKey | string | | |
encryptedMnemonic | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
txInputList | TxInput | repeated | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
txOutputList | TxOutput | repeated | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
uTXOList | UTXO | repeated | |
ReturnCode is the code for client
Name | Number | Description |
RETURNSUCCESS | 0 | Operation success |
INTERNALERR | 101000 | Err about Account |
FILENOTEXIST | 101002 | |
PARAMERR | 101003 | |
PWNOTEXIST | 101009 | |
PWEXIST | 101010 | |
NOTLOGIN | 101012 | |
CONNECTNODEFAIL | 102001 | Err about Transaction |
UTXONOTENOUGH | 102002 | |
FEEINVALID | 102004 | |
FEENOTENOUGN | 102007 | |
PARAMSINVALID | 102008 | |
TXSIGNERR | 102009 | |
REPOSTTXERR | 102010 | |
SERVERERR | 102012 | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
aks | string | repeated | 一堆公钥 |
BlockChain status
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | Header | | |
is_trunk_tip | bool | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | Header | | |
blockchains | string | repeated | |
是否需要内容 |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | Header | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | Header | | |
ContractResponse is the response returnd by contract
Status of a contract
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | Header | | |
bcname | string | | chain name |
desc | NativeCodeDesc | | native code desc |
code | bytes | | code is the bytes of binary code |
address | string | | the address of deployer |
pubkey | bytes | | the public key of deployer |
sign | bytes | | the sign of desc |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | Header | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | Header | | |
candidatesInfo | string | repeated | |
query dpos consensus current status request
query dpos consensus current status reply
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | Header | | |
voteTxidRecords | voteRecord | repeated | 选民投票txid记录 |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | Header | | |
votedTxidRecords | votedRecord | repeated | 候选人被投票的txid记录 |
Query account contracts request
Query account contracts response
Field | Type | Label | Description |
logid | string | | 如果logid没填写,生成一个 |
from_node | string | | call rpc client address,客户端可以为空,节点一定要写自己的address |
error | XChainErrorEnum | | |
Identity authentication request
Identity authentication requests
The internal block struct
Field | Type | Label | Description |
version | int32 | | block version |
nonce | int32 | | Random number used to avoid replay attacks |
blockid | bytes | | blockid generate the hash sign of the block used by sha256 |
pre_hash | bytes | | pre_hash is the parent blockid of the block |
proposer | bytes | | The miner id |
sign | bytes | | The sign which miner signed: blockid + nonce + timestamp |
pubkey | bytes | | The pk of the miner |
merkle_root | bytes | | The Merkle Tree root |
height | int64 | | The height of the blockchain |
timestamp | int64 | | Timestamp of the block |
transactions | Transaction | repeated | Transactions of the block, only txid stored on kv, the detail information stored in another table |
tx_count | int32 | | The transaction count of the block |
merkle_tree | bytes | repeated | 所有交易hash的merkle tree |
curTerm | int64 | | |
curBlockNum | int64 | | |
failed_txs | InternalBlock.FailedTxsEntry | repeated | txid -> failed reason |
targetBits | int32 | | |
Justify | QuorumCert | | Justify used in chained-bft |
in_trunk | bool | | 下面的属性会动态变化 If the block is on the trunk |
next_hash | bytes | | Next next block which on trunk |
Ledger metadata
Field | Type | Label | Description |
root_blockid | bytes | | root block id |
tip_blockid | bytes | | tip block id |
trunk_height | int64 | | the height of the trunk |
max_block_size | int64 | | max block size |
reserved_contracts | InvokeRequest | repeated | preset contracts |
forbidden_contract | InvokeRequest | | reset forbidden contract configuration |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | | native code name |
version | string | | code version |
digest | bytes | | digest of binary |
prevVersion | string | | the previous verion |
xuperApiVersion | int32 | | xuper api version |
PreExecWithSelectUTXORequest preExec + selectUtxo for request
PreExecWithSelectUTXOResponse preExec + selectUtxo for response
RawUrl return the node's connect url
Field | Type | Label | Description |
balance | string | | |
isFrozen | bool | | |
Transaction is the information of the transaction
Field | Type | Label | Description |
txid | bytes | | txid is the id of this transaction |
blockid | bytes | | the blockid the transaction belong to |
tx_inputs | TxInput | repeated | Transaction input list |
tx_outputs | TxOutput | repeated | Transaction output list |
desc | bytes | | Transaction description or system contract |
coinbase | bool | | Mining rewards |
nonce | string | | Random number used to avoid replay attacks |
timestamp | int64 | | Timestamp to launch the transaction |
version | int32 | | tx format version; tx格式版本号 |
autogen | bool | | auto generated tx |
tx_inputs_ext | TxInputExt | repeated | |
tx_outputs_ext | TxOutputExt | repeated | |
contract_requests | InvokeRequest | repeated | |
initiator | string | | 权限系统新增字段 交易发起者, 可以是一个Address或者一个Account |
auth_require | string | repeated | 交易发起需要被收集签名的AddressURL集合信息,包括用于utxo转账和用于合约调用 |
initiator_signs | SignatureInfo | repeated | 交易发起者对交易元数据签名,签名的内容包括auth_require字段 |
auth_require_signs | SignatureInfo | repeated | 收集到的签名 |
received_timestamp | int64 | | 节点收到tx的时间戳,不参与签名 |
xuper_sign | XuperSignature | | 统一签名(支持多重签名/环签名等,与initiator_signs/auth_require_signs不同时使用) |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | Header | | |
txid | bytes | | Transaction id |
bcname | string | | Block name |
from_addr | string | | Account which start the transaction |
from_pubkey | string | | The pk of the account which start the transaction |
from_scrkey | string | | The sk of the account which start the transaction |
user_sign | bytes | | if user don't want to provide scrkey, he should sign the txdata into user_sign |
account | TxDataAccount | repeated | The account list accept tx |
nonce | string | | Random number used to avoid replay attacks |
timestamp | int64 | | Timestamp to launch the Tx |
desc | bytes | | |
version | int32 | | tx version |
Transaction input
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ref_txid | bytes | | The transaction id referenced to |
ref_offset | int32 | | The output offset of the transaction referenced to |
from_addr | bytes | | The address of the launcher |
amount | bytes | | The amount of the transaction |
frozen_height | int64 | | Frozen height |
Transaction output
Field | Type | Label | Description |
amount | bytes | | The amount of the transaction |
to_addr | bytes | | The address of the launcher |
frozen_height | int64 | | Fronzen height |
UtxoInput query info to query utxos
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | Header | | |
bcname | string | | which bcname to select |
address | string | | address to select |
publickey | string | | publickey of the address |
totalNeed | string | | totalNeed refer the total need utxos to select |
userSign | bytes | | userSign of input |
needLock | bool | | need lock |
Utxo metadata
Field | Type | Label | Description |
latest_blockid | bytes | | utxo vm目前执行到的blockid |
lock_key_list | string | repeated | |
utxo_total | string | | 当前utxo vm上的总资产 |
avgDelay | int64 | | 平均上链延时 |
unconfirmTxAmount | int64 | | 待确认交易量 |
UtxoOutput query results
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | Header | | |
utxoList | Utxo | repeated | outSign return the output bytes outSign = 2; utxo list |
totalSelected | string | | total selected amount |
Unified Xuper Signature
Field | Type | Label | Description |
public_keys | bytes | repeated | |
signature | bytes | | |
Name | Number | Description |
ERROR | 0 | |
TRUNK | 1 | |
BRANCH | 2 | |
NOEXIST | 3 | |
-------- Account and Permission Section --------
Name | Number | Description |
NULL | 0 | 无权限控制 |
SIGN_THRESHOLD | 1 | 签名阈值策略 |
SIGN_AKSET | 2 | AKSet签名策略 |
SIGN_RATE | 3 | 签名率策略 |
SIGN_SUM | 4 | 签名个数策略 |
CA_SERVER | 5 | CA服务器鉴权 |
COMMUNITY_VOTE | 6 | 社区治理 |
Name | Number | Description |
CPU | 0 | |
MEMORY | 1 | |
DISK | 2 | |
XFEE | 3 | the fee used in kernel contract |
TransactionStatus is the status of transaction
Name | Number | Description |
UNDEFINE | 0 | Undefined status |
NOEXIST | 1 | Transaction not exist |
CONFIRM | 2 | Transaction have been confirmed |
FURCATION | 3 | Transaction is on the furcation |
UNCONFIRM | 4 | Transaction have not been confirmed |
Name | Number | Description |
SUCCESS | 0 | |
WALK_ERROR | 14 | |
TX_SLE_ERROR | 25 | |
Xchain is the main interfaces
.proto Type | Notes | C++ Type | Java Type | Python Type |
double | | double | double | float |
float | | float | float | float |
int32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. | int32 | int | int |
int64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. | int64 | long | int/long |
uint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint32 | int | int/long |
uint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. | int32 | int | int |
sint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. | int64 | long | int/long |
fixed32 | Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. | uint32 | int | int |
fixed64 | Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sfixed32 | Always four bytes. | int32 | int | int |
sfixed64 | Always eight bytes. | int64 | long | int/long |
bool | | bool | boolean | boolean |
string | A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. | string | String | str/unicode |
bytes | May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. | string | ByteString | str |
├── chainedbft.proto
├── googleapis
│ └── google
│ └── api
│ ├── annotations.proto
│ └── http.proto
├── xchain.proto
├── xchain_spv.proto
└── xcheck.proto
3 directories, 6 files
syntax = "proto3";
package pb;
// QCState is the phase of hotstuff
enum QCState {
// QuorumCert is a data type that combines a collection of signatures from replicas.
message QuorumCert {
// The id of Proposal this QC certified.
bytes ProposalId = 1;
// The msg of Proposal this QC certified.
bytes ProposalMsg = 2;
// The current type of this QC certified.
// the type contains `NEW_VIEW`, `PREPARE`
QCState Type = 3;
// The view number of this QC certified.
int64 ViewNumber = 4;
// SignInfos is the signs of the leader gathered from replicas
// of a specifically certType.
QCSignInfos SignInfos = 5;
// QCSignInfos is the signs of the leader gathered from replicas of a specifically certType.
// A slice of signs is used at present.
// TODO @qizheng09: It will be change to Threshold-Signatures after
// Crypto lib support Threshold-Signatures.
message QCSignInfos {
// QCSignInfos
repeated SignInfo QCSignInfos = 1;
// SignInfo is the signature information of the
message SignInfo {
string Address = 1;
string PublicKey = 2;
bytes Sign = 3;
// ChainedBftPhaseMessage is the proposal message of the protocal.
// In Hotstuff, there are two kinds of messages, "NEW_VIEW_MESSAGE" and "QC_Message".
// A stable leader can skip this "NEW_VIEW_MESSAGE".
message ChainedBftPhaseMessage {
QCState Type = 1;
// ViewNumber the current view number
int64 ViewNumber = 2;
// The new proposal send to other replicas while the
QuorumCert ProposalQC = 3;
// JustifyQC is the QC of the leader gathered, send to next leader, while the message type is "NEW_VIEW_MESSAGE"
QuorumCert JustifyQC = 4;
// MsgDigest is the digest of the msgg
bytes MsgDigest = 5;
// Signature for this msg
SignInfo Signature = 6;
// ChainedBftVoteMessage is the vote message of the protocal.
message ChainedBftVoteMessage {
// The id of this message votes for.
bytes ProposalId = 1;
// Replica will sign the QCMessage if the QuorumCert if valid.
SignInfo Signature = 2;
syntax = "proto3";
package pb;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "xchain.proto";
service Xcheck {
rpc ComplianceCheck(TxStatus) returns (ComplianceCheckResponse);
rpc TransferCheck(TxStatus) returns (TransferCheckResponse);
message ComplianceCheckResponse {
Header header = 1;
SignatureInfo signature = 2;
message TransferCheckResponse {
Header header = 1;
SignatureInfo signature = 2;
syntax = "proto3";
package pb;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "xchain.proto";
// 助记词、私钥的json、公钥的json、钱包地址
message ECDSAAccount
bytes entropyByte = 1;
string mnemonic = 2;
string jsonPrivateKey = 3;
string jsonPublicKey = 4;
string address = 5;
// 助记词、随机字节数组、钱包地址
message ECDSAInfo
bytes entropyByte = 1;
string mnemonic = 2;
string address = 3;
// 钱包地址、被加密后的私钥、被加密后的助记词
message ECDSAAccountFromCloud
string address = 1;
string jsonEncryptedPrivateKey = 2;
string encryptedMnemonic = 3;
// 钱包地址、被加密后的私钥、被加密后的助记词、支付密码的明文
message ECDSAAccountToCloud
string address = 1;
string jsonEncryptedPrivateKey = 2;
string encryptedMnemonic = 3;
string password = 4;
// 全节点
message Node
bytes host = 1;
bytes utxoQueryUrl = 2;
bytes txPostUrl = 3;
bytes balanceQueryUrl = 4;
// 交易输入列表
message TxInputs
repeated TxInput txInputList = 1;
// 交易输出列表
message TxOutputs
repeated TxOutput txOutputList = 1;
// 未花费的交易输出列表
message UTXOs
repeated UTXO uTXOList = 1;
// 未花费的交易输出
message UTXO
bytes amount = 1;
bytes toAddr = 2;
bytes toPubkey = 3;
bytes refTxid = 4;
int32 refOffset = 5;
// ReturnCode is the code for client
enum ReturnCode {
// Operation success
// Err about Account
PARAMERR = 101003;
PWNOTEXIST = 101009;
PWEXIST = 101010;
NOTLOGIN = 101012;
// Err about Transaction
FEEINVALID = 102004;
TXSIGNERR = 102009;
SERVERERR = 102012;
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "chainedbft.proto";
package pb;
enum XChainErrorEnum {
// TransactionStatus is the status of transaction
enum TransactionStatus {
// Undefined status
// Transaction not exist
// Transaction have been confirmed
// Transaction is on the furcation
// Transaction have not been confirmed
// Xchain is the main interfaces
service Xchain {
// PostTx post Transaction to a node
rpc PostTx(TxStatus) returns (CommonReply) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post : "/v1/post_tx"
body : "*"
rpc QueryACL(AclStatus) returns (AclStatus) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post : "/v1/query_acl"
body : "*"
rpc GetAccountContracts(GetAccountContractsRequest)
returns (GetAccountContractsResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post : "/v1/get_account_contracts"
body : "*"
// QueryTx query Transaction by TxStatus,
// Bcname and Txid are required for this
rpc QueryTx(TxStatus) returns (TxStatus) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post : "/v1/query_tx"
body : "*"
// GetBalance get balance of an address,
// Address is required for this
rpc GetBalance(AddressStatus) returns (AddressStatus) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post : "/v1/get_balance"
body : "*"
// GetFrozenBalance get two kinds of balance
// 1. Still be frozen of an address
// 2. Available now of an address
// Address is required for this
rpc GetBalanceDetail(AddressBalanceStatus) returns (AddressBalanceStatus) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/get_balance_detail"
body: "*"
// GetFrozenBalance get balance that still be frozen of an address,
// Address is required for this
rpc GetFrozenBalance(AddressStatus) returns (AddressStatus) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post : "/v1/get_frozen_balance"
body : "*"
// GetBlock get block by blockid and return if the block in trunk or in branch
rpc GetBlock(BlockID) returns (Block) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post : "/v1/get_block"
body : "*"
// GetBlockByHeight get block by height and return if the block in trunk or in
// branch
rpc GetBlockByHeight(BlockHeight) returns (Block) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post : "/v1/get_block_by_height"
body : "*"
rpc GetBlockChainStatus(BCStatus) returns (BCStatus) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post : "/v1/get_bcstatus"
body : "*"
// Get blockchains query blockchains
rpc GetBlockChains(CommonIn) returns (BlockChains) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get : "/v1/get_bcchains"
// body: "*"
// GetSystemStatus query system status
rpc GetSystemStatus(CommonIn) returns (SystemsStatusReply) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post : "/v1/get_sysstatus"
body : "*"
// GetNetURL return net url
rpc GetNetURL(CommonIn) returns (RawUrl) {}
// 新的Select utxos接口, 不需要签名,可以支持选择账户的utxo
rpc SelectUTXO(UtxoInput) returns (UtxoOutput) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post : "/v1/select_utxos_v2"
body : "*"
// PreExecWithSelectUTXO preExec & selectUtxo
rpc PreExecWithSelectUTXO(PreExecWithSelectUTXORequest) returns (PreExecWithSelectUTXOResponse);
// Native code deploy interface
rpc DeployNativeCode(DeployNativeCodeRequest)
returns (DeployNativeCodeResponse);
// Native code status
rpc NativeCodeStatus(NativeCodeStatusRequest)
returns (NativeCodeStatusResponse);
* DPoS query interface
// DposCandidates get all candidates of the tdpos consensus
rpc DposCandidates(DposCandidatesRequest) returns (DposCandidatesResponse);
// DposNominateRecords get all records nominated by an user
rpc DposNominateRecords(DposNominateRecordsRequest)
returns (DposNominateRecordsResponse);
// DposNomineeRecords get nominated record of a candidate
rpc DposNomineeRecords(DposNomineeRecordsRequest)
returns (DposNomineeRecordsResponse);
// DposVoteRecords get all vote records voted by an user
rpc DposVoteRecords(DposVoteRecordsRequest) returns (DposVoteRecordsResponse);
// DposVotedRecords get all vote records of a candidate
rpc DposVotedRecords(DposVotedRecordsRequest)
returns (DposVotedRecordsResponse);
// DposCheckResults get check results of a specific term
rpc DposCheckResults(DposCheckResultsRequest)
returns (DposCheckResultsResponse);
// DposStatus get dpos status
rpc DposStatus(DposStatusRequest) returns (DposStatusResponse);
// GetAccountByAK get account sets contain a specific address
rpc GetAccountByAK(AK2AccountRequest) returns (AK2AccountResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post : "/v1/get_account_by_ak"
body : "*"
rpc PreExec(InvokeRPCRequest) returns (InvokeRPCResponse);
message Header {
string logid = 1; //如果logid没填写,生成一个
string from_node = 2; //call rpc client address,客户端可以为空,节点一定要写自己的address
XChainErrorEnum error = 3;
message TxDataAccount {
string address = 1; //地址
string amount = 2; //金额
int64 frozen_height = 3; //冻结高度
message TxData {
Header header = 13;
// Transaction id
bytes txid = 1;
// Block name
string bcname = 2;
// Account which start the transaction
string from_addr = 3;
// The pk of the account which start the transaction
string from_pubkey = 4;
// The sk of the account which start the transaction
string from_scrkey = 5;
// if user don't want to provide scrkey, he should sign the txdata into
// user_sign
bytes user_sign = 14;
// The account list accept tx
repeated TxDataAccount account = 6;
// Random number used to avoid replay attacks
string nonce = 8;
// Timestamp to launch the Tx
int64 timestamp = 9;
bytes desc = 12;
// tx version
int32 version = 15;
message TxStatus {
Header header = 1;
string bcname = 2;
bytes txid = 3;
TransactionStatus status = 4; //当前状态
int64 distance = 5; //离主干末端的距离(如果在主干上)
Transaction tx = 7;
message BatchTxs {
Header header = 1;
repeated TxStatus Txs = 2;
message Block {
Header header = 1;
string bcname = 2;
bytes blockid = 3;
enum EBlockStatus {
ERROR = 0;
TRUNK = 1;
EBlockStatus status = 4;
InternalBlock block = 5;
message BlockID {
Header header = 4;
string bcname = 1;
bytes blockid = 2;
// if need content
bool need_content = 3; //是否需要内容
message BlockHeight {
Header header = 3;
string bcname = 1;
int64 height = 2;
message CommonReply { Header header = 1; }
message CommonIn { Header header = 1; }
message TokenDetail {
string bcname = 1;
string balance = 2;
XChainErrorEnum error = 3;
message AddressStatus {
Header header = 1;
string address = 2;
repeated TokenDetail bcs = 3;
message TokenFrozenDetail
string balance = 1;
bool isFrozen = 2;
message TokenFrozenDetails
string bcname = 1;
repeated TokenFrozenDetail tfd = 2;
XChainErrorEnum error = 3;
message AddressBalanceStatus
Header header = 1;
string address = 2;
repeated TokenFrozenDetails tfds = 3;
// Transaction input
message TxInput {
// The transaction id referenced to
bytes ref_txid = 1;
// The output offset of the transaction referenced to
int32 ref_offset = 2;
// The address of the launcher
bytes from_addr = 5;
// The amount of the transaction
bytes amount = 6;
// Frozen height
int64 frozen_height = 7;
// Transaction output
message TxOutput {
// The amount of the transaction
bytes amount = 1;
// The address of the launcher
bytes to_addr = 2;
// Fronzen height
int64 frozen_height = 4;
// Unified Xuper Signature
message XuperSignature {
repeated bytes public_keys = 1;
bytes signature = 2;
// Transaction is the information of the transaction
message Transaction {
// txid is the id of this transaction
bytes txid = 1;
// the blockid the transaction belong to
bytes blockid = 2;
// Transaction input list
repeated TxInput tx_inputs = 3;
// Transaction output list
repeated TxOutput tx_outputs = 4;
// Transaction description or system contract
bytes desc = 6;
// Mining rewards
bool coinbase = 7;
// Random number used to avoid replay attacks
string nonce = 8;
// Timestamp to launch the transaction
int64 timestamp = 9;
// tx format version; tx格式版本号
int32 version = 10;
// auto generated tx
bool autogen = 11;
repeated TxInputExt tx_inputs_ext = 23;
repeated TxOutputExt tx_outputs_ext = 24;
repeated InvokeRequest contract_requests = 25;
// 权限系统新增字段
// 交易发起者, 可以是一个Address或者一个Account
string initiator = 26;
// 交易发起需要被收集签名的AddressURL集合信息,包括用于utxo转账和用于合约调用
repeated string auth_require = 27;
// 交易发起者对交易元数据签名,签名的内容包括auth_require字段
repeated SignatureInfo initiator_signs = 28;
// 收集到的签名
repeated SignatureInfo auth_require_signs = 29;
// 节点收到tx的时间戳,不参与签名
int64 received_timestamp = 30;
// 统一签名(支持多重签名/环签名等,与initiator_signs/auth_require_signs不同时使用)
XuperSignature xuper_sign = 31;
// Ledger metadata
message LedgerMeta {
// root block id
bytes root_blockid = 1;
// tip block id
bytes tip_blockid = 2;
// the height of the trunk
int64 trunk_height = 3;
// max block size
int64 max_block_size = 4;
// preset contracts
repeated InvokeRequest reserved_contracts = 5;
// reset forbidden contract configuration
InvokeRequest forbidden_contract = 6;
// Utxo metadata
message UtxoMeta {
bytes latest_blockid = 1; // utxo vm目前执行到的blockid
repeated string lock_key_list = 2;
string utxo_total = 3; // 当前utxo vm上的总资产
int64 avgDelay = 4; // 平均上链延时
int64 unconfirmTxAmount = 5; // 待确认交易量
// The internal block struct
message InternalBlock {
// block version
int32 version = 1;
// Random number used to avoid replay attacks
int32 nonce = 2;
// blockid generate the hash sign of the block used by sha256
bytes blockid = 3;
// pre_hash is the parent blockid of the block
bytes pre_hash = 4;
// The miner id
bytes proposer = 5;
// The sign which miner signed: blockid + nonce + timestamp
bytes sign = 6;
// The pk of the miner
bytes pubkey = 7;
// The Merkle Tree root
bytes merkle_root = 8;
// The height of the blockchain
int64 height = 9;
// Timestamp of the block
int64 timestamp = 10;
// Transactions of the block, only txid stored on kv, the detail information
// stored in another table
repeated Transaction transactions = 11;
// The transaction count of the block
int32 tx_count = 12;
// 所有交易hash的merkle tree
repeated bytes merkle_tree = 13;
int64 curTerm = 16;
int64 curBlockNum = 17;
map<string, string> failed_txs = 18; // txid -> failed reason
int32 targetBits = 19;
// Justify used in chained-bft
QuorumCert Justify = 20;
// 下面的属性会动态变化
// If the block is on the trunk
bool in_trunk = 14;
// Next next block which on trunk
bytes next_hash = 15;
// BlockChain status
message BCStatus {
Header header = 1;
// block name
string bcname = 2;
// ledger metadata
LedgerMeta meta = 3;
// The information of the longest block
InternalBlock block = 4;
// Utox information
UtxoMeta utxoMeta = 5;
message BCTipStatus {
Header header = 1;
bool is_trunk_tip = 2;
message BlockChains {
Header header = 1;
repeated string blockchains = 2;
message Speeds {
map<string, double> SumSpeeds = 1;
map<string, BCSpeeds> BcSpeeds = 2;
message BCSpeeds { map<string, double> BcSpeed = 1; }
message SystemsStatus {
Header header = 1;
repeated BCStatus bcs_status = 2;
Speeds speeds = 3;
repeated string peerUrls = 4;
message SystemsStatusReply {
Header header = 1;
SystemsStatus systems_status = 2;
// RawUrl return the node's connect url
message RawUrl {
Header header = 1;
string rawUrl = 2;
message Utxo {
bytes amount = 1;
bytes toAddr = 2;
bytes toPubkey = 3;
bytes refTxid = 4;
int32 refOffset = 5;
// UtxoInput query info to query utxos
message UtxoInput {
Header header = 1;
// which bcname to select
string bcname = 2;
// address to select
string address = 3;
// publickey of the address
string publickey = 4;
// totalNeed refer the total need utxos to select
string totalNeed = 5;
// userSign of input
bytes userSign = 7;
// need lock
bool needLock = 8;
// UtxoOutput query results
message UtxoOutput {
Header header = 1;
// outSign return the output
// bytes outSign = 2;
// utxo list
repeated Utxo utxoList = 2;
// total selected amount
string totalSelected = 3;
message NativeCodeDesc {
// native code name
string name = 1;
// code version
string version = 2;
// digest of binary
bytes digest = 3;
// the previous verion
string prevVersion = 4;
// xuper api version
int32 xuperApiVersion = 5;
message WasmCodeDesc {
string runtime = 1;
string compiler = 2;
bytes digest = 3;
string vm_compiler = 4;
message DeployNativeCodeRequest {
Header header = 1;
// chain name
string bcname = 2;
// native code desc
NativeCodeDesc desc = 3;
// code is the bytes of binary code
bytes code = 4;
// the address of deployer
string address = 5;
// the public key of deployer
bytes pubkey = 6;
// the sign of desc
bytes sign = 7;
message DeployNativeCodeResponse { Header header = 1; }
message NativeCodeStatus {
NativeCodeDesc desc = 1;
int32 status = 2;
bool healthy = 3;
message NativeCodeStatusRequest {
Header header = 1;
string bcname = 2;
message NativeCodeStatusResponse {
Header header = 1;
repeated NativeCodeStatus status = 2;
* DPoS query interface
// 候选人列表接口
message DposCandidatesRequest {
Header header = 1;
string bcname = 2;
// 候选人列表返回
message DposCandidatesResponse {
Header header = 1;
repeated string candidatesInfo = 2;
// 提名者提名记录请求
message DposNominateRecordsRequest {
Header header = 1;
string bcname = 2;
string address = 3;
// 候选人信息
message DposNominateInfo {
string candidate = 1;
string txid = 2;
// 提名者提名记录返回
message DposNominateRecordsResponse {
Header header = 1;
repeated DposNominateInfo nominateRecords = 2;
// 候选人被提名记录请求
message DposNomineeRecordsRequest {
Header header = 1;
string bcname = 2;
string address = 3;
// 候选人被提名记录返回
message DposNomineeRecordsResponse {
Header header = 1;
string txid = 2;
// 选民投票记录请求
message DposVoteRecordsRequest {
Header header = 1;
string bcname = 2;
string address = 3;
// 选民投票记录
message voteRecord {
string candidate = 1;
string txid = 2;
// 选民投票记录返回
message DposVoteRecordsResponse {
Header header = 1;
// 选民投票txid记录
repeated voteRecord voteTxidRecords = 2;
// 候选人被投票记录请求
message DposVotedRecordsRequest {
Header header = 1;
string bcname = 2;
string address = 3;
// 候选人被投票记录
message votedRecord {
string voter = 1;
string txid = 2;
// 候选人被投票记录返回
message DposVotedRecordsResponse {
Header header = 1;
// 候选人被投票的txid记录
repeated votedRecord votedTxidRecords = 2;
// 查询检票结果记录请求
message DposCheckResultsRequest {
Header header = 1;
string bcname = 2;
int64 term = 3;
// 查询检票结果记录返回
message DposCheckResultsResponse {
Header header = 1;
int64 term = 2;
repeated string checkResult = 3;
// query dpos consensus current status request
message DposStatusRequest {
Header header = 1;
string bcname = 2;
// query dpos consensus current status reply
message DposStatusResponse {
Header header = 1;
DposStatus status = 2;
message DposStatus {
int64 term = 1;
int64 block_num = 2;
string proposer = 3;
int64 proposer_num = 4;
repeated string checkResult = 5;
message InvokeRPCRequest {
Header header = 1;
string bcname = 2;
repeated InvokeRequest requests = 3;
string initiator = 4;
repeated string auth_require = 5;
message InvokeRPCResponse {
Header header = 1;
string bcname = 2;
InvokeResponse response = 3;
// 预执行的请求结构
message InvokeRequest {
string module_name = 1;
string contract_name = 2;
string method_name = 3;
map<string, bytes> args = 4;
repeated ResourceLimit resource_limits = 5;
// 预执行的返回结构
message InvokeResponse {
repeated TxInputExt inputs = 1;
repeated TxOutputExt outputs = 2;
repeated bytes response = 3;
int64 gas_used = 4;
repeated InvokeRequest requests = 5;
repeated ContractResponse responses = 6;
// 扩展输入
message TxInputExt {
string bucket = 1;
bytes key = 2;
bytes ref_txid = 3;
int32 ref_offset = 4;
// 扩展输出
message TxOutputExt {
string bucket = 1;
bytes key = 2;
bytes value = 3;
// 签名详情
message SignatureInfo {
string PublicKey = 1;
bytes Sign = 2;
// -------- Account and Permission Section --------
enum PermissionRule {
NULL = 0; // 无权限控制
SIGN_THRESHOLD = 1; // 签名阈值策略
SIGN_AKSET = 2; // AKSet签名策略
SIGN_RATE = 3; // 签名率策略
SIGN_SUM = 4; // 签名个数策略
CA_SERVER = 5; // CA服务器鉴权
COMMUNITY_VOTE = 6; // 社区治理
message PermissionModel {
PermissionRule rule = 1;
double acceptValue = 2; // 取决于用哪种rule, 可以表示签名率,签名数或权重阈值
// AK集的表示方法
message AkSet {
repeated string aks = 1; // 一堆公钥
message AkSets {
map<string, AkSet> sets = 1; // 公钥or账户名集
string expression =
2; // 表达式,一期不支持表达式,默认集合内是and,集合间是or
// Acl实际使用的结构
message Acl {
PermissionModel pm = 1; // 采用的权限模型
map<string, double> aksWeight = 2; // 公钥or账户名 -> 权重
AkSets akSets = 3;
// 查询Acl
message AclStatus {
Header header = 1;
string bcname = 2;
string accountName = 3;
string contractName = 4;
string methodName = 5;
bool confirmed = 6;
Acl acl = 7;
// Identity authentication request
message IdentityAuth {
bytes sign = 1;
bytes pubkey = 2;
string addr = 3;
string peerID = 4;
string timestamp = 5;
// Identity authentication requests
message IdentityAuths { repeated IdentityAuth auth = 1; }
enum ResourceType {
CPU = 0;
DISK = 2;
XFEE = 3; // the fee used in kernel contract
message ResourceLimit {
ResourceType type = 1;
int64 limit = 2;
message AK2AccountRequest {
Header header = 1;
string bcname = 2;
string address = 3;
message AK2AccountResponse {
Header header = 1;
string bcname = 2;
repeated string account = 3;
// Query account contracts request
message GetAccountContractsRequest {
Header header = 1;
string bcname = 2;
string account = 3;
// Query account contracts response
message GetAccountContractsResponse {
Header header = 1;
repeated ContractStatus contracts_status = 2;
// Status of a contract
message ContractStatus {
string contract_name = 1;
string txid = 2;
bytes desc = 3;
bool is_banned = 4;
// PreExecWithSelectUTXORequest preExec + selectUtxo for request
message PreExecWithSelectUTXORequest {
Header header = 1;
string bcname = 2;
string address = 3;
int64 totalAmount = 4;
SignatureInfo signInfo = 6;
bool needLock = 7;
InvokeRPCRequest request = 5;
// PreExecWithSelectUTXOResponse preExec + selectUtxo for response
message PreExecWithSelectUTXOResponse {
Header header = 1;
string bcname = 2;
InvokeResponse response = 3;
// for preExec & selectUTXO
UtxoOutput utxoOutput = 4;
// ContractResponse is the response returnd by contract
message ContractResponse {
int32 status = 1;
string message = 2;
bytes body = 3;
wallet-core/src/proto at master · trustwallet/wallet-core
pseudomuto/protoc-gen-doc: Documentation generator plugin for Google Protocol Buffers
git clone /tmp/src/trustwallet-core
bash --gen-proto-doc /tmp/src/trustwallet-core/src/proto /tmp/
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chain_id | bytes | | Chain identifier (256-bit number) |
nonce | bytes | | Nonce (256-bit number) |
gas_price | bytes | | Gas price (256-bit number) |
gas_limit | bytes | | Gas limit (256-bit number) |
to_address | string | | Recipient's address. |
amount | bytes | | Amount to send in wei (256-bit number) |
payload | bytes | | Optional payload |
private_key | bytes | | Private key. |
Transaction signing output.
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
private_key | bytes | | |
destination | string | | |
value | uint64 | | |
fee | uint64 | | |
nonce | uint64 | | current latest transaction serial number |
timestamp | uint64 | | current timestamp in millisecond |
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
encoded | bytes | | |
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
nonce | bytes | | Nonce (256-bit number) |
gas_price | bytes | | Gas price (256-bit number) |
gas_limit | bytes | | Gas limit (256-bit number) |
to_address | string | | Recipient's address. |
amount | bytes | | Amount to send in wei (256-bit number) |
payload | bytes | | Optional payload |
private_key | bytes | | Private key. |
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
encoded | bytes | | Signed and encoded transaction bytes. |
signature | bytes | | Signature. |
Message for sending coins.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
from_address | string | | |
to_address | string | | |
amounts | Amount | repeated | |
type_prefix | string | | default is cosmos-sdk/MsgSend |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
public_key | bytes | | |
signature | bytes | | |
Input data necessary to create a signed order.
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signature | bytes | | Signature |
json | string | | Signed transaction in JSON. |
Message for staking.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
delegator_address | string | | |
validator_address | string | | |
amount | Amount | | |
type_prefix | string | | cosmos-sdk/MsgDelegate to stake and cosmos-sdk/MsgUndelegate to unstake |
Message for staking.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
delegator_address | string | | |
validator_address | string | | |
type_prefix | string | | default is cosmos-sdk/MsgWithdrawDelegationReward |
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
encoded | string | | JSON-encoded transaction parameters. |
signature | bytes | | Signature. |
Name | Number | Description |
Transfer | 0 | |
transaction signing input
transaction signing output
Field | Type | Label | Description |
encoded | bytes | | Signed and encoded Action bytes |
hash | bytes | | Signed Action hash |
Bitcoin transaction out-point reference.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
hash | bytes | | The hash of the referenced transaction. |
index | uint32 | | The index of the specific output in the transaction. |
sequence | uint32 | | Transaction version as defined by the sender. |
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
hash_type | uint32 | | Hash type to use when signing. |
amount | int64 | | Amount to send. |
byte_fee | int64 | | Transaction fee per byte. |
to_address | string | | Recipient's address. |
change_address | string | | Change address. |
private_key | bytes | repeated | Available private keys. |
scripts | SigningInput.ScriptsEntry | repeated | Available redeem scripts indexed by script hash. |
utxo | UnspentTransaction | repeated | Available unspent transaction outputs. |
use_max_amount | bool | | If sending max amount. |
coin_type | uint32 | | Coin type (forks). |
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transaction | Transaction | | Resulting transaction. Note that the amount may be different than the requested amount to account for fees and available funds. |
encoded | bytes | | Signed and encoded transaction bytes. |
fee | int64 | | Total transaction fees. |
max_amount | int64 | | Maximum spendable amount. |
transaction_id | string | | Transaction id |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
version | sint32 | | Transaction data format version. |
lockTime | uint32 | | The block number or timestamp at which this transaction is unlocked. |
inputs | TransactionInput | repeated | A list of 1 or more transaction inputs or sources for coins. |
outputs | TransactionOutput | repeated | A list of 1 or more transaction outputs or destinations for coins |
Bitcoin transaction input.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
previousOutput | OutPoint | | Reference to the previous transaction's output. |
sequence | uint32 | | Transaction version as defined by the sender. |
script | bytes | | Computational script for confirming transaction authorization. |
Bitcoin transaction output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
value | int64 | | Transaction amount. |
script | bytes | | Usually contains the public key as a Bitcoin script setting up conditions to claim this output. |
Describes a preliminary transaction plan.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
amount | int64 | | Amount to be received at the other end. |
available_amount | int64 | | Maximum available amount. |
fee | int64 | | Estimated transaction fee. |
change | int64 | | Change. |
utxos | UnspentTransaction | repeated | Selected unspent transaction outputs. |
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transaction | Transaction | | Resulting transaction. Note that the amount may be different than the requested amount to account for fees and available funds. |
encoded | bytes | | Signed and encoded transaction bytes. |
fee | int64 | | Total transaction fees. |
max_amount | int64 | | Maximum spendable amount. |
transaction_id | string | | Transaction id |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
serializeType | uint32 | | Serialization format |
version | uint32 | | Transaction data format version |
inputs | TransactionInput | repeated | A list of 1 or more transaction inputs or sources for coins. |
outputs | TransactionOutput | repeated | A list of 1 or more transaction outputs or destinations for coins |
lockTime | uint32 | | The time when a transaction can be spent (usually zero, in which case it has no effect). |
expiry | uint32 | | The block height at which the transaction expires and is no longer valid. |
Decred transaction input.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
previousOutput | TW.Bitcoin.Proto.OutPoint | | Reference to the previous transaction's output. |
sequence | uint32 | | Transaction version as defined by the sender. |
valueIn | int64 | | |
blockHeight | uint32 | | |
blockIndex | uint32 | | |
script | bytes | | Computational script for confirming transaction authorization. |
Decred transaction output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
value | int64 | | Transaction amount. |
version | uint32 | | Transaction output version. |
script | bytes | | Usually contains the public key as a Decred script setting up conditions to claim this output. |
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
version | uint32 | | Transaction version |
nonce | uint64 | | Nonce |
to_address | string | | Recipient's address. |
amount | bytes | | Amount to send (256-bit number) |
gas_price | bytes | | GasPrice (256-bit number) |
gas_limit | uint64 | | GasLimit |
private_key | bytes | | Private Key |
code | bytes | | Smart contract code |
data | bytes | | String-ified JSON object specifying the transition parameter |
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signature | bytes | | Signed signature bytes. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
private_key | bytes | | The stake account private key |
vote_pubkey | string | | |
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
encoded | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
private_key | bytes | | The stake account private key |
recipient | string | | |
value | uint64 | | |
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
encoded | bytes | | Signed and encoded transaction bytes. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
hash | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | int64 | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
text | string | | |
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signature | string | | Signature. |
Name | Number | Description |
PAYMENT | 1 | |
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
amount | int64 | | |
asset | string | | |
fee | int64 | | minimum 0.001 Waves (100000 Wavelets) for now |
fee_asset | string | | |
to | string | | |
attachment | bytes | | any 140 bytes payload, will be displayed to the client as utf-8 string |
timestamp | int64 | | in millis |
private_key | bytes | | |
Transaction signing output.
Result type.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
success | bool | | Whether the operation was successful. |
error | string | | Optional error message, only present if success is false. |
objects | google.protobuf.Any | repeated | Result objects, if any. |
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
encoded | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
sender | bytes | | 0x166E681B // prefix |
originating address |
| symbol | string | | symbol for trading pair in full name of the tokens |
| refid | string | | order id to cancel |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
from | bytes | | 0xC1665300 // prefix |
signer address |
| swap_id | bytes | | |
| random_number | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
from | bytes | | 0xB33F9A24 // prefix |
signer address |
| amount | SendOrder.Token | repeated | |
| swap_id | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
from | bytes | | 0xB33F9A24 // prefix |
signer address |
| to | bytes | | recipient address |
| recipient_other_chain | string | | |
| sender_other_chain | string | | |
| random_number_hash | bytes | | hash of a random number and timestamp, based on SHA256 |
| timestamp | int64 | | |
| amount | SendOrder.Token | repeated | |
| expected_income | string | | expected gained token on the other chain |
| height_span | int64 | | |
| cross_chain | bool | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
from | bytes | | 0x3454A27C // prefix |
signer address |
| swap_id | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pub_key | bytes | | public key bytes of the signer address |
signature | bytes | | signature bytes, please check chain access section for signature generation |
account_number | int64 | | another identifier of signer, which can be read from chain by account REST API or RPC |
sequence | int64 | | sequence number for the next transaction |
0xEB5AE987 // prefix
bytes // public key bytes
Input data necessary to create a signed order.
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
encoded | bytes | | Signed and encoded transaction bytes. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
from | bytes | | 0xE774B32D // prefix |
owner address |
| symbol | string | | token symbol, in full name with "-" suffix |
| amount | int64 | | amount of token to freeze |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
from | bytes | | 0x6515FF0D // prefix |
owner address |
| symbol | string | | token symbol, in full name with "-" suffix |
| amount | int64 | | amount of token to unfreeze |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
sender | bytes | | 0xCE6DC043 // prefix |
originating address |
| id | string | | order id, optional |
| symbol | string | | symbol for trading pair in full name of the tokens |
| ordertype | int64 | | only accept 2 for now, meaning limit order |
| side | int64 | | 1 for buy and 2 fory sell |
| price | int64 | | price of the order, which is the real price multiplied by 1e8 (10^8) and rounded to integer |
| quantity | int64 | | quantity of the order, which is the real price multiplied by 1e8 (10^8) and rounded to integer |
| timeinforce | int64 | | 1 for Good Till Expire(GTE) order and 3 for Immediate Or Cancel (IOC) |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
msgs | bytes | repeated | int64 SIZE-OF-ENCODED // varint encoded length of the structure after encoding 0xF0625DEE // prefix |
array of size 1, containing the transaction message, which are one of the transaction type below |
| signatures | bytes | repeated | array of size 1, containing the standard signature structure of the transaction sender |
| memo | string | | a short sentence of remark for the transaction, only for Transfer
transactions. |
| source | int64 | | an identifier for tools triggerring this transaction, set to zero if unwilling to disclose. |
| data | bytes | | reserved for future use |
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
from_address | string | | Sender address. |
to_address | string | | Recipient address. |
value | bytes | | Transfer amount. |
step_limit | bytes | | The amount of step to send with the transaction. |
timestamp | int64 | | UNIX epoch time (from 1970.1.1 00:00:00) in microseconds |
nonce | bytes | | Integer value increased by request to avoid replay attacks. |
network_id | bytes | | Network identifier |
private_key | bytes | | Private key. |
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
encoded | string | | JSON-encoded transaction parameters. |
signature | bytes | | Signature. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
to | string | | Recipient address. |
value | bytes | | Transaction amount. |
data | bytes | | Payload data. |
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chain_tag | uint32 | | Last byte of the genesis block ID which is used to identify a blockchain to prevent the cross-chain replay attack. |
block_ref | uint64 | | Reference to a specific block. |
expiration | uint32 | | How long, in terms of the number of blocks, the transaction will be allowed to be mined in VeChainThor. |
clauses | Clause | repeated | An array of Clause objects. / / Each clause contains fields To, Value and Data to enable a single transaction to carry multiple tasks issued / by the transaction sender. |
gas_price_coef | uint32 | | Coefficient used to calculate the gas price for the transaction. |
gas | uint64 | | Maximum amount of gas allowed to pay for the transaction. |
depends_on | bytes | | ID of the transaction on which the current transaction depends. |
nonce | uint64 | | Number set by user. |
private_key | bytes | | Private key. |
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
encoded | bytes | | Signed and encoded transaction bytes. |
signature | bytes | | Signature. |
Delegation operation specific data.
Next field: 2
Field | Type | Label | Description |
delegate | string | | |
An operation that can be applied to the Tezos blockchain.
Next field: 12
A list of operations and a branch.
Next field: 3
Origination operation specific data.
Next field: 3
Field | Type | Label | Description |
manager_pubkey | string | | |
balance | int64 | | |
Reveal operation specific data.
Next field: 2
Field | Type | Label | Description |
public_key | bytes | | |
Input data necessary to create a signed Tezos transaction.
Next field: 3
Transaction signing output.
Next field: 2
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signed_bytes | bytes | | |
Transaction operation specific data.
Next field: 3
Field | Type | Label | Description |
destination | string | | |
amount | int64 | | |
Name | Number | Description |
ENDORSEMENT | 0 | Note: Proto3 semantics require a zero value. |
REVEAL | 7 | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
coin_type | uint32 | | BIP44 network ID |
transaction | string | | JSON transaction |
private_key | string | | Private Key in HEX format |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
code | uint32 | | Error code |
description | string | | Error description |
Raw transaction data
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
from_address | string | | sender's address. |
chain_id | bytes | | Chain identifier (256-bit number) |
nonce | bytes | | Nonce (256-bit number) |
gas_price | bytes | | Gas price (256-bit number) |
gas_limit | bytes | | Gas limit (256-bit number) |
to_address | string | | Recipient's address. |
amount | bytes | | Amount to send in wei, 1 NAS = 10^18 Wei (256-bit number) |
timestamp | bytes | | Timestamp to create transaction (256-bit number) |
payload | string | | Optional payload |
private_key | bytes | | Private key. |
Transaction signing output.
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chain_id | bytes | | Chain id (256-bit number) |
sender | string | | Sender's username |
recipient | string | | Recipient's username |
amount | double | | Amount in "BRAVO" or "TEST" |
testnet | bool | | Whether the transaction is for testnet |
memo | string | | Memo to attach to the transaction |
reference_block_id | bytes | | Reference Block Id (160-bits) |
reference_block_time | sfixed32 | | Timestamp on the reference block |
private_key | bytes | | Sender's private key's raw bytes |
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
json_encoded | string | | JSON of the signed transaction. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
owner_address | string | | Sender address. |
frozen_balance | int64 | | Frozen balance. Minimum 1 |
frozen_duration | int64 | | Frozen duration |
resource | string | | Resource type: BANDWIDTH |
receiver_address | string | | Receiver address |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transaction | Transaction | | Transaction. |
private_key | bytes | | Private key. |
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | bytes | | Transaction identifier. |
signature | bytes | | Signature. |
ref_block_bytes | bytes | | |
ref_block_hash | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
asset_name | string | | Asset name. |
owner_address | string | | Sender address. |
to_address | string | | Recipient address. |
amount | int64 | | Amount to send. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
owner_address | string | | Sender address. |
to_address | string | | Recipient address. |
amount | int64 | | Amount to send. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
owner_address | string | | Sender address |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
owner_address | string | | Sender address |
resource | string | | Resource type: BANDWIDTH |
receiver_address | string | | Receiver address |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
owner_address | string | | Sender address |
vote_address | string | repeated | Vote addresses |
support | bool | | |
count | int32 | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vote_address | string | | |
vote_count | int64 | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
owner_address | string | | Sender address |
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chain_id | string | | Chain ID string, mainnet, testnet and privatenet |
to_address | string | | Recipient address |
theta_amount | bytes | | Theta token amount to send in wei (256-bit number) |
tfuel_amount | bytes | | TFuel token amount to send in wei (256-bit number) |
sequence | uint64 | | Sequence number of the transaction for the sender address |
fee | bytes | | Fee amount in TFuel wei for the transaction (256-bit number) |
private_key | bytes | | Private key |
Transaction signing output
Field | Type | Label | Description |
encoded | bytes | | Signed and encoded transaction bytes |
signature | bytes | | Signature |
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
from_address | string | | Address of the sender with "ak_" prefix |
to_address | string | | Address of the recipient with "ak_" prefix |
amount | bytes | | |
fee | bytes | | |
payload | string | | Message, optional |
ttl | uint64 | | Time to live until block height |
nonce | uint64 | | |
private_key | bytes | | |
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
encoded | string | | Signed and encoded transaction bytes, Base64 with checksum |
signature | string | | Signature, Base58 with checksum |
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
encoded | bytes | | |
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chain_id | bytes | | Chain identifier (256-bit number) |
nonce | bytes | | Nonce (256-bit number) |
gas_price | bytes | | Gas price (256-bit number) |
gas_limit | bytes | | Gas limit (256-bit number) |
to_address | string | | Recipient's address. |
amount | bytes | | Amount to send in wei (256-bit number) |
payload | bytes | | Optional payload |
private_key | bytes | | Private key. |
from_shard_id | bytes | | From shard ID (256-bit number) |
to_shard_id | bytes | | To Shard ID (256-bit number) |
Transaction signing output.
Values for an Asset object.
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chain_id | bytes | | Chain id (256-bit number) |
reference_block_id | bytes | | Reference Block Id (256-bits) |
reference_block_time | sfixed32 | | Timestamp on the reference block |
currency | string | | Currency (e.g. "eosio.token") |
sender | string | | Sender's username |
recipient | string | | Recipient's username |
memo | string | | Memo attached to the transaction |
asset | Asset | | Asset details and amount |
private_key | bytes | | Sender's private key's raw bytes |
private_key_type | KeyType | | Type of the private key |
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
json_encoded | string | | JSON of the packed transaction. |
Name | Number | Description |
LEGACY | 0 | |
MODERNK1 | 1 | |
MODERNR1 | 2 | |
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
private_key | bytes | | Private key |
parent_block | bytes | | Optional parent block hash |
link_block | bytes | | Hash of a block to receive from |
link_recipient | string | | Recipient address to send coins to |
representative | string | | Representative address |
balance | string | | Account balance (128-bit unsigned integer, as a string) |
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signature | bytes | | Signature |
block_hash | bytes | | Block hash |
The message defines transaction action struct.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
contract | string | | contract name |
action_name | string | | action name |
data | string | | data |
The message defines transaction amount limit struct.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
token | string | | token name |
value | string | | limit value |
The message defines signature struct.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
algorithm | Algorithm | | signature algorithm |
signature | bytes | | signature bytes |
public_key | bytes | | public key |
Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Transaction signing output.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transaction | Transaction | | Signed transaction |
The message defines the transaction request.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
time | int64 | | transaction timestamp |
expiration | int64 | | expiration timestamp |
gas_ratio | double | | gas price |
gas_limit | double | | gas limit |
delay | int64 | | delay nanoseconds |
chain_id | uint32 | | chain id |
actions | Action | repeated | action list |
amount_limit | AmountLimit | repeated | amount limit |
signers | string | repeated | signer list |
signatures | Signature | repeated | signatures of signers |
publisher | string | | publisher |
publisher_sigs | Signature | repeated | signatures of publisher |
The enumeration defines the signature algorithm.
Name | Number | Description |
UNKNOWN | 0 | unknown |
SECP256K1 | 1 | secp256k1 |
ED25519 | 2 | ed25519 |
.proto Type | Notes | C++ Type | Java Type | Python Type |
double | | double | double | float |
float | | float | float | float |
int32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. | int32 | int | int |
int64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. | int64 | long | int/long |
uint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint32 | int | int/long |
uint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. | int32 | int | int |
sint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. | int64 | long | int/long |
fixed32 | Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. | uint32 | int | int |
fixed64 | Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sfixed32 | Always four bytes. | int32 | int | int |
sfixed64 | Always eight bytes. | int64 | long | int/long |
bool | | bool | boolean | boolean |
string | A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. | string | String | str/unicode |
bytes | May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. | string | ByteString | str |
├── Aeternity.proto
├── Aion.proto
├── Any.proto
├── ARK.proto
├── Binance.proto
├── Bitcoin.proto
├── Bravo.proto
├── Common.proto
├── Cosmos.proto
├── Decred.proto
├── EOS.proto
├── Ethereum.proto
├── Harmony.proto
├── Icon.proto
├── IOST.proto
├── IoTeX.proto
├── Nano.proto
├── Nebulas.proto
├── Nimiq.proto
├── Ontology.proto
├── Ripple.proto
├── Semux.proto
├── Solana.proto
├── Stellar.proto
├── Tezos.proto
├── Theta.proto
├── Tron.proto
├── VeChain.proto
├── Waves.proto
└── Zilliqa.proto
0 directories, 30 files
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Ethereum.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
// Chain identifier (256-bit number)
bytes chain_id = 1;
// Nonce (256-bit number)
bytes nonce = 2;
// Gas price (256-bit number)
bytes gas_price = 3;
// Gas limit (256-bit number)
bytes gas_limit = 4;
// Recipient's address.
string to_address = 5;
// Amount to send in wei (256-bit number)
bytes amount = 6;
// Optional payload
bytes payload = 7;
// Private key.
bytes private_key = 8;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
// Signed and encoded transaction bytes.
bytes encoded = 1;
bytes v = 2;
bytes r = 3;
bytes s = 4;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Semux.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
bytes private_key = 1;
string destination = 2;
uint64 value = 3;
uint64 fee = 4;
// current latest transaction serial number
uint64 nonce = 5;
// current timestamp in millisecond
uint64 timestamp = 6;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
bytes encoded = 1;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Aion.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
// Nonce (256-bit number)
bytes nonce = 1;
// Gas price (256-bit number)
bytes gas_price = 2;
// Gas limit (256-bit number)
bytes gas_limit = 3;
// Recipient's address.
string to_address = 4;
// Amount to send in wei (256-bit number)
bytes amount = 5;
// Optional payload
bytes payload = 6;
// Private key.
bytes private_key = 7;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
// Signed and encoded transaction bytes.
bytes encoded = 1;
// Signature.
bytes signature = 2;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Cosmos.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
// Amount
message Amount {
string denom = 1;
int64 amount = 2;
// Fee
message Fee {
repeated Amount amounts = 1;
uint64 gas = 2;
// Message for sending coins.
message SendCoinsMessage {
string from_address = 1;
string to_address = 2;
repeated Amount amounts = 3;
// default is cosmos-sdk/MsgSend
string type_prefix = 4;
// Message for staking.
message StakeMessage {
string delegator_address = 1;
string validator_address = 2;
Amount amount = 3;
// cosmos-sdk/MsgDelegate to stake and cosmos-sdk/MsgUndelegate to unstake
string type_prefix = 4;
// Message for staking.
message WithdrawStakeRewardMessage {
string delegator_address = 1;
string validator_address = 2;
// default is cosmos-sdk/MsgWithdrawDelegationReward
string type_prefix = 3;
// Signature
message Signature {
bytes public_key = 1;
bytes signature = 2;
// Transaction
message Transaction {
Fee fee = 1;
string memo = 2;
Signature signature = 3;
oneof message_oneof {
SendCoinsMessage send_coins_message = 4;
StakeMessage stake_message = 5;
StakeMessage unstake_message = 6;
WithdrawStakeRewardMessage withdraw_stake_reward_message = 7;
// Input data necessary to create a signed order.
message SigningInput {
uint64 account_number = 1;
string chain_id = 2;
Fee fee = 3;
string memo = 4;
uint64 sequence = 5;
bytes private_key = 6;
oneof message_oneof {
SendCoinsMessage send_coins_message = 7;
StakeMessage stake_message = 8;
StakeMessage unstake_message = 9;
WithdrawStakeRewardMessage withdraw_stake_reward_message = 10;
// default is cosmos-sdk/MsgSend
string type_prefix = 11;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
// Signature
bytes signature = 1;
// Signed transaction in JSON.
string json = 2;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.ARK.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
enum TransactionType {
Transfer = 0;
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
// Transaction type
TransactionType type = 1;
// Amount to send
uint64 amount = 2;
// Fee
uint64 fee = 3;
// Recipient's address.
string to_address = 4;
// Timestamp
uint32 timestamp = 5;
// Private key.
bytes private_key = 6;
message SigningOutput {
// JSON-encoded transaction parameters.
string encoded = 1;
// Signature.
bytes signature = 2;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.IoTeX.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
message Transfer {
string amount = 1;
string recipient = 2;
bytes payload = 3;
message Execution {
string amount = 1;
string contract = 2;
bytes data = 3;
message ActionCore {
uint32 version = 1;
uint64 nonce = 2;
uint64 gasLimit = 3;
string gasPrice = 4;
oneof action {
Transfer transfer = 10;
Execution execution = 12;
message Action {
ActionCore core = 1;
bytes senderPubKey = 2;
bytes signature = 3;
// transaction signing input
message SigningInput {
uint32 version = 1;
uint64 nonce = 2;
uint64 gasLimit = 3;
string gasPrice = 4;
bytes privateKey = 5;
oneof action {
Transfer transfer = 10;
Execution execution = 12;
// transaction signing output
message SigningOutput {
// Signed and encoded Action bytes
bytes encoded = 1;
// Signed Action hash
bytes hash = 2;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Bitcoin.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
message Transaction {
// Transaction data format version.
sint32 version = 1;
// The block number or timestamp at which this transaction is unlocked.
uint32 lockTime = 2;
// A list of 1 or more transaction inputs or sources for coins.
repeated TransactionInput inputs = 3;
// A list of 1 or more transaction outputs or destinations for coins
repeated TransactionOutput outputs = 4;
// Bitcoin transaction input.
message TransactionInput {
// Reference to the previous transaction's output.
OutPoint previousOutput = 1;
// Transaction version as defined by the sender.
uint32 sequence = 2;
// Computational script for confirming transaction authorization.
bytes script = 3;
// Bitcoin transaction out-point reference.
message OutPoint {
// The hash of the referenced transaction.
bytes hash = 1;
// The index of the specific output in the transaction.
uint32 index = 2;
// Transaction version as defined by the sender.
uint32 sequence = 3;
// Bitcoin transaction output.
message TransactionOutput {
// Transaction amount.
int64 value = 1;
// Usually contains the public key as a Bitcoin script setting up conditions to claim this output.
bytes script = 2;
message UnspentTransaction {
OutPoint out_point = 1;
bytes script = 2;
int64 amount = 3;
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
// Hash type to use when signing.
uint32 hash_type = 1;
// Amount to send.
int64 amount = 2;
// Transaction fee per byte.
int64 byte_fee = 3;
// Recipient's address.
string to_address = 4;
// Change address.
string change_address = 5;
// Available private keys.
repeated bytes private_key = 10;
// Available redeem scripts indexed by script hash.
map<string, bytes> scripts = 11;
// Available unspent transaction outputs.
repeated UnspentTransaction utxo = 12;
// If sending max amount.
bool use_max_amount = 13;
// Coin type (forks).
uint32 coin_type = 14;
// Describes a preliminary transaction plan.
message TransactionPlan {
// Amount to be received at the other end.
int64 amount = 1;
// Maximum available amount.
int64 available_amount = 2;
// Estimated transaction fee.
int64 fee = 3;
// Change.
int64 change = 4;
// Selected unspent transaction outputs.
repeated UnspentTransaction utxos = 5;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
// Resulting transaction. Note that the amount may be different than the requested amount to account for fees and available funds.
Transaction transaction = 1;
// Signed and encoded transaction bytes.
bytes encoded = 2;
// Total transaction fees.
int64 fee = 3;
// Maximum spendable amount.
int64 max_amount = 4;
// Transaction id
string transaction_id = 5;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Decred.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
import "Bitcoin.proto";
message Transaction {
/// Serialization format
uint32 serializeType = 1;
/// Transaction data format version
uint32 version = 2;
// A list of 1 or more transaction inputs or sources for coins.
repeated TransactionInput inputs = 3;
// A list of 1 or more transaction outputs or destinations for coins
repeated TransactionOutput outputs = 4;
/// The time when a transaction can be spent (usually zero, in which case it has no effect).
uint32 lockTime = 5;
/// The block height at which the transaction expires and is no longer valid.
uint32 expiry = 6;
// Decred transaction input.
message TransactionInput {
// Reference to the previous transaction's output.
Bitcoin.Proto.OutPoint previousOutput = 1;
// Transaction version as defined by the sender.
uint32 sequence = 2;
int64 valueIn = 3;
uint32 blockHeight = 4;
uint32 blockIndex = 5;
// Computational script for confirming transaction authorization.
bytes script = 6;
// Decred transaction output.
message TransactionOutput {
// Transaction amount.
int64 value = 1;
/// Transaction output version.
uint32 version = 2;
// Usually contains the public key as a Decred script setting up conditions to claim this output.
bytes script = 3;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
// Resulting transaction. Note that the amount may be different than the requested amount to account for fees and available funds.
Transaction transaction = 1;
// Signed and encoded transaction bytes.
bytes encoded = 2;
// Total transaction fees.
int64 fee = 3;
// Maximum spendable amount.
int64 max_amount = 4;
// Transaction id
string transaction_id = 5;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Zilliqa.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
// Transaction version
uint32 version = 1;
// Nonce
uint64 nonce = 2;
// Recipient's address.
string to_address = 3;
// Amount to send (256-bit number)
bytes amount = 4;
// GasPrice (256-bit number)
bytes gas_price = 5;
// GasLimit
uint64 gas_limit = 6;
// Private Key
bytes private_key = 7;
// Smart contract code
bytes code = 10;
// String-ified JSON object specifying the transition parameter
bytes data = 11;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
// Signed signature bytes.
bytes signature = 1;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Solana.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
message Transfer {
bytes private_key = 1;
string recipient = 2;
uint64 value = 3;
message Stake {
bytes from_private_key = 1;
bytes stake_private_key = 2;
string vote_pubkey = 3;
uint64 value = 4;
message DeactivateStake {
// The stake account private key
bytes private_key = 1;
string vote_pubkey = 2;
message WithdrawStake {
// The stake account private key
bytes private_key = 1;
string recipient = 2;
uint64 value = 3;
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
oneof transaction_type {
Transfer transfer_transaction = 1;
Stake stake_transaction = 2;
DeactivateStake deactivate_stake_transaction = 3;
WithdrawStake withdraw_transaction = 4;
string recent_blockhash = 5;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
bytes encoded = 1;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Ontology.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
string contract = 1;
string method = 2;
bytes owner_private_key = 3;
// base58 encode address string (160-bit number)
string to_address = 4;
uint64 amount = 5;
bytes payer_private_key = 6;
uint64 gas_price = 7;
uint64 gas_limit = 8;
// base58 encode address string (160-bit number)
string query_address = 9;
uint32 nonce = 10;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
// Signed and encoded transaction bytes.
bytes encoded = 1;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Stellar.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
message MemoVoid {
message MemoText {
string text = 1;
message MemoId {
int64 id = 1;
message MemoHash {
bytes hash = 1;
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
int64 amount = 1;
int32 fee = 2;
int64 sequence = 3;
string account = 4;
string destination = 5;
// Private key.
bytes private_key = 6;
oneof memo_type_oneof {
MemoVoid memo_void = 7;
MemoText memo_text = 8;
MemoId memo_id = 9;
MemoHash memo_hash = 10;
MemoHash memo_return_hash = 11;
enum OperationType {
OperationType operation_type = 12;
string passphrase = 13;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
// Signature.
string signature = 1;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Waves.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
int64 amount = 1;
string asset = 2;
// minimum 0.001 Waves (100000 Wavelets) for now
int64 fee = 3;
string fee_asset = 4;
string to = 5;
// any 140 bytes payload, will be displayed to the client as utf-8 string
bytes attachment = 6;
// in millis
int64 timestamp = 7;
bytes private_key = 8;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
bytes signature = 1;
string json = 2;
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
package TW.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
// Result type.
message Result {
// Whether the operation was successful.
bool success = 1;
// Optional error message, only present if success is false.
string error = 2;
// Result objects, if any.
repeated google.protobuf.Any objects = 3;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Ripple.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
int64 amount = 1;
int64 fee = 2;
int32 sequence = 3;
int32 last_ledger_sequence = 4;
string account = 5;
string destination = 6;
int64 destination_tag = 7;
int64 flags = 8;
bytes private_key = 9;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
bytes encoded = 1;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Binance.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
message Transaction {
// int64 SIZE-OF-ENCODED // varint encoded length of the structure after encoding
// 0xF0625DEE // prefix
repeated bytes msgs = 1; // array of size 1, containing the transaction message, which are one of the transaction type below
repeated bytes signatures = 2; // array of size 1, containing the standard signature structure of the transaction sender
string memo = 3; // a short sentence of remark for the transaction, only for `Transfer` transactions.
int64 source = 4; // an identifier for tools triggerring this transaction, set to zero if unwilling to disclose.
bytes data = 5; // reserved for future use
message Signature {
message PubKey {
// 0xEB5AE987 // prefix
// bytes // public key bytes
bytes pub_key = 1; // public key bytes of the signer address
bytes signature = 2; // signature bytes, please check chain access section for signature generation
int64 account_number = 3; // another identifier of signer, which can be read from chain by account REST API or RPC
int64 sequence = 4; // sequence number for the next transaction
message TradeOrder {
// 0xCE6DC043 // prefix
bytes sender = 1; // originating address
string id = 2; // order id, optional
string symbol = 3; // symbol for trading pair in full name of the tokens
int64 ordertype = 4; // only accept 2 for now, meaning limit order
int64 side = 5; // 1 for buy and 2 fory sell
int64 price = 6; // price of the order, which is the real price multiplied by 1e8 (10^8) and rounded to integer
int64 quantity = 7; // quantity of the order, which is the real price multiplied by 1e8 (10^8) and rounded to integer
int64 timeinforce = 8; // 1 for Good Till Expire(GTE) order and 3 for Immediate Or Cancel (IOC)
message CancelTradeOrder {
// 0x166E681B // prefix
bytes sender = 1; // originating address
string symbol = 2; // symbol for trading pair in full name of the tokens
string refid = 3; // order id to cancel
message SendOrder {
// 0x2A2C87FA
message Token {
string denom = 1;
int64 amount = 2;
message Input {
bytes address = 1;
repeated Token coins = 2;
message Output {
bytes address = 1;
repeated Token coins = 2;
repeated Input inputs = 1;
repeated Output outputs = 2;
message TokenFreezeOrder {
// 0xE774B32D // prefix
bytes from = 1; // owner address
string symbol = 2; // token symbol, in full name with "-" suffix
int64 amount = 3; // amount of token to freeze
message TokenUnfreezeOrder {
// 0x6515FF0D // prefix
bytes from = 1; // owner address
string symbol = 2; // token symbol, in full name with "-" suffix
int64 amount = 3; // amount of token to unfreeze
message HTLTOrder {
// 0xB33F9A24 // prefix
bytes from = 1; // signer address
bytes to = 2; // recipient address
string recipient_other_chain = 3;
string sender_other_chain = 4;
bytes random_number_hash = 5; //hash of a random number and timestamp, based on SHA256
int64 timestamp = 6;
repeated SendOrder.Token amount = 7;
string expected_income = 8; // expected gained token on the other chain
int64 height_span = 9;
bool cross_chain = 10;
message DepositHTLTOrder {
// 0xB33F9A24 // prefix
bytes from = 1; // signer address
repeated SendOrder.Token amount = 2;
bytes swap_id = 3;
message ClaimHTLOrder {
// 0xC1665300 // prefix
bytes from = 1; // signer address
bytes swap_id = 2;
bytes random_number = 3;
message RefundHTLTOrder {
// 0x3454A27C // prefix
bytes from = 1; // signer address
bytes swap_id = 2;
// Input data necessary to create a signed order.
message SigningInput {
string chain_id = 1;
int64 account_number = 2;
int64 sequence = 3;
int64 source = 4;
string memo = 5;
bytes private_key = 6;
oneof order_oneof {
TradeOrder trade_order = 8;
CancelTradeOrder cancel_trade_order = 9;
SendOrder send_order = 10;
TokenFreezeOrder freeze_order = 11;
TokenUnfreezeOrder unfreeze_order = 12;
HTLTOrder htlt_order = 13;
DepositHTLTOrder depositHTLT_order = 14;
ClaimHTLOrder claimHTLT_order = 15;
RefundHTLTOrder refundHTLT_order = 16;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
// Signed and encoded transaction bytes.
bytes encoded = 1;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Icon.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
// Sender address.
string from_address = 1;
// Recipient address.
string to_address = 2;
// Transfer amount.
bytes value = 3;
// The amount of step to send with the transaction.
bytes step_limit = 4;
// UNIX epoch time (from 1970.1.1 00:00:00) in microseconds
int64 timestamp = 5;
// Integer value increased by request to avoid replay attacks.
bytes nonce = 6;
// Network identifier
bytes network_id = 7;
// Private key.
bytes private_key = 8;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
// JSON-encoded transaction parameters.
string encoded = 1;
// Signature.
bytes signature = 2;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.VeChain.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
message Clause {
/// Recipient address.
string to = 1;
/// Transaction amount.
bytes value = 2;
/// Payload data.
bytes data = 3;
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
/// Last byte of the genesis block ID which is used to identify a blockchain to prevent the cross-chain replay attack.
uint32 chain_tag = 1;
/// Reference to a specific block.
uint64 block_ref = 2;
/// How long, in terms of the number of blocks, the transaction will be allowed to be mined in VeChainThor.
uint32 expiration = 3;
/// An array of Clause objects.
/// Each clause contains fields To, Value and Data to enable a single transaction to carry multiple tasks issued
/// by the transaction sender.
repeated Clause clauses = 4;
/// Coefficient used to calculate the gas price for the transaction.
uint32 gas_price_coef = 5;
/// Maximum amount of gas allowed to pay for the transaction.
uint64 gas = 6;
/// ID of the transaction on which the current transaction depends.
bytes depends_on = 7;
/// Number set by user.
uint64 nonce = 8;
// Private key.
bytes private_key = 9;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
// Signed and encoded transaction bytes.
bytes encoded = 1;
// Signature.
bytes signature = 2;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Tezos.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
// Input data necessary to create a signed Tezos transaction.
// Next field: 3
message SigningInput {
OperationList operation_list = 1;
bytes private_key = 2;
// Transaction signing output.
// Next field: 2
message SigningOutput {
bytes signed_bytes = 1;
// A list of operations and a branch.
// Next field: 3
message OperationList {
string branch = 1;
repeated Operation operations = 2;
// An operation that can be applied to the Tezos blockchain.
// Next field: 12
message Operation {
int64 counter = 1;
string source = 2;
int64 fee = 3;
int64 gas_limit = 4;
int64 storage_limit = 5;
enum OperationKind {
// Note: Proto3 semantics require a zero value.
OperationKind kind = 7;
// Operation specific data depending on the type of the operation.
oneof operation_data {
RevealOperationData reveal_operation_data = 8;
TransactionOperationData transaction_operation_data = 9;
OriginationOperationData origination_operation_data = 10;
DelegationOperationData delegation_operation_data = 11;
// Transaction operation specific data.
// Next field: 3
message TransactionOperationData {
string destination = 1;
int64 amount = 2;
// Reveal operation specific data.
// Next field: 2
message RevealOperationData {
bytes public_key = 1;
// Origination operation specific data.
// Next field: 3
message OriginationOperationData {
string manager_pubkey = 1;
int64 balance = 2;
// Delegation operation specific data.
// Next field: 2
message DelegationOperationData {
string delegate = 1;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Any.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
message SigningInput {
// BIP44 network ID
uint32 coin_type = 1;
// JSON transaction
string transaction = 2;
// Private Key in HEX format
string private_key = 3;
message SigningOutput {
message Error {
// Error code
uint32 code = 1;
// Error description
string description = 2;
oneof result {
Error error = 1;
bool success = 2;
string output = 4;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Nebulas.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
// sender's address.
string from_address = 1;
// Chain identifier (256-bit number)
bytes chain_id = 2;
// Nonce (256-bit number)
bytes nonce = 3;
// Gas price (256-bit number)
bytes gas_price = 4;
// Gas limit (256-bit number)
bytes gas_limit = 5;
// Recipient's address.
string to_address = 6;
// Amount to send in wei, 1 NAS = 10^18 Wei (256-bit number)
bytes amount = 7;
// Timestamp to create transaction (256-bit number)
bytes timestamp = 8;
// Optional payload
string payload = 9;
// Private key.
bytes private_key = 10;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
uint32 algorithm = 1;
bytes signature = 2;
string raw = 3;
message Data {
string type = 1;
bytes payload = 2;
// Raw transaction data
message RawTransaction {
bytes hash = 1;
bytes from = 2;
bytes to = 3;
bytes value = 4;
uint64 nonce = 5;
int64 timestamp = 6;
Data data = 7;
uint32 chain_id = 8;
bytes gas_price = 9;
bytes gas_limit = 10;
uint32 alg = 11;
bytes sign = 12;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Bravo.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
// Chain id (256-bit number)
bytes chain_id = 1;
// Sender's username
string sender = 2;
// Recipient's username
string recipient = 3;
// Amount in "BRAVO" or "TEST"
double amount = 4;
// Whether the transaction is for testnet
bool testnet = 5;
// Memo to attach to the transaction
string memo = 6;
// Reference Block Id (160-bits)
bytes reference_block_id = 7;
// Timestamp on the reference block
sfixed32 reference_block_time = 8;
// Sender's private key's raw bytes
bytes private_key = 9;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
// JSON of the signed transaction.
string json_encoded = 1;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Tron.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
message TransferContract {
// Sender address.
string owner_address = 1;
// Recipient address.
string to_address = 2;
// Amount to send.
int64 amount = 3;
message TransferAssetContract {
// Asset name.
string asset_name = 1;
// Sender address.
string owner_address = 2;
// Recipient address.
string to_address = 3;
// Amount to send.
int64 amount = 4;
message FreezeBalanceContract {
// Sender address.
string owner_address = 1;
// Frozen balance. Minimum 1
int64 frozen_balance = 2;
// Frozen duration
int64 frozen_duration = 3;
// Resource type: BANDWIDTH | ENERGY
string resource = 10;
// Receiver address
string receiver_address = 15;
message UnfreezeBalanceContract {
// Sender address
string owner_address = 1;
// Resource type: BANDWIDTH | ENERGY
string resource = 10;
// Receiver address
string receiver_address = 15;
message UnfreezeAssetContract {
// Sender address
string owner_address = 1;
message VoteAssetContract {
// Sender address
string owner_address = 1;
// Vote addresses
repeated string vote_address = 2;
bool support = 3;
int32 count = 5;
message VoteWitnessContract {
message Vote {
string vote_address = 1;
int64 vote_count = 2;
string owner_address = 1;
repeated Vote votes = 2;
bool support = 3;
message WithdrawBalanceContract {
// Sender address
string owner_address = 1;
message TriggerSmartContract {
string owner_address = 1;
string contract_address = 2;
int64 call_value = 3;
bytes data = 4;
int64 call_token_value = 5;
int64 token_id = 6;
message BlockHeader {
int64 timestamp = 1;
bytes tx_trie_root = 2;
bytes parent_hash = 3;
int64 number = 7;
bytes witness_address = 9;
int32 version = 10;
message Transaction {
// Transaction timestamp in milliseconds.
int64 timestamp = 1;
// Transaction expiration time in milliseconds.
int64 expiration = 2;
// Transaction block header.
BlockHeader block_header = 3;
// Transaction fee limit
int64 fee_limit = 4;
// Contract.
oneof contract_oneof {
TransferContract transfer = 10;
TransferAssetContract transfer_asset = 11;
FreezeBalanceContract freeze_balance = 12;
UnfreezeBalanceContract unfreeze_balance = 13;
UnfreezeAssetContract unfreeze_asset = 14;
WithdrawBalanceContract withdraw_balance = 15;
VoteAssetContract vote_asset = 16;
VoteWitnessContract vote_witness = 17;
TriggerSmartContract trigger_smart_contract = 18;
message SigningInput {
// Transaction.
Transaction transaction = 1;
// Private key.
bytes private_key = 2;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
// Transaction identifier.
bytes id = 1;
// Signature.
bytes signature = 2;
bytes ref_block_bytes = 3;
bytes ref_block_hash = 4;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Theta.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
/// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction
message SigningInput {
/// Chain ID string, mainnet, testnet and privatenet
string chain_id = 1;
/// Recipient address
string to_address = 2;
/// Theta token amount to send in wei (256-bit number)
bytes theta_amount = 3;
/// TFuel token amount to send in wei (256-bit number)
bytes tfuel_amount = 4;
/// Sequence number of the transaction for the sender address
uint64 sequence = 5;
/// Fee amount in TFuel wei for the transaction (256-bit number)
bytes fee = 6;
/// Private key
bytes private_key = 7;
/// Transaction signing output
message SigningOutput {
/// Signed and encoded transaction bytes
bytes encoded = 1;
/// Signature
bytes signature = 2;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Aeternity.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
// Address of the sender with "ak_" prefix
string from_address = 1;
// Address of the recipient with "ak_" prefix
string to_address = 2;
bytes amount = 3;
bytes fee = 4;
// Message, optional
string payload = 5;
// Time to live until block height
uint64 ttl = 6;
uint64 nonce = 7;
bytes private_key = 8;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
// Signed and encoded transaction bytes, Base64 with checksum
string encoded = 1;
// Signature, Base58 with checksum
string signature = 2;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Nimiq.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
bytes private_key = 1;
string destination = 2;
uint64 value = 3;
uint64 fee = 4;
uint32 validity_start_height = 5;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
bytes encoded = 1;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Harmony.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
// Chain identifier (256-bit number)
bytes chain_id = 1;
// Nonce (256-bit number)
bytes nonce = 2;
// Gas price (256-bit number)
bytes gas_price = 3;
// Gas limit (256-bit number)
bytes gas_limit = 4;
// Recipient's address.
string to_address = 5;
// Amount to send in wei (256-bit number)
bytes amount = 6;
// Optional payload
bytes payload = 7;
// Private key.
bytes private_key = 8;
// From shard ID (256-bit number)
bytes from_shard_id = 9;
// To Shard ID (256-bit number)
bytes to_shard_id = 10;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
// Signed and encoded transaction bytes.
bytes encoded = 1;
bytes v = 2;
bytes r = 3;
bytes s = 4;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.EOS.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
enum KeyType {
// Values for an Asset object.
message Asset {
int64 amount = 1;
uint32 decimals = 2;
string symbol = 3;
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
// Chain id (256-bit number)
bytes chain_id = 1;
// Reference Block Id (256-bits)
bytes reference_block_id = 2;
// Timestamp on the reference block
sfixed32 reference_block_time = 3;
// Currency (e.g. "eosio.token")
string currency = 4;
// Sender's username
string sender = 5;
// Recipient's username
string recipient = 6;
// Memo attached to the transaction
string memo = 7;
// Asset details and amount
Asset asset = 8;
// Sender's private key's raw bytes
bytes private_key = 9;
// Type of the private key
KeyType private_key_type = 10;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
// JSON of the packed transaction.
string json_encoded = 1;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.Nano.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
// Private key
bytes private_key = 1;
// Optional parent block hash
bytes parent_block = 2;
oneof link_oneof {
// Hash of a block to receive from
bytes link_block = 3;
// Recipient address to send coins to
string link_recipient = 4;
// Representative address
string representative = 5;
// Account balance (128-bit unsigned integer, as a string)
string balance = 6;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
// Signature
bytes signature = 1;
// Block hash
bytes block_hash = 2;
syntax = "proto3";
package TW.IOST.Proto;
option java_package = "wallet.core.jni.proto";
// The message defines transaction action struct.
message Action {
// contract name
string contract = 1;
// action name
string action_name = 2;
// data
string data = 3;
// The message defines transaction amount limit struct.
message AmountLimit {
// token name
string token = 1;
// limit value
string value = 2;
// The enumeration defines the signature algorithm.
enum Algorithm {
// unknown
// secp256k1
SECP256K1 = 1;
// ed25519
ED25519 = 2;
// The message defines signature struct.
message Signature {
// signature algorithm
Algorithm algorithm = 1;
// signature bytes
bytes signature = 2;
// public key
bytes public_key = 3;
// The message defines the transaction request.
message Transaction {
// transaction timestamp
int64 time = 1;
// expiration timestamp
int64 expiration = 2;
// gas price
double gas_ratio = 3;
// gas limit
double gas_limit = 4;
// delay nanoseconds
int64 delay = 5;
// chain id
uint32 chain_id = 6;
// action list
repeated Action actions = 7;
// amount limit
repeated AmountLimit amount_limit = 8;
// signer list
repeated string signers = 9;
// signatures of signers
repeated Signature signatures = 10;
// publisher
string publisher = 11;
// signatures of publisher
repeated Signature publisher_sigs = 12;
message AccountInfo {
string name = 1;
bytes active_key = 2;
bytes owner_key = 3;
// Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
message SigningInput {
AccountInfo account = 1;
Transaction transaction_template = 2;
string transfer_destination = 3;
string transfer_amount = 4;
string transfer_memo = 5;
// Transaction signing output.
message SigningOutput {
// Signed transaction
Transaction transaction = 1;
openbazaar-go/pb/protos at master · OpenBazaar/openbazaar-go
pseudomuto/protoc-gen-doc: Documentation generator plugin for Google Protocol Buffers
git clone /tmp/src/openbazaar-go
bash --gen-proto-doc /tmp/src/openbazaar-go/pb/protos /tmp/
Field | Type | Label | Description |
inputIndex | uint32 | | |
signature | bytes | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
identity | bytes | | IPFS public key |
bitcoin | bytes | | Bitcoin public key |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
variantCombo | uint32 | repeated | |
productID | string | | |
surcharge | int64 | | |
quantity | int64 | | Not saved with listing |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transactionID | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
shipper | string | | |
trackingNumber | string | | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
orderID | string | | OrderID which has its funds released to the vendor |
Name | Number | Description |
SERVICE | 2 | |
CROWD_FUND | 3 | |
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
DIRECT | 1 | |
Name | Number | Description |
LISTING | 0 | |
ORDER | 1 | |
DISPUTE | 5 | |
REFUND | 7 | |
Name | Number | Description |
POST | 0 | |
COMMENT | 1 | |
REPOST | 2 | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
cids | string | repeated | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
senderPubkey | bytes | | |
serializedData | bytes | | |
signature | bytes | | |
Name | Number | Description |
MESSAGE | 0 | |
TYPING | 1 | |
READ | 2 | |
Name | Number | Description |
PING | 0 | |
CHAT | 1 | |
FOLLOW | 2 | |
UNFOLLOW | 3 | |
ORDER | 4 | |
REFUND | 13 | |
OFFLINE_ACK | 14 | |
STORE | 18 | |
BLOCK | 19 | |
ERROR | 500 | |
Name | Number | Description |
NA | 0 | |
ALBANIA | 3 | |
ALGERIA | 4 | |
ANDORRA | 6 | |
ANGOLA | 7 | |
ANGUILLA | 8 | |
ANTIGUA | 9 | |
ARGENTINA | 10 | |
ARMENIA | 11 | |
ARUBA | 12 | |
AUSTRALIA | 13 | |
AUSTRIA | 14 | |
BAHAMAS | 16 | |
BAHRAIN | 17 | |
BARBADOS | 19 | |
BELARUS | 20 | |
BELGIUM | 21 | |
BELIZE | 22 | |
BENIN | 23 | |
BERMUDA | 24 | |
BHUTAN | 25 | |
BOLIVIA | 26 | |
BOSNIA | 28 | |
BOTSWANA | 29 | |
BRAZIL | 31 | |
BULGARIA | 34 | |
BURUNDI | 36 | |
CABO_VERDE | 37 | |
CAMBODIA | 38 | |
CAMEROON | 39 | |
CANADA | 40 | |
CHAD | 43 | |
CHILE | 44 | |
CHINA | 45 | |
COLOMBIA | 48 | |
COMOROS | 49 | |
CONGO | 51 | |
COSTA_RICA | 53 | |
CROATIA | 55 | |
CUBA | 56 | |
CURACAO | 57 | |
CYPRUS | 58 | |
DENMARK | 60 | |
DJIBOUTI | 61 | |
DOMINICA | 62 | |
ECUADOR | 64 | |
EGYPT | 65 | |
EL_SALVADOR | 66 | |
ERITREA | 68 | |
ESTONIA | 69 | |
ETHIOPIA | 70 | |
FIJI | 73 | |
FINLAND | 74 | |
FRANCE | 75 | |
GABON | 79 | |
GAMBIA | 80 | |
GEORGIA | 81 | |
GERMANY | 82 | |
GHANA | 83 | |
GIBRALTAR | 84 | |
GREECE | 85 | |
GREENLAND | 86 | |
GRENADA | 87 | |
GUAM | 89 | |
GUATEMALA | 90 | |
GUERNSEY | 91 | |
GUINEA | 92 | |
GUYANA | 94 | |
HAITI | 95 | |
HOLY_SEE | 97 | |
HONDURAS | 98 | |
HONG_KONG | 99 | |
HUNGARY | 100 | |
ICELAND | 101 | |
INDIA | 102 | |
INDONESIA | 103 | |
IRAN | 104 | |
IRAQ | 105 | |
IRELAND | 106 | |
ISLE_OF_MAN | 107 | |
ISRAEL | 108 | |
ITALY | 109 | |
JAMAICA | 110 | |
JAPAN | 111 | |
JERSEY | 112 | |
JORDAN | 113 | |
KAZAKHSTAN | 114 | |
KENYA | 115 | |
KIRIBATI | 116 | |
NORTH_KOREA | 117 | |
SOUTH_KOREA | 118 | |
KUWAIT | 119 | |
KYRGYZSTAN | 120 | |
LAO | 121 | |
LATVIA | 122 | |
LEBANON | 123 | |
LESOTHO | 124 | |
LIBERIA | 125 | |
LIBYA | 126 | |
LITHUANIA | 128 | |
LUXEMBOURG | 129 | |
MACAO | 130 | |
MACEDONIA | 131 | |
MADAGASCAR | 132 | |
MALAWI | 133 | |
MALAYSIA | 134 | |
MALDIVES | 135 | |
MALI | 136 | |
MALTA | 137 | |
MARTINIQUE | 139 | |
MAURITANIA | 140 | |
MAURITIUS | 141 | |
MAYOTTE | 142 | |
MEXICO | 143 | |
MICRONESIA | 144 | |
MOLDOVA | 145 | |
MONACO | 146 | |
MONGOLIA | 147 | |
MONTENEGRO | 148 | |
MONTSERRAT | 149 | |
MOROCCO | 150 | |
MOZAMBIQUE | 151 | |
MYANMAR | 152 | |
NAMIBIA | 153 | |
NAURU | 154 | |
NEPAL | 155 | |
NEW_ZEALAND | 158 | |
NICARAGUA | 159 | |
NIGER | 160 | |
NIGERIA | 161 | |
NIUE | 162 | |
NORWAY | 165 | |
OMAN | 166 | |
PAKISTAN | 167 | |
PALAU | 168 | |
PANAMA | 169 | |
PARAGUAY | 171 | |
PERU | 172 | |
PITCAIRN | 174 | |
POLAND | 175 | |
PORTUGAL | 176 | |
PUERTO_RICO | 177 | |
QATAR | 178 | |
REUNION | 179 | |
ROMANIA | 180 | |
RUSSIA | 181 | |
RWANDA | 182 | |
SAINT_HELENA | 184 | |
SAINT_KITTS | 185 | |
SAINT_LUCIA | 186 | |
SAINT_MARTIN | 187 | |
SAINT_PIERRE | 188 | |
SAMOA | 190 | |
SAN_MARINO | 191 | |
SAO_TOME | 192 | |
SAUDI_ARABIA | 193 | |
SENEGAL | 194 | |
SERBIA | 195 | |
SEYCHELLES | 196 | |
SIERRA_LEONE | 197 | |
SINGAPORE | 198 | |
SINT_MAARTEN | 199 | |
SUCRE | 200 | |
SLOVAKIA | 201 | |
SLOVENIA | 202 | |
SOMALIA | 204 | |
SOUTH_AFRICA | 205 | |
SOUTH_SUDAN | 206 | |
SPAIN | 207 | |
SRI_LANKA | 208 | |
SUDAN | 209 | |
SURINAME | 210 | |
SVALBARD | 211 | |
ESWATINI | 212 | |
SWAZILAND | 212 | |
SWEDEN | 213 | |
TAIWAN | 216 | |
TAJIKISTAN | 217 | |
TANZANIA | 218 | |
THAILAND | 219 | |
TIMOR_LESTE | 220 | |
TOGO | 221 | |
TOKELAU | 222 | |
TONGA | 223 | |
TRINIDAD | 224 | |
TUNISIA | 225 | |
TURKEY | 226 | |
TUVALU | 229 | |
UGANDA | 230 | |
UKRAINE | 231 | |
URUGUAY | 235 | |
UZBEKISTAN | 236 | |
VANUATU | 237 | |
VENEZUELA | 238 | |
VIETNAM | 239 | |
YEMEN | 244 | |
ZAMBIA | 245 | |
ZIMBABWE | 246 | |
ALL | 500 | |
AFRICA | 501 | |
ASIA | 502 | |
EUROPE | 504 | |
MIDDLE_EAST | 505 | |
OCEANIA | 508 | |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
currencyCode | string | | |
amount | uint64 | | Bitcoins must be in satoshi |
Name | Number | Description |
FIXED | 0 | |
Name | Number | Description |
PENDING | 0 | Order has been funded and sent to the vendor but vendor has not yet responded |
AWAITING_PAYMENT | 1 | Waiting for the buyer to fund the payment address |
AWAITING_PICKUP | 2 | Waiting for the customer to pick up the order (customer pickup option only) |
AWAITING_FULFILLMENT | 3 | Order has been fully funded and we're waiting for the vendor to fulfill |
PARTIALLY_FULFILLED | 4 | Vendor has fulfilled part of the order |
FULFILLED | 5 | Vendor has fulfilled the order |
COMPLETED | 6 | Buyer has completed the order and left a review |
CANCELED | 7 | Buyer canceled the order (offline order only) |
DECLINED | 8 | Vendor declined to confirm the order (offline order only) |
REFUNDED | 9 | Vendor refunded the order |
DISPUTED | 10 | Contract is under active dispute |
DECIDED | 11 | The moderator has resolved the dispute and we are waiting for the winning party to accept the payout. |
RESOLVED | 12 | The winning party has accepted the dispute and it is now complete. After the buyer leaves a review the state should be set to COMPLETE. |
PAYMENT_FINALIZED | 13 | Escrow has been released after waiting the timeout period. After the buyer leaves a review the state should be set to COMPLETE. |
PROCESSING_ERROR | 14 | We screwed up and produced a order which didn't validate. This state is only used for offline orders. If a processing error occurred with an open connection between buyer and vendor the vendor just rejects the order on the spot neither party commits the order to the database. |
.proto Type | Notes | C++ Type | Java Type | Python Type |
double | | double | double | float |
float | | float | float | float |
int32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. | int32 | int | int |
int64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. | int64 | long | int/long |
uint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint32 | int | int/long |
uint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. | int32 | int | int |
sint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. | int64 | long | int/long |
fixed32 | Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. | uint32 | int | int |
fixed64 | Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. | uint64 | long | int/long |
sfixed32 | Always four bytes. | int32 | int | int |
sfixed64 | Always eight bytes. | int64 | long | int/long |
bool | | bool | boolean | boolean |
string | A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. | string | String | str/unicode |
bytes | May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. | string | ByteString | str |
├── api.proto
├── contracts.proto
├── countrycodes.proto
├── message.proto
├── moderator.proto
├── orders.proto
├── posts.proto
└── profile.proto
0 directories, 8 files
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "pb";
import "countrycodes.proto";
import "message.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
message RicardianContract {
repeated Listing vendorListings = 1;
Order buyerOrder = 2;
OrderConfirmation vendorOrderConfirmation = 3;
repeated OrderFulfillment vendorOrderFulfillment = 4;
OrderCompletion buyerOrderCompletion = 5;
Dispute dispute = 6;
DisputeResolution disputeResolution = 7;
DisputeAcceptance disputeAcceptance = 8;
Refund refund = 9;
repeated Signature signatures = 10;
repeated string errors = 11;
message Listing {
string slug = 1;
ID vendorID = 2;
Metadata metadata = 3;
Item item = 4;
repeated ShippingOption shippingOptions = 5;
repeated Tax taxes = 6;
repeated Coupon coupons = 7;
repeated string moderators = 8;
string termsAndConditions = 9;
string refundPolicy = 10;
message Metadata {
uint32 version = 1;
ContractType contractType = 2;
Format format = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp expiry = 4;
repeated string acceptedCurrencies = 5;
string pricingCurrency = 6;
string language = 7;
uint32 escrowTimeoutHours = 8;
string coinType = 9;
uint32 coinDivisibility = 10;
float priceModifier = 11;
enum ContractType {
enum Format {
message Item {
string title = 1;
string description = 2;
string processingTime = 3;
uint64 price = 4;
bool nsfw = 5;
repeated string tags = 6;
repeated Image images = 7;
repeated string categories = 8;
float grams = 9;
string condition = 10;
repeated Option options = 11;
repeated Sku skus = 12;
message Option {
string name = 1;
string description = 2;
repeated Variant variants = 3;
message Variant {
string name = 1;
Image image = 2;
message Sku {
repeated uint32 variantCombo = 1;
string productID = 2;
int64 surcharge = 3;
int64 quantity = 4; // Not saved with listing
message Image {
string filename = 1;
string original = 2;
string large = 3;
string medium = 4;
string small = 5;
string tiny = 6;
message ShippingOption {
string name = 1;
ShippingType type = 2;
repeated CountryCode regions = 3;
repeated Service services = 5;
enum ShippingType {
message Service {
string name = 1;
uint64 price = 2;
string estimatedDelivery = 3;
uint64 additionalItemPrice = 4;
message Tax {
string taxType = 1;
repeated CountryCode taxRegions = 2;
bool taxShipping = 3;
float percentage = 4;
message Coupon {
string title = 1;
oneof code {
string hash = 2;
string discountCode = 3;
oneof discount {
float percentDiscount = 5;
uint64 priceDiscount = 6;
message Order {
string refundAddress = 1;
uint64 refundFee = 2;
Shipping shipping = 3;
ID buyerID = 4;
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 5;
repeated Item items = 6;
Payment payment = 7;
repeated bytes ratingKeys = 8;
string alternateContactInfo = 9;
uint32 version = 10;
message Shipping {
string shipTo = 1;
string address = 2;
string city = 3;
string state = 4;
string postalCode = 5;
CountryCode country = 6;
string addressNotes = 7;
message Item {
string listingHash = 1;
uint32 quantity = 2; // order version < 2 used with listing version < 3
uint64 quantity64 = 8; // order version >= 2 used with listing version >= 3
repeated Option options = 3;
ShippingOption shippingOption = 4;
string memo = 5;
repeated string couponCodes = 6;
string paymentAddress = 7;
message Option {
string name = 1;
string value = 2;
message ShippingOption {
string name = 1;
string service = 2;
message Payment {
Method method = 1;
string moderator = 2;
uint64 amount = 3; // Satoshis
string chaincode = 4; // Hex encoded
string address = 5; // B58check encoded
string redeemScript = 6; // Hex encoded
bytes moderatorKey = 7;
string coin = 8;
enum Method {
message OrderConfirmation {
string orderID = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 2;
// Direct payments only
string paymentAddress = 3;
uint64 requestedAmount = 4;
repeated RatingSignature ratingSignatures = 5;
message OrderReject {
string orderID = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 2;
repeated BitcoinSignature sigs = 3;
message RatingSignature {
TransactionMetadata metadata = 1;
bytes signature = 2;
message TransactionMetadata {
string listingSlug = 1;
bytes ratingKey = 2;
bytes moderatorKey = 3; // Only if moderated
string listingTitle = 4;
Image thumbnail = 5;
message Image {
string tiny = 1;
string small = 2;
string medium = 3;
string large = 4;
string original = 5;
message BitcoinSignature {
uint32 inputIndex = 1;
bytes signature = 2;
message OrderFulfillment {
string orderId = 1;
string slug = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 3;
// Physical goods only
repeated PhysicalDelivery physicalDelivery = 4;
//Digital goods only
repeated DigitalDelivery digitalDelivery = 5;
// Moderated payments only
Payout payout = 6;
RatingSignature ratingSignature = 7;
string note = 8;
// Cryptocurrencies only
repeated CryptocurrencyDelivery cryptocurrencyDelivery = 9;
message PhysicalDelivery {
string shipper = 1;
string trackingNumber = 2;
message DigitalDelivery {
string url = 1;
string password = 2;
message CryptocurrencyDelivery {
string transactionID = 1;
message Payout {
repeated BitcoinSignature sigs = 1;
string payoutAddress = 2;
uint64 payoutFeePerByte = 3;
message OrderCompletion {
string orderId = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 2;
repeated BitcoinSignature payoutSigs = 3;
repeated Rating ratings = 4;
message OrderProcessingFailure {
string orderID = 1;
Message.MessageType attemptedMessageType = 2;
RicardianContract contract = 3;
message Rating {
RatingData ratingData = 1;
bytes signature = 2;
message RatingData {
bytes ratingKey = 1;
ID vendorID = 2;
RatingSignature vendorSig = 3;
ID buyerID = 4; // optional
string buyerName = 5; // optional
bytes buyerSig = 6; // optional
bytes moderatorSig = 7; // only if a dispute was won
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 8;
uint32 overall = 9;
uint32 quality = 10;
uint32 description = 11;
uint32 deliverySpeed = 12;
uint32 customerService = 13;
string review = 14;
message Dispute {
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
string claim = 2;
string payoutAddress = 3;
repeated Outpoint outpoints = 4;
bytes serializedContract = 5;
message DisputeResolution {
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
string orderId = 2;
string proposedBy = 3;
string resolution = 4;
Payout payout = 5;
repeated bytes moderatorRatingSigs = 6; // Used in ratings
message Payout {
repeated BitcoinSignature sigs = 1;
repeated Outpoint inputs = 2;
Output buyerOutput = 3;
Output vendorOutput = 4;
Output moderatorOutput = 5;
message Output {
oneof scriptOrAddress {
string script = 1;
string address = 3;
uint64 amount = 2;
message DisputeAcceptance {
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
string closedBy = 2;
message Outpoint {
string hash = 1; // Hex encoded
uint32 index = 2;
uint64 value = 3;
message Refund {
string orderID = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 2;
repeated BitcoinSignature sigs = 3;
TransactionInfo refundTransaction = 4;
string memo = 5;
message TransactionInfo {
string txid = 1;
uint64 value = 2;
message VendorFinalizedPayment {
string orderID = 1; // OrderID which has its funds released to the vendor
message ID {
string peerID = 1;
string handle = 2;
Pubkeys pubkeys = 3;
bytes bitcoinSig = 4; // Bitcoin signature covering peerID
message Pubkeys {
bytes identity = 1; // IPFS public key
bytes bitcoin = 2; // Bitcoin public key
message Signature {
Section section = 1;
bytes signatureBytes = 2;
enum Section {
ORDER = 1;
message SignedListing {
Listing listing = 1;
string hash = 2;
bytes signature = 3;
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "pb";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "contracts.proto";
message Post {
string slug = 1;
ID vendorID = 2;
string status = 3;
string longForm = 4;
repeated Image images = 5;
repeated string tags = 6;
repeated string channels = 7;
PostType postType = 8;
string reference = 9;
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 10;
message Image {
string filename = 1;
string original = 2;
string large = 3;
string medium = 4;
string small = 5;
string tiny = 6;
enum PostType {
POST = 0;
message SignedPost {
Post post = 1;
string hash = 2;
bytes signature = 3;
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "pb";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
message Message {
MessageType messageType = 1;
google.protobuf.Any payload = 2;
int32 requestId = 3; // optional
bool isResponse = 4; // optional
enum MessageType {
PING = 0;
CHAT = 1;
ORDER = 4;
REFUND = 13;
STORE = 18;
BLOCK = 19;
ERROR = 500;
message Envelope {
Message message = 1;
bytes pubkey = 2;
bytes signature = 3;
message Chat {
string messageId = 1;
string subject = 2;
string message = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 4;
Flag flag = 5;
enum Flag {
READ = 2;
message SignedData {
bytes senderPubkey = 1;
bytes serializedData = 2;
bytes signature = 3;
message Command {
string peerID = 1;
Message.MessageType type = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 3;
message CidList {
repeated string cids = 1;
message Block {
bytes rawData = 1;
string cid = 2;
message Error {
uint32 code = 1;
string errorMessage = 2;
string orderID = 3;
message OrderPaymentTxn {
string coin = 1;
string orderID = 2;
string transactionID = 3;
bool withInput = 4;
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "pb";
enum CountryCode {
option allow_alias = true;
NA = 0;
ARUBA = 12;
BELIZE = 22;
BENIN = 23;
BHUTAN = 25;
BOSNIA = 28;
BRAZIL = 31;
CANADA = 40;
CHAD = 43;
CHILE = 44;
CHINA = 45;
CONGO = 51;
CUBA = 56;
CYPRUS = 58;
EGYPT = 65;
FIJI = 73;
FRANCE = 75;
GABON = 79;
GAMBIA = 80;
GHANA = 83;
GREECE = 85;
GUAM = 89;
GUINEA = 92;
GUYANA = 94;
HAITI = 95;
HOLY_SEE = 97;
HUNGARY = 100;
ICELAND = 101;
INDIA = 102;
IRAN = 104;
IRAQ = 105;
IRELAND = 106;
ISLE_OF_MAN = 107;
ISRAEL = 108;
ITALY = 109;
JAMAICA = 110;
JAPAN = 111;
JERSEY = 112;
JORDAN = 113;
KENYA = 115;
KUWAIT = 119;
LAO = 121;
LATVIA = 122;
LEBANON = 123;
LESOTHO = 124;
LIBERIA = 125;
LIBYA = 126;
MACAO = 130;
MALAWI = 133;
MALI = 136;
MALTA = 137;
MAYOTTE = 142;
MEXICO = 143;
MOLDOVA = 145;
MONACO = 146;
MOROCCO = 150;
MYANMAR = 152;
NAMIBIA = 153;
NAURU = 154;
NEPAL = 155;
NIGER = 160;
NIGERIA = 161;
NIUE = 162;
NORWAY = 165;
OMAN = 166;
PALAU = 168;
PANAMA = 169;
PERU = 172;
POLAND = 175;
QATAR = 178;
REUNION = 179;
ROMANIA = 180;
RUSSIA = 181;
RWANDA = 182;
SAMOA = 190;
SAO_TOME = 192;
SENEGAL = 194;
SERBIA = 195;
SUCRE = 200;
SOMALIA = 204;
SPAIN = 207;
SRI_LANKA = 208;
SUDAN = 209;
SWEDEN = 213;
TAIWAN = 216;
TOGO = 221;
TOKELAU = 222;
TONGA = 223;
TUNISIA = 225;
TURKEY = 226;
TUVALU = 229;
UGANDA = 230;
UKRAINE = 231;
URUGUAY = 235;
VANUATU = 237;
VIETNAM = 239;
YEMEN = 244;
ZAMBIA = 245;
ALL = 500;
AFRICA = 501;
ASIA = 502;
EUROPE = 504;
OCEANIA = 508;
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "pb";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "moderator.proto";
message Profile {
string peerID = 1;
string handle = 2;
string name = 3;
string location = 4;
string about = 5;
string shortDescription = 6;
bool nsfw = 7;
bool vendor = 8;
bool moderator = 9;
Moderator moderatorInfo = 10;
Contact contactInfo = 11;
Colors colors = 12;
// The following data is added to the profile
// automatically by the server and may be omitted
// when setting the profile via API.
Image avatarHashes = 13;
Image headerHashes = 14;
Stats stats = 15;
string bitcoinPubkey = 16;
google.protobuf.Timestamp lastModified = 17;
repeated string currencies = 18;
message Contact {
string website = 1;
string email = 2;
string phoneNumber = 3;
repeated SocialAccount social = 4;
message SocialAccount {
string type = 1;
string username = 2;
string proof = 3;
message Image {
string tiny = 1;
string small = 2;
string medium = 3;
string large = 4;
string original = 5;
message Colors {
string primary = 1;
string secondary = 2;
string text = 3;
string highlight = 4;
string highlightText = 5;
message Stats {
uint32 followerCount = 1;
uint32 followingCount = 2;
uint32 listingCount = 3;
uint32 ratingCount = 4;
uint32 postCount = 5;
float averageRating = 6;
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "pb";
import "contracts.proto";
message Moderator {
string description = 1;
string termsAndConditions = 2;
repeated string languages = 3;
repeated string acceptedCurrencies = 4;
Fee fee = 5;
message Fee {
Price fixedFee = 1;
float percentage = 2;
FeeType feeType = 3;
enum FeeType {
FIXED = 0;
message Price {
string currencyCode = 1;
uint64 amount = 2; // Bitcoins must be in satoshi
message DisputeUpdate {
string orderId = 1;
string payoutAddress = 2;
repeated Outpoint outpoints = 3;
bytes serializedContract = 4;
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "pb";
enum OrderState {
// Order has been funded and sent to the vendor but vendor has not yet responded
// Waiting for the buyer to fund the payment address
// Waiting for the customer to pick up the order (customer pickup option only)
// Order has been fully funded and we're waiting for the vendor to fulfill
// Vendor has fulfilled part of the order
// Vendor has fulfilled the order
// Buyer has completed the order and left a review
// Buyer canceled the order (offline order only)
// Vendor declined to confirm the order (offline order only)
// Vendor refunded the order
// Contract is under active dispute
// The moderator has resolved the dispute and we are waiting for the winning party to
// accept the payout.
// The winning party has accepted the dispute and it is now complete. After the buyer
// leaves a review the state should be set to COMPLETE.
// Escrow has been released after waiting the timeout period. After the buyer
// leaves a review the state should be set to COMPLETE.
// We screwed up and produced a order which didn't validate. This state is only used for offline orders. If a processing
// error occurred with an open connection between buyer and vendor the vendor just rejects the order on the spot neither party
// commits the order to the database.
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "pb";
import "contracts.proto";
import "orders.proto";
import "profile.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// This schema is used for the /ob/listing api call structure
// We use protobuf for this instead of a basic struct because
// the listing object is in protobuf and we can't mix types. Also
// we want to avoid putting fields in the contract that are only
// used by the api.
message Coupon {
string hash = 1;
string code = 2;
message OrderRespApi {
RicardianContract contract = 1;
OrderState state = 2;
bool read = 3;
bool funded = 4;
uint64 unreadChatMessages = 5;
repeated TransactionRecord paymentAddressTransactions = 6;
TransactionRecord refundAddressTransaction = 7;
message CaseRespApi {
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
RicardianContract buyerContract = 2;
RicardianContract vendorContract = 3;
repeated string buyerContractValidationErrors = 4;
repeated string vendorContractValidationErrors = 5;
OrderState state = 6;
bool read = 7;
bool buyerOpened = 8;
string claim = 9;
uint64 unreadChatMessages = 10;
DisputeResolution resolution = 11;
message TransactionRecord {
string txid = 1;
int64 value = 2;
uint32 confirmations = 3;
uint32 height = 4;
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 5;
message PeerAndProfile {
string peerId = 1;
Profile profile = 2;
message PeerAndProfileWithID {
string id = 1;
string peerId = 2;
Profile profile = 3;
message RatingWithID {
string id = 1;
string ratingId = 2;
Rating rating = 3;
Decentralized autonomous organization
DAO 績效分配參考Live OKRs - Joystream - github
2018勞工影展 開幕片 《工人搞公司 Can We Do It Ourselves 》 - YouTube
Belmont Report - autonomous agents - Wikipedia
- Respect for persons: protecting the autonomy of all people and treating them with courtesy and respect and allowing for informed consent. Researchers must be truthful and conduct no deception;
- Beneficence: The philosophy of "Do no harm" while maximizing benefits for the research project and minimizing risks to the research subjects; and
- Justice: ensuring reasonable, non-exploitative, and well-considered procedures are administered fairly — the fair distribution of costs and benefits to potential research participants — and equally.
DAO 龙头项目 Aragon:我们为何选择 Cosmos 搭建新链? - 链闻 ChainNews
尽管在以太坊上进行交易的成本增加了,但真正的问题是我们无法预测未来的成本。当我们和企业客户沟通时,「需要多少钱才能使用 Aragon」是一个他们非常关心的问题,但对此我们却无法提供一个很好的答案。
Aragon Chain: a proof of stake blockchain for the Aragon community
需要改寫前端 React – A JavaScript library for building user interfaces 框架與鏈端 paritytech/substrate: Substrate: The platform for blockchain innovators 框架。
Proposal: New testnet model · Issue #119 · Joystream/joystream
- Problem 1: Unegaged participants.
- Problem 2: Sybill attacked token economics
使用 discourse/discourse: A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple. 既有的套裝開源論壇軟體缺點是使用者配置如果沒有經過串接會有獨立兩套的使用者資料,改成直接掛鏈論壇如 Joystream/substrate-forum-module: An on-chain forum. 除了使用者資料歸一處之外,另外好處是每筆發言編輯都有簽章為證,相反的掛鏈論壇缺點是小眾使用不適合高人氣網站的讀寫場景,也不像泛用型論壇軟體如 discourse 有現成美觀的 UI 介面,手機板也不用自己來寫。
Straightedge 為不滿意 Edgeware 的創世區塊分配方式而分叉改創世分配模式的分叉鏈,並跟 Edgeware 同日上鏈,不過沒過多久看來創世塊還是有計算錯誤問題,兩條鏈都有重啟的計畫。
Likecoin 使用 Cosoms 架構,其 LIKE 代幣帳本與治理,創作者創作之後加上讚賞鍵,依照點擊的次數來分配 LIKE 數量。該專案的程式碼庫為LikeCoin - Github,可以先看看📜 憲法 - LikeCoin。
先註冊 Liker.Land 取得 LikerID,續讀一下中文說明 LikeCoin 是甚麼 - LikeCoin
放入 mdbook 產出的 HTML 靜態文件的重點是需要使用 javascript 來動態產生下面 HTML 片段於瀏覽器之中。
<div class="likecoin-embed likecoin-button">
<iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0"
客製 mdbook 先新增 likebutton.js 於 book.toml 旁,也可以使用 likecoin/likecoin-button-sdk 的 sdk.js 原理類似。
const LIKER_ID = "dltdojo";//記得換成自己的
let likeurl = `${LIKER_ID}/button?referrer=${encodeURI(window.location.href)}`;
let el = document.getElementsByClassName("likebutton")[0];
el.innerHTML = `<div class="likecoin-embed likecoin-button">
<iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="${likeurl}"></iframe>
並複製 LikeCoinButton-integration/style.css 成為 likebutton.css
.likecoin-button {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
max-width: 485px;
max-height: 240px;
margin: 0 auto;
.likecoin-button > div {
padding-top: 49.48454%;
.likecoin-button > iframe {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
編輯 book.toml 的 output.html 段落加入 js 與 css
default-theme = "coal"
mathjax-support = true
additional-js = ["likebutton.js"]
additional-css = ["likebutton.css"]
最後就是看那一頁 md 裡面要加上按鈕就新增一個 div 後用 class 為 likebutton 來綁住輸出。
<div class="likebutton"/>
上面寫在 md 內的 div 在經過 mdbook build 轉化成為 HTML 後輸出結果如下
目前只能限制一個 LikerID 使用,如要提供多用戶可以用 getElementsByClassName(LikerIDFoo) 來實做。
LikeCoin 是個資訊混亂的小宇宙,很多頁面沒有提供幣圈 UI/UX 慣用的資訊,下面說明如何找到這類資訊的做法。
查閱交易歷史的功能在手機 app 可以點擊顯示餘額的下方 bigdipper 按鈕,但在 找不到明顯可按的按鈕來查閱交易歷史紀錄。
- 必須先找到LikeCoin 錢包地址(下面用cosmos123abc示意),位置在 Liker ID 設定附近。
- 開啟
先查是否有類似 issue 正在進行,沒有就可以先看看內容,可用「錢包地址」檢索會出現翻譯的字串「walletAddress」再找一次,目標 pages/in/settings/index.vue 就會出現,因為這只是前面文字,要修改的是內容 getUserInfo.cosmosWallet,要更動這個內容的工具可用 vue 的 JavaScript Expressions 支援與 JavaScript 的 Template literals。
vue 樣板大概的樣子,如果要其他測試鏈可選就要將 也換成變數。
<h1>Account: <a :href="`${123+4}`">{{123+4}}</a></h1>
其實再查一下可以發現有個 view-bigdipper 內有輸出 的變數可用,所以可以選擇直接用 view-bigdipper 或是引入該變數使用。
打算要改之後先從 github fork 一版,然後改完按慣例是該加上測試再提 Pull Request(PR),不過要問一下專案需求,在快速更替的 UI 開發中是否要做這測試。
📜 憲法 - LikeCoin有提到LIKE分配,但目前無相關計算實際範例可觀察來自行檢驗,造成讚賞公民自己對整個持有與交易歷史的狀態處於相當模糊的狀況。
問題回到讚賞公民點完讚就想立即看到這筆交易細節要如何查詢帳本?而不是被動等電郵的讚賞公民每日報告部分摘要。換句話說要去哪底查出B地址看帳本?關鍵是必須先有點讚對方的地址,在點讚之後馬上從對方的bigdipper反向看自己的B地址。可是第一步有對方 LikerID 會遇到 看不到地址的問題。
因為目前網頁設計 maskedWallet 遮起來 like-co/index.vue at likecoin/like-co 不方便查閱,可用兩種做法查出來對方地址,一個是用A錢包地址發送小額即可查出,二是記下對方地址前後部分觀察bigdipper的最新交易得出。
Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v0.13
工商社論》新式數位身分證(New eID)引發的疑慮
有關New eID的製作,在晶片資安管理的規格方面,是依據ISO 14443及ICAO之國際安全標準規範訂定。每個晶片都會有其專屬識別碼(Unique ID,簡稱UID);負責承製的中央印製廠,會在內政部核可下,以UID資訊記錄卡片的生產履歷,避免晶片外流、盜用或被不當使用,未來亦可用來辨識晶片卡是否是偽變造卡,是重要的管控機制。至於晶片寫入個人資料,則採用ICAO對隱私保護之建議,會啟動隨機亂數序號機制,每次感應都會重新產生隨機亂數,根本無法追蹤晶片的使用軌跡,這與現行晶片護照相同。
Doc 9303 Part 11: Security Mechanisms for MRTDs - ICAO
Table 10. Key agreement algorithms
Algorithm / Format | DH | ECDH |
Key Agreement Algorithm | [PKCS#3] | ECKA [TR-03111] |
X.509 Public Key Format | [X9.42] | [TR-03111] |
TLV Public Key Format | TLV, cf. Section 9.4.2 | TLV, cf. Section 9.4.3 |
Ephemeral Public Key Validation | [RFC 2631] | [TR-03111] |
- [X9.42] ANSI: X9.42, Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry:
Agreement of Symmetric Keys Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography, 1999
- [TR-03111] BSI: Technical Guideline TR-03111: Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Version 2.0, 2012
- [RFC 2631] Rescorla, Eric: RFC 2631 Diffie-Hellman key agreement method, 1999
Basic access control - Wikipedia
There is a replay attack against the basic access control protocol that allows an individual passport to be traced.[3][4] The attack is based on being able to distinguish a failed nonce check from a failed MAC check and works against passports with randomized unique identifiers and hard to guess keys.The basic access control mechanism has been criticized as offering too little protection from unauthorized interception. Researchers claim [5] that because there are only limited numbers of passport issued, many theoretically possible passport numbers will not be in use in practice. The limited range of human age ranges further reduce the space of possibilities.In other words, the data used as an encryption key has low entropy, meaning that guessing the session key is possible via a modest brute force attack.
Security by Politics - Why it will never work. Lukas Grunwald DN-Systems GmbH Germany DefCon 15 Las Vegas USA
Basic Access Control
Grants access to data after inspection systems are authorized
Authorization through the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ)
Nine digit document number
In many countries: issuing authority + incrementing number
Six digit date of birth Can be guessed or assumed to be a valid date
Six digit expiry date
16 most significant bytes of SHA1-hash over MRZ_info are
used as 3DES key for S/M (ISO7816 secure messaging)
The access key is printed on the passport
Many times the passport is put on a Xerox machine in:
Hotels Rentals (cars, ski, ...)
Shops (cell phones, ...)
The data from the MRZ is stored in many private databases (airlines, banks ...)
BAC And Traceability
With the BAC handshake data known,
the random unique ID is worthless
the MRTD is traceable
access to the content (LDS-DG.1 &DG.2) is possible
access to the SOD is possible
Privacy features for contactless cards - Privacy Features of European eID Card Specifications 2008
Contactless chip cards require additional security mechanisms. At least the following issues should be addressed:
- Skimming: an attacker opens a clandestine connection to the chip and gains access to the data,
- Eavesdropping: an attacker intercepts the communication between the chip and an authorised reader,
- Location Tracking: an attacker generates person or card-specific movement profiles
As mentioned above, BAC protects electronic passports against skimming attacks while, for example, the passport holder carries his passport in the pocket. During the border control procedure, the reading device optically scans the document and authenticates to the chip using keys derived from the MRZ printed on the data page. Some European countries, like the Netherlands and Sweden, adopted BAC in the specifications of their national ID cards where the MRZ is printed on the back of the card.
The BAC mechanism only weakly addresses the issue of eavesdropping and it does not prevent reading (or copying) the data of a lost passport. However, in the second generation of European passports, this problem is addressed by the Extended Access Control (EAC) protocol which, besides the mutual authentication of card and reader, establishes a strongly encrypted communication channel. Similar techniques, some of them adapted to internet-authentication use-cases, can be found in the specifications for the German eID card and inclusion into the European Cititzen Card standard is currently under discussion.
Location tracking is an important privacy issue in contactless eID systems. An electronic passport with an RFID chip, if equipped with Basic Access Control, does not reveal any personal information of the passport holder as long as it is safely stored in a pocket and its MRZ is unknown to the attacker. However, the initialisation of wireless communication according to ISO 14443 requires the chip to send a unique identifier to the card reader. An attacker with several distributed reading devices (e.g. in door frames) could therefore distinguish the passport holder without actually having access to the files on the chip. Combined with other data sources, the attacker might be able to generate person or card-specific profiles. This particular attack is relatively easy to avoid – most electronic passports generate random UIDs for every session (see Supplement 9303, E11,) but as a general rule, privacy- protecting RFID systems should be designed very carefully.
晶片的公私鑰雖然是在晶片內產製,但是需將公鑰資料讀出才能產生個人憑證申請檔(CSR)。公鑰能匯出當然私鑰也能匯出。但是內政部卻告訴國人無法匯出,明顯與事實不符。全體國民公私鑰key pair只有廠商知道如何產生,公務機關無法驗證,憑空製造國家安全的治理危機。我們呼籲政府應當採取分散式架構建構我國數位國家政策,放棄這個不當政策,正面回應民間及學術界「一卡一用」的主張。
The DeFi Series — An overview of the ecosystem and major protocols
compound-finance/compound-protocol: The Compound On-Chain Protocol
What You Should Know Before Putting Half a Million DAI in Compound
That could leave a lot of cDAI holders ... holding cDAI for a long time.
1. The smart contract security seems legit.
2. Compound is a CUSTODIAL system, all lending pools can be trivially drained
if their admin private key is compromised.
3. When you lend on Compound, you are NOT guaranteed to be able to withdraw
whenever you want. If you try to withdraw your funds and all the money is
locked up in outstanding loans, your withdrawal transaction will fail.
Compound Finance Audit Summary – OpenZeppelin blog
However, in the hands of a malicious or compromised administrator, these privileges contain the ability to trivially freeze markets, censor transactions or steal all assets from the system. Similarly, control of the price feed can be used to steal most, if not all, assets from the system. Currently, the same externally owned account is the administrator for all live markets.
chainx-org/ChainX: Cross-chain hub for Crypto Asset on Polkadot
Centrifuge’s vision is to enable businesses worldwide to access and create the decentralized economy.
Berlin and the EU support building the Centrifuge Chain with 1.4 Million €
Even today our users experience the limitations of speed, throughput, and cost of the Ethereum blockchain, limiting the use of Centrifuge OS to very specific types of product lines, services, and transactions. Privacy-preserving features are not yet sufficiently available on Ethereum, additionally limiting business and enterprise use-cases.
simondlr/thisartworkisalwaysonsale: A digital art project on Ethereum that uses harberger tax to have an always-on auction. Tax is patronage to artist.
Total Time Held: 6 months The digital artwork above is always on sale. In order to own this artwork, you always have to specify a sale price. Anyone can buy it from the current patron at any time for the specified sale price. Whilst held, a 5% fee (pa) is levied as patronage towards the artist.
DeFi.WTF – Join the 1st DeFi Conf in Osaka.
Open banking - Wikipedia
- The use of open APIs that enable third-party developers to build applications and services around the financial institution.
- Greater financial transparency options for account holders ranging from open data to private data.
- The use of open-source technology to achieve the above.
How to flourish in an uncertain future Open banking and PSD2 - Deloitte - PDF
dukei/any-balance-providers: Collection of AnyBalance providers 開源專案的一大堆各式奇怪的登入與抓取內容方式正是 Open Banking 想要用通用 API 解決的,下面列舉幾個抓取餘額解析的範例。
引述 國產材驗證制度11月上線 認明「台灣木材」標章不再錯買|農傳媒
林務局表示,只要是取得CAS,TAP或QR code中任何一項資格的木材原料或產品,都可以使用代表合法來源生產的「台灣木材」標章,消費者很容易就可以認明。QR code利用區塊鏈資料不可竄改的特性,確保木材來源端的合法性,山老鼠偷砍盜伐珍貴林木遭逮後,木材會標售,合法業者得標後裁切木材並做成幾項木製藝品,這些木製藝品的基座即可標上QR code以敘明來源,消費者只要掃描條碼,即可查到產品資料。
Amazon QLDB 功能
SQL 支援 Amazon QLDB 類似 SQL 的 API 可讓您使用熟悉的 SQL 運算子輕鬆查詢、管理和更新資料。
Ledger Reliability Engineering (LRE) 與 Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) 應用的 DevOps 工具類似,差異在 dApp 的運作模式牽涉到與他人他社的共識互動機制,而且不太可能單一組織內所有應用都是 dApp,故 LRE 也需兼顧 App 維運需要。

目前談到 LRE 這塊的資源較少,故先以收集 SRE 為主。
- Error Budgets 跨組織代幣化設計,並改為 Consensus Budgets。
- taichu-raw:443/metrics

參照 The Site Reliability Workbook Chapter 2 - Implementing SLOs
建議一開始設計 SLOs
- 選一個想用來定義 SLOs 的應用程式就好,其他的可以後面加進來。
- 確認使用者是誰,就是那個應用程式最佳化後會很高興的人。
- 選那些使用者通用的系統任務或是關鍵活動 (上圖)。
- 畫出高階架構圖,顯示關鍵組件、需求流、資料流與關鍵性的服務依賴,關鍵組件做成下列組合包(上圖分色)。
- Request-driven 需求導向
- Pipeline 管道
- Storage 儲存
Type of service | Type of SLI |
Request-driven | Availability |
Request-driven | Latency |
Request-driven | Quality |
Pipeline | Freshness |
Pipeline | Correctness |
Pipeline | Coverage |
Storage | Durability |
Site Reliability Engineering
The Site Reliability Workbook
OpenTelemetry implementation in rust
How to Monitor the SRE Golden Signals
- From the Google SRE book:
- Latency
- Traffic
- Errors
- Saturation
- USE Method (from Brendan Gregg):
- Utilization
- Saturation
- Errors
- RED Method (from Tom Wilkie):
5 Signals
- Rate — Request rate, in requests/sec
- Errors — Error rate, in errors/sec
- Latency — Response time, including queue/wait time, in milliseconds.
- Saturation — How overloaded something is, which is related to utilization but more directly measured by things like queue depth (or sometimes concurrency). As a queue measurement, this becomes non-zero when you are saturated, often not much before. Usually a counter.
- Utilization — How busy the resource or system is. Usually expressed 0–100% and most useful for predictions (as Saturation is probably more useful).
Chaos Engineering (混沌工程)
中央銀行數位貨幣(CBDC)芻議 | 名家評論 - 工商時報
Facebook announces Libra cryptocurrency: All you need to know | TechCrunch
Every Libra payment is permanently written into the Libra Blockchain — a cryptographically authenticated database that acts as a public online ledger designed to handle 1,000 transactions per second.
Hedera Hashgraph, Touted as High-Speed Blockchain Alternative, Now Live - CoinDesk
Specifically, Hedera says the network can support up to 10,000 transactions per second, compared to 2.8 per second for bitcoin and 15 for ethereum, the two largest blockchains.
Hedera Hashgraph — Time for some FUD - Eric Wall - Medium
A dapp requires smart contracts and since Hedera is currently throttling 10 transactions per second with smart contracts, then it doesn’t make this any more interesting than ethereum
Beautiful Free Images & Pictures | Unsplash
第三方寄信服務簡易分析 - 願い星 - Medium
How to start sending email — Mailgun API documentation
puppeteer 可以截圖存證
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
(async () => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto('');
await page.screenshot({path: 'example.png'});
await browser.close();
對於常常需要剪貼成 markdown link 但是又不放心開權限的時候,可以考慮修改 marekjedlinski/webext-copy-title-url: Firefox/Chrome extension: Copy page title (or selection) and url to clipboard via context menu 來用。
Transport Layer Security - Wikipedia

At a high level, the prover commits to a piece of data D and proves to the verifier that D came from a TLS serverSand optionally a statement πD about D. E.g., in the exampleof proving age, the statement πD could be the predicate “D=y/m/dis Alice’s date of birth andy−2019>18.”
DECentralized Oracles DECO 目前還未開源,概念是 TLS 未完待續來個三方握手,這作法對網頁服務端透明不須做另外設置,代表網頁服務端須清楚確認內容並負責任,不過對於使用者的體驗來看可直接用滑鼠選擇要證明會更方便,因為這樣可同時將外來聚合 ajax 內容納入內容來源證明裡,只要最終引入合成在瀏覽器頁面裡面的都可用瀏覽器地址上面那個 TLS 鎖頭掛的網頁服務端憑證,來證明這網頁與連帶引入的資源都由該鎖頭而起。只是當時簽發服務端憑證範圍只是認 CN 對上網域有效性,現要衍生到後面的內容存在性簽章是否有其效力待觀察。

Liberating web data using DECO, a privacy-preserving oracle protocol 與 電子簽章法§10-全國法規資料庫 的交互作用值得探索。
第 10 條 以數位簽章簽署電子文件者,應符合下列各款規定,始生前條第一項之效力:
NSS Key Log Format - Mozilla | MDN
Key logs can be written by NSS so that external programs can decrypt TLS connections. Wireshark 1.6.0 and above can use these log files to decrypt packets. You can tell Wireshark where to find the key file via Edit→Preferences→Protocols→SSL→(Pre)-Master-Secret log filename.
Support for NSS's SSLKEYLOGFILE to be able to decrypt TLS traffic with TLS_ECDHE* ciphers · Issue #7795 · envoyproxy/envoy
OpenSSL/BoringSSL applications (browsers, curl, etc) often support logging the pre-master secrets into a file by setting the SSLKEYLOGFILE environment variable. The logfile can then be easily imported into tools like Wireshark to decrypt TLS on the fly.
Traffic tapping — envoy 1.12.0-dev-358793 documentation
The tap transport socket supports both buffered and streaming, controlled by the streaming setting. When buffering, SocketBufferedTrace messages are emitted. When streaming, a series of SocketStreamedTraceSegment are emitted.
Guide to Web Authentication
const publicKeyCredentialCreationOptions = {
challenge: Uint8Array.from(randomStringFromServer, c => c.charCodeAt(0)),
rp: {
name: "Duo Security",
id: "",
user: {
id: Uint8Array.from("UZSL85T9AFC", c => c.charCodeAt(0)),
name: "",
displayName: "Lee",
pubKeyCredParams: [{alg: -7, type: "public-key"}],
authenticatorSelection: {
authenticatorAttachment: "cross-platform",
timeout: 60000,
attestation: "direct"
const credential = await navigator.credentials.create({
publicKey: publicKeyCredentialCreationOptions
pretix/pretix: Ticket shop application for conferences, festivals, concerts, tech events, shows, exhibitions, workshops, barcamps, etc.
Release 3.1.0 of pretix – pretix – Reinventing ticket sales for conferences, festivals, exhibitions, ...
WebAuthn We ported our two-factor authentication to support hardware tokens via WebAuthn instead of U2F. All your keys are still working, but they now work in Microsoft Edge, many more Firefox versions, as well as most mobile browsers, too.
pretix/webauthn.js at master · pretix/pretix
cryptovote/webauthn.js at master · cryptovoting/cryptovote
contract Test {
event Event(uint indexed a, bytes32 b);
function foo(uint a) public { emit Event(a, b); }
bytes32 b;
"type": "event",
"inputs": [
"name": "a",
"type": "uint256",
"indexed": true
"name": "b",
"type": "bytes32",
"indexed": false
"name": "Event"
"type": "function",
"inputs": [
"name": "a",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "foo",
"outputs": []
Wasm for Blockchain 2019 - NEAR Protocol - Medium
Wasmer opens discussion of unifying APIs of smart contracts, by presenting two approaches: the first one is the one suggested by Oasis in this blog post, where they emulate blockchain interface through POSIX-like imports available in standard WASI modules; the second approach is to either use imports without WASI (Ewasm approach) or have a special WASI module for blockchains.
CraneStation/wasmtime: Standalone JIT-style runtime for WebAssembly, using Cranelift
relation to wasmtime? · Issue #142 · wasmerio/wasmer
wapm-packages/cowsay: Cowsay in WebAssembly
目前 wasi net 部份未支援
// cargo +nightly build --target wasm32-wasi
fn main() {
println!("Hello, WASM/WASI world!");
$ wasmer run target/wasm32-wasi/debug/hello-wasi.wasm
Hello, WASM/WASI world!
設定 TLS 測試服務的時候需要金鑰與簽發的憑證,利用 OpenSSL 可以快速生成這些憑證。下列資料從 test-ca - rustls 取得。
set -xe
rm -rf rsa/ ecdsa/
mkdir -p rsa/ ecdsa/
openssl req -nodes \
-x509 \
-days 3650 \
-newkey rsa:4096 \
-keyout rsa/ca.key \
-out rsa/ca.cert \
-sha256 \
-batch \
-subj "/CN=ponytown RSA CA"
openssl req -nodes \
-newkey rsa:3072 \
-keyout rsa/inter.key \
-out rsa/inter.req \
-sha256 \
-batch \
-subj "/CN=ponytown RSA level 2 intermediate"
openssl req -nodes \
-newkey rsa:2048 \
-keyout rsa/end.key \
-out rsa/end.req \
-sha256 \
-batch \
-subj "/"
openssl rsa \
-in rsa/end.key \
-out rsa/end.rsa
openssl req -nodes \
-newkey rsa:2048 \
-keyout rsa/client.key \
-out rsa/client.req \
-sha256 \
-batch \
-subj "/CN=ponytown client"
openssl rsa \
-in rsa/client.key \
-out rsa/client.rsa
# ecdsa
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -out ecdsa/nistp256.pem
openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -out ecdsa/nistp384.pem
openssl req -nodes \
-x509 \
-newkey ec:ecdsa/nistp384.pem \
-keyout ecdsa/ca.key \
-out ecdsa/ca.cert \
-sha256 \
-batch \
-days 3650 \
-subj "/CN=ponytown ECDSA CA"
openssl req -nodes \
-newkey ec:ecdsa/nistp256.pem \
-keyout ecdsa/inter.key \
-out ecdsa/inter.req \
-sha256 \
-batch \
-days 3000 \
-subj "/CN=ponytown ECDSA level 2 intermediate"
openssl req -nodes \
-newkey ec:ecdsa/nistp256.pem \
-keyout ecdsa/end.key \
-out ecdsa/end.req \
-sha256 \
-batch \
-days 2000 \
-subj "/"
openssl req -nodes \
-newkey ec:ecdsa/nistp384.pem \
-keyout ecdsa/client.key \
-out ecdsa/client.req \
-sha256 \
-batch \
-days 2000 \
-subj "/CN=ponytown client"
for kt in rsa ecdsa ; do
openssl x509 -req \
-in $kt/inter.req \
-out $kt/inter.cert \
-CA $kt/ca.cert \
-CAkey $kt/ca.key \
-sha256 \
-days 3650 \
-set_serial 123 \
-extensions v3_inter -extfile openssl.cnf
openssl x509 -req \
-in $kt/end.req \
-out $kt/end.cert \
-CA $kt/inter.cert \
-CAkey $kt/inter.key \
-sha256 \
-days 2000 \
-set_serial 456 \
-extensions v3_end -extfile openssl.cnf
openssl x509 -req \
-in $kt/client.req \
-out $kt/client.cert \
-CA $kt/inter.cert \
-CAkey $kt/inter.key \
-sha256 \
-days 2000 \
-set_serial 789 \
-extensions v3_client -extfile openssl.cnf
cat $kt/inter.cert $kt/ca.cert > $kt/end.chain
cat $kt/end.cert $kt/inter.cert $kt/ca.cert > $kt/end.fullchain
cat $kt/inter.cert $kt/ca.cert > $kt/client.chain
cat $kt/client.cert $kt/inter.cert $kt/ca.cert > $kt/client.fullchain
openssl asn1parse -in $kt/ca.cert -out $kt/ca.der > /dev/null
[ v3_end ]
basicConstraints = critical,CA:false
keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature
subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer:always
subjectAltName = @alt_names
[ v3_client ]
basicConstraints = critical,CA:false
keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature
extendedKeyUsage = critical, clientAuth
subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer:always
[ v3_inter ]
subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
extendedKeyUsage = critical, serverAuth, clientAuth
basicConstraints = CA:true
keyUsage = cRLSign, keyCertSign, digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment, keyAgreement, keyCertSign, cRLSign
[ alt_names ]
DNS.1 =
DNS.2 =
DNS.3 = localhost
Kubernetes tutorial - cuelang - github
cuelang 算是下面這個 java 初學者對於分號問題的 JOSN 版本回應,忘記加單雙引號沒關係,人看的懂可以快速回應就好,尤其是一大包 yaml 設定要搞定的 kubernetes。
Today my 16yr old cousin asked me...
"If the compiler knows that.. "semicolon is missing at line no 16 in ", then why it can't simply put a ' ; ' there instead of telling us..."
tutorial kubernetes - cuelang - github 只要跑一次就大概知道用在哪裡,特別是設定檔很多的時候應該做有用,如果只有個位數引入 CUE 就要考慮多個工具的複雜度問題。
kubernetes 的佈署如果需要開服務需要另外寫,利用 cloud.cue 樣板加上目錄裡面的 kube.cue 可將下面常見的佈署模板變成只有一行。
$ cat ./frontend/bartender/kube.cue
package kube
deployment bartender image: ""
$ cue cmd dump ./frontend/bartender/
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: bartender
component: frontend
domain: prod
name: bartender
- name: http
port: 7080
protocol: TCP
app: bartender
component: frontend
domain: prod
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
component: frontend
name: bartender
replicas: 1
annotations: "7080" "true"
app: bartender
component: frontend
domain: prod
- args: []
name: bartender
- containerPort: 7080
name: http
以 nginx 為例寫 223 行來設定,產出 yaml 設定檔為 260 行,如果是 json 達 612 行。
$ cd doc/tutorial/kubernetes/manual/services
$ find ./proxy/nginx/ | xargs wc
0 0 0 ./proxy/nginx/
19 38 337 ./proxy/nginx/kube.cue
6 12 108 ./proxy/nginx/service.cue
198 495 7683 ./proxy/nginx/configmap.cue
223 545 8128 總計
$ cue cmd dump ./proxy/nginx/ | wc
260 606 9074
$ cue eval ./proxy/nginx | wc
612 1365 23358
cue 檔案雖是 json 的超集合,加上共用樣板可寫的比 yaml 精簡。
package kube
deployment nginx: {
image: "nginx:1.11.10-alpine"
expose port http: 80
expose port https: 443
volume "secret-volume": {
mountPath: "/etc/ssl"
spec secret secretName: "proxy-secrets"
volume "config-volume": {
mountPath: "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"
subPath: "nginx.conf"
spec configMap name: "nginx"
FROM golang:1.13 AS build-cue
RUN go get -u
FROM codercom/code-server:2.preview.11-vsc1.37.0
COPY --from=build-cue /go/bin/cue /usr/bin/cue
hashicorp/vault: A tool for secrets management, encryption as a service, and privileged access management
banzaicloud/bank-vaults: A Vault swiss-army knife: a K8s operator, Go client with automatic token renewal, automatic configuration, multiple unseal options and more. A CLI tool to init, unseal and configure Vault (auth methods, secret engines). Direct secret injection into Pods.
Grafana Labs
引用 Independent work: Choice, necessity, and the gig economy | McKinsey
The resulting report, Independent work: Choice, necessity, and the gig economy, finds that up to 162 million people in Europe and the United States—or 20 to 30 percent of the working-age population—engage in some form of independent work.
In our busiest cluster, Kraken distributes more than 1 million blobs per day, including 100k 1G+ blobs. At its peak production load, Kraken distributes 20K 100MB-1G blobs in under 30 sec.
與 BitTorrent 差異
Kraken's problem space is slightly different than what BitTorrent was designed for. Kraken's goal is to reduce global max download time and communication overhead in a stable environment, while BitTorrent was designed for an unpredictable and adversarial environment, so it needs to preserve more copies of scarce data and defend against malicious or bad behaving peers.
近日的以太坊網頁版開發工具 PR Publish to ipfs · ethereum/remix-ide 引入 ipfs 的合約儲存方式。
CSF-WUQI 是基於 Cybersecurity Framework | NIST 的 argoproj/argo: Argo Workflows: Get stuff done with Kubernetes. 流程實驗專案,最終目的是作出應用 Operator pattern - Kubernetes 的 CSF 流程專案。
Cybersecurity Framework Version 1.1 主要分五個面向
Date | KR#1 | KR#2 | KR#3 | KR#4 | KR#5 | Comments |
19-09-28 | 0.20 | 0.00 | 0.05 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
yy-mm-dd | | | | | | - |
yaml and json file base on 2018-04-16_framework_v1.1_core1.xlsx
argo workflow hello world version of ID.RA-5
kind: Workflow
generateName: csf-wuqi-
entrypoint: whalesay
- name: whalesay
image: docker/whalesay:latest
command: [cowsay]
args: ["ID.RA-5 Threats, vulnerabilities, likelihoods, and impacts are used to determine risk."]
WIP: DAG workflow
Open source container-native workflow engine for Kubernetes. | argo
kind: Workflow
generateName: csf-wuqi-
entrypoint: csf
- name: echo
- name: message
image: alpine:3.7
command: [echo, "{{inputs.parameters.message}}"]
- name: csf
- name: IDENTIFY
template: echo
parameters: [{name: message, value: IDENTIFY}]
- name: PROTECT
dependencies: [IDENTIFY]
template: echo
parameters: [{name: message, value: PROTECT}]
- name: DETECT
dependencies: [IDENTIFY]
template: echo
parameters: [{name: message, value: DETECT}]
- name: RESPOND
dependencies: [PROTECT, DETECT]
template: echo
parameters: [{name: message, value: RESPOND}]
- name: RECOVER
dependencies: [PESPOND]
template: echo
parameters: [{name: message, value: RECOVER}]
- Active from: 20-01-01
- KR Measurement Deadline: 20-04-01
- Tracked: Every Sunday 😱
- Tracking Manager: DLTDOJO
- Key Results:
- protobuf file
- api service
- web site
- documentation
- 做人🏃如果無夢想,同條鹹魚🐟有咩分別呀? - 少林足球
Date | KR#1 | KR#2 | KR#3 | KR#4 | KR#5 | Comments |
20-01-01 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
yy-mm-dd | | | | | | - |
rust 單一 html 文件的合成工具,主要用來將所有的 css, img, javascript 整合到單一 html 文件。
$ monolith > ~/smb/test/apache-big5.html
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Post-quantum cryptography - Wikipedia
What Google’s Quantum Breakthrough Means for Blockchain Cryptography - Bitcoin News
I’m not very optimistic that quantum computers will have practical applications any time soon. I’m quite worried that quantum computing will go the same way as nuclear fusion: that it will remain forever promising but never quite work. Nevertheless, quantum supremacy is going to be a super exciting event.
先看過 Preprocessing - PlantUML,模板採用 iuml 副檔名前面加上 tpl,引入語法如下。
!include tpl-web123-v1.iuml

tpl-web123-v1.iuml 內容
actor "消費者\nAlice" as Alice #red
participant "Browser\n瀏覽器\nBrowser" as Browser
participant "Service\n那個平台\nSRV" as SRV
collections "HTTP Server\n超文本傳輸協定服務\nHTTPD" as HTTPD
actor "生產者\nBob" as Bob #yellow
== 100 寫 HTML ==
autonumber 101
Bob -> HTTPD : 上傳或產生 HTML
note left
end note
== 200 給 HTTP RESPONSE ==
autonumber 201
HTTPD -> Browser : HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n內容 HTML
Browser -> Alice : 解析HTML內容後\n展現在瀏覽器裡面
== 300 Web 1.0 免費白吃的午餐 ? 注意力與隱私商品化 ==
autonumber 301
Alice <-> SRV : 給我內容
SRV <-> Bob : 生產內容
Bob <-> SRV : $💰$ 誰來付錢 $💰$
== 400 Web 2.0 免費的商品 ==
autonumber 401
SRV <-> Alice : 消費者免費拿到內容\n給平台收賣個資
SRV -> SRV : 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰
Bob <-> SRV : 消費者變成生產者\n在平台販售內容。
== 500 Web 3.0 去媒介平台 ==
autonumber 501
Bob -> Alice : 消費者變成生產者,買賣不經那個平台
Alice -> Bob : 生產者變成消費者,買賣不經那個平台

web123-v1.puml 套用模板
header DLTDOJO3
Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0
end footer
title dltdojo3-web123-v1
legend top
那個 Web x.0 的故事
skinparam handwritten true
!include tpl-web123-v1.iuml
== 600 Web 3.0 DAO ==
autonumber 601
participant "DAO" as DAO
Alice -> DAO : 加入 DAO
Bob -> DAO : 加入 DAO
Bob <-> Alice : 消費者變成生產者,買賣不經那個平台。
DAO -> Alice : 💰💰💰
DAO -> Bob : 💰💰💰
如要外部使用可以利用下列連結,利用線上服務 PlantUML Online Demo Service 利用下列方式加入模板。

Sequence Diagram - PlantUML

actor "消費者\nAlice" as Alice #red
participant "Browser\n瀏覽器\nBrowser" as Browser
participant "Service\n那個平台\nSRV" as SRV
collections "HTTP Server\n超文本傳輸協定服務\nHTTPD" as HTTPD
actor "生產者\nBob" as Bob #yellow
== 100 寫 HTML ==
autonumber 101
Bob -> HTTPD : 上傳或產生 HTML
note left
end note
== 200 給 HTTP RESPONSE ==
autonumber 201
HTTPD -> Browser : HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n內容 HTML
Browser -> Alice : 解析HTML內容後\n展現在瀏覽器裡面
== 300 Web 1.0 免費白吃的午餐 ? 注意力與隱私商品化 ==
autonumber 301
Alice <-> SRV : 給我內容
SRV <-> Bob : 生產內容
Bob <-> SRV : $💰$ 誰來付錢 $💰$
== 400 Web 2.0 免費的商品 ==
autonumber 401
SRV <-> Alice : 消費者免費拿到內容\n給平台收賣個資
SRV -> SRV : 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰
Bob <-> SRV : 消費者變成生產者\n在平台販售內容。
== 500 Web 3.0 去媒介平台 ==
autonumber 501
Bob -> Alice : 消費者變成生產者,買賣不經那個平台
Alice -> Bob : 生產者變成消費者,買賣不經那個平台

actor "消費者\nAlice" as Alice #red
participant "瀏覽器\nBrowser" as Browser
collections "超文本傳輸協定服務\nHTTPD" as HTTPD
participant "那個平台\nSRV" as SRV
actor "生產者\nBob" as Bob #yellow
== 100 寫 HTML ==
autonumber 101
Bob -> SRV : 註冊或架設
Bob -> HTTPD : 上傳或產生 HTML
note left
end note
== 200 HTTP 協定 ==
autonumber 201
Alice -> Browser :
Browser -> HTTPD : GET /foo HTTP/1.1
HTTPD -> Browser : HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n內容 HTML
Browser -> Alice : 解析HTML內容後\n展現在瀏覽器裡面
Joystream - Github 的 DAO 治理結構針對組織的 Exit, Voice, and Loyalty - wikipedia 問題加以設計,希望探索或建構出可長久的組織結構。

actor "個人甲\nAlice" as Alice #red
collections "原組織或企業\nORG" as ORG
collections "新組織或企業\nNORG" as NORG #red
actor "個人乙\nBob" as Bob #yellow
== 100 當個人甲乙對原組織的運作感到不滿時 ==
autonumber 101
Bob -> ORG: 🔥😠🔥
Alice -> ORG: 🔥😠🔥
== 200 Exit 叛離 ==
autonumber 201
Alice -> ORG : Bye
note right
end note
Alice -> NORG : 加入其他組織
Alice -> Bob : 或拉人分裂出新組織
== 300 Voice 抗議 ==
autonumber 301
Bob -> ORG : 抗議啦
note left
end note
ORG -> Bob : 回應
Bob -> Bob : Loyalty 忠誠
ORG -> Bob : 不理會
Bob -> Bob : Exit 叛離
== 400 Loyalty 忠誠 ==
autonumber 401
Bob -> ORG : 組織運轉順暢
Alice -> ORG : 組織運作良好

' The Site Reliability Workbook Chapter 2 - Implementing SLOs
' Service Level Objectives/Service Level Indicators
skinparam ParticipantPadding 10
skinparam BoxPadding 10
actor "使用者" as User #Yellow
box "Request-driven\n需求導向" #LightBlue
participant "Web Site" as Web
participant "API Service" as Api
end box
box "Pipeline\n管路" #LightCoral
participant "Pipeline Job" as Job
participant Log
end box
box "Storage\n儲存" #LightPink
database "GameState" as DB
database UserData
participant UserFile
end box
note right of Web
end note
User -> Web
Web -> DB
Api -> DB
Api -> Job
note right of Job
end note
DB -> UserData
UserData -> Api
note right of DB
end note
actor "SRE\n網站可靠性工程師" as RE #Red

' Random Oracle RO
actor Alice #yellow
participant "Random Oracle" as RO #yellow
actor Bob
== 100 Random Oracle ==
autonumber 101
Alice -> RO: 輸入值
Alice <- RO: 輸出隨機值
note left
end note
Bob -> RO: 輸入值
Bob <- RO: 隨機值
note right
如 103 輸入值與 101 一樣
104 值會與 102 相同
end note
A cartoon intro to DNS over HTTPS

' A cartoon intro to DNS over HTTPS
skinparam ParticipantPadding 5
skinparam BoxPadding 5
box "Alice Realm" #LightBlue
actor "Alice\n瀏覽器" as Alice #yellow
participant "DoB\nAlice" as ADOB #white
end box
box "The kingdom of far far away" #white
participant "DNS善意\nPort 53" as GDNS #green
participant "DNS惡意\nPort 53" as BDNS #red
participant "DoH\nPort 443" as DOH #yellow
end box
box "Bob Realm" #LightCoral
participant "DoB\nBob" as BDOB #white
actor "Bob\n瀏覽器" as Bob
end box
== 100 Tracking 追蹤 ==
autonumber 101
Bob -> BDNS : register
Alice -> GDNS : DNS port 53
BDNS -> BDNS : tracking 紀錄追蹤
BDNS -> GDNS : 給正確的地址
GDNS -> Alice
== 200 Spoofing 欺騙 ==
autonumber 201
BDNS -> GDNS : 給假造的地址
GDNS -> Alice
note over ADOB
end note
== 300 DNS over HTTPS (DoH) ==
autonumber 301
Alice -> DOH : 可設定可信的 DoH\nHTTPS port 443
DOH -> DOH : 紀錄
DOH -> Alice : 可信任的地址
note over DOH
1. DNS 個人紀錄被移出 ISP
2. DNS 紀錄(ISP端與用戶裝置端)的利用、加值、過濾
3. DNS 紀錄 ISP端法遵議題
4. 資料集中化不再分散各個 DNS
5. 牽涉不同司法管轄
6. 需信任 DoH 不做紀錄
end note
== 400 DNS over Blockchain (DoB) ==
autonumber 401
ADOB <-> BDOB: 同步
Alice -> ADOB: 只查自己節點
Bob -> BDOB: 無紀錄洩漏問題
note over DOH
1. DoB 不普及
2. DoB 節點成本需用客戶在乎隱私動機來支付,
否則容易轉成中心化 API 服務架構,回到紀
錄竄改100/200原點,還不如用 DoH。
end note
The Crypto Custody Conundrum: What Are We Even Talking About?

' The Crypto Custody Conundrum: What Are We Even Talking About?
' 借據、本票(民法債務不履行) 保管條(刑法侵占)
skinparam ParticipantPadding 5
skinparam BoxPadding 5
actor "使用者" as User #Yellow
box "司法" #LightSalmon
participant "民法\nCivil law" as CIVIL
participant "刑法\nCriminal law" as CRIMINAL
end box
actor "SafeKeeping\n保管人" as SK #Red
== 100 C is for custody ==
autonumber 101
User -> SK: 保管申請
User -> SK: 交付保管物
SK -> User: 保管證明\n契約、借據、本票(民法債務不履行)\n保管條(刑法侵占)
User -> SK: 要求返還
SK -> SK: 無法返還
SK <-> User: 協調
User -> CIVIL: 最佳利益???
User -> CRIMINAL: 最佳利益???
== 200 C is for complication ==
autonumber 201
User <-> SK
note right
end note
== 300 C is for consent ==
autonumber 301
User <-> SK
note right #red
end note
== 400 C is for consumer ==
autonumber 401
User <-> SK
note right
end note
== 500 C is for challenge ==
autonumber 501
User <-> SK
note right
有種東西稱為分叉 fork
end note

' Révolution française
' 法國大革命(法語:Révolution française, 1789年-1799年)是法國的一段社會激進與政治動盪的時期,對於法國歷史以及全歐洲都留下深刻廣泛影響。
skinparam ParticipantPadding 5
skinparam BoxPadding 5
actor "法國國王\n路易十六" as King #Yellow
box "三級會議" #Red
actor "代表甲" as A
actor "代表乙" as B
end box
database "議會大樓" as BUILDING
box "國民議會\n室內網球場" #Blue
actor "代表丙" as C
actor "代表丁" as D
end box
participant "巴士底監獄" as Bastille
== 三級會議 ==
A <-> B : 衝突
King -> BUILDING: 整修關閉
== 附近網球場 ==
B -> C : 換地方
C <-> D : 繼續衝突
note right: 網球場宣言
D -> Bastille
== 法國大革命 ==
Bastille --> King : 三年後法蘭西第一共和國成立
Component Diagram - PlantUML
There are only two hard problems in distributed systems: 2. Exactly-once delivery 1. Guaranteed order of messages 2. Exactly-once delivery @mathiasverraes
How Does Distributed Consensus Work?

' How Does Distributed Consensus Work?
agent "Client" as Client
rectangle "State Machine Replication" {
rectangle "Server1" #LightBlue {
frame SM1 [
State Machine
component "Consensus" as Consensus1
component "Ledger" as Ledger1
rectangle "Server2" #LightCoral{
frame SM2 [
State Machine
component "Consensus" as Consensus2
component "Ledger" as Ledger2
rectangle "ServerN+1" as ServerN1 #yellow
stack TwoHardThins #LightGreen[
Two hard problems in distributed systems:
2. Exactly-once delivery
1. Guaranteed order of messages
2. Exactly-once delivery
Client --> Consensus1 : == 1
Consensus1 <--> TwoHardThins : == 2
TwoHardThins <--> Consensus2 : == 2
Consensus1 <--> ServerN1: == 2 問題:故障與時序
Consensus2 <-> ServerN1 : == 2
Consensus1 -> Ledger1 : == 3
Ledger1 --> SM1 : == 4
Consensus2 --> Ledger2: == 3
Ledger2 --> SM2 : == 4
SM2 -> Client: == 5
TON Blockchain Test Network

' [ton-blockchain/ton github](
' TON有四个角色:验证员,合作者,提名者和渔夫(Validators, collators, nominators, and fisherman.)
actor "Validator\n驗證者" as Validator
actor "Collator\n合作者" as Collator
actor "Nominator\n提名者" as Nominator
' 漁夫捕捉無效驗證者的無效交易
actor "Fisherman\n漁夫" as Fisherman #red
' 主鏈有 TON 的創世參數還有驗證節點紀錄
rectangle "TON Main Blockchain" {
' 可生成最多 2^32 條工作鏈条工作链,創工作鏈需 2/3 驗證節點支持。
' 每條工作鏈的虛擬機器可不同,地址帳戶代幣合約等也有差異。
' 每條工作鏈會有該工作鏈的基礎原生代幣。
rectangle "Workchain 1\n工作鏈壹" as WC1 #LightBlue {
' 每條工作鏈可生成最多 2^60 條分片鏈
' 同一條工作鏈的分片鏈其帳戶合約地址格式相同。
component "Shardchain\n分片鏈A1" as W1SA1
component "Shardchain\n分片鏈A2" as W1SA2
component "Shardchain\n分片鏈AN" as W1SAN
rectangle "Workchain 2\n工作鏈貳" as WC2 #LightCoral{
component "Shardchain\n分片鏈B1" as W2SB1
component "Shardchain\n分片鏈B2" as W2SB2
component "Shardchain\n分片鏈BN" as W2SBN
rectangle "Workchain N\n工作鏈N"
W1SA1 <--> W1SA2: == 1 Hypercube routing
W1SA2 <-> W1SAN: == 1
W1SA1 <--> W1SAN: == 1
Validator ..> WC1
Fisherman ..> WC1
Collator ..> WC2
Nominator ..> WC2
Looking at Buddha Watching TV

' TV Buddha by Nam June Paik
' “The future is now.” -Nam June Paik
package "You" {
[👀] as U #Yellow
package "TV Buddha" as TVBuddha{
folder "Buddha"{
[👀] as BUDDHA #Green
folder "Tele - vision" {
[📺] as TV
[🎥] as Camera
U -> TVBuddha
Camera --> BUDDHA
TV - Camera

actor "Developer" as Dev
actor "Operator" as Op
actor "學員\nUser" as User #red
rectangle "DLTDOJO3" {
rectangle "cli" #LightBlue {
component "taichu-raw" as TaichuRaw #yellow
component mdbook
rectangle "Kubernetes" #LightCoral{
rectangle "Services" {
component "Git\nCICD" as drone
component plantuml
component registry
rectangle "MAD WHITE" as madwhite {
component "code\nserver" as cs
rectangle "MAD RED" as madred {
component "veloren\nserver" as vs
TaichuRaw -- mdbook
Op ..> TaichuRaw
Dev ..> plantuml
Dev ..> registry
Dev ..> cs
User ..> cs

header DLTDOJO3
Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0
end footer
title dltdojo3-comp-template
skinparam handwritten false
left to right direction
package "Docker Container" {
folder "Code Server container"{
[Code\nServer] as CS #Yellow
folder "VS Code Extension"{
package "Kubernetes" {
folder "microk8s" {
folder "Gitops"{
[GIT gogs] as GIT #Green
[CI drone] as CI #Blue
CS --> GIT : 1. push
GIT -> CI : 2. build and test
CI --> Registry : 3. push
CI <-- Registry : 4. pull image

[*] -> Waiting
Waiting --> Started: Start
Waiting --> Finished : Done
Started --> Finished : Finish
Started --> Suspended : Suspend
Suspended --> Started : Resume
Commercial paper tutorial

' Commercial paper tutorial
folder MagnetoCorp {
agent "Admin\nConsole" as MAC
artifact "Paper\nContract" as MPC
folder PaperNet {
node CA
node Orderer
folder "MagnetoCorp" as PNMC {
package "Peer" as MPEER {
node "Ledger\nDatabase" as LDB
artifact "Paper\nContract" as PNPC
MAC --> MPEER: install
PNPC <-> LDB: getState/putState
Commercial paper tutorial

' Commercial paper tutorial
folder MagnetoCorp {
agent "Admin\nConsole" as MAC
folder PaperNet {
node CA
node Orderer
folder "MagnetoCorp" as PNMC {
package "Peer" as MPEER {
artifact "Paper\nContract" as PNPC
package "Chaincode\nContainer" as CC {
artifact "Paper\nContract" as PNPC_CC
MAC --> MPEER: = 1. Instantiate
MPEER --> CC : = 2. Create
PNPC --> PNPC_CC: = 3. Copy
Commercial paper tutorial

' Commercial paper tutorial
folder MagnetoCorp {
actor Alice
agent "Issue App" as IAPP
agent "Gateway" as MGW
agent "Wallet" as WALLET
folder PaperNet {
node CA
node Orderer
folder "MagnetoCorp" as PNMC {
package "Peer" as MPEER {
artifact "Paper\nContract" as PNPC
package "Chaincode\nContainer" as CC {
artifact "Paper\nContract" as PNPC_CC
IAPP <- WALLET: = 1 retrieve
IAPP --> MGW: = 2 submit
MGW <--> MPEER: = 3 propose/endorse
MGW --> Orderer: = 4 order
Orderer --> MPEER: = 5 distribute
MPEER -> MGW: = 6 notify
MGW -> IAPP: = 7 response

' Commercial paper tutorial
participant MagnetoCorp as COM
actor Alice as Alice #red
collections PaperNet as NET
actor Bob as Bob #Yellow
participant DigiBank as BANK
COM -> Alice: Authz
BANK -> Bob: Authz
Alice -> NET: Issue
Bob -> NET: Buy
Bob -> NET: Redeem

' Lifecycle
'hide empty description
[*] --> issued : issue
note top
Commercial papers transition between
issued, trading and redeemed states
by means of the issue, buy and redeem
end note
issued -> trading : buy
trading -> trading: buy
trading -down-> redeemed: redeem
redeemed --> [*]

' The PaperNet commercial paper network. Six organizations currently use PaperNet network to
' issue, buy, sell, redeem and rate commercial paper.
' MagentoCorp issues and redeems commercial paper.
' DigiBank, BigFund, BrokerHouse and HedgeMatic all trade commercial paper with each other.
' RateM provides various measures of risk for commercial paper.
participant MagentoCorp #yellow
participant DigiBank
collections PaperNet #green
participant BigFund
participant BrokerHouse
participant HedgeMatic
participant RateM
== 100 PaperNet commercial paper network ==
MagentoCorp <-> PaperNet: issue/redeem
note right #aqua
MagentoCorp issues and
redeems commercial paper.
end note
DigiBank <-> PaperNet: buy/sell/redeem
note right
DigiBank, BigFund, BrokerHouse and HedgeMatic
all trade commercial paper with each other.
end note
BigFund <-> PaperNet: buy/sell/redeem
BrokerHouse <-> PaperNet: buy/sell/redeem
HedgeMatic <-> PaperNet: buy/sell/redeem
RateM <-> PaperNet: rate/notify
note left #red
RateM provides various measures of risk
for commercial paper.
end note

'hide empty description
[*] --> issued : issue
note top
EIP 20: ERC-20 Token Standard
mapping (address => uint256) private _balances;
mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances;
transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount)
allowance(address owner, address spender)
approve(address spender, uint256 amount)
transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount)
end note
issued -> active : deploy
active -> active: transfer
active -down-> allowance: allowance
allowance -> active: approve
keybase 內建 Stellar 的錢包, 未來加密隱私即時通訊軟體掛錢包看來將變成標配,畢竟加解密或簽交易合約都需要金鑰,類似軟體 Telegram 電報的 TON 也正在測試中,採用以太坊架構的的 Status 也逐漸完備。
CoyIM messenger client
- 參考安裝 Rust說明將 rust 環境建立起來
- 先安裝 mdbook
- 再 mdbook-toc
cargo install mdbook
cargo install mdbook-toc
bash --build-book
編輯階段建議使用 serve 模式並開啟瀏覽器到 localhost:3000 加快開發。
bash --serve-book
mdbook-toc 將 html 註解的 toc 轉成目錄格式
cargo install mdbook-toc
command = "mdbook-toc"
renderer = ["html"]
Preprocessor in Python? #975 - mdbook
#command = "src/mdbook/"
#command = "src/mdbook/"
#renderer = ["html"]
A minimal preprocessor in Python
#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import sys
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if sys.argv[1] == 'supports':
# sys.argv[2] is the renderer name
context, book = json.load(sys.stdin)
json.dump(book, sys.stdout)
A minimal preprocessor in Bash
jq . | tee /tmp/dump.json
注意:這 tabs 新語法可將多個區塊用 tab 呈現比較精簡 UI,但列印成 PDF 模式無法全部列印內容出來。
{{#tab Classic ROOT}}
{{#tab Modern ROOT}}
{{#tab Python}}
def f(x):
return y
additional-css = ["includes/css/tabs.css"]
additional-js = ["includes/js/tabs.js"]
command = "python3 ./plugins/"
renderer = ["html", "epub"]
playpen 有限制 crate 列表如下,要支援 BIP39 之類工具包可能要 fork 出 rust-playground 來跑。
extern crate chrono;
use chrono::Local;
fn main() {
let date = Local::now();
println!("{}", date.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"));
mdbook 可內嵌 mathjax
mathjax-support = true
\\( \mathbf y^2 = x^3 + ax + b\\) over \\(F_p\\)
\( \mathbf y^2 = x^3 + ax + b\) over \(F_p\)
\\( \mathbf y^2 = x^3 + 7 \\) over \\(F_p\\)
\( \mathbf y^2 = x^3 + 7 \) over \(F_p\)
不是人人都熟悉 mathjax 語法,如要測驗應該先提供參考語法。
另外 github 上面收集學習資源的專案
microsoft/WebTemplateStudio 工具步驟 4 雖是選配倒是關鍵,快速建站模板後面應該會有人會寫 firebase 之類擴充,另外 cdr/code-server 是否能跑要找時間測試。
Focus Group on Application of Distributed Ledger Technology
- Technical Specification / DLT terms and definitions
- Technical Specification / DLT reference architecture
- Technical Specification / Assessment criteria for DLT platforms
ITU issues guidance on the adoption of blockchain - ITU News
These documents will support ITU standardization in working groups including Q22/16 (Distributed Ledger Technologies and e-Services) and Q14/17 (Security aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies).
Cambridge Judge Business School: 2nd Global Enterprise Blockchain Benchmarking Study
Hyperledger Fabric appears to be the platform of choice across all industries: Fourty-eight per cent of covered projects that are used in production have chosen Hyperledger Fabric as the core protocol framework underlying the network, followed by R3’s Corda platform (15 per cent) and Coin Sciences’ MultiChain framework (10 per cent).
Text - H.R.2500 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 | | Library of Congress
SEC. 255. Briefing on use of blockchain technology for defense purposes.
- improve cybersecurity, beginning at the hardware level, of vulnerable assets such as energy, water and transport grids, through distributed versus centralized computing
- reduce single points of failure in emergency and catastrophe decision-making by subjecting the decision to consensus validation through distributed ledger technologies
- improve the efficiency of defense logistics and supply chain operations
- enhance the transparency of procurement auditing
- allow innovations to be adapted by the private sector for ancillary uses
区块链技术在证券领域的应用与监管研究 - 上海证券交易所 › publication › actofcourt › law
Virtual currency: IRS issues additional guidance on tax treatment and reminds taxpayers of reporting obligations | Internal Revenue Service
The new revenue ruling addresses common questions by taxpayers and tax practitioners regarding the tax treatment of a cryptocurrency hard fork.
In DLT-based markets, by contrast, data credibility is assured by economic incentives. In this world, the supervisor must examine the conditions under which the market’s economic consensus is strong enough to guarantee the quality of the data contained in the distributed ledger.
BIS Working Papers No 811 Embedded supervision: how to build regulation into blockchain finance by Raphael Auer
This challenge goes deeper than current discussions on under what circumstances cryptoassets should be considered as commodities, securities or other asset classes. Rather, it is how to embed the concept of economic finality in today’s legal system, and the adjacent question of how to treat such assets on balance sheets.
Where is technology taking the economy? | McKinsey
经济学家 Brian Arthur:当工作先于凯恩斯的预测成了稀缺资源,我们的人生意义何在? - 链闻 ChainNews
经济学家朱嘉明:数字货币因数字经济诞生,绝非传统货币的简单移植 - 链闻 ChainNews
我的结论是,如果说 21 世纪是人类社会和经济社会生活全方位极具复杂化的世纪,那么数字货币将是这种复杂化的核心所在。

「溫斯頓,你相信現實是客觀的、外界的和自我存在的。你相信現實是自明的。當你以為看到某件東西時,你假定別人也像你一樣看見這件東西,但是我告訴你,溫斯頓,現實並不是外界之物,是在人類思想中間。並不是在個人思想中間,因為個人是會犯錯的,是會滅亡的:現實是在黨的思想中,這是集體的,是不朽的。黨認為是真理,這便是真理。」 - 一九八四
Tutto documentato, tutto arbitrario.
base on the pseudomuto/protoc-gen-doc: Documentation generator plugin for Google Protocol Buffers tool.
# libra example
git clone /tmp/src/libra
bash --gen-proto-doc /tmp/src/libra/types/src/proto /tmp/
need_cmd() {
if ! check_cmd "$1"; then
err "need '$1' (command not found)"
check_cmd() {
command -v "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1
err() {
say "$1" >&2
exit 1
say() {
printf "TRIER: %s\n" "$1"
docker run -it --rm -p 8443:8443 -v "${PWD}:/home/coder/project" dltdojo/ddj3base:mad-white --allow-http --no-auth
need_cmd jq
need_cmd bash
usage &> mdbook/src/cmd-help.txt
pushd mdbook
mdbook build --dest-dir ../docs
pushd mdbook
mdbook serve
# gen-proto-doc PROTOS_DIR DEST_FILE
# [grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway: gRPC to JSON proxy generator following the gRPC HTTP spec](
# go get -u
# go get -u
# go get -u
set -x
rm /tmp/$MDFILE
find . -type f \
-not -path "./google/protobuf/*" \
-not -path "./*" \
-not -path "./googleapis/google/api/*" \
-name '*.proto' | xargs protoc -I. -I/usr/local/include \
-I$GOPATH/src \
-I$GOPATH/src/ \
--doc_out=/tmp --doc_opt=markdown,$MDFILE
#sed -i "1i# ProtocolBuffer Doc\n## Generated Date:$(date --iso-8601=seconds)\n<!-- toc -->" /tmp/$MDFILE
sed -i "1i# Generated Date:$(date --iso-8601=seconds)\n" /tmp/$MDFILE
echo -e '\n# Protos File Tree\n```\n' >> /tmp/$MDFILE
tree -P "*.proto" . >> /tmp/$MDFILE
echo -e '\n```\n' >> /tmp/$MDFILE
echo -e "# Protobuf sources\n" >> /tmp/$MDFILE
find . -type f \
-not -path "./google/protobuf/*" \
-not -path "./*" \
-not -path "./googleapis/google/api/*" \
-name '*.proto' \
-exec echo -e '\n## src:{}\n```proto\n' \; -exec cat {} \; -exec echo -e '\n```\n' \; >> /tmp/$MDFILE
cp -f /tmp/$MDFILE $DEST_FILE
usage() {
cat 1>&2 <<EOF
--drun 啟動 ddj3base 容器服務
--build-book 使用 mdbook 編譯本書
--serve-book 使用 mdbook 啟動同步編輯網頁服務
-c, --check check need commands
-h, --help Prints help information
-v, --version Prints version information
case "$1" in
--drun) shift; drun_ddj3base $@ ;;
--build-book) shift; build_book $@ ;;
--serve-book) shift; serve_book $@ ;;
--gen-proto-doc) shift; gen_proto_doc $@ ;;
exit 0
*) usage
exit 0
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
Copyright 2019 JOYE LIN
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Playpen with file
extern crate chrono;
use chrono::Local;
fn main() {
let date = Local::now();
println!("{}", date.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"));
Playpen editable 即時修改功能不像 Jupyter Notebook 多元,目前適合用來學習簡易 Rust 語法。
fn main() {
let number = 5;
print!("{}", number);
可以探索其他語法的即時編輯功能如 java, golang, nodejs